Ambac Rocky Balboa oder chapter 11
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Lies dir die Meldung "aus dem Handel genommen" einfach genau durch,
gleiches ist bei Generex auch vorn paar Tagen passiert. Listungskriterien nicht mehr erfüllt also ab sofort anders handelbar.
...wieso auch???
Wenn das so stimmt...welche Banken haben nun durch die Pleite eigentlich ein Problem?
DeutscheBank war ja mal im Gespräch...oder haben sich alle nun bei MIBA versichtert?
irgendwas stimmt hier doch nicht.
Ambac Financial Group Inc. drew first blood in the Chapter 11 reorganization begun Nov. 8 by suing to block the Internal Revenue Service from taking back $700 million in tax refunds already paid.
Ambac said yesterday that the IRS, unless stopped, could scuttle the rehabilitation of Ambac Assurance Corp., the principal insurance subsidiary that was taken over by regulators in Wisconsin earlier this year.
The IRS headed off an immediate conflict by agreeing not to take action to recover the refund without five days’ notice. Next year, the bankruptcy court is to decide if it has the power to stop the IRS from recovering the refund.
Ambac said in papers filed in bankruptcy court in Manhattan that the refunds were turned over to AAC, the principal operating subsidiary. The IRS recently informed Ambac that it may re-assess tax liabilities and demand a return of refunds already paid.
The Wisconsin insurance regulator already obtained help from the state court intended to block the IRS from levying on assets in the rehabilitation. Ambac is concerned that the IRS may believe it isn’t bound by the state court action.
Rather than enjoining the IRS from taking back the refund, Ambac wanted the bankruptcy judge to enter an injunction requiring the IRS to give five days’ notice of any effort to recover the refunds. The IRS in effect agreed in a stipulation to be given the judge to sign. The complaint filed against the IRS also asks the bankruptcy judge to declare that Ambac has no tax liability for the years 2003 through 2008.
Eventually, a sticking point for Ambac may be the Anti- Injunction Act, part of federal tax law that precludes any court from making an injunction to stop the collection or assessment of taxes. Ambac argues that the Anti-Injunction Act isn’t applicable in bankruptcy as the result of a provision in the Bankruptcy Code where the federal government waives sovereign immunity.
Ambac filed under Chapter 11 after it was unable to work out a so-called prepackaged reorganization with the insurance commissioner and an ad hoc committee of holders of senior debt. Instead, it has a “non-binding term sheet” with the insurance commissioner, to be the “basis for further negotiations with the ad-hoc committee,” the company said in a court filing.
Ambac’s petition listed liabilities on a non-consolidated basis of $1.69 billion, including $1.22 billion on six issues of senior unsecured notes and $400 million in subordinated notes.
The Wisconsin regulator created a so-called special account in March for more than $57 billion in policies issued by AAC. The policies in the segregated account are for credit default swaps, residential mortgage-backed securities, the Las Vegas Monorail and some student loans. The remainder of AAC’s insurance policies aren’t in the state-court rehabilitation.
AAC stopped paying dividends to Ambac in 2007 and stopped writing new business in mid-2008.
The term sheet with the insurance regulator would allow Ambac to reorganize around the insurance business that isn’t in rehabilitation. Other assets to be kept by Ambac include some of the $7.5 billion in tax-loss carryforwards.
The Wisconsin regulator proposed a rehabilitation plan for the special account under which holders of allowed claims would be paid 25 percent in cash and 75 percent in notes.
Alles is noch offen. Taxrefunds ist momentan geblockt nicht mehr nicht weniger!
Nächstes Jahr entscheidet sich das Insolvenzgericht über die Blockade von Taxrefunds
und noch eine wichtige Info:
Anfang des Jahres haben ambac und Wisconsin Regultor sich einigt, dass ambac (Other assets to be kept by Ambac include some of the $7.5 billion in tax-loss )übernehmen darf
NEW YORK (AP) - Shares of Ambac Financial Group Inc. are now trading over the counter, as the bond insurer's stock was suspended from the New York Stock Exchange after Ambac filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
The company said shares of its common stock were trading over the counter as of Tuesday, and so are its equity units. Ambac announced Monday that it had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The company said it will not appeal the NYSE's decision to suspend trading of its shares. On the over the counter market, Ambac's common stock is trading under the symbol "ABKFQ."
Ambac disclosed earlier this month that it would file for bankruptcy protection by the end of the year. Over the last two years the company has been hurt by losses on coverage of mortgage-backed securities and other risky financial instruments. The collapse of the real estate market forced it to write down the value of its credit-derivatives portfolio by billions of dollars. Its shares have been trading below $1.50 for the last six months. In March 2007, the stock was worth $95.
War zwar abzusehen, aber nach allem was ich an der OTC so gesehen hab ist nun zu erwarten das wir die 10cent auch mal ruck zuck von unten sehen, oder?
Einsatz rund 1000€, Ziel 100.000€ ! von mir aus auch erst in 10 Jahren.
Da ich die Chance auf ein Überleben und eine Aufhebung der Insolvenz bei 20-30% sehe, ist das ein klasse CRV !
Ich wünsche uns allen Glück :)
Mr Wallis war so nett und hat uns Unwissende mal sehr viel genauer aufgeklärt.
AMBAC verhandelt noch mit den Anleihinhabern mittels zwei unabhängiger Beratugensfirmen, wobei eine für AMBAC und die andere für die Gegenpartei verhandelt, Blackstone ist dabei einen fairen Wert zu ermitteln. Im ersten Angebot bietet AMBAC den Anleihhaltern 12% der Firma an an Zinszahlung für einen längeren Zeitraum, die Anleihen sollen später alle normal bedient werden.
Wer will kann sich durch die Seiten selber durchlesen.
Gruß Marlboromann
Timetable, Proceeding, Court Fillings, Plan of Rehabilitation, etc.
Wer sich informieren möchte über Stand mit Ambac Policyholders ist dort richtig.
“This plan treats Ambac policyholders fairly and offers the best outcome for all,” Mr. Dilweg (Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner) said in a recorded address. “It does so in a way that limits damage to policyholders; it maximizes claims paying resources, and it allows the segregated account to deal with claims in an orderly and reasonable manner.”
Timetable, Proceeding, Court Fillings, Plan of Rehabilitation, etc.
Wer sich informieren möchte über Stand mit Ambac Policyholders ist dort richtig.
“This plan treats Ambac policyholders fairly and offers the best outcome for all,” Mr. Dilweg (Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner) said in a recorded address. “It does so in a way that limits damage to policyholders; it maximizes claims paying resources, and it allows the segregated account to deal with claims in an orderly and reasonable manner.”
Die Policyholder werden versuchen dem Estate so wenig wie möglich zu überlassen.
Wie wird sich Dilweg uns gegenüber verhalten ?
Das keine Institutionellen auf der AL auftauchen schreit nach Insiderabsprache.
Hat jemand von Euch das Buy-Sell Verhältnis der letzten 2 Handelstage ?
Könnte Ambac nach einer Einigung ( 12% Anteil ) wieder Ch11 mit der vorhandenen Aktionärstruktur verlassen ?
Ist eine Einigung mit der IRS zum 01.2011 möglich ?
Fragen über Fragen
Holders of securities insured by Ambac Assurance Corp. are challenging the proposed rehabilitation of the insurance company and the Chapter 11 reorganization of parent Ambac Financial Group Inc.
Holders of residential mortgage-backed securities guaranteed by the insurance subsidiary, Ambac Assurance, said the Wisconsin insurance commissioner “failed in its statutory duty to protect policyholders.” They contend it’s improper for the commissioner to allow the parent, Ambac Financial, to retain ownership of the insurance business while the parent also retains much of the $7 billion in tax loss carry forwards, the policyholders said in a press release.
The policy holders say the proposal negotiated between the Ambac parent and the commissioner would “divert billions of dollars of tax attributes from the insurance company” while proposing a rehabilitation that “impairs claims of policyholders.” They say the proposal, contained in a non- binding term sheet, was “arranged behind closed doors” with an objective to “strip policyholders of valuable assets.”
The proposal would enable the Wisconsin insurance commissioner to complete the rehabilitation of a so so-called special account he created in March to hold more than $57 billion in Ambac Assurance policies covering credit-default swaps, residential mortgage-backed securities, the Las Vegas Monorail and some student loans. The remainder of Ambac Assurance’s business isn’t in the rehabilitation.
Under the commissioner’s rehabilitation plan for the special account, holders of allowed claims would be paid 25 percent in cash and 75 percent in notes. The plan is up for approval in the Wisconsin court during a hearing beginning Nov. 15. The policyholders are objecting.
The commissioner said through a spokesman that the allegations are “inaccurate” and “misleading” and were previously rejected by the Wisconsin court. For other Bloomberg coverage, click here.
The parent, Ambac Financial, said when filing in Chapter 11 this week that the term sheet is intended to be the “basis for further negotiations with the ad-hoc committee” representing bondholders of the parent.
Ambac Financial’s petition listed liabilities on a non- consolidated basis of $1.69 billion, including $1.22 billion on six issues of senior unsecured notes and $400 million in subordinated notes. The insurance unit halted dividends to the parent in 2007 and stopped writing new business in mid-2008.
The case is In re Ambac Financial Group Inc., 10-15973, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).
Workflow Files Revised Plan with Full Payment for All.....................................................
[00016] ADVERSARY PROCEEDING -- Ambac Financial Group vs. IRS
Wisconsin Stripping Ambac Assets, Policyholders Say
Google übersetzungen sind echt schrecklich.
ambac gründet neue firma unter gleichen name und die alt aktienere
haben den alt erhalten der nichts wert ist
Medienberichte darüber kommentiere ich mal so: Das Gericht entscheidet ob und wie die Sanierung genehmigt wird der Tochterfirma und die Reorganisation der Holding findet zwischen den Anleihhaltern und AMBAC statt in erster Linie. Das Gericht hat ja schon alle Anträger der Versicherten abgelehnt, also können die ruhig weiter rumheulen, denn diese versicheten stänkernden Vollidioten sind damals bei ihrem Investment von den Banken verarscht worden, aber dies wollen die ja nicht wahr haben.