Weltweit grösster Windkraftanlagenhersteller
Vestas’ (VWS) 4.625 percent 600 million-euro ($769 million) bond maturing in 2015 yielded 7.404 percent at 12:20 p.m. in the capital, according to the Composite Bloomberg Bond Trader prices. That’s the lowest since the yield hit 7.352 on May 22.
Vestas has reported more than twice as many announced orders since March than in the first quarter as the Latin American market expands. Announced firm and unconditional orders from the region jumped 87 percent in the second quarter for the industry as a whole from the previous three months, according to data compiled by Bloomberg Industries.
“Strong regional growth continues unabated” in the Latin American wind market, James Evans, a Bloomberg Industries analyst, wrote in a report. Vestas is among producers benefiting from local manufacturing operations to win orders greater than 100 megawatts, he said.
Die Firma EP Renewables a. s., Pobrení 297/14, 186 00 Praha 8 (Tschechische Republik) beabsichtigt, südöstlich der Gemeinde Moldava 18 Windkraftanlagen mit einer jeweiligen elektrischen Nennleistung von 3 MW zu errichten und zu betreiben. Vorgesehen ist der Typ VESTAS V112 mit einer Nabenhöhe von 119 m und einem Rotordurchmesser von 112 m
But officials at Vestas and GE, both turbine makers that supply wind farms throughout the country, say the local market is strong this year because of the extension of the federal Wind Production Tax Credit, even if it's not seen on paper.In the first six months of the year, the Denmark-based Vestas, for example, has secured orders to build 686 wind turbines of various sizes for projects in Australia, the Philippines, Sweden, South Africa, Croatia, Uruguay, Italy, Canada, Romania, Ukraine, Belgium, Mexico and Chile. A second South African project was just announced last week.
So far, the projects total 2 gigawatts of power, more than double the amount Vestas had in 2012 at the same time. Vestas has a strong presence in Colorado, as it has two blade plants and one nacelle manufacturing plant in Weld County and a tower manufacturing plant in Pueblo.
...The only United States orders so far for Vestas have been two service contracts in Wisconsin and Iowa on 509 megawatts of turbine power.
Last year, Vestas' U.S. orders had slowed to 6.7 percent of the company's total orders with the impending expiration of the PTC. ....Vestas is bidding on four projects in Colorado at present: two projects for Xcel, a 100-MW project and a 548 MW project still under review by the Public Utilities Commission; a 100 MW project for Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association; a 30 MW project for Platte River Power Authority in northern Colorado and a 30 MW project for Black Hills Energy, a Western states cooperative.
According to the American Wind Energy Association, several wind projects also are on the horizon for Iowa, Michigan and Oklahoma.
And Recharge, an online magazine, reported last week Vestas' wind market is finally gaining some steam worldwide as customers find renewed confidence in company's financial health. Analysts pointed out in the Recharge piece that Vestas' second quarter orders were the strongest quarterly figure since 2011.
....The Brighton blade manufacturing plant -- the company's flagship operation building the V112, 55-meter turbine blades -- now also builds the V117 turbine, the company's longest blade at 57.5 meters. That capability has kept the plant busy as workers assemble blades and nacelles for the recently announced Blackspring Ridge project in Alberta -- the largest wind farm in western Canada with 166 turbines, as well as a 42-turbine order from Uruguay announced in January and a 47-turbine project announced in May, bound for Mexico.
http://translate.google.de/ Übersetzer
Die New York Times hat einen interessanten Artikel dazu,die Republikaner sind gegen die Verlängerung
und auch der Analyst der Alm Brands macht sich Sorgen über die auslaufende PCT und fehlende Aufträge http://energiwatch.dk/Energinyt/Renewables/article5725885.ece?ref=epn
....For den evigt-volatile Vestas-aktie kommer der vigtige sektornyheder, når konkurrenten General Electric fra USA aflægger regnskab klokken 12:30. Fokus kommer til at være på ordreindgangen, da der de sidste måneder har været tegn på, at investeringsniveauet er ved at trappe en smule op inden for vindindustrien. .....http://epn.dk/investor/beretning/aktier/...ier-fredagsfald-fra-start/
Das Projekt ,um das Vestas sich bemüht,liegt in der Westsahara,die von Marokko besetzt ist.Die Sozialdemokraten sind aus ethischen Gründen dagegen
Auch die Charta der Vereinten Nationen wird angeführt,weil die lokale Bevölkerung in sochen Fällen nicht angehört wird....
The projects are owned in partnership with community investment outfit Scotian Wind and WEB Wind Energy North America, a subsidiary of Austria-based WEB Windenergie AG.
Im ersten Quartal hatte Vestas noch 60 Millionen Verlust ,auch hier waren Verkaufsgewinne der Windfarmen in Chile mit eingeflossen.Der Halbjahresbericht kommt am 21.August
meldet Ritzau Finans http://epn.dk/brancher/energi/alternativ/article5753170.ece
Das dürfe Siemens zugunsten Vestas Markteinteile kosten. ;-)
24 Juli 2013
Es sind Siemens Windenergieanlagen für den 228 MW Pen y Cymoedd Windpark, für Wales fallen zu versorgen.
Dies wurde von Siemens erklärte, sagte in einer Erklärung vom Mittwoch.
könnte Chancen für Vestas verbessern
Siemens hat 2010 Rotorblattfertigung in Shanghai eröffnet und zudem hat sich das Unternehmen für Tillsonburg in der Provinz Ontario als Standort für seine neue Rotorblattfertigung in Kanada entschieden. http://www.siemens.com/press/de/events/energy/2010-11-wind.php
von wegen Zulieferer sind schuld !
...Vestas shares have gained in 17 of the last 21 trading days after an inflow of new orders fueled investor optimism...
EDPR rechnet mit 500 MW für 2013