Nickel-Copper-Cobalt-Palladium-Platinum in Canada

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Neuester Beitrag: 11.06.10 20:48
Eröffnet am:16.03.06 11:22von: KleinGeldAnzahl Beiträge:14
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622 Postings, 7513 Tage KleinGeldNickel-Copper-Cobalt-Palladium-Platinum in Canada

16.03.06 11:22

 Starfield Resources Inc. shares are traded publicly on the TSX.V (symbol: SRU) and the OTC BB (symbol: SRFDF) exchanges. The Company is focused on exploration and development of its 100% owned 1,200,000 Acre Ferguson Lake Nickel-Copper-Cobalt-Palladium-Platinum property located in Nunavut Territory, Canada. After producing very encouraging results during multi-phase exploration programs conducted from September 1999 through December 2004. in 2005 Starfield continued its aggressive drill program to expand this resource. Starfield is using state of the art geophysical survey techniques to extend mineralized horizons beyond the known drilled occurrences, and to seek additional targets. Current resource estimates are summarized below: KG
Zeitpunkt: 26.02.07 00:47
Aktion: Forumswechsel
Kommentar: Regelverstoß



622 Postings, 7513 Tage KleinGeldDoppelboden wird gebildet?

23.02.07 19:12

4620 Postings, 6530 Tage Nimbus2007Seit 20.04. an der TSE gelistet.

09.05.07 23:17
Und der Chart....  
Angehängte Grafik:

4620 Postings, 6530 Tage Nimbus2007Fast 300 % in 7 Tagen...

14.05.07 09:53
Da wäre ich gerne dabeigewesen. :(

1629 Postings, 6495 Tage CanonNicht schlafen Leute...

14.05.07 16:27

...investieren, ich bin schon ca. 40% im Plus und
hab nen SL bei 1,11Cad  

1629 Postings, 6495 Tage CanonGlück gehabt, wär fast rausgeflogen ! ;)

14.05.07 16:51

1629 Postings, 6495 Tage CanonJetzt aber ;(

14.05.07 16:59

Immerhin gut 30% seit Freitag !!  

622 Postings, 7513 Tage KleinGeldWegen SL bin ich leider rausgeflogen!

22.05.07 20:04
Sooo ein Pech!
Wünsche allen Investierten mehr Glück als ich !

1353 Postings, 6696 Tage RöttgenNews

28.05.07 18:36

Starfield releases results for Ferguson Lake mapping

2007-05-28 08:49 ET - News Release

Mr. Andre Douchane reports


Starfield Resources Inc. has received a 2007 report from Dr. Allan Miller about the company's Ferguson Lake property in Nunavut, Canada. The report integrates his 2005-to-2006 observations from mapping-petrography-ore microscopy-geochemistry and petrology studies on the property.

Dr. Miller is a professional geologist with Kishar Research Inc. of Ottawa. His report clarifies that the Ferguson lake intrusive complex (FLIC) is a deformed lopolith comprising layered mafic-ultramafic rocks and related plutons that formed through fractional crystallization and differentiation processes. The layered series and related discordant layered plutons are interpreted as co-genetic and consanguineous.

The report defines important implications for current resource evaluation and continuing exploration. The FLIC has an iron-enrichment tholeiitic differentiation trend similar to famous Duluth and Skaergaard complexes. Geochemistry-petrogenesis evaluation suggests there are different subunits that may represent different pulses or megacycles within the FLIC. "These subsets may represent distinct magmatic events or cycles within the FLIC and have critically important implications for continuing exploration, delineation of mineralized zones and evaluation of the FLIC resource," the document says.

The report further states: "The FLIC is Archean and is the only layered mafic-ultramafic complex in the Western Churchill province, Canada. It outcrops for a distance of approximately 17 kilometres along strike (east-to-southwest strike) and is exposed across six kilometres in the northeast and 1.5 kilometres in the southwest."

The northern and southern margins of the FLIC are defined by subparallel layered intrusions. Massive and disseminated sulphide accumulations have been recrystallized and remobilized and best developed in basal hornblendite and adjacent gabbros, while low-sulphide, PGE-bearing gabbro occur within the layered sequence. Magmatic layering in mafic-to-ultramafic rocks is well preserved in layered intrusions, while discordant mafic layered plutons in the northeastern part of the complex area vary in composition from medium-to coarse-grained anorthositic gabbro to plagioclase porphyritic gabbro.

Of particular note are the following:

On the west side of Ferguson Lake, Dr. Miller has mapped the South Discovery-West Zone South (SDWZS) intrusion as a narrow, maximum-50-metre, layered mafic-ultramafic intrusion that extends northeastward to easterly for a distance of approximately six kilometres. This is an important addition to the complex, as it is associated with a nearly continuous VTEM airborne geophysical survey anomalous conductivity trend over the same distance. As compared with the FLIC West zone, which hosts inferred and indicated resources and which outcrops 500 metres to the north of this intrusion, the SDWZS intrusion has only six shallow drill holes exploring its entire strike length. The SDWZS intrusion comprises three lithologies: gabbroic rocks, ultramafic rocks that include hornblendite and feldspathic hornblendite, and gossan, which includes sulphide-bearing hornblendite, less commonly gabbro and tectonized equivalents.
On the east side of the Ferguson Lake, mapping by Dr. Miller identified an anorthositic gabbro pluton, which is intrusive into and east of the layered mafic-ultramafic rocks that host the east zone magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE sulphide mineralization. Near the northwestern side of this pluton, subtle spotty or patchy sulphide-bearing zones are linear and parallel to the magmatic layering of the anorthositic gabbro body. Anomalous PGE concentrations, 144 parts per billion to 364 parts per billion Pd, 93 parts per billion Pt with anomalous Cu, 1,615 parts per million to 2,472 parts per million, were obtained from disseminated sulphide-bearing cumulate textured grab samples. The intercumulus sulphide assemblage includes pyrrhotite with exsolved flame pentlandite plus chalcopyrite plus pyrite, the latter inferred to be metamorphic. The mafic plutons east of the East zone Cu-Ni-PGE sulphide mineralization are part of the FLIC, based upon magmatic layering that formed mafic-ultramafic rocks similar to the layered rocks, anomalous PGE abundances in sulphide-bearing anorthositic gabbro and rare earth distribution patterns that are identical to the layered mafic-ultramafic rocks.
Electron microprobe mineral analyses of hornblende from the layered series and discordant layered plutons returned trace amounts of fluorine (0.1- to 0.2-weight percentage) and rare chlorine (0.11- to 0.13-weight percentage). This may be a petrochemical link to primary PGE concentrations found within massive sulphide mineralization and remobilization of PGE contents in low-sulphide gabbro-hosted mineralization within the FLIC.
In 2005, Dr. Miller mapped the NUB 42-49 gossan discovery. This gossan is approximately eight kilometres south of the South Discovery zone and is located within a prominent linear east-west-trending magnetic low and a coincident string of VTEM conductive anomalies. In 2005, limited soil and till sampling in the area resulted in a palladium (Pd) in soil anomaly. Dr. Miller re-examined this paragneiss belt and recognized an exposure of anorthositic gabbro which upon petrographic and geochemical study, is equivalent to the more aerially extensive and texturally similar anorthositic gabbro pluton, which he described on the east side of Ferguson Lake. The recognition of this pluton, eight kilometres south of the FLIC, implies that the FLIC magmatic event has a larger aerial distribution than previously understood. The Pd soil anomaly may be related to the NUB anorthositic gabbro, which is similar to the pluton that hosts disseminated PGE-bearing sulphides east of the East zone.

"Starfield plans to further drill test the unique low-sulphide PGE-bearing gabbro of the West zone during phase one of the 2007 field season," said Andre J. Douchane, president and chief executive officer of Starfield Resources. "Simultaneously, we will be systematically collecting samples across the magmatic layering of the South Discovery-West Zone South intrusion and across the layered and gossanous mafic plutons on the east side of Ferguson Lake. We believe that as a result of the Miller study, the potential for discovery of disseminated PGE mineralization at surface along the extensive strike length of the FLIC needs evaluation."

This news release has been prepared under the supervision of Dr. Miller, PGeo, and a qualified person as defined by National instrument 43-101.

We seek Safe Harbor.


36 Postings, 6424 Tage grandcru1NEWS!

01.06.07 01:14
Headline: Starfield Provides Summary Of 43-101 Filing
Symbol: SRU



Indicated mineral resources increase 76% in West Zone aufmerksam

TORONTO, May 31, 2007 /CNW/ - Starfield Resources Inc. (TSX: SRU/OTCBB: SRFDF) today released a summary of its newly compiled National Instrument 43-101 2007 mineral resource for its Ferguson Lake property in Nunavut, Canada.

The document shows an indicated mineral resource estimate for the property's Main West Zone of 15.2 million tonnes grading 0.71% nickel, 1.04% copper, 0.08% cobalt, 1.64 grams per tonne palladium and 0.28 grams per tonne platinum.

By comparison, the 43-101 report dated May 15, 2006 showed an indicated resource of 8.7 million tonnes grading 0.67% nickel, 0.93% copper, 0.08% cobalt, 1.47 g/t palladium and 0.21 g/t platinum.

The Company received the most recent result summary while the co-authored Technical Report is in preparation for regulatory filing within 45 days. Jaime Lavigne, P.Geo. and Qualified Person, updated the resource estimate to include last year's 116 resource definition diamond drill holes and 20 additional geotechnical holes. A total of 359 exploratory drill holes have been drilled to date.

André Douchane, President of Starfield Resources, said, "I am extremely pleased that the 76% increase of the indicated mineral resource in the Main West Zone has successfully demonstrated that the infill drilling campaign can convert inferred mineral resources to indicated resources. I am especially impressed that, despite our very conservative modeling approach, indicated resources increased to 15.2 million tonnes from 8.7 million tonnes and the combined nickel and copper grades increased to 1.64%.

"If we consider this project in today's metal price environment, and take into account the massive size of the geological setting as described by Dr. Allan Miller in Starfield's news release of May 28, 2007, along with the impressive strike length of the discovery and the continuity of mineralization, the project becomes very, very attractive."

"The new estimate will be the cornerstone of Starfield's ongoing scoping study that will evaluate the project on current (US$25/lb) and intermediate (US$15/lb) nickel prices along with the US$7/lb used in this resource estimate," Mr. Douchane said.

The Company intends to follow up on the potential of high-grade platinum intercepts in the West Zone footwall with 3,000 kilometres of drilling this summer, Mr. Douchane added.

Previously at Ferguson Lake, at a Cu+Ni cutoff grade of 1.0%, Geostokos Ltd. (June 26, 2006) had reported 7.7 million tonnes of measured and indicated resources and Dr. N.C. Carter (May 15, 2006) reported 8.7 million tonnes of indicated resources. The current resource estimate incorporates 1950-1957 historical data (173 drill holes) and the data collected by Starfield (1999-2006) for 359 new holes totaling 133,214 metres of drilling.

The 2007 mineral resource estimate methodology is a departure from that used previously and will form the basis of evaluation studies currently being undertaken by Scott Wilson of Roscoe Postle Associates Ltd. (SWRPA).

Current 2007 Mineral Resource Estimate Results -- Ferguson Lake Project
Tonnes Pt(gpt) Pd(gpt)
WEST ZONE (Mt) Ni(%) Cu(%) Co(%) * *
Pit Area: Main
West Zone 8.3 0.71 0.93 0.08 0.24 1.57
Underground: Main
West Zone 7.0 0.70 1.17 0.08 0.32 1.74
Total Indicated
Resources 15.2 0.71 1.04 0.08 0.28 1.64
Tonnes Pt(gpt) Pd(gpt)
ALL ZONES (Mt) Ni(%) Cu(%) Co(%) * *
Pit Area: Main
West Zone 3.4 0.59 0.71 0.07 0.15 1.20
Underground: Main
West Zone 1.3 0.64 1.19 0.07 0.36 1.73
Extension West Zone 14.7 0.71 1.23 0.08 0.31 1.88
East Zone 9.5 0.65 0.75 (xx) (xx) (xx)
Total Inferred
Resources 28.9 0.67 1.01 (xx) (xx) (xx)

which includes 19.4 0.68 1.13 0.08 0.28 1.75

Notes: Mt = millions of tonnes
* Gpt = grams per metric tonne
(xx) Platinum, palladium, and cobalt not estimated for the East Zone
as the East Zone contains a higher proportion of historical INCO
holes for which cobalt or individual platinum or palladium grades
have not been determined.

Nickel, copper, cobalt, platinum, and palladium bearing semi-massive to massive sulphides occur in lenses intercepted in drill hole intersections over the 15.5 kilometre east-west strike length across the Ferguson Lake property. For the purposes of the current 2007 resource estimates, three separate domains of resources are quantified. On the east side of Ferguson Lake, sulphide mineralization occurs at surface and at depth in the East Zone that now incorporates the various historical zones known as East Zone I, East Zone II, M Zone and Pointed Lake. On the west side of Ferguson Lake, West Zone sulphide mineralization occurs at surface and at depth in the Main West Zone and at depth along the Extension West Zone. The Main West Zone consists of a strike length of 2.7 kilometres while the Extension West Zone completes the 4.1 kilometre long continuous mineralization of the West Zone.

Drill spacing in the East Zone and Extension West Zone is irregular and comparatively widely spaced and as such limits the interpretation of geological continuity of massive sulphide. Resources in the East and West Extension Zones have been estimated using the cross sectional polygonal method and have been classified as inferred mineral resources. Resource cutoff for the East Zone and Extension West Zone is based on economic and operating values and parameters as described below for the Main-West Zone resource estimate.

Mineralization in the Main-West Zone occurs over a strike length of 2.7 kilometres and plunges to the west. Drill spacing is variable in the Main-West Zone including a detailed area where the drilling is at 25 meter spacing (Pit Area) to a maximum of 100 metre drill hole spacing. The density of drill hole data from the Main-West Zone supports geological interpretation for the basis of mineral resource estimation. The Main-Zone Pit Area has been the subject of a detailed geostatistical resource estimation study, and is the area from which historical indicated mineral resources have been estimated and quoted from Ferguson Lake.

Mineralization in the Main-West Zone occurs as a number of stacked sheets or lenses of massive sulphide with an East-West strike and moderate north dip. For the purposes of geological interpretation model building and subsequent resource estimation, only samples containing 50% or more sulphide (i.e. sulphide abundance generally logged by one-metre sample-interval-by-sample-interval basis) were used to determine massive sulphide intersections. A total of 56 lenses and sheets of variable dimension have been interpreted across the Main-West Zone. Two block models have been created to estimate the resources in the Main-West Zone: one block model to estimate potentially open pit-able resources from surface to a vertical depth of 250 metres and the second to estimate potential underground resources at depths greater than 250 metres. The geological interpretation and block model resource estimation procedures utilized for the Main-West Zone (and the East and Extension West Zones) conform to industry best practices, CIM Definitions and Standards, and National Instrument 43-101. Previous geostatistical studies, as well as new statistical and geostatistical analyses, were utilized for block grade estimation. Block density was estimated from a specific gravity - metal grade regression relationship that was established from the determination of specific gravity of 1,342 diamond drill core samples.

For the purposes of the Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) on the Ferguson Lake project, Dr. Bryn Harris, metallurgical consultant to Starfield in conjunction with SWRPA, were consulted to establish economic, mining, and processing parameters for the project. Factors, parameters, and values used to establish resource cutoff include in the current estimate:

Resource Estimate Input Parameters
Metal Price per pound Recovery
Nickel US$7.00 93%
Copper US$1.75 93%
Cobalt US$15.00 64%

Operating Costs
Cost per tonne milled
Open Pit Mining CDN$75.00
Underground Mining CDN$110.00
US$/CDN$ Exchange Royalty Payable
Rate=1.18 = 3% NSR

It is important to note that the tabulated current resources are based on 50% or greater sulphide contents of the massive sulphide lenses and sheets and do not included any dilution or dilution factors. Also, in the current PEA platinum and palladium are not considered in the process and economic analysis and therefore do not contribute to the NSR. Platinum and palladium were therefore not considered and incorporated in the calculation of the resource cut off value. However, platinum and palladium grades have been estimated for the Ferguson Lake mineralization and are incorporated into the tabulation.

Preliminary Economic Assessment

As previously reported on April 9, 2007, Starfield has commissioned Scott Wilson of Roscoe Postle Associates Inc. to complete a Preliminary Economic Assessment of the Ferguson Lake project. The current resource estimate will form the basis for the assessment to be completed by SWRPA and will provide the opportunity for the evaluation of multiple scenarios including the evaluation of the model with different mining scenarios and at multiple grade cutoffs.

Jamie Lavigne, P.Geo, consultant to Starfield Resources and Qualified Person, completed the 2007 Ferguson Lake NI 43-101 2007 resource estimate.

John Nicholson, P.Geo of Nicholson and Associates and Qualified Person, has managed the Ferguson Lake exploration programs since 1999 and is responsible for the drill program data collection, data management, assay QA/QC and data verification.

About Starfield

Starfield Resources Inc. is an advanced exploration and emerging early stage development company focused on its Ferguson Lake Palladium-Platinum-Nickel-Cobalt-Copper property in Nunavut, Canada. The property is emerging as Nunavut's largest ongoing base and precious metal project. Starfield has developed a novel, environmentally friendly and energy-efficient hydrometallurgical flowsheet to recover platinum, palladium, cobalt, nickel and copper from Ferguson Lake massive sulphides.

This news release may contain forward-looking statements, including those describing Starfield's future plans and the expectations of management that a stated result or condition will occur. Any statement addressing future events or conditions necessarily involves inherent risk and uncertainty. Actual results can differ materially from those anticipated by management at the time of writing due to many factors, the majority of which are beyond the control of Starfield and its management.  

1405 Postings, 5316 Tage rusi1und

23.03.10 21:11
wie könnte mit dieser aktie jetzt weiter gehen?
scheint bei 0,1 $ zu pendeln.  

1405 Postings, 5316 Tage rusi1jetzt,

05.04.10 16:20
falls ganze märkte steigen sollte, steigen solche kleinfirmen noch mehr.
denke ich, bin natürlich nicht sicher.  

1405 Postings, 5316 Tage rusi1news

11.06.10 20:48
gibt es zu dieser aktie etwas neues?
gibt es hier chancen in produktion zu gehen, oder
ist eine tote aktie?

   Antwort einfügen - nach oben