Local.com aussichtsreich

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 00:22
Eröffnet am:03.11.09 12:52von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.314
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 00:22von: Franziskakuf.Leser gesamt:670.847
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63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaThe criminal crime behind The Street Sweeper

05.12.13 22:51
hat sich momentan wieder einmal bei Yahoo eingekauft - und daher werden momentan bestimmte Postings über die fundamenale Situation von Local Corp nicht zugelassen, dafür aber von The Street Sweeper schlech bezahlte Stammelidioten.  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaZum Beispiel darf der Stammelidiot prettyfuny

05.12.13 22:57
folgendes posten:

prettyfunny • 5 hours ago Flag0 users liked this posts users disliked this posts 0 Reply Time to SHORT this pig again. Thanks! hAhAHaHo
because it is the right thing to do. it feels good!
Sentiment: Strong Buy  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaNicht erlaubt war bei Yahoo dagegen bisher

05.12.13 23:00
in der letzten Stunde das Posten der folgenden Fakten:

Revenues in Q4/2013 will be 27 million:

Revenues in 2013
Q1/2013: 21.8 million (reported)
Q2/2013: 22.7 million (reported)
Q3/2013: 23.5 million (reported)
Q4/2013: 27.0 million (result of the last guidance of 95 million, if you subtract from this 95 million the revenues of Q1 - Q3). Less

That are by the idoitic low market-cap of 36.6 million of yesterday only idiotic low 0.34-times-revenues.

Network Rev (GAAP, in million) – Traffic Aquisitions Cost (TAC) = Network Reveneus ex TAC, which increasing strong.

Network Rev (GAAP, in million) – Traffic Aquisitions Cost (TAC) = Network Reveneus ex TAC
Q2/12 $4.1 – 2.0 = 2.1
Q3/12 $5.0 – 2.1 = 2.9
Q4/12 $7.6 – 3.7 = 3.9
Q1/13 $8.3 – 4.2 = 4.1
Q2/13 $11.6 – 6.8 = 4.8
Q3/13 $14.5 – 7.7 = 6.8

Complete revenues will grow from the reported 23.5 million in Q3/2013 to 27.0 million in Q4/2013. After my estimate will this growth come with 2.0 million from the revenues of the network-unit (from 14.5 million in Q3/2013 to 16.5 million in Q4/2013 and with 1.5 million from the Owned & Operate-Unit + rest (from 9.0 million in Q3/2013 to 10.5 million in Q4/2013) Less

Growth of the revenues of the network-division of Local Corp (now 61% of all revenues of Local Corp) beats the growth-rates of the revenues of Twitter and Yelp!

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage Libudazu ##5977 und 5978 kann nur fragen: Warum?

05.12.13 23:23
Mit Sicherheit hat das niemand aus der Führungsetage von Yahoo, die ja mit Local Corp relativ gut zusammerarbeiten, angeordnet.

Aber offensichtlich hat Yahoo seine Moderatoren nicht im Griff oder Fehler bei einer automatisch arbeiten Software. Das kommt nach meinen Beobachtungen aber nicht nur bei Yahoo vor, denn die Versuchungen für vielleicht schlecht bezahlte Moderatoren sind ja auch gigantisch.  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaPay-per-call lead network leverages IP

05.12.13 23:36
Our new mobile pay-per-call lead generation network leverages our valuable intellectual property to take advantage of this rapidly growing segment.

"Advertisers are continually looking for new ways to harness consumer demand for their products and services. The mobile pay-per-call lead generation ad model allows them to reach these consumers and convert them into customers," said Michael Sawtell, Local Corporation president and COO.

Local Corporation has been issued five patents related to pay-per-call advertising solutions, including U.S. patent number 8,359,049, which is directed to various aspects of mobile, pay-per-call directory assistance and advertising systems and/or methods.

"With industry experts projecting that within five years, 80 percent of local searches will be done on a mobile device(1), we believe the pay-per-call mobile lead generation ad model will be a crucial component to monetize these local consumers on mobile devices," added Sawtell. "Our new mobile pay-per-call lead generation network leverages our valuable intellectual property to take advantage of this rapidly growing segment."

314 Postings, 4399 Tage carlzeisjenaZum Nachdenken

05.12.13 23:48

sollten die älteren Beiträge von Libuda anregen, denn soviel Selbstkritik hätte ich ihm nicht zugetraut, ob er diese Aussage aus dem verlinkten Beitrag trotz dem ganzen Shortselling heute immer noch so posten würde, wage ich zu bezweifeln !!


Zitat aus dem Link :


Zumindest heute kein Renner

03.11.09 18:01
aber dann kann man ja auch eher nachkaufen.

Oder hat jemand von Euch das Haar in der Suppe gefunden, nach dem ich suche, weil die Aktie meines Erachtens unverschämt billig ist?

Zum Verständnis solllte man folgendes wissen: Als unverschämt billig bezeichnete er damals einen Kurs von ca. 5,5$.

Davon ausgehend müsste Local.com nun ja gradezu pervers billig sein, aber trotzdem kauft kaum keiner in good old germany, liegt es nun an Libuda oder daran das dieses Geschäftsmodell von Local.com nicht taugt ?

Local.com ist nicht mehr viel entfernt vom Allzeittief, wieviel haben diejenigen verloren, welche auf Libuda gehört haben ?

Fragt ihn doch mal bitte....


63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaAdjusted EBITDA was positive during Q1 - Q3

06.12.13 20:30
Adjusted EBITDA was positive during all the last three quarters in 2013 and increased from quarter to Quarter
Financials and Key Metrics at a Glance
$ in Millions Q3-13 Q2-13 Q3-12
GAAP Consolidated Revenue $ 23.5 $ 22.7 $ 24.4
Consolidated Revenue ex-Network TAC $ 15.7 $ 15.8 $ 22.3
GAAP Net Loss $ (1.7) $ (3.6) $ (3.8)
Adjusted EBITDA $ 1.3 $ 1.2 $ 0.2 Less

And the justed EBITDA will be positive with 1.8 million after the guidance (4.5 million for all quarters of 2013) und grow the fourth more in a row.

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaAuch hier bin ich früh eingestiegen

06.12.13 21:03

Von dem letzten Schlenker nach oben ab $14 habe ich ich nur noch mit einem kleineren Bestand profitiert, da hier meine Umschichtungen zu Local Corp schon sehr massiv waren. Auch heute habe ich z.B. weitere 100 Stück von ICG Group verkauft und dafür 1.150 Stück weitere Local Group dazugekauft und hatte dabei sehr günstige Umtauschverhältnisse, die in der Vergangenheit nicht immer so gut waren.  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaExtrem gut für Local Corp

06.12.13 23:41
New YP Study: 61% Permit Mobile Apps to Access Their Current Location
Atlanta | August 8, 2013

A new study: "Engaging Connected Consumers - Strategies for Local Businesses, Brands, and Retailers," released today by YP, North America's largest local search, media and advertising company, explores consumers" use of an expanding number of channels to connect with businesses - largely fueled by mobile. Among consumers surveyed, nine out of 10 "almost always" have their mobile devices with them and 61 percent permit mobile apps to access their "current location" at least some of the time. The report sheds light on how the mobile, social and digital revolutions are reshaping consumers" lifestyles and, in the process, creating new opportunities and challenges for businesses looking to engage customers.

"The adoption of mobile devices is creating a great opportunity for merchants to connect with consumers in new and meaningful ways," said Darren Clark, CTO at YP. "From a marketing perspective, mobile solutions are becoming richer in terms of features and overall user experience, allowing business to have value-add interactions with their customers at any time, on any device. Mobile adds an entirely new dimension to how small businesses can attract and retain customers."

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaCash Flow From Operating Activities knapp positiv

07.12.13 00:34
Total Cash Flow From Operating Activities increased $326,000 in the first 9 month of 2013: 1,441,000 - 2,172,000 + 1,057,000

View: Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
Period Ending Sep 30, 2013 Jun 30, 2013 Mar 31, 2013
Net Income (1,744) (3,586) (3,353)

Operating Activities, Cash Flows Provided By or Used In
Depreciation 1,163 1,302 1,267
Adjustments To Net Income 1,449 3,484 1,261
Changes In Accounts Receivables (1,653) (3,156) (42)
Changes In Liabilities 1,885 167 2,293
Changes In Other Operating Activities 341 (383) (369)
Total Cash Flow From Operating Activities 1,441 (2,172) 1,057

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaThree key points

07.12.13 09:06
"Local corp competes in high growth areas, has an extensive website portfolio, and is a buyout target. All three of those key points remain true today and are reasons to go long this small cap stock. Local.com has extensive partnerships with websites, newspapers, and the Yellow Pages to bring local search results to customers online. The website operator is paid to offer its search results and has a strong customer base that will continue to provide a steady revenue stream. Investors should watch and consider buying this stock that seems ready to take off at under $2 a share."

Source: Read the complete text from Chris Katje direct on Seeking Alpha

4868 Postings, 5707 Tage PjöngjangLocal.com Unique Visitors

07.12.13 12:45
Besucherzahlen der local.com Seite für den Monat November 2013

22,101,600 Besucher, eine Steigerung im Monat von Plus 12,28%
Besucherzahl von Nov. 2012,  Steigerung im Jahr von Plus 17,90%

US Rang 62

Mal schauen was die neuen Partnerschaften so wie mit Microsoft in den kommenden Monaten so bringen, bin jetzt auchmal mit dabei und lasse mich Überraschen.


63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaAbsolut gesehen sind diese Zahlen sehr okay

07.12.13 15:02
- aber die Werte waren auch schon wesentlich höher. Dabei muss man allerdings beachten, dass es bei diesen Zahlen "nur" um die Unique Visitors der Flagshipseite local.com geht - nicht in den Zahlen enthalten sind dagegen die inzwischen für Local Corp sehr viel wichtigeren Unique Visitors im Netzwerk, da bei ihnen sehr viel mehr hängen bleibt als bei dem Owned & Operated-Bereich.

Wenn Local Corp jetzt den Local Search bei der Washington Posts betreibt, werden die dort anfallenden Besucher niht bei local.om gezählt, sondern der bei der Washington Post.  

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDass die Besucher des Netwerkes bei den

07.12.13 17:20
Unit Visitors von Local Corp nicht mitgezählt  werden, kannst Du anhand des Artikel über den Gewinn eines neuen prominenten Netzwerkmitglieds relativ leicht nachvollziehen:

Local Corporation’s Krillion® Platform Powers Shopping Channel for Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Increases Revenue Opportunities for Publishers by Providing Dynamic Product Information for Consumers in Local Markets

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 10, 2013-- Local Corporation (NASDAQ: LOCM), a leading online local media company, today announced that it is powering a new local shopping channel for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette through its online property, post-gazette.com.

Local Corporation’s new local shopping channel enables publishers to drive new digital revenue and traffic through the integration of dynamic local shopping content from the company’s patented Krillion local shopping platform.

The local shopping channel delivers relevant store location, pricing, and product availability to ready-to-buy consumers via online and mobile interfaces. The fully hosted, turnkey solution is private-labeled and is free to implement for publishers.

The channel provides a local discovery experience for both advertisers and consumers, and features one of the largest and most comprehensive local shopping data indexes in the industry, with over 75,000 retail stores, covering over 3,000 shopping categories, representing millions of localized products.

“We’re pleased to be expanding our four-year partnership with Local Corporation,” said James Bissell, manager of product development for ThePittsburgh Post-Gazette. “We’ve had great success driving new revenue streams and SEO performance with the company’s local business channel and look forward to similar results with the local shopping channel. By adding this powerful solution to our portfolio, we’re able to increase digital revenue even more and monetize valuable local consumer search traffic.”


63747 Postings, 7376 Tage Libuda75% plus in nur sechs Monaten

07.12.13 18:52
Local Corp needed some years to increase the network to 1,200 members. But with the you Krillion-offers the network is such attractive, that we had seen a gigantic jump to 2,100 members in the last 2 quarters
From the Conference Call from Q3/2013: “This increase was directly attributable to an increase in a number of sites, from over 1,200 in Q1, to nearly 1,600 in Q2. We spent years developing our network business, and we believe that it's a highly scalable business with unique products and growth prospects, and that it has great operating leverage.”

From the Conference Call from Q3/2013: “We’ve done that primarily by expanding our online presence through over 2100 websites that provide our local search results to local consumers on their sites.”

That is an increase of 75% in only six months.

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDer Hammer

07.12.13 21:52
Growth of the revenues of the network-division of Local Corp (now 61% of all revenues of Local Corp) beats the growth-rates of the revenues of Twitter and Yelp
Revenues of the Network-Division of Local Corp:
Q3-12 5.0 million
Q4-12: 7.6 million
Q1-13: 8.3 million
Q2-13: 11.6 million
Q3-13: 14.5 million Less

Reveneus of Q3-13 are the 2.9-fold of the revenues of Q3-12. Less

"Our network generates about 50% gross margin and it’s our most profitable business. So growing network revenues is the core objective this year. We have too many network products the hosted business directory solution and a XML feed product. We achieve growth by adding more partner sites, by growing monetization of those sites and by adding new products to each site. So how is our network doing?"

Source: Transcript of Earning Call of second quarter 2013 on Seeking Alpha

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaVery important too:

08.12.13 00:34
Sales and marketing expenses for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2013, decreased 38.9% and 37.9%, respectively, compared to the same periods in 2012
The decrease is mainly due to a decrease in personnel-related costs as part of our continued cost savings efforts. The reduction in personnel related costs was partially offset by severance costs. In January 2013, we made a decision to eliminate our direct sales efforts of our SMB product suite to small and medium size businesses.

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaOperating cash flows will grow to $9.4 million

08.12.13 08:40
"We are also projecting the company's operating cash flows will grow to $9.4 million for the year."

Merriman Capital about Local Corp in 2014:

"The company's efforts to increase sales from its high-margin Network
business could help to generate substantial cash flow in the years ahead.
Local has revved up its sales initiatives within its high-margin Network Publishing
business. This business helps merchants and community websites monetize
consumer traffic through genre-specific advertisements carefully targeted to
consumer interests and local communities. As more revenue accrues from this
business, the company's margin mix should improve leading to more consistent
profits and cash flow."

Read the complete text with 17 sites direct by Merriman Capital

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaTrulia bad in compare

08.12.13 09:12

Trulia has only the 1.7-fold revenues of Local Corp, but with 1.15 billion the 31-fold market-cap of the idiotic low 36.6 million of Local Corp. Such a divergence will never lasten.

Local Corp., the company that connects consumers with all local businesses, today announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2013
• Sequential revenue growth up 4% to $23.5 million in Q3-13 from $22.7 million in Q2-13.
• Adjusted EBITDA up 12% to $1.3 million in Q3-13 from $1.2 million in Q2-13.

Financial Highlights of Q3/2013 f Trulia: The company just dropped its fiscal Q3 2013 earnings (with additional color on Twitter, as usual) — the combined company posted $40.3 million in revenue for the quarter, along with net income of $7 million, which works out to earnings of $0.19 per share. Wait, combined company? Let’s not forget that Trulia acquired Market Leader earlier this year, and this is the first time that Trulia has included its acquisition’s figures into the fold.

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaOnly the peak of the iceberg

08.12.13 16:07
Idiotic low stock price of Local Corp = fundamentals - emotions - naked shortselling

But emotions and naked shortselling will never be ever.

The following published legal shortselling, which include share-lending, s only the peak of the iceberg of the complete shortselling, because about not legal naked shortselling were not reported and this bigger part can therefore not be part of the following published numbers.

Settlement Date
Short Interest
Avg Daily Share Volume
Days To Cover
























63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaOpen Table bad in compare

08.12.13 21:15

Open Table has only the 2-fold revenues of Local Corp, but with 1.90 billion the 50-fold market-cap of the idiotic low 37.6 million of Local Corp. Such a divergence will never be for ever.

Local Corp., the company that connects consumers with all local businesses, today announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2013
• Sequential revenue growth up 4% to $23.5 million in Q3-13 from $22.7 million in Q2-13.
• Adjusted EBITDA up 12% to $1.3 million in Q3-13 from $1.2 million in Q2-13.

Financial Highlights of Q3/2013 of Open Table: Revenues surged 17.5% year over year to $46.7 million. OpenTable reported adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) of $20.0 million compared with $17.5 million in the year-ago quarter.

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaMessage to Publishers

08.12.13 21:31
Publishers: Enhance your site’s content while creating more traffic and better monetization
Our patented location-based product search technology seamlessly integrates hyper-local shopping content into your properties so you can optimize monetization of your sites’ traffic.

Elevate the value of your site with rich local shopping content

Turn-Key Solution: Powered by Krillion’s® location-based shopping technology, our hyper-local shopping content channel is fully hosted and requires no development resources.

Drive Additional Revenue: Increase your site’s bottom line results with the highest industry payouts and no up-front costs!

Increase Visibility: Get your site ranked higher on major search engines by adding the most accurate and relevant hyper-local shopping content.

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaBuy and wait

08.12.13 21:59
You need a very simple strategy: Buy and wait - that's all. And you will be rich.
Local Corp is after my estimate the Nasdaq shares with highest not legal naked shortselling.

And this not legal shortselling is not part of the published shortselling numbers, because nobody reporting about his not legal deals. Such not legal naked shortselling is possible, because there exist no and/or to late control of SEC and Finra.

Naked shortselling by Local Corp is after my estimates between 6 million and 10 million of the 23 million outstanding shares. SEC and Finra have this knowledge, but do nothing - a sign for criminality inside SEC and Finra, but a big chance for long-term-investors to increase their ownership for low prices like Flankenking, who had increased to now 91,600 shares.

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaLocal Corp's Message to Retailers

08.12.13 22:41
Increase visibility and reach more local shoppers

Now you can promote your products across a vast network of high-quality, location-based publishers and partners by including your national and local store assortment in the Krillion® localization engine.

Engage highly motivated local shoppers online

Our local shopping data is growing daily!

Over 2.1 Billion retail inventory products

Over 75,000 national and regional retailer stores

Over 23,000 consumer brands

63747 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaMonetations Solutions: Capture more local Search T

08.12.13 23:17
Monetations Solutions: Capture more local Search Traffic

Tap into the growing number of local searches to boost your sites’ SEO performance, attract more visitors and fully monetize them with a turn-key local shopping and business directory solution. We offer the highest industry payouts while adding a no-cost revenue stream to your business without any effort on your part.

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