Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEH)

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Neuester Beitrag:28.01.25 14:39von: jacky6Leser gesamt:2.267.071
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2596 Postings, 5202 Tage LastManHey hatte recht :)

08.06.11 16:45

39641 Postings, 5209 Tage Rosalie# 7751

08.06.11 16:57
Womit !!!  

2596 Postings, 5202 Tage LastManHab bei

08.06.11 17:04
0,056 geschrieben...rebound...lief bis 0,065...das meinte ich...

- spar dir die ausrufezeichen -  

5298 Postings, 5377 Tage cyphytezu 0,042 rein......... tja

08.06.11 17:10

5298 Postings, 5377 Tage cyphytenachdem ich von 3,4 KAUF

08.06.11 17:12
bei 6,8 die andere order verkauft hab,,,, rüülps  

39641 Postings, 5209 Tage Rosalie# 7753 zitat von LastMan

08.06.11 17:20
- spar dir die ausrufezeichen -

Warum ,ich laß dir doch deine Pünktchen setzerei auch und schreibe dir nicht vor ,wie du Deine Satzzeichen zu setzten hast .

Und rebuond bedeutet für mich, das es nicht nur 4 Minuten hoch und dann wieder runtergeht ,sondern auch ein paar Stunden nachhaltig oben bleibt und das werden wir wohl dann zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt sehen.

Wäre natürlich super wenn es klappt !!  

2596 Postings, 5202 Tage LastManEs waren nicht nur 4 minuten

08.06.11 17:34
sondern ein bisschen mehr...

sie stehen immer noch über den 0,056 !

Wenn du nicht weißt was Ausrufezeichen implizieren solltest du sie nicht benutzen!  

2596 Postings, 5202 Tage LastManJetzt

08.06.11 18:03
gibts haue...  

2596 Postings, 5202 Tage LastManJeden Tag

08.06.11 20:35
TT schlusskurs :(  

604 Postings, 8392 Tage Jackysehr interessanter bericht

08.06.11 21:54


(Reuters) - Lehman Brothers' bankruptcy was a devastating blow to the many noteholders who lost almost everything, but other savvy investors, including hedge fund billionaire John Paulson, have made out well.

So far, details have been minimal about the fate of investors in Lehman debt, including those who lost their shirts when the company went bankrupt and those who may profit on bonds scooped up after the bank's collapse.

But that may be changing.

The judge overseeing the historic 2008 bankruptcy case is considering whether to compel disclosures on Lehman debt purchases from more investors, including Goldman Sachs Group Inc, after ordering another group to disclose its holdings two months ago. A court hearing on the matter is set for June 15.

The ruling could highlight the similarities and differences of the two groups that have been trying to influence how the estate of Lehman Brothers will pay back more than $60 billion to the different classes of investors with claims for bonds, notes and derivatives.

The group whose disclosures are already public includes Paulson's fund, along with the giant California Public Employees' Retirement System (Calpers) and bond fund firm Pimco; the other includes Goldman and the Silver Point Capital private equity firm.

Additional disclosures could draw back the curtain on how Goldman, in particular, fared on its Lehman bets. The investment bank's trades are likely to get close scrutiny, given that it is known for keeping its strategies close to the vest. A Goldman spokesman declined to comment.

Next week's hearing comes at a critical time for Lehman, which is trying to sway the two groups into melding their competing plans for paying out creditors with the one-time financial giant's own proposal.

A hearing for the judge to consider these plans is scheduled for June 28, but could be postponed for a month as negotiations continue.

Lehman filed for bankruptcy on September 15, 2008, at the height of the financial crisis. It sold some of its largest assets when Barclays PLC bought its investment bank, but it still has holdings in real estate, finance and other securities that it plans to sell.


Information disclosed about the one group shows that Pimco, Calpers and some small towns in California paid full price for their debt, while others paid as little as just 7 or 8 cents on the dollar starting the day Lehman filed for bankruptcy.

Whether they paid a little or a lot, members of that group -- who are united by the fact that they own the same class of debt -- would end up with less than 25 cents on the dollar under the current Lehman plan.

The town of Costa Mesa, California, is among those fighting to boost its payback.

"Instead of getting plain vanilla ice cream, we may be able to enhance the position that we are guaranteed," said Colleen O'Donoghue, assistant finance director for Costa Mesa.

The town wrote down its more than $5 million investment in Lehman debt by more than $4 million. That decreased its general fund, or balance of cash on hand, by about 4 percent, O'Donoghue said, more than the entire budget for its leisure and community services in 2011.

"We never had anything like this," she said. "It was a huge loss for us."

Pimco is another loser in the bankruptcy, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis on Tuesday. Court documents showed the company had $4.6 billion in claims for debt purchased from 1999 through 2011 and that its losses on senior Lehman bonds were $3.44 billion under a best-case scenario.


In contrast, some investments by distressed funds in Lehman debt have already paid off.

Paulson became involved as early as September 15, 2008 -- the day Lehman filed for bankruptcy, court documents show, and he was still buying debt in April 2011.

An analysis by the Wall Street Journal in May found Paulson's fund could make profits of $350 million to $726 million from the more than $7 billion in Lehman debt purchases he made over 2-1/2 years. Paulson declined to comment to Reuters.

Lehman debt accounts for almost 90 percent of all claims traded in 2010 and so far in 2011, according to SecondMarket, which runs a bankruptcy claims trading market. Claims include bonds, bank loans and other types of financial instruments.  

912 Postings, 5671 Tage kuhnigotchijacky ...

09.06.11 08:30
interessanter bericht.
allerdings wäre es mir lieber gewesen, wenn anstatt john paulson, der name hank paulson auifgetaucht wäre ;-)...

161 Postings, 5042 Tage brokerstar1969..

09.06.11 09:47
Kurs geht leider in die falsche Richtung :(  

2596 Postings, 5202 Tage LastManaha...

09.06.11 10:07
wo denn?  

175 Postings, 5661 Tage blackberryvolumina

09.06.11 11:25
das einzige was mich im moment positiv stimmt, ist das stärker werdende interesse an der aktie. zumindest ist das volumen in den usa und auch in deutschland im vergleich zu den letzten monaten deutlich angestiegen.

und wamu stürzt deutlich mehr ab...  

604 Postings, 8392 Tage Jackyfakten

09.06.11 13:52
sixfoot hat die besten analysen (hab ich bereits mehrmals reingestellt). sein aktuelles update:

Asset: 250.8B

Liability: 310.8B

Not reflected in the A/L:
Bankhaus 6.6B Deal on 25B
Barclay: 2B,
From SIPA: 11B
The 22B Derivative that is reduced to 10B


604 Postings, 8392 Tage Jackystellt euch nur mal vor

09.06.11 13:56
es heisst demnächst
asset 321
liability 311

bei 0,7 mrd LEHMQ-Aktien...  

912 Postings, 5671 Tage kuhnigotchiA/L

09.06.11 14:04
Wenn DAS stimmen sollte, sind wir "nur" noch 60 mrd vom ausgleich entfernt. das stimmt positiv. dann könnte es tatsächlich so weit kommen, dass man lehman weiterlaufen läßt.

175 Postings, 5661 Tage blackberry@kuhnigotchi

09.06.11 18:57
ja der ofen ist hier noch lange nicht aus - ich hoff nur das ding macht jetzt nicht jeden tag 6% minus  

1867 Postings, 5137 Tage Schorschl1hmpf

09.06.11 19:42

grad nochmal nachgelegt, sollten wir wieder historische Tiefen ansteuern muss ich eben nochmal nachlegen.

Mal gucken wann News und ein neuer Run kommen.

Bei dem  doch noch recht großen Medieninteresse an Lehman kanns da jeden Tag, jeden Moment etwas neues geben; und das tolle ist, ein Strohhalm reicht, und der Kurs verdoppelt sich wieder.

Viel Glück an Alle


1867 Postings, 5137 Tage Schorschl1Immerhin

09.06.11 19:57

hält sich die Aktie heute ganz tapfer, mal schauen wo wir schliessen.




604 Postings, 8392 Tage Jackyamüsanter beitrag

10.06.11 09:01
wmi rauskaufen - auf so eine idee muss man erst mal kommen :-)))

I think We also need EC that just don't understand why our judge reject before, and no one mention it anymore, LEH equity holder
need someone be a leader that we have Coach
and lehman brother lotto try to do something but now no more.....
Look we still have potential almost 40 billion NOLs that may belongs Equity Holder after all Creditors pay and out....
We have same Lawyers WGM group work for both LEH and WMI. Why not using LEH cash (we have more than 40 billion cash in hand)
to by out WMI that will perfect for both company, and i think all the LEH Creditors will agree.....Then we start fighting with
Hank, Jamie, Shila evils to die.


604 Postings, 8392 Tage JackyReuters von gestern

10.06.11 09:06
Reuters) - Creditors of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc (LEHLQ.PK), including units of Bank of America Corp (BAC.N) and Barclays PLC (BARC.L), are blasting attempts by Lehman bondholders to force them to reveal details about their claims against the failed bank.

At least 15 parties, including the official creditors' committee, filed objections Wednesday and Thursday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan, saying the bondholders' proposal would far exceed bankruptcy rule requirements.

The bondholders, an ad hoc group led by hedge fund Paulson & Co, proposed forcing any party seeking to influence the outcome of Lehman's bankruptcy to reveal the nature of its claims, including the price paid to acquire those claims.

Such a proposal would burden "virtually any party involved" in the bankruptcy with "unprecedented disclosure obligations," Barclays Capital Inc said in its objection.

Bank of America dismissed the proposal as a "litigation tactic" in its court filing, saying the move is designed to discourage creditors from seeking a say in Lehman's repayment process.

Lehman, which filed the biggest bankruptcy in U.S. history in 2008, will divvy up about $60 billion among several classes of creditors. Lehman and two creditor groups, including the bondholders, have filed competing plans putting forth vastly different proposals for who gets what.

Disclosure has become a contentious issue in the case since the judge in the case, James Peck, ordered the bondholders to reveal details about their roughly $20 billion in claims asserted against Lehman. A lawyer for the bondholders said in April that all parties should meet uniform disclosure standards to avoid the appearance of discriminatory enforcement against groups that oppose Lehman's repayment plan.

An analysis by the Wall Street Journal found that Paulson's fund, which bought its Lehman debt at a steep discount, could make profits of $350 million to $726 million from the bankruptcy.

A spokesman for the bondholders declined to comment Thursday.

Other parties to file objections Wednesday and Thursday include DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentralgenossenschaftsbank (DGBGg.F), Royal Bank of Canada (RY.TO) and Carval Investors UK Ltd.

A lawyer for Barclays declined to comment. Attorneys for Bank of America and the creditors' committee could not be immediately reached.

The matter is set for hearing before Judge Peck on June 15.

The case is In re Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York,


175 Postings, 5661 Tage blackberryin frankfurt.....

10.06.11 09:56
sind schon wieder einige verzweifelt und verlieren die nerven!  

6556 Postings, 5710 Tage tagschlaeferrunter soll sie gehen

10.06.11 13:25
will noch was mit nortel verdienen, bis dahin kann sie ruhig runtergeprügelt werden auf 3 us-ct oder tiefer (je nach sachlage gegen die großbanken;)  

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