Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEH)
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das ist meine leise hoffnung. *humor an* die amis drucken immer mehr geld. und DAS will angelegt, verwaltet werden *humor aus*
das wohl kaum bei sinkenden Cursen zu steigern sein wird:
Date |Symbol |ShortVolume|ShortExemptVolume|TotalVolume|Market
2011-03-10 | LEHJQ | 2'933 | 0 | 6'522 | OTO = 44,971 %
2011-03-10 | LEHMQ | 123'936 | 0 | 488'136 | OTO = 25,390 %
SOURCE / LINK / QUELLE: http://regsho.finra.org/FORFshvol20110310.txt
March 09, 2011, 12:05 AM EST
Rajaratnam Jury Candidates Ask ‘Lloyd Who?’ on Trial’s First Day
By David GLOVIN, Bob Van VORIS and Patricia HURTADO:
"March 9 [2011] (Bloomberg) -- In the days before the trial of GALLEON Group LLC co-founder Raj RAJARATNAM, much of the pre-trial legal wrangling focused on whether Rajaratnam would be harmed by publicity about the case.
John DOWD, his lawyer, complained that jurors were likely to be biased against RAJARATNAM after the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filed a civil action against a potential witness, Rajat GUPTA, a former Goldman SACHS Group Inc. director accused by the SEC of tipping RAJARATNAM.
DOWD may not have needed to worry.
Of the first 40 potential jurors questioned by U.S. District Judge Richard HOLWELL in Manhattan yesterday, only eight had heard of RAJARATNAM. The judge, after privately questioning those eight, concluded that only one of them should be excused from the case.
HOLWELL also read the names of dozens of people who will testify or be mentioned during the trial, and asked the candidates whether they had heard of any of them.
The names mentioned included Goldman SACHS Chief Executive Officer Lloyd BLANKFEIN, who may be a witness for the prosecution. Not a single juror had heard of Blankfein, who testified before Congress last year about his firm’s role in the 2008 financial crisis.
And the judge mispronounced BLANKFEIN’s name. Instead of pronouncing the second syllable as “fine,” HOLWELL rhymed it with “bean.” - Early Victory"...
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Goldman Sachs May Propose Lehman Payout Plan, Creditors Say
By David McLAUGHLIN and Linda SANDLER:
"March 10 [2011] (Bloomberg) -- Goldman SACHS Group Inc., seeking to get more money from bankrupt LEHMAN Brothers Holdings Inc., may propose a liquidation plan for the defunct company that would compete with two rival plans, two creditors said.
Goldman Sachs, which owns claims against a Lehman derivatives unit, is considering proposing its own plan to pay creditors, said John BEIERS, chief deputy county counsel for San Mateo County in California, and another creditor familiar with the matter. The county has joined hedge fund PAULSON & Co. and other bondholders to push a plan that would pay them more than one filed by LEHMAN.
“This really gets under my skin because it is yet another example of big banks taking a position that adversely impacts taxpayers and Main Street,” BEIERS said in a phone interview today, referring to the potential plan from Goldman SACHS. San Mateo County is owed $155 million by Lehman.
Goldman Sachs, based in New York, has been BUYING claims of another Lehman unit and met with Lehman recently to outline its proposal, according to the other creditor, who declined to be named because the discussions were private. Lehman opposes Goldman Sachs’s challenge, the person said.
Goldman Sachs’s two biggest claims originally filed against the Lehman Brothers Special Financing unit for derivatives transactions totaled about $2.5 billion, according to claims filings. It filed DUPLICATE claims against Lehman’s holding company based on guarantees issued by Lehman, according to the filings. Goldman Sachs actively TRADES Lehman claims, according to court filings"...
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Goldman SACHS ist ja schon seit Längerem als frechster Einreicher von DUPLICATE "Claims" gegen LEHMAN bekannt. - Die jetzt in Aussicht gestellte Einreichung eines eigenen "Payout Plan's" dient unter Anderem dazu, auf diese "Claims" ein wenig zu TRADEN...
Goldman says group may file rival Lehman plan
By Dena AUBIN:
"(Reuters) - Goldman SACHS Group (GS.N) said it is part of a creditor group that may file an alternative plan for dividing up billions of dollars of LEHMAN Brothers' Holdings (LEHMQ.PK) assets.
The plan would compete with a revised proposal submitted by LEHMAN Brothers in January and another filed by hedge fund PAULSON & Co, the California Public Employees Retirement System and other bondholders in December.
Approval of a plan is key to Lehman's exit from the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.
Goldman SACHS spokesman Michael DuVALLY said he could not provide further details on the plan. Lehman declined to comment.
"It's disappointing," said John BEIERS, a lawyer for San MATEO County, part of the bondholder group which had about $155 million in taxpayer money invested in Lehman Brothers bonds.
"My understanding is they (the GOLDMAN group) are suggesting a lower recovery for our type of investments -- even lower than the Lehman estate is suggesting," he said.
Goldman was one of the creditors of Lehman's derivatives business, whose payouts were trimmed in a revised reorganization plan filed by Lehman"...
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Die Börsenaufsicht SEC, die bei dem Fall an vorderster Front kämpft, wollte die Lehman-Banker eigentlich über ihre Bilanztricksereien festnageln. Es ist mittlerweile auch unstrittig, dass die Bank sich schöngerechnet hat und damit ihre wahre Lage verschleierte, die im September 2008 in die Pleite führte. Der Bankrott hatte Schockwellen an den internationalen Finanzmärkten ausgelöst und gipfelte in der Wirtschaftskrise. Allerdings scheinen die Buchungsmanöver, so fragwürdig sie sind, legal gewesen zu sein.
Für die Ermittler ist es äußerst schwierig, eine wasserdichte Anklage zustande zu bringen. Zwei ehemalige Fondsmanager der untergegangenen US-Investmentbank Bear Stearns kamen im November 2009 mit Freisprüchen davon. Der Prozess galt damals als Testlauf für mögliche weitere Verfahren. Den Wall-Street-Profis war vorgeworfen worden, ihren Kunden die Probleme der Fonds bewusst verschwiegen zu haben. Die Anleger verloren viel Geld in der Krise.
Bis dato musste lediglich der Chef des einst größten US-Immobilienfinanzierers Countrywide, Angelo Mozilo, eine Millionenstrafe an die Börsenaufsicht SEC zahlen, weil er seine Aktionäre über die gefährlichen Geschäfte seiner Firma auf dem Hypothekenmarkt im Unklaren gelassen hatte. Ein Strafverfahren gegen ihn wurde dagegen fallengelassen. Lehman-Brothers-Chef Fuld hatte sich im Nachhinein ahnungslos über die Bilanztricksereien in seinem Haus gegeben./das/DP/zb
AXC0052 2011-03-12/17:05
Date | Symbol |ShortVolume|ShortExemptVolume|TotalVolume|Market
2011-03-11 | LEHJQ | 1'000 | 0 | 24'989| OTO = __4,001 %
2011-03-11 | LEHLQ | 300 | 0 | 300| OTO = 100,000 %
2011-03-11 | LEHMQ | 340'469 | 0 | 735'342| OTO = _46,301 %
SOURCE / LINK / QUELLE: http://regsho.finra.org/FORFshvol20110311.txt
"Lehman expects to emerge from bankruptcy during the first quarter of 2011. Then, it can start paying back creditors."
Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:00am EDT
(Repeats Oct. 15 story with no changes)
* Lehman fees cover bankers, lawyers, advisers
* Fees unlikely to be surpassed
* Freefall contributed to costs
By Caroline Humer
NEW YORK, Oct 15 (Reuters) - When Lehman Brothers collapsed, a whole lot of money vanished with it. Its bankruptcy, on the other hand, just keeps on paying.
Lehman's record-breaking bankruptcy has produced a staggering $1 billion in fees -- doled out to legions of lawyers, advisers and bankers over the past two years.
The financial firm has been paying out, on average, more than $40 million a month, and based on that rate, it passed the $1 billion mark last month. September's details will be in the monthly operating report due in mid-October.
A Lehman spokeswoman declined to comment.
The fees are a fraction of the $639 billion in assets that Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc (LEHMQ.PK) was running when it collapsed into bankruptcy in September 2008.
But it is still more than, say, the gross domestic product of Caribbean nation of St. Lucia, or the combined average salaries of 8,000 financial advisers.
Experts say that the fees, which continue to rise daily, come at the expense of creditors seeking to be repaid.
"If you are a creditor, every dollar that is going to (debtor) counsel is a dollar not going to a creditor," said Stephen French, a managing partner at Legalbill, a Tennessee company that advises companies on managing their legal bills.
But Bryan Marsal of Alvarez & Marsal, the advisory firm running Lehman in the United States, said in an emailed statement that his firm's work has improved recovery for creditors by more than $5 billion and that the size and complexity of the case justify the fees.
That has meant hiring an army of advisers and accountants not only in the United States, but to close up shops throughout Asia and Europe, where insolvency rules change in each country. Allowed claims from creditors in the case are expected to be about $365 billion. It expects to recover about $60 billion before expenses to pay creditors.
Lehman expects to emerge from bankruptcy during the first quarter of 2011. Then, it can start paying back creditors.
The company has worked on a reorganization plan that will put most of its remaining assets and operations into a newly created business called Lamco.
A look at the financial firm's August operating report breaks down who gets what.
Most of the bills come from Alvarez & Marsal. Law firms Weil Gotshal & Manges, in charge of the bankruptcy court process, and Jones Day, which handles litigation, also top the list.
The court-appointed examiner who conducted an investigation into the collapse of the firm, his law firm and his advisers cost nearly $100 million.
The company also pays the people who work for some of their creditors, such as the law firm Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy.
Others on the list: Bingham McCutchen, Bortstein Legal; Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle; Dechert; Gibson Dunn & Crutcher; Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman; Latham & Watkins; McKenna Long & Aldridge; Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones; Reilly Pozner; Simpson Thacher & Bartlett; Sutherland LLP; and Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf.
Lehman's running tab beats the next closest bankruptcies: Enron and WorldCom, according to Lynn LoPucki, a professor at UCLA Law School and a visiting professor at Harvard Law School who studies bankruptcy fees.
"The question is, could you recover the same amount with lower professional fees and I think that you could. The professional fees in bankruptcy are extremely high and the reason is that people are spending other people's money," he said.
One reason some cases have high bankruptcy fees is that they are stuck in court, said Ken Buckfire, chief executive of restructuring firm Miller Buckfire & Co.
"Uncontrolled hard money bankruptcies like Lehman are just inevitably going to be very expensive, possibly because they had no plan when they went in," Buckfire said. "They had no planning and it was a free-for-all to try to grab as much value as they could. Inevitably, that required armies of lawyers all over the world arguing about everything."
BNY Mellon has agreed to pay $14.1 million to James W. Giddens, the trustee winding down the broker-dealer unit, Lehman Brothers Inc., for the benefit of the brokerage's creditors, according to a bankruptcy court filing Friday.
BNY Mellon has previously paid Lehman Brothers Inc.'s bankruptcy estate $480.3 million to close out a series of securities and foreign-exchange transactions. A representative of the trustee's office said the agreement represents a "straightforward reconciliation of securities lending and foreign exchange transactions between the Bank of New York and LBI."
A BNY Mellon representative wasn't available for comment.
Judge James Peck of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan is set to consider approval of the deal at a scheduled for March 21.
Mr. Giddens is winding down Lehman's broker-dealer business under the authority of Securities Investor Protection Corp., which governs the liquidation of failed brokerage firms.
The trustee's team has transferred 110,000 brokerage accounts with a value of more than $92 billion out of Lehman Brothers following the investment bank's collapse more than two years ago.
The bulk of the Lehman customer accounts, with assets of more than $40 billion, has been transferred to Barclays Capital Inc., which purchased much of the unit in the days after Lehman's collapse.
Meanwhile, the cost of winding down Lehman's other businesses in the main holding company's Chapter 11 case continues to add up. Lehman is the largest and most expensive Chapter 11 case in history, and through January of this year, professional fees have topped $1.1 billion.
The committee charged with monitoring the fees incurred by bankruptcy professionals wants to be able to object to those fees on a monthly basis.
Judge Peck is slated to consider the committee's request at an April 13 hearing.
Alvarez & Marsal, the firm unwinding the holding company and its subsidiaries in the main bankruptcy case, is seeking approval of a revised Chapter 11 plan setting out details of how the assets gathered in bankruptcy will be distributed among creditors of various Lehman units.
However, a group of bondholders led by the hedge fund Paulson & Co. has offered up a competing plan, and a group of big Wall Street firms that were counterparties to a Lehman derivatives unit is also said to be mulling the filing of a third plan.
Date | Symbol |ShortVolume|ShortExemptVolume|TotalVolume|Market
2011-03-14 | LEHKQ | 400 | 0 | 2'443 | OTO = 13,373 %
2011-03-14 | LEHMQ | 79'000 | 0 | 595'698 | OTO = 13,262 %
2011-03-14 | LEHNQ | 5'000 | 0 | 16'450 | OTO = 30,395 %
SOURCE / LINK / QUELLE: http://regsho.finra.org/FORFshvol20110314.txt
Date | Symbol |ShortVolume|ShortExemptVolume|TotalVolume|Market
2011-03-15 | LEHJQ | 1'400 | 0 | 2'500 | OTO = 56,000 %
2011-03-15 | LEHMQ | 192'219 | 0 | 865'700 | OTO = 22,204 %
2011-03-15 | LEHPQ | 13'000 | 0 | 14'581 | OTO = 89,157 %
SOURCE / LINK / QUELLE: http://regsho.finra.org/FORFshvol20110315.txt
ich werde allerdings nicht meine these einstellen, diese kann sich jeder selbst erarbeiten, daher ebenmal nur der artikel:
"Lehman ist zwar pleite, aber eine Atommacht
Bankrotte Bank hat 227 Tonnen Uran in ihrem Besitz - Folge von missglückten Termingeschäften
New York - Der Name Lehman Brothers barg und birgt an den Finanzmärkten ohne Zweifel große Sprengkraft. Als wolle die bankrotte Investmentbank diesen Ruf noch bestätigen, kam jetzt eine weitere brisante Tatsache ans Licht. Lehman ist zwar pleite. Doch das Institut ist - wenn man so will - eine Atommacht. Denn die Bank sitzt auf genügend Uran, um eine Atombombe zu bauen.
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Anwälte beraten Anleger: Bestehen Ansprüche gegen Bank & Berater?
www.finanzmarkt-recht.de Hintergrund: Nachdem Terminkontrakte zur Lieferung fällig wurden, gelangten bis zu 500 000 Pound (227 Tonnen) des radioaktiven Materials in das Portfolio der früheren New Yorker Investmentbank. Sie wartet nun darauf, dass sich der Preis wieder erholt. Bei ihren Gläubigern steht Lehman mit geschätzt 200 Mrd. Dollar in der Kreide. Mit dem Verkauf der Uranbestände könnte Lehman beim derzeitigen Preis von 40 Dollar je Pound (0,45 Kilo) derzeit nur 20 Mio. Dollar erlösen. Mit 138 Dollar hatte der Uranpreis im Juni 2007 einen Rekordwert erreicht.
Die Lizenz für den Uranhandel erhielt Lehman erst einen Monat vor ihrer Pleite. Nach dem Insolvenzantrag entschied sich Lehman gegen den umgehenden Verkauf der Uran-Bestände, da die gebotenen Preise zu niedrig gewesen seien, sagte Vorstandschef Bryan Marsal. Lehman warte darauf, dass die Uranpreise sich von der jüngsten Talfahrt erholten und habe es mit dem Verkauf nicht eilig. "Wir werden das Material in den nächsten zwei Jahren stufenweise auf den Markt bringen. Wir verkaufen es nicht auf einen Schlag und haben keinen Notverkauf im Sinn." Marsal nannte die Mengenschätzung der Händler "vernünftig". Genauere Angaben wollte er allerdings nicht machen. Aufgrund einer Angebotsschwemme hat der Uranpreis von September bis November rund 30 Prozent nachgegeben. Vergangenes Jahr wurde mehr als doppelt so viel Uranoxid-Konzentrat auf den Markt gebracht wie 2007. Nach Angaben des Marktbeobachters Ux Consulting waren es mehr als 43 Mio. Pound.
Das Lehman-Uran soll an Standorten des kanadischen Bergbaukonzerns Cameco und des französischen Kraftwerksbetreibers Areva lagern, wie ein Händler unter der Bedingung der Anonymität berichtete. Ihm seien 450 000 Pound Uran zum Kauf angeboten worden. 500 000 Pound Yellow Cake sind nach Angaben des russischen Abrüstungsexperten Gennadi Pschakin "nahezu" genug, um eine Atombombe zu bauen oder einen Kernreaktor ein Jahr in Betrieb zu halten.
Infolge des Überangebots zogen sich Investoren wie Hedgefonds, die auf starke Preisanstiege spekuliert hatten, vom Uranmarkt zurück. "Die Leute haben gesehen, dass der Markt hier nicht so liquide und breit ist wie der Kupfermarkt", sagt John Wong, Fondsmanager bei CQS UK. "Eine Menge Hedgefonds, die auf dem Markt aktiv waren, gibt es nicht mehr." In den vergangenen fünf Monaten hat sich Uran weiter verbilligt. Wurden am 1. Dezember noch 55 Dollar für ein Pound Uran gezahlt, liegt der Preis jetzt nur noch bei rund 40 Dollar. Investoren befürchten, dass China und Indien den Neubau von geplanten Atomkraftwerken angesichts der weltweiten Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise verzögern könnten.
Uran wird normalerweise von so genannten Broker-Dealern wie MF Global und Tullett Prebon gehandelt sowie direkt von Bergbauunternehmen an Kraftwerksbetreiber verkauft. Letztere beziehen verarbeitetes Uranerz und lassen den sogenannten Yellow Cake anschließend zu Brennstäben weiterverarbeiten. Der Uranmarkt wird staatlich kontrolliert. Die Regierungen kontrollieren den Transport von radioaktivem Material und begrenzen die Anzahl von Käufern und Verkäufern durch die Erteilung von Lizenzen. Wichtigste Akteure im Uranhandel sind die Bergbauunternehmen und die Betreiber von Kernkraftwerken. "
Lehman Brothers Said to Seek Partner on Real Estate Development Projects
"Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEHMQ) sent requests to at least six homebuilders and developers seeking partners for 75 real estate projects in 19 states, according to executives at three companies who reviewed the solicitations.
Homebuilders PulteGroup Inc., Standard Pacific Corp. (SPF) and Toll Brothers Inc. (TOL), along with developers DMB Associates Inc., FivePoint Communities Inc. and Newland Communities received proposals, said the executives, who asked not to be named because of a confidentiality agreement. The requests, which came from Alvarez & Marsal Inc., Lehman’s bankruptcy restructuring firm, didn’t detail the property portfolio, they said.
Chief Executive Officer Bryan Marsal said in December that Lehman is seeking to bring “strategic projects involving some very high-quality assets” to market in 2011 as property values rise. The company’s holdings include residential and master- planned communities valued at about $2 billion, down from as much as $8 billion before the real estate crash, said Tony Avila, CEO of Avila Advisors, a homebuilding consulting firm in San Francisco.
“It’s big,” Avila, who hasn’t seen the solicitation, said in a telephone interview today from London"...
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nachgelegt! Mir wurde mein Konto einfach zu voll und unübersichtlich und da musst ich mich von etwas Geld trennen! ^^