Local.com aussichtsreich

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 00:22
Eröffnet am:03.11.09 12:52von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.314
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 00:22von: Franziskakuf.Leser gesamt:670.919
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:202
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Seite: < 1 | ... | 236 | 237 |
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63749 Postings, 7376 Tage Libuda"This topic is deleted" war die kriminelle

25.11.13 19:44
Meldung dazu, die von irgendjemand erreicht wurde - obowhl die Zahlen auf einem Filing von Local Corp an die SEC basieren.

The percentages of Traffic Aquisations Cost (TAC) in the Network Unit are lower than a half of the Traffic Aquisations Cost (TAC) in the Owned & Operated Unit

This topic is deleted.

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaUnd damit ich nicht beim Shortsellen heute

25.11.13 20:01
störe, wurde ich bei Yahoo ohne Grund und ohne Information gesperrt.

Nach jedem Posting tauch nur auf "This topic is deleted."  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaImmerhin war es mir noch gelungen

25.11.13 22:10
diese eigentliich schon mehrfach veröffentlichte Information über das starke Wachstum des Networks-Bereiches von Local Corp bei Yahoo anzubringen, die wie auch die folgenden Informationen von einem Filing von Local Corp an die SEC stammen und wo die Ergebnisse des dritten Quartals und eine Bericht über die Lage im momentanen vierten Quartal enthalten waren.

Network Revenues of Local Corp (GAAP, in million) - Strong Growth
Q2/12 $4.1
Q3/12 $5.0
Q4/12 $7.6
Q1/13 $8.3
Q2/13 $11.6
Q3/13 $14.5  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDort könnt Ihr das alles nachlesen

25.11.13 22:23
und das hätten auch Webmaster von Yahoo machen können, die offensichtlich bekniet wurden, von wem auch immer, diese Daten zwar nicht zu löschen, aber den Übermittler dieser Daten aus der nachstehenden Quelle zu sperren und weitere Postings auf einem Thread mit diesen Daten nicht mehr zuzulassen - wodurcht dann diese Daten nach und nach aus dem Blickfeld geraten.


Aber ich werde der SEC über diese Vorgehensweise auf Yahoo berichten.  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaAuf diesen ganz oben stehenden Report

25.11.13 22:27

in der Interetnetadresse im letzten Posting müsst Ihr klicken, am besten dann PDF auswählen und offnen.

Filing Date



Filing Group




Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event

Current Reports


63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDie von mir in #5928 angeführten Zahlen

25.11.13 22:35
befinden sich in der von mir in #5929 angeführten Adresse auf Seite 12.

in millions Q3-11 Q4-11 Q1-12 Q2-12 Q3-12 Q4-12 Q1-13 Q2-13 Q3-13
Network Rev - GAAP $4.4 $5.1 $4.2 $4.1 $5.0 $7.6 $8.3 $11.6 $14.5
TAC 1.6 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.1 3.7 4.2 6.8 7.7
Network Rev- Ex TAC $2.8 $3.6 $2.7 $2.1 $2.9 $3.9 $4.1 $4.8 $6.8  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaJe präziser, desto unangenehmer wurde ich

25.11.13 23:01
Mit dem Posting, das ich in #5911 angeführt habe, bin auch noch nicht auf Widerstand bei Yahoo gestoßen.

Growth of the revenues of the network-division of Local Corp (now 61% of all revenues of Local Corp) beats the growth-rates of the revenues of Twitter and Yelp

Revenues of the Network-Division of Local Corp:
Q3-12 5.0 million
Q4-12: 7.6 million
Q1-13: 8.3 million
Q2-13: 11.6 million
Q3-13: 14.5 million Less

Revenues of Q3-13 are the 2.9-fold of the revenues of Q3-12.

Sondern das mit den Problemen ging erst dann los, als ich auf den Daten aus dem Filing aus #5931 das folgende Posting auf Yahoo einstellte:

Network Rev (GAAP, in million) – Traffic Acquisitions Cost (TAC) = Network Revenues ex TAC

Q2/12 $4.1 – 2.0 = 2.1
Q3/12 $5.0 – 2.1 = 2.9
Q4/12 $7.6 – 3.7 = 3.9
Q1/13 $8.3 – 4.2 = 4.1
Q2/13 $11.6 – 6.8 = 4.8
Q3/13 $14.5 – 7.7 = 6.8

Aber auch dieses Posting wurde nicht gelöscht, aber weitere Kommentierungen wurden nicht mehr zugelassten und ich wurde generell – ohne Mitteilung, was ich verbrochen habe – geblockt.

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDer Criminal Crime ist rege aktiv

25.11.13 23:33
Your password can’t be reset online.
For security reasons, you need contact Yahoo! Customer Care to help you reset your password.

If you used an alias or profile name, we recommend that you try again with the Yahoo! ID associated with the alias. If not, you can contact Customer Care to help reset your Yahoo! password.

Why do I have to wait?
We have locked this option for your protection because we believe someone may have unauthorized access to your account. Contact customer care.

Contact Customer Care

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaImmerhin ließ man das Posten dieser Daten

25.11.13 23:59
noch zu (denn sie waren ja schließlich Bestandteil eines Filings an die SEC):

Network Rev (GAAP, in million) – Traffic Acquisitions Cost (TAC) = Network Revenues ex TAC

Q2/12 $4.1 – 2.0 = 2.1
Q3/12 $5.0 – 2.1 = 2.9
Q4/12 $7.6 – 3.7 = 3.9
Q1/13 $8.3 – 4.2 = 4.1
Q2/13 $11.6 – 6.8 = 4.8
Q3/13 $14.5 – 7.7 = 6.8

Aber die Grenze war dann erreicht, als ich diese Zahlen kommentierte und ausführte, dass die Traffic Acquisitions Cost (TAC) im Network sehr viel niedriger seien als im Bereich Owned & Operated und momentan bereits 61% der Umsätze im Network-Bereich erzielt würden, was auf eine dramatische Verschiebung zum Network hin und weg vom bisher klar domierenden Bereich Owned & Operated mit seinen sehr hohen Traffic Acquisitions Cost (TAC) bedeute.  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDie nachstehenden Zahlen durfte ich gestern

26.11.13 10:28
auf Yahoo noch posten und sie wurden auch nicht gelöscht, denn sie stammen ja schließlich aus dem letzten Filing an die SEC (siehe auch die Adresse in #5929):

Network Rev (GAAP, in million) – Traffic Acquisitions Cost (TAC) = Network Revenues ex TAC

Q2/12 $4.1 – 2.0 = 2.1
Q3/12 $5.0 – 2.1 = 2.9
Q4/12 $7.6 – 3.7 = 3.9
Q1/13 $8.3 – 4.2 = 4.1
Q2/13 $11.6 – 6.8 = 4.8
Q3/13 $14.5 – 7.7 = 6.8

Aber die folgende für die Shortseller sehr gefährliche Aussage wurde dann deleted und mein Account gesperrt:

"The percentages of the Network Revenues ex Tac from the Network revenues are a lot higher than the percentages of the Qwned & Operated Revenues ex Tac from the Owned & Operated revenues."

Denn in Kombination mit dem rasanten Wachstum des Network-Bereichs, der in Q3 schon einen Umsatzanteil von 61% erreicht hatte, hätten ja Investoren da auf die gleichen "dummen" Gedanken" wie Libuda kommen können, der in den letzten Monaten massiv aufgestockt hat.

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDass sich diese Aussage zwingend

26.11.13 10:33
aus den folgenden Zahlen ergibt, war den Löschern auf Yahoo offensichtlich scheissegal:

Income Statement of Local Corp:  

View:Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
Period Ending Sep 30, 2013 Jun 30, 2013 Mar 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2012
Total Revenue  23,471    22,365    21,755    22,374    
Cost of Revenue 16,207   16,415   15,631   16,025  

Gross Profit  7,264    5,950    6,124    6,349  


63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDer bisher nicht anitzipierte Knaller

26.11.13 20:20
The percentages of the Network Revenues ex Tac from the Network revenues = 6,8 million from 14.5 million revenues = 46,9%.

The percentages of the Qwned & Operated Revenues ex Tac from the Owned & Operated revenues = 0.5 million (7.3 million - 6.8 millon) from 9 million (23.5 - 14.5 million) = 5.6%.

Because there exist a big divergence between the percentages, the increasee of the network-revenues to now 61% in Q3/2013 was very important, but wasn't anticipated in the share-price.

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDie Berechnungen im Posting #5937

26.11.13 20:27
könnt Ihr problemlos mit Hilfe der beiden vorhergehenden Postings #5935 und #5936 nachvollziehen.

Und daher war es eine dreiste Unverschämtheit von Yahoo, obwohl dort auf dem Board diese Zahlen aus diesen beiden Postings standen, meine folgende Aussage zu löschen: "The percentages of the Network Revenues ex Tac from the Network revenues are a lot higher than the percentages of the Qwned & Operated Revenues ex Tac from the Owned & Operated revenues."

Denn wenn man 46,9% durch 5,6% dividiert, kommt man auf das 8,375-fache. Und der Unverschämtheiten war mit dieser Löschung nicht genug getan - es wurde auch noch der Account komplett gelöscht, damit ich die  Shortseller nicht weiter bei ihrem Geschäft stören konnte.  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaEine Zusammenfassung, die mich zum Kaufen

27.11.13 00:32
anregen würde, wenn ich denn nicht schon über 90.000 Aktien von Local Corp hätte:

Network Rev (GAAP, in million) – Traffic Aquisitions Cost (TAC) = Network Reveneus ex TAC

Q2/12 $4.1 – 2.0 = 2.1
Q3/12 $5.0 – 2.1 = 2.9
Q4/12 $7.6 – 3.7 = 3.9
Q1/13 $8.3 – 4.2 = 4.1
Q2/13 $11.6 – 6.8 = 4.8
Q3/13 $14.5 – 7.7 = 6.8

The percentages of the Network Revenues ex Tac from the Network revenues = 6,8 million from 14.5 million revenues = 46,9%.

The percentages of the Qwned & Operated Revenues ex Tac from the Owned & Operated revenues = 0.5 million (7.3 million - 6.8 millon) from 9 million (23.5 - 14.5 million) = 5.6%.

Because there exist a big divergence between the percentages, the increasee of the network-revenues to now 61% in Q3/2013 was very important, but wasn't anitcipated in the share-price.

The percentages of the Network Revenues ex Tac from the Network revenues are a lot higher than the percentages of the Qwned & Operated Revenues ex Tac from the Owned & Operated revenues.

The More "Profitable" Network Publishing & Advertising Business

"As we mentioned above Local Corp. has established strong relationships with regional publishing companies across the county, such as the Boston Herald, the Washington Post, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and many others.

Take a look at the next facts and you will see, that Local Corp had reduced his biggest problem: The increase of cost of revenues.
Income Statement of Local Corp:

View Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
Period Ending Sep 30, 2013 Jun 30, 2013 Mar 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2012
Total Revenue 23,471 22,365 21,755 22,374
Cost of Revenue 16,207 16,415 15,631 16,025
Gross Profit 7,264 5,950 6,124 6,349

The More "Profitable" Network Publishing & Advertising Business

"As we mentioned above Local Corp. has established strong relationships with regional publishing companies across the county, such as the Boston Herald, the Washington Post, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and many others.

Take a look at the next facts and you will see, that Local Corp had reduced his biggest problem: The increase of cost of revenues.
Income Statement of Local Corp:

View Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
Period Ending Sep 30, 2013 Jun 30, 2013 Mar 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2012
Total Revenue 23,471 22,365 21,755 22,374
Cost of Revenue 16,207 16,415 15,631 16,025
Gross Profit 7,264 5,950 6,124 6,349

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaLocal Corp ist ein Mobile-Gorilla

27.11.13 01:14
Supporting the trend, Local will release by the end of this year an iOS 7 shopping app powered by Krillion data, said Michael Sawtell, president and COO of Local, the parent company
Mobile Shopping Research Jumps To 73%, Purchases Follow

Thursday, October 03, 2013 (Media Post)

by Laurie Sullivan, Sep 30, 2013, 7:46 PM

Mobile devices are turning into time-saving search tools. In fact, 56% said they like the ability to search and sort quickly, 49% can easily find and assess return policies, and 49% locate ratings and reviews, according to the study. It's one thing to research whether CVS carries L'Oreal, and another to determine which 42-inch TV to buy.

Product shopping research via smartphone rose from 34% in 2012 to 73% in 2013, per the Local study conducted by the e-tailing group. It explores shopping trends and dependence on resources. It also analyzes the role of smartphones for consumers, and provides insights on how marketers can drive sales, as consumers make purchase decisions about buying from local companies and nearby stores.

Supporting the trend, Local will release by the end of this year an iOS 7 shopping app powered by Krillion data, said Michael Sawtell, president and COO of Local, the parent company. The app will "ping" consumers based on pre-programmed discount alerts for local stores such as when the Bosch dishwasher goes on sale at a local retailer. Voice technology to pull the data will follow.

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaThe last mile of shopping data

27.11.13 08:58
We call this the last mile of shopping data what’s in-store right now and at what price
When a consumer does that showrooming search for a 70-inch Vizio model X, Y, Z, we want to be able to tell them that it’s available in the store 2.1 miles up the road for $300 less and here is the map to get there.

Local Corp is Master of Relevance in Mobile Shopping - And that’s the key: it has to be a relevant deal

During all stages of the Mobile Shopping Life Cycle, consumers have the ability to tap into their mobile phones to find products and check pricing and availability based on where they are at the moment.

This is where those ping alert type apps come in, such as when a consumer is driving or walking by a store they receive an alert of relevance.

And that’s the key: it has to be a relevant deal.

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaHyperlocalized ads with Local Corporation

27.11.13 10:44
Hyperlocalized ads with Local Corporation: Local Corporation can ensure that people in the right areas are seeing the right ads–and people outside of those areas don't

Friday, November 08, 2013 (Allvoices)

One ad network on the ad:tech New York expo floor is making an impression with advertisers thanks to its focus on local. With Groupon and retailer coupons on the decline, advertisers are looking for a way to reach regional audiences that doesn't rely on location-based targeting alone. Advertisers also need to incorporate images, text, video and sound across all platforms.

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaJoke of the day

27.11.13 17:20
Yelp has only the 2.6-fold revenues of Local Corp, but with 4.10 billion the 109-fold market-cap of the idiotic low 37.5 million of Local Corp. Such a divergence will never kasteb,

Local Corp., the company that connects consumers with all local businesses, today announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2013
• Sequential revenue growth up 4% to $23.5 million in Q3-13 from $22.7 million in Q2-13.
• Adjusted EBITDA up 12% to $1.3 million in Q3-13 from $1.2 million in Q2-13.

Yelp Inc., the company that connects consumers with great local businesses, today announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2013.
• Sequential revenue growth up 11.3% to $61.2 million in Q3-13 from $55.0 million in Q2-13.
• Adjusted EBITDA for the third quarter of 2013 was approximately $8.1 million.  

2637 Postings, 4724 Tage mirko75auf zu

27.11.13 20:48
Den Jahrestiefs..... Dax auf Rekordstand und Dow ,um-bei. Hehe und Libuda will weiter in local investieren.Nun ja ich würde mich einfach nur ärgern.....  

313 Postings, 6200 Tage p.huettlShort interest weiter gestiegen

27.11.13 22:57
Unten stehend Tabelle zeigt auf daß im Moment (zum 15.11.13) ganz offiziell (also ohne Libudas naked Shortselling) rund 1,7 Mio Aktien geshortet sind und darüberhinaus die Historie der Shortentwicklung. (Quelle www.nasdaq.com)

Wenn die Umsätze (ab 16. - heute) weiterhin so gering bleiben, werden die Days to cover auf über 20 steigen (Meine Prognose ca. 23).

Man kann festhalten, daß diejenigen, die Short gegangen sind erstmal recht hatten, weil der Kurs ja seit den letzten Zahlen gesunken ist. Allerdings sind die Days to cover sehr hoch. Irgendwann muss ja mal gecovert werden und das bevor local es schafft positive Zahlen zu vermelden oder eine andere News, die Käufer elektrisieren könnte. In diesem Fall müssen die offenen 1,7 Mio Shorts kaufen und das gibt dann den klassischen Shortsqueeze. Dafür braucht es derzeit gar kein naked-Short selling.

Viel Erfolg die Entwicklung selbst zu interpretieren und die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen. Im Moment halte ich meine Position bis zu den nächsten Quartalszahlen (Jahresabschluss)

Settlement Date Short Interest Avg Daily Share Volume Days To Cover
11/15/2013 1,693,566   107,853 15.702540          §
10/31/2013 1,680,704   158,324 10.615598          §
10/15/2013 1,652,450    93,648 17.645331          §
 9/30/2013 1,599,926   131,519 12.164980          §
 9/13/2013 1,639,982   692,376  2.368629          §
 8/30/2013 1,553,047    77,779 19.967433          §
 8/15/2013 1,565,343    83,615 18.720840          §
 7/31/2013 1,583,992    84,438 18.759232          §
 7/15/2013 1,565,566    80,974 19.334181          §
 6/28/2013 1,577,491    87,971 17.931943          §
 6/14/2013 1,565,363    62,585 25.011792          §
 5/31/2013 1,584,859    77,961 20.328870          §
 5/15/2013 1,611,095    68,405 23.552299          §
 4/30/2013 1,612,550    59,308 27.189418          §
 4/15/2013 1,622,892    87,457 18.556456          §
 3/28/2013 1,623,281    70,480 23.031796          §
 3/15/2013 1,642,228    77,218 21.267425          §
 2/28/2013 1,663,185    97,645 17.032977          §
 2/15/2013 1,713,128    89,648 19.109495          §
 1/31/2013 1,733,307   122,477 14.152102          §
 1/15/2013 1,752,104    82,836 21.151480          §
12/31/2012 1,810,623    82,223 22.020882          §
12/14/2012 1,870,916    66,776 28.017791          §
11/30/2012 1,876,562   114,034 16.456162          §
11/15/2012 1,937,221   121,24015.978398

Read more: http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/locm/short-interest#ixzz2lsuTGWOI  

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaSmart monetization solutions for online publishers

28.11.13 09:03
We help online publishers of all sizes tap into the growing number of local searches, attract more visitors and build new revenue streams by providing an industry leading, turnkey content and paid search solution.

As a publisher partner, you get access to a complete hosted and monetized local content solution for shopping or business that is compatible across any web or mobile device. Or, you can simply integrate our high-performing paid search ad solution, and get access to more than 250,000 advertisers who want to reach consumers in the markets you serve. Less

• Paid Search Ad Solution
We recognize that every publisher is unique. We created a flexible ad solution that allows you to display highly relevant, keyword pay-per-click search ads related to your sites content. As a Yahoo! syndication partner, we offer qualified publishers with access to more than 250,000 advertisers in every major vertical at a premium bid rate. Plus, we provide local content with custom profiles to increase user engagement and expand ad placements. Our paid search ad solution inherits your site’s look and feel and can be placed into a variety of content, including search results and mobile. As a publisher ourselves, we understand the importance of fast time and uptime. Our feed performance in the best in the industry.
• A powerful ad solution to meet your needs
o Over 250,000 advertisers
o 95% to 98% keyword coverage
o Highest RPM opportunities
o Fast ad delivery
o Continuous optimization
o Self-service reporting tool
o Prompt payment
• Maximize your revenue
We manage the optimization of the feed to ensure you get the most competitive RPM opportunity. We give you access to our in-house monetization experts who will help you implement the feed and optimize your site to maximize your revenue potential. Less

• Shopping Content
Enhance your site’s content while generating more traffic and increasing monetization with our dynamic local shopping content solution. We provide a wide variety of products available in all kinds of stores. Our content solution is flexible enough to meet stringent standards of national search engines, web-endemic publishers and regional news publishers.
• Provide information shoppers want
Consumers use search engines from their desktop and smart phones as their first step when looking for specific products, stores and brands in their area. By adding accurate and relevant local shopping content, your site will rank higher on major search engines, resulting in audience gains through improved SEO performance and bring a new revenue stream through a revenue share on traffic generated.
• Comprehensive shopping experience
Powered by our Krillion ® localization engine, our powerful shopping content solution aggregates price, store location, descriptions, inventory information and other product data across leading consumer brands to create a rich index of products for consumers to search. The shopping content is seamlessly integrated into your site – so no development resources are needed, and it is fully hosted and supported by a dedicated account management team.
• Powered by our Krillion ® localization engine, our powerful shopping content solution aggregates price, store location, descriptions, inventory information and other product data across leading consumer brands to create a rich index of products for consumers to search. The shopping content is seamlessly integrated into your site – so no development resources are needed, and it is fully hosted and supported by a dedicated account management team.
o Accurate real-time results
o Robust product data points and images
o Data filtering for simple search
o Mobile-enabled
o Local store location, hours, pricing, discounts and availability
o Enterprise-level application
o Patented location-based sea Less

• Business Content
Increase audience gains and generate an immediate revenue stream from your digital properties by adding monetized local business content. Highly relevant local business content improves SEO performance by giving your site better ranking on the major search engines resulting in growth in the organic traffic to your site. And, with no capital outlay or resources required, there is no risk to you.
• We do all the work
Our account management team will manage all aspects of integration of the hosted business content to your digital properties. This dedicated team will provide monthly revenue reporting and manage the optimization of your site. We work closely with our partners to customize solutions for their specific needs.
• We deliver consistency
Through our online experts and proprietary technology, we are able to proactively address any changes in search algorithm and deliver consistent and upward traffic growth. We work closely with our partners to deliver revenue and results
• A complete digital revenue solution
o Over 16 million business listings
o Search and filter functionalities
o Consumers and business audiences
o Social Media, video and map integration
o Self–service user interface
o White label, fully hosted
o High RPM from ad partners
o Web and mobile optimized
o Dedicated account team
o Highest industry payouts!

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaBessere Aussichten auch fü Owned & Operated

28.11.13 11:25
fankenguru • 1 second ago Flag0 users liked this posts users disliked this posts 0 Reply As we look to 2014, we believe that the addition of real-time shopping content opens up an entirely new dimension to our O&O business
CEO in the last Conference Call to the margins in O&O business

"O&O has faced monetization headwinds for about two years now due to the decline in RPC as the large ad supplier. So you are seeing that trend in year-over-year comparisons. Third quarter is seasonally weak, but we expect a seasonally strong fourth quarter. As we look to 2014, we believe that the addition of real-time shopping content opens up an entirely new dimension to our O&O business.

For example, we are bidding on millions of active key words today, but less than 3% of those keywords are for products. We think there is an enormous opportunity to expand our SEM activities, once we integrate our shopping data into our O&O sites which will begin early in the New Year.

This additional traffic to our site has the potential to really expand our reach in a material way, which would lead to greater revenues for our O&O division and would also serve to reduce our reliance on third-party ad suppliers.´"

Source: Read the complete transcript of the last conference call direct by Seeking Alpha

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDer größte Eigner hält ein Achtel der Aktien

28.11.13 18:25
GOLDMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT INC increased ownership in Q3/2013
Owner Name
Shared Held
Change (Shares)
Value(in 1,000s)


That are about 12,25% of the outstanding shares and we have now an excellent ibig owner for the control of the manangement.

63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaGrowth Strategy of Local Corp

28.11.13 21:45
• Grow margins in O&O business
» Margin optimization via new SEM tools
» Gradually ramping in the UK

• Grow revenues in Network )largest revenue stream and highest gross margin revenues - an excellent combination)
» Expand number of sites via business development team (more traffic)
» New products planned including world-class local shopping channel
» Optimize monetization leveraging new testing platform

• Developing opportunities
» Local display network – leveraging our existing Network
» Microsites (insurance, HVAC, alarm systems and more) – leveraging our platform
» Improved monetization via lead generation – monetization improvements
» Mobile – leveraging our platform


63749 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaNext BIG in 2014

28.11.13 22:13

Local's new and revolutionary mobile shopping directory apps could
offer substantial new shopping-related revenue streams in 2014. Local is
planning to introduce a new shopping directory product and a price comparison
application called Savings Near Me in the 2nd half of the current year. These apps
will aggregate thousands of retailers across the country in real-time to provide
price-savvy consumers with price comparisons as they search for local products Less

Very important will be: IP & Technology

• Proprietary platform and know-how
» Real time business, product and services data integration
» Large scale local/commercial content production and syndication
» Very large scale CPC ad-serving and distribution
» Web indexing and local search relevance
» Very large scale SEO, SEM campaign expertise
» Local display ad production and syndication
» Web hosting and local/commercial domain name acquisition

• 12 patents issued, 7 pending
» Key patents
– Local web indexing (for indexing local web sites across the web)
– Pay per call for local and commercial searches via a mobile device (multiple patents)
• The billion dollar industry question: How do we monetize mobile?
– Dynamic cascading menu search (for product search on tablets and smart phones)
–Bulk domain registration and content management (for very large scale SEO)


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