Reality Check: Cargo Execs:July-August Imports Ov

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525 Postings, 7322 Tage FlorianPascaleReality Check: Cargo Execs:July-August Imports Ov

09.09.04 07:50
Reality Check: Cargo Execs:July-August Imports Overwhelm US Ports Sep 8 / 9:29 EDT


NEW YORK (MktNews) - Inbound volumes again overwhelmed the nation's ports in July and August in defiance of weaker retail sales, suggesting inventory buildups and a trade deficit that will continue to balloon as the holiday season approaches, cargo and port officials say.

With truck and railway capacity strained, and ever-larger vessels unloading ever-larger quantities of goods, containers are piled up at ports, ships are backed up at sea, and the time it takes to unload vessels has just about doubled from the norm, they say.

However, exports remain stagnant, with volumes hovering in the same narrow range they have seen all year, they add.
What is especially disconcerting is that the import tide has surged just as retail sales appear to be stumbling and are likely to create unwelcome inventory buildups.
Outbound container volume at 82,441 TEU was smack in the middle of the January low of 72,975 TEU and the March high of 94,823 TEU, Wong said.

Der Bericht über das Handelsbilanzdefizit am Freitag verspricht zu einem weiteren Zoom zu werden.

Hier ist das was der Maestro zu sagen hatte über die Möglichkeit, das die Ausländer Ihre US Treasuries auf den Markt werfen werden.


Greenspan: Recovery Continuing But Oil Killed Ebullience

"In my judgment were it not for the very sharp rise in oil prices we would still be seeing some fairly strong growth typical of that earlier period." Later he said were it not for oil prices he would be "very optimistic."

"So we still have problems and there are innumerable problems," Greenspan said. Yet, he continued in answering committee Chairman Jim Nussle, "I think I agree with you in general that the economy is doing reasonably well."

At another point, Greenspan repeated the Fed's view that even a mass abandonment of U.S. government securities by their foreign holders would not dislocate the credit markets to any great degree.

Foreigners hold "substantially very short-term instruments and these instruments compete with a very huge market in the private sector," Greenspan said. "So the implication that you're trying to raise, namely, that were foreigners either for purposes malicious or otherwise withdrawing substantial amounts -- would that have a major impact on our interest rates or on our economy and the financial structure generally? Our conclusion is 'No.'"

Ein höherer Ölpreis, steigende Energiepreise und eine Preisinflation bei allen Waren, die für das tägliche Leben benötigt werden in den USA.

Auf welcher Insel lebt der Chairman von der Fed überhaupt?

Der Meister ist klar über das Ziel hinaus geschossen, dieses wirkt auf die ausländischen Investoren auf der Art und Weise, das sie Ihre Investitionen in den USA (sei es in Form von US Treasuries, Bonds, Aktien, US-$, etc. auf den Markt werfen werden.  

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