Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEH)

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Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasDocket #12681: 53rd Omnibus-Objection granted:

15.11.10 00:43
Mann, ist das FETT! - Wir haben offenbar nicht nur eine HAND voll, sondern circa DREIßIG Omnibus-Objections  http://www.ariva.de/_Omnibus_ROLLT_t344623?page=181#jumppos4541  glatt übersehen, da wir inzwischen bereits bei der Drei-und-FÜNFZIGTEN Omnibus-Objection sind, welche uns ohne Presse-Beobachtung, also ganz still und leise, feiste  797,269,904.62 U$-Dollares  an gegen unsere LEHMAN Brothers vorgebrachten Forderungen 'mal eben so im Hand-Umdrehen einfach GEKILLT hat:

Docket #12681: 11/10/2010: Order Signed on 11/10/2010 Granting Debtors Fifty-Third Omnibus Objection to Claims (Duplicative of Indenture Trustee Claims). (Related Doc # [11610]) (Nulty, Lynda).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: 11610.

DIRECT zum Gerichts-Document:
Oder per Docket-Suche über HIER:

Ich gehe jetzt im Zeit-Strahl noch weiter nach hinten, um die Forderungs-Abweisungen auch derer früheren Omnibus-Objections Summen-mäßig klar zu kriegen, da ich fest davon überzeugt bin, dass diese von uns bislang übersehenen gerichtlichen Abweisungen / Löschungen von PSEUDO-Forderungen der eigentliche Grund für die derzeit beobachtbaren Aufkäufe ECHTER Forderungen seitens conservativer FONDS sind...

LG: Teras.
Angehängte Grafik:
2010-11-10-omnibus-objection-53-successful.gif (verkleinert auf 91%) vergrößern

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasDocket #12679: 47th Omnibus-Objection granted:

15.11.10 01:02
Docket #12679: 11/10/2010: Order Signed on 11/10/2010 Granting Debtors Forty-Seventh Omnibus Objection to Claims (Duplicative of Broker Claims). (Related Doc # [11586]) (Nulty, Lynda).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: 11586.

DIRECT zum Gerichts-Document:
Oder per Docket-Suche über HIER:

Dies' Mal ist nur ein TOTAL von  17,924,913.67 U$-Dollares  zurückwiesen und gelöscht worden, aber KLEIN-Vieh macht ja bekanntlich auch Mist:
Angehängte Grafik:
2010-11-10-omnibus-objection-47-successful.gif (verkleinert auf 95%) vergrößern

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasDocket #12677: 52nd Omnibus-Objection granted:

15.11.10 01:39
Docket #12677: 11/10/2010: Order Signed on 11/10/2010 Granting Debtors Fifty-Second Omnibus Objection to Claims (Duplicative of Indenture Trustee Claims). (Related Doc # [11609]) (Nulty, Lynda).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related: 11609.

DIRECT zum Gerichts-Document:
Oder per Docket-Suche über HIER:

Dies' Mal ist ein Total von  49,775,333.08 U$-Dollares  disallowed (=gerichtlich nicht erlaubt) und expunged (=ausgelöscht) worden:
Angehängte Grafik:
2010-11-10-omnibus-objection-52-successful.gif (verkleinert auf 96%) vergrößern

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasDocket #12676: 55th Omnibus-Objection granted:

15.11.10 02:21
Docket #12676: 11/10/2010: Order Signed on 11/10/2010 Granting Debtors Fifty-Fifth Omnibus Objection to Claims (Duplicative of Indenture Trustee Claims). (Related Doc # [11612]) (Nulty, Lynda).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related: 11612.

DIRECT zum Gerichts-Document:
Oder per Docket-Suche über HIER:

Allein das Exhibit 1 (siehe das hier unten documentierend anhängte PHOTO) weist eine Summe von  55,967,866.46 U$-Dollares  gerichtlich zurück, was aber rein Zahlen-mäßig einen zu geringen Eindruck vermittelt, da etliche derer zurückwiesenen Beträge als "undetermined" (=unbestimmt) eingestuft sind und außerdem in denen Exhibits 2 und 3 noch weitere Beträge gerichtlich zurückwiesen werden:
Angehängte Grafik:
2010-11-10-omnibus-objection-55-successful.gif (verkleinert auf 93%) vergrößern

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasDocket #12675: 40th Omnibus-Objection granted:

15.11.10 03:12
Docket #12675: 11/10/2010: Amended Order Signed on 11/10/2010 Granting Debtors Fortieth Omnibus Objection to Claims (Late-Filed Claims) (related document(s)[12527]) (Nulty, Lynda).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.

DIRECT zum Gerichts-Document:
Oder per Docket-Suche über HIER:

Anmerkung hierzu: Es handelt sich hierbei um behauptete "Forderungen", gegen deren drohende Ablehnung noch Argumente vorgebracht werden können, bevor End-gültig entschieden wird.

Exhibit 1:
A Total of  $214,672,058.59  is proposed for Disallowance: REASON FOR PROPOSED DISALLOWANCE: Late-filed Claim,
Exhibit 2:
A Total of  $801,197,207.94  is proposed for Disallowance: REASON FOR PROPOSED DISALLOWANCE: Late-filed Claim,
Exhibit 3:
A Total of  $150,042,495.61  is proposed for Disallowance: REASON FOR PROPOSED DISALLOWANCE: Late-filed Claim...

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasErgänzung zum Beitrag #6955:

15.11.10 03:22
In meinem vorigen Beitrag #6955 stand nur "Related:" geschrieben.
Es muss statt dessen aber "Related: 12527." heißen...

Sorry, werde jetzt wohl langsam müde.
Aber: Einer GEHT noch!
LG: Teras.

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasDocket #12671: 48th Omnibus-Objection granted:

15.11.10 03:40
Docket #12671: 11/10/2010: Order Signed on 11/10/2010 Granting Debtors Forty-Eighth Omnibus Objection to Claims (Duplicative of Indenture Trustee Claims). (Related Doc # [11587]) (Nulty, Lynda).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: 11587.

DIRECT zum Gerichts-Document:
Oder per Docket-Suche über HIER:

Es hatte sich bei diesen jetzt zurückwiesenen  7,587,887.68  U$-Dollares um classische DOPPELT-Einreichungen handelt; der jeweilige Zwillings-Bruder derer hier abwiesenen "Claims" ist aber einstweilen noch allowed "to survive" (=zu überleben)...
Angehängte Grafik:
2010-11-10-omnibus-objection-48-successful.gif (verkleinert auf 93%) vergrößern

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasLEHMAN's ArchStone going public?

16.11.10 03:23
Nov 15, 2010 10:40 PM GMT+0100
Lehman's Archstone May Go Public Again, CEO Says
By Oshrat CARMIEL and Prashant GOPAL:

"Archstone, the apartment-complex owner acquired three years ago in a $22 billion leveraged buyout led by Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., may go public again, Chief Executive Officer Scot Sellers said.

“There’s no reason we couldn’t be public again,” Sellers said at the REITWorld conference today hosted by the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts in New York. “At some point we’ll think that’s an attractive way to monetize our investment.”

Archstone, Lehman’s largest real estate asset, has won court approval for two bailouts from its bankers since 2009 amid the real estate slump. It has ownership interests in hundreds of apartment developments from Washington and New York to Los Angeles and San Francisco.

There’s no timeline for going public and the decision rests with the owners, Sellers said in an interview at the conference. - “It’s easier to access capital publicly than it is privately,” he said. “It was the reverse in 2007.”

Lehman, which is liquidating in bankruptcy over five years, won court approval in May for a second attempt to salvage its investment in Archstone. The restructuring agreement allowed the company to join Barclays Plc and Bank of America Corp. in converting $5.2 billion in Archstone loans to preferred equity, according to court documents.

Archstone needs to convert $237 million more of its debt into equity to improve its financial prospects, Lehman said in a Nov. 2 filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan"...

SOURCE / LINK / QUELLE dieses Ausschnitts:

577 Postings, 5495 Tage mcgeizlieber teras

16.11.10 06:46

aus den ganzen auszügen, kann ich aber den trent nicht erkennen. steigt unsere lehman oder fällt sie noch weiter? wäre nett, wenn du mal eine zusammenfassung einstellst.

und mach dir mal die mühe, die nicht so interessanten teile wegzulassen. gruß mcgeiz


912 Postings, 5665 Tage kuhnigotchimcgeiz

16.11.10 08:55
ich denke, der tenor ist der, dass alles noch im fluss ist, forderungen zurückgewiesen werden (die uns aber noch lange nicht ins PLUS kommen lassen), anträge auf weiterführung der geschäfte gestellt werden usw.

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasMittwoch (17.11.2010) volles Programm:

16.11.10 12:51
Am morgigen MITTWOCH (17.11.2010) gibt's ja, falls da nichts verschoben wird, das seit Längerem sich ankündigende volle Lehman-PROGRAMM, aus dem ich hier einen kleinen Ausschnitt kurz anreißen will. - Für intensivere Recherche (nebst dort hinterlegten VOLL-Texten):  http://chapter11.epiqsystems.com/LBH/docket/Default.aspx?rc=1

Docket #12755: 11/15/2010: Statement of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors in Connection With Debtors Motion Pursuant to Sections 105 and 364 of the Bankruptcy Code For Authorization to Grant First Priority Liens in Collateral Posted in Connection With Foreign Exchange Hedging Transactions (related document(s)[12529]) filed by Dennis F. Dunne on behalf of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors. with hearing to be held on =11/17/2010= at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 601 (JMP) (Dunne, Dennis).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: 12529.

Docket #12651: 11/10/2010: Response to Motion of Lawrence Fogarazzo, et al. Pursuant to Section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code for Relief from the Automatic Stay to Allow Advancement under Insurance Policy by Lloyds of London filed by Edward J. Kirk on behalf of Certain Underwriters at Lloyds London and Companies. with hearing to be held on =11/17/2010= (check with court for location) (Kirk, Edward).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: none.

Docket #12646: 11/9/2010: Notice of Presentment of Stipulation, Agreement and Order Between Lehman Commercial Paper Inc. and Certain Suncal Voluntary Debtor Entities Granting Limited Relief from the Automatic Stay filed by Shai Waisman on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.. with presentment to be held on =11/17/2010= at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 601 (JMP) Objections due by 11/16/2010, (Waisman, Shai).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: none.

Docket #12529: 11/3/2010: Motion to Authorize : Debtors Motion Pursuant to Sections 105 and 364 of the Bankruptcy Code for Authorization to Grant First Priority Liens in Collateral Posted in Connection with Foreign Exchange Hedging Transactions filed by Lori R. Fife on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.. with hearing to be held on =11/17/2010= at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 601 (JMP) Responses due by 11/10/2010, (Fife, Lori).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: none.

Docket #12490: 11/2/2010: Order to Show Cause Signed on 11/2/2010 to Shorten Notice Period for Consideration of the Debtors Motion for Authorization to Restructure Certain Terms of the Archstone Credit Facilities. The Hearing Will Be Held On =11/17/2010= at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 601. (related document(s)[12475]) (Nulty, Lynda).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: 12475.

Docket #12370: 10/27/2010: Motion to Authorize : Debtors Motion Pursuant to Sections 105(a) and 363(b)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code and Bankruptcy Rule 6004 for Authorization to Implement the 2011 Derivatives Employee Incentive Program filed by Richard P. Krasnow on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.. with hearing to be held on =11/17/2010= at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 601 (JMP) Responses due by 11/10/2010, (Krasnow, Richard).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: none.

Docket #12369: 10/27/2010: Motion to Authorize : Debtors' Motion, Pursuant to Section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code, for an Order Modifying the Automatic Stay to Allow Advancement Under (i) 2007-2008 Directors and Officers Insurance Policies by Zurich Amercian Insurance Company, ACE Bermuda Insurance Ltd. and St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, and (ii) 2008-2009 Directors and Officers Insurance Policies by XL Specialty Insurance Company and Federal Insurance Company filed by Richard P. Krasnow on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.. with hearing to be held on =11/17/2010= at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 601 (JMP) Responses due by 11/10/2010, (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - 2007-2008 D&O Policy# 2 Exhibit B - Zurich Excess Policy# 3 Exhibit C - ACE Excess Policy# 4 Exhibit D - St Paul Excess Policy# 5 Exhibit E - 2008-09 D&O Policy# 6 Exhibit F - Chubb Excess Policy# 7 Exhibit G - Enron Bench Ruling) (Krasnow, Richard) (Entered: 10/27/2010).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: none.

Docket #12363: 10/27/2010: Motion to Authorize : Debtors Motion, Pursuant to Section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code, for an Order Modifying the Automatic Stay to Allow Settlement Payment Under Directors and Officers Insurance Policy filed by Richard P. Krasnow on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.. with hearing to be held on =11/17/2010= at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 601 (JMP) Responses due by 11/10/2010, (Krasnow, Richard).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: none.

Docket #12016: 10/14/2010: Notice of Adjournment of Hearing / Notice of Adjournment of Motion of Coscan Construction, LLC for Relief from the Automatic Stay (related document(s)[7226]) filed by Shai Waisman on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.. with hearing to be held on =11/17/2010= at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 601 (JMP) (Waisman, Shai).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: 7226.  

Docket #11974: 10/13/2010: Notice of Adjournment of Hearing of Fidelity National Title Insurance Companys Motion to Compel Compliance With Requirements of Title Insurance Policies Insuring Deeds of Trust Held By the Bankruptcy Estate of Debtor Lehman Commercial Paper Inc. Pursuant to Sections 105, 362, 365 and 1107 of the Bankruptcy Code (related document(s)[11513]) filed by Joshua W. Cohen on behalf of Fidelity National Title Insurance Company. with hearing to be held on =11/17/2010= at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 601 (JMP) Objections due by 11/10/2010, (Cohen, Joshua).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: 11513.

Docket #11911: 10/12/2010: Notice of Adjournment of Hearing on Debtors Motion, Pursuant to Section 1121(d) of the Bankruptcy Code, Requesting Second Extensions of Exclusive Periods for the Filing of and Solicitation of Acceptances for the Chapter 11 Plans Of LB Somerset LLC and LB Preferred Somerset LLC (related document(s)[11171]) filed by Shai Waisman on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.. with hearing to be held on =11/17/2010= at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 601 (JMP) (Waisman, Shai).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: 11171.

Docket #11876: 10/8/2010: Notice of Adjournment of Hearing of Motion By Factiva, Inc., Factiva Limited and Dow Jones & Company, Inc. for an Order (A) Compelling Immediate Payment of Post-Petition Administrative Expense Claims and (B) Compelling the Debtors to Assume or Reject Executory Contracts or Alternatively Modifying the Automatic Stay to Permit Movants to Terminate the Executory Contracts (related document(s)[7102]) filed by Ira M. Levee on behalf of Factivia, Inc., Factiva Limited and Dow Jones & Company, Inc.. with hearing to be held on =11/17/2010= at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 601 (JMP) (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Levee, Ira).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: 7102.

Docket #11875: 10/8/2010: Notice of Adjournment of Hearing on Motion of Lawrence Fogarazzo, et al., Pursuant to Section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code for Relief from the Automatic Stay to Allow Advancement Under Insurance Policy Issued by Lloyds of London (related document(s)[10279]) filed by Curtis V. Trinko on behalf of Don Engel, Carolyn Fogarazzo, Lawrence Fogarazzo, Stephen L. Hopkins. with hearing to be held on =11/17/2010= (check with court for location) (Trinko, Curtis).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: 10279.

Docket #10938: 8/19/2010: Transcript regarding Hearing Held on August 18, 2010 10:01 AM RE: LBHI's Motion for (i) Approval of Surrender Agreement in Connection with Surrender of Real Property Lease and (ii) Authorization to Abandon Certain Personal Property (Related Document 10517 ). Remote electronic access to the transcript is restricted until =11/17/2010=. The transcript may be viewed at the Bankruptcy Court Clerks Office. [Transcription Service Agency: Veritext, LLC.]. (See the Courts Website for contact information for the Transcription Service Agency.). Notice of Intent to Request Redaction Deadline Due By 8/26/2010. Statement of Redaction Request Due By 9/9/2010. Redacted Transcript Submission Due By 9/20/2010. Transcript access will be restricted through =11/17/2010=. (Richards, Beverly) (Entered: 08/20/2010).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: none...

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasFREITAG (12.11.2010), Short Interest:

16.11.10 14:41

Nur noch 6,913 Procent Short-Interesse auf denen Common Shares der LEHMAN Brothers Holdings Inc. (Akro: LBHI; WKN: 891041; ISIN: US5249081002; Symbol: LEHMQ)?

Date      |Symbol |ShortVolume|TotalVolume|Market|

2010-11-12|LEHJQ  |     40'675|     75'314|   OTO| = 54,007 %

2010-11-12|LEHLQ  |     10'000|     18'743|   OTO| = 53,353 %

2010-11-12|LEHMQ  |     27'000|    390'558|   OTO| =  6,913 %

2010-11-12|LEHNQ  |        100|     35'300|   OTO| =  0,283 %

Sonst waren doch immer 30 bis 40 LEHMQ-Procente völlig normal...


912 Postings, 5665 Tage kuhnigotchishorts...

16.11.10 14:51
da hast du recht, teras. ich denke, da ist einfach zu wenig dynamik drin momentan. die aktie ist zu phlegmathisch im moment (dass ich mich sowas mal sagen hören würde bei einem hotstock).

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasIch erinnere mich gerne daran...

16.11.10 15:00
Ich erinnere mich gerne daran, was ich früher (ein wenig zu) oft dahergesagt habe.


Mit chartistischen Grüßen:
Der olle Teras (PHLEGMO-Trader, SCHNARCH-Sack, Chartist)...

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasHearing on November 17, Agenda of Matters:

17.11.10 03:30
Docket #12789: 11/16/2010: Notice of Agenda of Matters Scheduled for Hearing on November 17, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. filed by Harvey R. Miller on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.. with hearing to be held on 11/17/2010 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 601 (JMP) (Miller, Harvey).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: none.

DIRECTLY to the Document:
Or per Docket Search via HERE:

577 Postings, 5495 Tage mcgeizauch ich erinnere

17.11.10 14:32

daran: bei der lehman sind 500 GUTE LEHMENEN die am ende des jahres ihre alten qellen anzapfen werden. zz ist es doch so, dass die firmen nicht mehr wissen, wohin mit ihrem baren. da könnten die lehmänner in der tat helfen, das geld REGULÄR unter die leute zu bringen. heist, gewinne. und diese brauchen die jungs. wie gesagt, kommt die lehman aus dem sumpf, pfeifen sie auf das versteigerte firmenschild. wird ein neues gemacht. auf ein neues und last die aktie nicht aus euren fingern, wenn sie auch derzeit mit viel minus dasteht. lg mcgeiz


11 Postings, 5295 Tage Jason25up

17.11.10 18:38

ich hab mir ja auch ne ladung bei 0.04 zu gelegt.

meinst du wirklich die kommt wieder? momentan ist mir da etwas viel stillstand....

ok, viel verleiern kann ich nicht wenn sie irgend wann wieder steigen sollte,

bin ich sauber raus.


kann es denn sein das die wieder anfangen regulär zu arbeiten und die um mehrere € steigt? 


Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasBofA muss 500 Millionen rückgeben:

17.11.10 19:44
17.11.2010 17:22, CORRECTED:

BofA's seizure of $500 mln Lehman deposits unauthorized
(Corrects first paragraph to show that deposits were seized after, rather than before, Lehman bankruptcy filing)

"Nov 17 (Reuters) - Bank of AMERICA Corp was ordered by a U.S. judge to return $500 million of deposits it seized from LEHMAN Brothers Holdings Inc. shortly after LEHMAN's record bankruptcy in September 2008.

According to court papers, LEHMAN had deposited the money in August 2008 as collateral so Bank of AMERICA could continue to honour LEHMAN's checks at times when no funds were on deposit, effectively extending an unsecured line of credit to LEHMAN pending the clearance of deposits.

In November 2008, after LEHMAN went bankrupt, Bank of AMERICA seized the money as a set-off against claims it held against LEHMAN on an unrelated derivative transaction, and then sued to validate the seizure.

'It is difficult to understand how BofA could have thought that taking the money was the right thing to do without first seeking permission from the court,' Judge James PECK said.

'The court believes that the actions taken were surprising and, quite frankly, disappointing for a leading financial institution that should care a great deal about its reputation,' he said.

A Bank of AMERICA spokesman did not immediately return a call seeking comment"...

SOURCE / LINK / QUELLE dieses Ausschnitts:

DISCLOSURE: Ich besitze KEIN Conto bei der Bank of America. - Gezeichnet: Teras.

912 Postings, 5665 Tage kuhnigotchies läuft scheinbar gut

18.11.10 08:26
nicht mehr ganz aktuell...

aus diesem bericht kann ich NICHT herauslesen, dass irgendjemand vor hätte, hier das licht auszumachen:

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Lehman Likes the Way Its Bankruptcy Is Going

Lehman Brothers Holdings, the most bankrupt U.S. firm ever, is saying amid assorted international lawsuits and proposed settlements that its restructuring efforts are going very well, all things considered. In fact, the company expects to get its reorganization plan confirmed sometime in the first quarter of 2011.

The company said that it has reduced the dollar amount of creditors' claims to $464 billion from $1.2 trillion, but that claims by big banks would be harder to resolve. Also on the bad-news side: Lehman plans to lay off 6 percent of staff by April.

Once out of bankruptcy, Lehman would rechristen itself "Lamco," and the resulting firm would handle Lehman's old commercial real-estate portfolio, among other things.

Quelle :http://lehmanlotto.blogspot.com/2010/09/...way-its-bankruptcy-is.html

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasAuch JPMorgan CHASE soll zahlen:

18.11.10 08:30
JPMorgan Is Lehman's Next Deep-Pocket Target After Barclays
By Linda SANDLER - Nov 18, 2010:

"Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., whose $11 billion suit against Barclays Plc is drawing to a close, is going after JPMorgan Chase & Co. as the next deep pocket to pay creditors in the biggest U.S. bankruptcy.

Lehman sued JPMorgan for $8.6 billion in collateral and tens of billions in damages, claiming the bank and Chairman James Dimon helped cause its collapse. The second-biggest U.S. bank twice asked a judge to dismiss the lawsuit. It said it was protected by a law governing the $467 trillion market for swaps and repurchase agreements when it lent Lehman’s failing brokerage $100 billion a day during the 2008 financial crisis.

JPMorgan’s defense hinges on so-called “safe harbor” laws, which allow clearing banks handling securities trades to take collateral from dealers without getting sued if a bankruptcy occurs later. Debtors can undo some transfers of assets done close to a bankruptcy filing. Banks invoke safe- harbor laws to oppose RETURN of the money"...

SOURCE / LINK / QUELLE dieses Ausschnitts:

Disclosure: Ich bin kein JPMorgan-CHASE-Fan. - Gezeichnet: Teras.

LEHMAN Brothers (WKN: 891041; ISIN: US5249081002)
und Washington MUTUAL (WKN: 893906):
Gemeinsam gegen GOLDMAN Sachs und JPMorgan CHASE!

6556 Postings, 5704 Tage tagschlaeferda bin ich mal wieder dabei

19.11.10 12:18
mit erstmal 500 euro @ 0,038 € ^^  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasLehman wins Court Battle over $1.5 Billion:

21.11.10 01:49
November 19, 2010 13:17 PM
Lehman U.K. Unit Wins $1.5 Billion Ruling
By Nick SMITH,
Benzinga Staff Writer:

"Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. won a U.K. court ruling Friday that will allow it to keep more than $1.5 billion worth of securities that it held when the firm collapsed two years ago.

The infamous bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers has put an army of lawyers to work untangling the financial mess across the globe. More courtroom battles are expected.

The U.K. unit liquidating in London, Lehman Brothers International Europe, requested that a U.K. court decide on whether five other Lehman units owned any of the securities that had been bought and sold to one another in a series of internal transactions.

According to a Bloomberg report, "The case is known as the "Rascals" litigation, for "Regulation and Administration of Safe Custody and Local Settlement," the name of the bank's internal process for making accounting entries between LBIE and the affiliates to record repurchase arrangements."

"The standard Rascals process had the effect of transferring that beneficial ownership in the securities to LBIE," its administrators at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP said in a statement today. "LBIE retained beneficial ownership of the securities thereafter."

Barclays PLC (NYSE: BCS) bought portions of Lehman's business, and has also had to fight for portions of capital involved in the sale"...

SOURCE / LINK / QUELLE dieses Ausschnitts:

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasEiner war sogar "schockiert"!

21.11.10 11:19
November 20, 2010, 12:03 AM EST
Lazard’s Rohatyn, ‘Shocked’ by Lehman, Blasts ‘Rampant Greed’

"Nov. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Felix Rohatyn, the Jewish boy who escaped Nazi-occupied France and became an influential Lazard Freres & Co. banker, is beginning to sound like Captain Renault in “Casablanca.”

He was “shocked,” he says -- shocked! -- when he picked up the New York Times on Sept. 15, 2008, and saw the banner headline, “Lehman Files for Bankruptcy.”

“I sat in stunned silence at the breakfast table, unable to do much more than look out my apartment windows and gaze at the wide, leafy canopy of Central Park’s trees stretching into the distance,” he writes in “Dealings,” a charming yet slippery memoir of his life in finance and politics.

Shocked? Rohatyn, 82, was then acting as a consultant for Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. He himself had battled to avert a Wall Street meltdown in the 1970s, a struggle that presaged that of Henry M. Paulson Jr. and Ben S. Bernanke.

No one should have been less stunned than Rohatyn, the deal wizard who negotiated some of the biggest acquisitions in history; helped Harold Geneen stitch together the conglomerate International Telephone & Telegraph Corp.; and steered New York City away from bankruptcy. Yet that’s how he presents himself throughout this book -- as naive, overly idealistic and caught in the maws of fate"...

SOURCE / LINK / QUELLE dieses verwunderlichen Ausschnitts:

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasWieder ein paar Milliarden gesettled?

21.11.10 13:00
Nov 20, 2010 6:01 AM GMT+0100
Lehman Reaches Accord with Perpetual in 'Saphir' Derivatives Court Fight

"Bankrupt Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. reached a settlement in a derivatives dispute with billions of dollars at stake that divided courts in the U.S. and the U.K.

The legal fight centered on which entity should be paid first from collateral under two transactions: Lehman or the holder of notes issued by a special-purpose vehicle created by Lehman known as Saphir.

Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc. reached a settlement with the Australian noteholder, Perpetual Trustee Co. Ltd., according to a court document dated Nov. 17. The filing, which Lehman said was made in federal court in Manhattan, couldn’t be confirmed in court records. Kimberly Macleod, a Lehman spokeswoman, declined to comment on the terms of the accord.

“After nearly 1 1/2 years of litigation in the bankruptcy court and English courts as well as many months of settlement negotiations during this period, LBSF has reached a settlement in principle with Perpetual,” Lehman said in the filing.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge James Peck ruled in favor of Lehman in January. Terms of the deal that would reverse Lehman’s right to take priority because of its bankruptcy filing are unenforceable, he said. Courts in the U.K. ruled against Lehman.

U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon, in a Sept. 21 decision allowing an appeal, said Peck’s ruling “is of obvious and critical importance” to Lehman’s bankruptcy because it could allow Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc. to recover billions of dollars from various other structured-finance deals that would otherwise go to noteholders. The judge wrote that Lehman has used Peck’s decision as “leverage” in settlement negotiations concerning billion of dollars worth of similar transactions"...

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Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6248 Tage TerasRichter genehmigt ArchStone-Pläne:

22.11.10 06:22

Docket #12894: 11/18/2010: Order Signed on 11/18/2010 Granting Debtors Motion for Authorization to Modify Certain Terms of the Restructuring of the Archstone Credit Facilities. (Related Doc # [12475]) (Nulty, Lynda).
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: 12475.

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