Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEH)

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298 Postings, 5581 Tage Hello123@Teras

08.04.10 08:20
Ich hätte auch nicht gedacht das die 100er noch unter die 200er fällt aber mal schauen vllt ist Lehman ja noch für eine Überraschung gut ;)

298 Postings, 5581 Tage Hello123Langsam aber sicher kommt Wind in die Segel...

08.04.10 09:10
Lehman, Barclays Experts Spar Over Valuing Lehman

NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- A duel between accounting experts is the latest phase of the Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEHMQ) bankruptcy to get a little heated.

The trustees and creditors involved in the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers this week asked a judge in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court of Southern New York to throw out the opinion of an expert hired by Barclays PLC (BCS, BARC.LN), a Stanford professor, who says Barclays appropriately valued assets it bought from Lehman in 2008 just after the Wall Street firm collapsed.

The Lehman estate's argument employs a fiery report by its own hired gun, a Chicago forensic accountant, who says the Stanford professor, Dr. Paul Pfleiderer, relied on "flawed" and "misguided" research to sign off on Barclays' method for valuing the assets.

Pfleiderer, in his report, supported Barclays' claim that the assets it bought were in keeping with the spirit of what Judge James Peck, who's handling the Lehman suit, had approved Barclays to purchase--that is, Lehman's U.S. investment banking and capital markets unit, including some assets and liabilities. A spokeswoman for Barclays' attorneys said Pfleiderer wasn't available for comment.

The dueling analyses--which focus on the accounting Barclays used in its valuations--are but one facet of the sprawling Lehman post-mortem. But the reports cast a light on the chaos that ensued as trustees started to unwind Lehman just days after it collapsed.

Then, as fear of collapse rippled from one Wall Street firm to another, Barclays paid more than $46 billion in cash to acquire a Lehman unit that included both assets and liabilities. The value of those assets and liabilities at the time is in deep dispute, though Barclays booked a gain of $4.1 billion from the deal, partly comprised of intangible assets.

The nature and amount of those assets shifted during negotiations, and Judge Peck will have to decide whether the final deal reflected what he initially expected he'd approved.

The reports also suggest there is a chance, amid that chaos, that Barclays got a sweet deal for being a rare willing buyer amid tumbling financial markets.

"Barclays' windfall was at least $13.05 billion," Garvey said in his report. Pfleiderer, for his part, supports the Barclays claim that it basically got what the approved deal specified--not more.

The reports also point to an unusual wrinkle in the Lehman case: Judge Peck is being asked to invalidate a transaction he himself approved mere days after Lehman filed for bankruptcy. Lehman trustees contend Peck didn't have sufficient information to understand the full tilt of the Barclays deal.

It's not clear what will happen if Judge Peck does indeed invalidate the Barclays deal; in that scenario, Peck would also have to decide on a remedy.

The presence of a disputed transaction is important, since classic corporate bankruptcy proceedings tied to liquidation typically involve creditors and lien- holders going to battle over the failed company's remnants. In this facet of the Lehman case, the trustee is petitioning the judge to nullify a transaction that took place more than a year ago.

"Bankruptcy judges are like umpires," said Douglas Baird, a law professor at the University of Chicago. Typically, he said, "they don't go back and revisit decisions after they made them."

And yet, Baird says, a judge could decide to revisit a transaction, "as long as there's a good reason for doing so."

Proving there's a good reason falls in part to Garvey and his analysis.

-By Marshall Eckblad, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-416-2156; marshall.eckblad@ dowjones.com

 (END) Dow Jones Newswires
 Copyright (c) 2010 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


80430 Postings, 5681 Tage Lou2009MITTWOCH ( 7.4.2010 ), Short Interest:

08.04.10 09:13

MITTWOCHS -Zahlen (KEINE Monats-Übersicht)

Date           | Symbol | ShortVolume | TotalVolume | Market |        %

2010-04-07| LEHJQ |         185.000 |        586.354 |  O      =  31,551
2010-04-07| LEHKQ |          20.198 |          81.626 |  O      =  24,745
2010-04-07| LEHLQ |           22.200 |          78.444 |  O      =  28,300

2010-04-07| LEHMQ |     3.487.927 |   15.594.507 |  O      =  22,366

2010-04-07| LEHNQ |          13.275 |          23.575 |  O      =  56,310
2010-04-07| LEHPQ |               900 |            1.390 |  O      =  64,748  

888 Postings, 5461 Tage and1loveitSchicker Endspurt gestern..

08.04.10 09:41

611 Postings, 5463 Tage Alexfra1@Teras

08.04.10 12:50
hiho teras, ich denke dass die gc situation sehr interessant ist...ein fehlsignal sehe ich bei dem falling der 100er nicht, da der kurzfristige indikator schön nach oben zieht...ich lege besonderen wert auf die 38er linie und mache es nicht nur von der 100er und 200er abhängig...wenn die eindeckung beginnt, dann wird es in absehbarer zeit (ca. 1monat) wieder zu einem klassischen gc kommen...

alexfra die 1.  

Clubmitglied, 38541 Postings, 6243 Tage TerasDer 26. März war extrem schwierig:

08.04.10 13:13
Der FREITAG (26.3.2010) war extrem SCHWIERIG: Wer da kurz vor'm Wochen-Ende noch schnell hat etwas kaufen wollen, dem wurde die Order in unzählige Einzel-Ausführungen förmlich ZERHACKT!

Ich schrie noch dem Broker, soll bitte NICHT hacken; aber nun leider: Der hackete trotzdem...
Angehängte Grafik:
2010-03-26-der-26te-maerz-war-sehr-schwierig.gif (verkleinert auf 94%) vergrößern

604 Postings, 8381 Tage Jacky@TERAS

08.04.10 13:21
sag mal bist du denn nicht schon inzwischen meldepflichtig? ;-) musst ja schon ne 7-stellige stückzahl haben, freut mich natürlich für uns hier einen anleger dabei zu haben, der voll hinter lehmq steht!

gruss an alle LONGIES

p.s.: die stückelung bringt halt kohle für die geldhäuser, die müssen ja auch von was leben!  

218 Postings, 6229 Tage Kostenfaktoroha teras

08.04.10 13:30
185tsd stück... nicht schlecht! dann bin ich mal gespannt, wann die reise los geht.  

611 Postings, 5463 Tage Alexfra1@Teras

08.04.10 13:33
nettes sümmchen:-)

habe im wamu thread folgenden satz aus dem posting von decon1401 gefunden:

Seht Euch den Kurs bei LEHMQ an. Der ist frei und unbeeinflusst, weil die Bude so gnadenlos pleite ist, dass Niemand mit einem Settlement oder einem Buy-Out rechnet. Die Löschung der Stämme ist bereits angekündigt und es wird fröhlich & frei getradet.

was denkst du über diese aussage...vor allem der letzte...allein mit dem wissen der letzten wochen kann man diesen satz doch nicht unkommentiert lassen, oder??

alexfra die 1.  

218 Postings, 6229 Tage Kostenfaktorcharttechnisch weiter auf BUY

08.04.10 13:36

Today’s Candlestick Patterns:
White Candlestick
Bullish Kicking
Bullish Morning Star

Today a White Candlestick was formed. This represents normal buying pressure.

The last two candlesticks formed a Bullish Kicking Pattern . This is a bullish reversal pattern that marks a potential change in trend. Though it is highly reliable confirmation is still recommended.  

The last three candlesticks formed a Bullish Morning Star Pattern . This is a bullish reversal pattern that marks a potential change in trend. Though it is highly reliable confirmation is still recommended.  

Clubmitglied, 38541 Postings, 6243 Tage Teras@Jacky: Mit dieser Melde-Pflicht

08.04.10 13:40
Mit dieser Melde-Pflicht ist es ja so: INSTITUTIONAL Holders (also jene Personen, wo in irgendeinem ADMINISTRATIVEN Zusammenhang zu der jeweiligen Company stehen), müssen natürlich ALLES melden, wie KLEIN es auch sei. - Ein Beispiel für eine solche Person ist Richard FULD.

Selbiges gilt auch für die Mutual FUNDS (also für jene juristischen Personen, wo Anteile für ANDERE natürliche oder juritische Personen halten)...

Da ich als ein typischer Klein-Anleger aber nur für mich SELBST unterwegs bin, wäre ich erst ab 3% Melde-pflichtig. - Doch der arme Teras hält derzeit ja noch nicht einmal 900.000 Stücke...

604 Postings, 8381 Tage Jackyich kenn

08.04.10 16:29
ich kenn mich ja nicht aus aber praktisch jeder lehmq-chart ist derzeit einfach klasse.
normal bevorzuge ich langfristcharts, doch auf auf 5 tage kann man mal hinschaun:


604 Postings, 8381 Tage Jackyklassische korrektur

08.04.10 16:33
sorry, soll "auch auf 5 tage heissen".
vereinfacht würde ich sagen von 10 auf 12 cent gestiegen, klassische korrektur auf die hälfte des anstiegs auf 11 cent - und nun dürfts wieder losgehen.  

298 Postings, 5581 Tage Hello123Interessanter Artikel...

08.04.10 22:28

Citi Offers To Buy Back Lehman Notes Sold To Spanish Clients

MADRID -(Dow Jones)- Citigroup Inc. said Thursday it has agreed to buy back structured notes created by Lehman Brothers and sold to clients in Spain that later became nearly worthless when Lehman went bankrupt.

The New York bank's Spanish unit, Citibank Espana SA, is offering 55% of the nominal value of the EUR78 million it sold in Lehman notes, according to a press release.

Hundreds of clients that purchased the securities from Citi sued the bank in Spanish courts on charges that it sold a high-risk product aggressively to retail investors without adequately explaining the risks.

"It was sold as an alternative to long-term deposits, as a secure financial product," said Jordi Ruiz de Villa, a partner at Barcelona law firm Jausas, who together with Madrid law firm Zunzunegui advised 122 clients in the case against Citibank.

Ruiz de Villa said the Lehman products have a market value of somewhere between 20% and 30% of their nominal value.

Citi isn't the only bank in Spain that sold these products. Last month, Bankinter SA (BKT.MC) was ordered by a Spanish court to compensate some of the clients that bought Lehman Brothers products through the bank. Bankinter has said it will appeal.

According to Jausas' Ruiz de Villa, Deutsche Bank AG (DBK.XE) and Credit Suisse Group (CS) are also facing lawsuits for the sale of similar products to Spanish clients.

-By Christopher Bjork, Dow Jones Newswires; 34 91 395 8123;


  (END) Dow Jones Newswires   04-08-100702ET   Copyright (c) 2010 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.    http://news.morningstar.com/newsnet/...OWJONESDJONLINE000431_univ.xml

604 Postings, 8381 Tage JackyFranklin Advisors

08.04.10 22:31
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Universal-Investment GmbH holds $1,553,000,000 LEHPQ Shares

Universal-Investment GmbH's BAYVK G1 - Fonds holds 1,553,000 shares of LEHPQ.

Franklin Advisors, in addition to 1,000,650 shares of LEHPQ, owns 36,710,398 shares (5.33%) of Common Shares.


Clubmitglied, 38541 Postings, 6243 Tage TerasSmall Client Claims to be SETTLED:

09.04.10 01:44
4-8-[20]10, 7:15 PM EDT

"LONDON -(Dow Jones)- LEHMAN Brothers' European administrators, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Thursday said it was proposing to settle the small claims of the collapsed bank's clients to save COSTS while the company is wound down.

PwC said its proposal will see claims worth up to $10,000 per client paid out. More than 500 of LEHMAN Brothers International Europe's 1,500 clients are expected have their claims SETTLED under the proposal.

PwC said it envisages paying out $1 million to clients via the process over the next four months, adding that it would SAVE money by reducing the ADMINISTRATION costs associated with those clients"...


80430 Postings, 5681 Tage Lou2009DONNERSTAG ( 8.4.2010 ), Short Interest:

09.04.10 10:14

DONNERSTAGS -Zahlen (KEINE Monats-Übersicht)

Date           | Symbol | ShortVolume | TotalVolume | Market |        %

2010-04-08| LEHJQ  |           25.000 |       100.830 |  O     =  24,794
2010-04-08| LEHKQ |           43.000 |       137.300 |  O     =  31,318
2010-04-08| LEHLQ  |               386 |           2.281 |  O     =  16,922

2010-04-08| LEHMQ |         964.353 |    3.883.406 |  O    =  24,833

2010-04-08| LEHPQ |             2.720 |           8.492 |  O     =  32,030  

298 Postings, 5581 Tage Hello123Lehman Europe...

09.04.10 10:34
Lehman Europe Administrators To Pay Bank's Small Client Claims

LONDON -(Dow Jones)- Lehman Brothers' European administrators, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Thursday said it was proposing to settle the small claims of the collapsed bank's clients to save costs while the company is wound down.

PwC said its proposal will see claims worth up to $10,000 per client paid out. More than 500 of Lehman Brothers International Europe's 1,500 clients are expected have their claims settled under the proposal.

PwC said it envisages paying out $1 million to clients via the process over the next four months, adding that it would save money by reducing the administration costs associated with those clients.

Lehman Brothers International Europe's total pool of client money stands at $ 2.1 billion, PwC said.

By Ainsley Thomson, Dow Jones Newswires; 44 20 7842 9318; ainsley.thomson@ dowjones.com

 (END) Dow Jones Newswires
 Copyright (c) 2010 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

298 Postings, 5581 Tage Hello123RT

09.04.10 12:05
Was wird denn hier gespielt?

Bid 0,078  11:59:17 35.000
Ask 0,082  11:59:17 35.000

Pari ist soweit ich weiß 0,086 €

Clubmitglied, 38541 Postings, 6243 Tage TerasDerzeit offenbar Einpendelung:

09.04.10 12:48
Angehängte Grafik:
2010-04-09-unsere-lehman-pendelt-sich-ein.png (verkleinert auf 91%) vergrößern

6 Postings, 5440 Tage my_d4ywieder über der .08

09.04.10 14:26

604 Postings, 8381 Tage Jackywas entdeckt

09.04.10 15:45
L&S-intraday-chart von heute ist interessant:

ca. 4 Euro-Cent wäre ja in ordnung fürs erste ;-)

hat jemand eine meinung zu dieser L&S-Einstellung?  

4545 Postings, 7985 Tage The GoldmanLehmann

09.04.10 16:06
das riecht alles sehr  ****** GENTA Mässig*************+

Aufpassen Anleger
Das kann nun sehr sehr schnell gehen !

4545 Postings, 7985 Tage The GoldmanWenn ich da falsch liege

09.04.10 16:10
dann fresse ich einen Besen !

4545 Postings, 7985 Tage The GoldmanDas wird nächste Woche die neue GENTA

09.04.10 18:37
0,083 EUR
52-Wochen Tief 0,024 EUR
52-Wochen Hoch 0,217 EUR
Börsenwert 44 Mio. EUR


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