Piraeus Bank - Rebound nach Rekapitalisierung?
irgendwelche Szenarien werden doch ständig von ihm dargestellt.
wenn du allerdings ordentlich in die Tasche greifst und den Aktionär bestellst,
ja was dann?
der einzige der Millionär wird, sind doch die Macher diese Blattes.
also bilde dir deine eigene Meinung.
Grüße aus der Pfalz
das ist bei diesen Bemühungen Griechenlands sogar nachvollziehbar.
mir Scheit es so das die Aristokratie der beamten beratungs resistent ist und entsprechend die kleinen Leute für sich auf die Straßen schickt um ihre eigenen Pfründe ab zu sichern.
und somit wird sich in Griechenland ohne massiven druck von außen nichts ändern.
was zur zeit abläuft ist meistens Augen wirschere.
frage, wie sollen dann Griechenlands Banken gen norden gehen?
9 December 2013 | 09:26am
StockMarketWire.com - Moody's Investors Service has upgraded the long-term deposit and senior debt ratings of Piraeus Bank SA, National Bank of Greece SA and Alpha Bank AE by one notch to Caa1 (stable outlook) from Caa2 (negative outlook).
Moody's has also increased the banks' baseline credit assessments (BCAs) to caa2 from caa3, within the bank financial strength rating (BFSR) range of E.
At the same time, Moody's has affirmed and changed the outlook to positive from negative on Eurobank Ergasias SA's Caa2 deposit and senior debt ratings, and affirmed and changed the outlook to stable from negative on Attica Bank SA's Caa2 deposit rating.
The BFSR of these banks was also affirmed at E (stable outlook), equivalent to a BCA of caa3.
These rating actions follow the recent improvement in the creditworthiness of the government of Greece, reflected by Moody's upgrade of Greece's sovereign bond rating to Caa3 (stable outlook) from C (no outlook).
Story provided by StockMarketWire.com
- See more at: http://www.stockmarketwire.com/article/4721080/...thash.9bnvjfdH.dpuf
Piraeus Bank's rating upgrade captures its strengthened capital base, sizeable holdings of EFSF bonds and improvements in its funding and liquidity profile, balanced by the high NPL levels driving the bank's current operational losses.
Following its recapitalisation, the bank's core Tier 1 ratio increased to 13.5% at the end of September 2013, well above the 9% minimum requirement set by Bank of Greece. This provides the bank with a solid loss-absorption cushion in view of its elevated NPLs, at 35.2% of gross loans. Piraeus Bank reported a net profit of EUR3.2 billion in the first nine months of 2013, as a result of a one-off negative goodwill gain of EUR3.8 billion from its recent acquisitions at a deep discount. However, Moody's expects the bank to remain loss making at an operating level in 2013-14, primarily because of high loan loss provision requirements.
The bank holds a total of around EUR14.3 billion of EFSF bonds (Aa1, negative), which mitigate the risks stemming from its direct sovereign exposure of around EUR2.3 billion, and enhance the bank's overall credit-risk profile. EFSF bonds represent around 15.4% of its total assets, and were received mainly from the HFSF as part of its recapitalisation. The EFSF bonds have also helped reduce the bank's funding and liquidity pressures, with overall central bank funding down to around EUR15 billion in September 2013, from EUR33 billion in September 2012. Following the takeover of six different entities over the past 18 months, significant progress has been made to integrate these entities and Moody's expects Piraeus Bank to benefit from synergies as the largest commercial bank in Greece.
Aber bevor der Kurs weiter steigt, prallt er wahrscheinlich jetzt erst mal nach unten ab- 1,70 sind wohl möglich
Mal abwarten..
Piraeus Bank announced share capital increase and a bond issue
According to an official announcement, Piraeus Bank BoD decided to call an EGM on March 28 to approve a capital increase of up to Eur1.75 bn through a non pre-emptive issue of new common shares in cash and to give to the BoD the authorization to determine the timing, the specific terms of the issue and the size of the capital increase.
The transaction is expected to be launched and completed in April. The issue is expected to be executed by means of a book building to institutional and selected investors abroad and a public offering in Greece. Piraeus will also consider the possibility of offering preferential allocations of new shares to existing shareholders and warrant holders, to the extent allowed by the regulatory framework.
The capital issue is aimed at the following:
a) meet the capital needs of Eur425 mn (Baseline) and Eur757 mn (Adverse);
b) repay in full the Eur750 mn govt preference shares, subject to regulatory approvals;
c) strengthen the bank΄s capital position, with a Basel III fully loaded pro-forma (for the capital increase and the repayment of prefs) end-2013 Core Tier I of c12%;
d) facilitate access to the funding markets; and
e) increase of the free float of the bank (from 19% currently).
Moreover and according to an announcement, Piraeus Bank has mandated BNP Paribas, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and HSBC to arrange a series of fixed Income investor meetings in selected European cities commencing next week. A EUR senior unsecured transaction may follow, subject to market conditions.
ich bin heute zumindest von der Alpha zur piraeus gewechselt Aufgrund der anstehenden Kapitalerhöhung, da ich beim letzten mal mit der piraeus Glück hatte...
Also ich gehe von aus, rechne mir allerdings keinen so hohen anstieg aus und bin bereit die Aktie liegen zu lassen...
Allerdings habe ich ein Auge drauf , da ich von Ausgehe , wenn die Piraeus vor der Bekanntgabe steigt( also vor der Ausgabe der zusätzlichen Aktien ) , dann wieder raus ...
da meine Erfahrung dann ist , dass es schön abwärts geht ....
Jetzt zu meiner Frage :
Kann mir jemand eine Fundierte Aussage geben, welchen aktuellen Marktwert wird aktuell bei der Piraeus haben
sind es die 2,2 Mrd
oder die 10,6 mrd
oder 2,2 im streubesitz und mit staatsaktien die 10,6 ???????
für mich wäre das extrem wichtig und ich finde einfach die ausgegebenen Aktienanzahl nicht :-(