Local.com aussichtsreich

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 00:22
Eröffnet am:03.11.09 12:52von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.314
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 00:22von: Franziskakuf.Leser gesamt:671.443
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63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaLeider ist ein interessanter Artikel

21.10.13 10:10
zu dem was Krillion anbietet in der heutigen Papier-FAZ hier noch nicht erhalten.


Wer sich für diesen Artikel interessiert, muss sich also die heutige FAZ kaufen oder den Online-Artikel kaufen. Fazit dieses Artikels: Das Folgende bietet dem stationären Handel, der nachwievor 95% der Umsätze auf sich vereint mit Hilfe von Lösungen wie Krillion den Vormarsch des Online-Handel zu bremsen bzw aufzuhalten.

Powered by Krillion®, Krillion delivers the most robust and accurate location-based product search data available. Our solutions provide dynamic, up-to-the minute information about where specific branded products are sold, and which retailers have them in stock the instant shoppers are ready to buy.

Our patented Krillion® localization engine provides aggregated and structured local product shopping data to our business customers and channel partners. We pioneered local shopping search and are committed to the continuous growth of our dynamic platform that supports multi-channel retailers and brands looking to engage consumers wherever they research products and where to buy.

As a result, our patented data normalization platform offers the most comprehensive cleansing and distribution capabilities in the available today.  

10342 Postings, 6021 Tage kalleariLibuda

22.10.13 15:39
schau einmal Chart. Bin mit dabei !

Der Calif von Bagdad ist in Absturz gewechselt !


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaEine Kriminalgeschichte (Teil 1)

24.10.13 23:06
Ich habe ja auf diesem Board nie verschwiegen, dass ich bis heute auf dem Yahoo-Board auch unter der ID Flankenking postete , und zwar schon über fünf Jahre.

Vor ungefähr zwei Jahren tauchte dann auf dem Yahoo-Board eine weitere ID Flankenking auf - ungleublich, aber wahr, das wurde über Jahre von Yahoo toleriert. Und dese ID versuchte meine Postings ins Lächerliche zu ziehen, um mein Postings über exzellente Fundamentals ins Lächerliche zu ziehen.  

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaDivergenzen, die so nie bestehen bleiben

24.10.13 23:20
Zillow extreme overvalued - Local Corp extreme undervalued - only stupid idiots don't change: Zillow has same revenues like Local Corp, but 65-fold market-cap – a joke

•Income Statement of Local Corp (Market Cap = 43.47 million):
• Sequential revenue growth up 6% to $22.7 million in Q2 from $21.5 million in Q1
• Adjusted EBITDA up 72% to $1.2M in Q2 from $685K in Q1
That are on a yearly base only 0.45-times-revenues of Local Corp.

Zillow has same revenues like Local Corp, but 70-fold market-cap
Income Statement Get Income Statement for Zillow (Market-Cap = 2,850 million):

Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
Period Ending Jun 30, 2013 Mar 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2012 Sep 30, 2012
Total Revenue 22,365 21,755 20,898 25,841

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaMeines Erachtens sind wieder Kaufkurse da

24.10.13 23:31

Geld- und Briefkurse










1,343 €

1,404 €





1,358 €

1,412 €





1,342 €

1,404 €





1,349 €

1,418 €





1,86 $

2,08 $








1,51 EUR


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaInzwischen am wichtigsten: Das Netzwerk

25.10.13 08:35
Local Corporation’s Krillion® Platform Powers Shopping Channel for Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Local Corporation (NASDAQ: LOCM), a leading online local media company, today announced that it is powering a new local shopping channel for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette through its online property.

Network revenues ex-TAC were up 17% sequentially, and up nearly 120% from a year ago period. This increase was directly attributable to an increase in a number of sites, from over 1,200 in Q1, to nearly 1,600 in Q2.

First, the Network; we raised $5 million in April to expand our network business, and we believe the investment is paying off. Network revenues ex-TAC were up 17% sequentially, and up nearly 120% from a year ago period. This increase was directly attributable to an increase in a number of sites, from over 1,200 in Q1, to nearly 1,600 in Q2. We spent years developing our network business, and we believe that it's a highly scalable business with unique products and growth prospects, and that it has great operating leverage. We plan to grow our network by adding more sites, and adding more proprietary content into those sites.

Other well-known in the Network of Local Corp:

The Gazette

The Record Searchlight

The State Journal-Register

The Telegraph

Treasure Coast


Valley News

Ventura County Star

Vermont Today

Washington Post

Journal Star

Knoxville News Sentinel

LaCrosse Tribune

NC Times


Norwich Bulletin


Orange County Register

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

San Diego Union Tribune

Santa Ynez Valley News

Savannah Morning News

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Star Banner

The Arizona Republic

The Augusta Chronicle

The Commercial Appeal

The Dispatch

The Examiner

The Florida Times Union

Arizona Daily Star

Arkansas News

Boston Herald

Columbia Daily Herald

Cumberland Times News

Daily Herald - Utah

Daily Princetonian

Daily Tarheel

East Valley Tribune

Honolulu Star Advertiser


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage Libudazu #5753: Eine Kriminalgeschichte (Teil 2)

25.10.13 22:56
Eine Kriminalgeschichte (Teil 2)

Die kriminellen Fälscher veranstalteten ein simples Spielchen und man muss schon so blöd wie Yahoo sein oder gezielt auf die Tolerierung von Fälschungen aus sein (das muss nicht Yahoo als Gesamtheit sein, geschmierte Webmaster reichen): Die kriminellen Fälscher nutzen beim zweiten Buchstaben von "Flankenking" den Tatbestand aus, dass ein kleines "l" optisch von einem großen "I" nicht zu unterscheiden ist.

Und auf diese Weise entstanden zwei Flankenkings mit optisch gleicher ID, trotzdem unterschiedlicher ID und unterschiedlicher Internet-Adresse.

Wie oft ich mich darüber bei Yahoo beschwert habe, auf den Boards, bei der SEC ider Finra geht in die Hunderte von Mails - aber es tat sich bei dieser kriminellen Räubergeschichte nichts. Alle diese angeführten Institutionen erwiesen sich gegenüber meinen Erläuterungen als resistent.  

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaGoogle - Microsoft - Yahoo

25.10.13 23:18

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaMessage to Publishers

26.10.13 22:51
- Increase traffic and revenue with quality local content.

- Partner with us to bring more to your website

- Smart monetization solutions for online publishers

- We help online publishers of all sizes tap into the growing number of local searches, attract more visitors and build new revenue streams by providing an industry leading, turnkey content and paid search solution.

- As a publisher partner, you get access to a complete hosted and monetized local content solution for shopping or business that is compatible across any web or mobile device. Or, you can simply integrate our high-performing paid search ad solution, and get access to more than 250,000 advertisers who want to reach consumers in the markets you serve.


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage Libudazu #5757: Eine Kriminalgeschichte (Teil 3)

26.10.13 23:13
Unglaublich aber wahr. Letzte Woche wurde dann nicht etwas der Fälscher der ID "Flankenking" gesperrt, sondern der Eigner der ID Flankenking.

Ich vermute einmal, dass der Webmaster von Yahoo vertuschen wollte, dass er über immerhin zwei Jahre zu blöd war, die Ursachen für die optische Identitäten herauszufinden, die Libuda letzte Woche dann anprangerte.  

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage Libuda3.5 million EBITDA in the second half of 2013

27.10.13 07:20
Local Corp reported about an Adjusted EBITDA of 0.7 million in Q1/2013 and incréase of 72% to 1.2 million in Q2 = 1.9 million in the first half of 2013.

And the increased 2013 guidance reported about an Adjusted EBITDA of at least $5.4 million.

If you now subtract the 1.9 million Adjusted EBITDA of the first half of 2013 from the 5.4 milllion for 2013 of the last increased guidance = 3.5 million Adjusted Ebitda for the second half of 2013. Less

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaMaster of Relevance in Mobile Shopping

27.10.13 09:48
Local Corp is Master of Relevance in Mobile Shopping - And that’s the key: it has to be a relevant deal

During all stages of the Mobile Shopping Life Cycle, consumers have the ability to tap into their mobile phones to find products and check pricing and availability based on where they are at the moment.

This is where those ping alert type apps come in, such as when a consumer is driving or walking by a store they receive an alert of relevance.

And that’s the key: it has to be a relevant deal.

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaThe Platform - Patented Local Shopping Technology

27.10.13 13:09
Powered by Krillion®, Krillion delivers the most robust and accurate location-based product search data available. Our solutions provide dynamic, up-to-the minute information about where specific branded products are sold, and which retailers have them in stock the instant shoppers are ready to buy.

Our patented Krillion® localization engine provides aggregated and structured local product shopping data to our business customers and channel partners. We pioneered local shopping search and are committed to the continuous growth of our dynamic platform that supports multi-channel retailers and brands looking to engage consumers wherever they research products and where to buy.

As a result, our patented data normalization platform offers the most comprehensive cleansing and distribution capabilities in the available today.  

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaMehr als 1.600 Members of the Network

27.10.13 16:43
Local Corporation’s Krillion® Platform Powers Shopping Channel for Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Local Corporation (NASDAQ: LOCM), a leading online local media company, today announced that it is powering a new local shopping channel for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette through its online property.

Other well-known of the more than 1,600 members in the Network of Local Corp:

The Gazette

The Record Searchlight

The State Journal-Register

The Telegraph

Treasure Coast


Valley News

Ventura County Star

Vermont Today

Washington Post

Journal Star

Knoxville News Sentinel

LaCrosse Tribune

NC Times


Norwich Bulletin


Orange County Register

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

San Diego Union Tribune

Santa Ynez Valley News

Savannah Morning News

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Star Banner

The Arizona Republic

The Augusta Chronicle

The Commercial Appeal

The Dispatch

The Examiner

The Florida Times Union

Arizona Daily Star

Arkansas News

Boston Herald

Columbia Daily Herald

Cumberland Times News

Daily Herald - Utah

Daily Princetonian

Daily Tarheel

East Valley Tribune

Honolulu Star Advertiser  

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage Libudazu #5761: High-margin Network Business

27.10.13 17:23
The company's efforts to increase sales from its high-margin Network
business could help to generate substantial cash flow in the years ahead.
Local has revved up its sales initiatives within its high-margin Network Publishing
business. This business helps merchants and community websites monetize
consumer traffic through genre-specific advertisements carefully targeted to
consumer interests and local communities. As more revenue accrues from this
business, the company's margin mix should improve leading to more consistent
profits and cash flow.

Source: Read the complete report over 17 sites from Merriman Capital  

10342 Postings, 6021 Tage kalleariLibuda

27.10.13 18:15
Für die sind das 2 unterschiedliche IDs. Ein Zeichen anders  daraus folgt ist nicht identisch und damit die Sache für die gegessen.  Stell einmal Umsatz oder Gewinn über einige Jahre ein. Damit man PEG errechnen kann. Ich sehe von der Charttechnik her hier, dass Local kurz vor Beginn eines längerfristigen Aufwärtstrend stehen.  

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaOkay kalleari

27.10.13 20:36
das habe ich auch akzeptiert und in meinen Postings dann darauf hingewiesen, dass mein Doppelgänger eine Fälschung sei - vielleicht tausend mal in den letzten zwei Jahren, denn die Manipulateure lassen von ihrem Büro arbeiten. Interessant ist allerdings, dass die nur zu den üblchen Wochenarbeitszeiten posten - z.B. nicht am Wochende.

Als ich aber dann nach zwei Jahren konkreter wurde und anführte, dass man bei Yahoo ein kleines "l" durch ein großes "I" ersetzen könne, obwohl da ein Geübter durch Querstrich unten und oben Unterschiede erkennen kann, wurde nicht etwa der Fälscher der ID "Flankenking" gesperrt, sondern der erste Inhaber der ID "Flankenking" - nämlich ich. Offensichtlich glaubte der Webmaster auf Yahoo seine Blödheit dadurch am besten vertuschen zu können.

Immerhin ließ mich dann Yahoo mit dem dem neuen Namen "Fankenkoenig'"' neu antreten.  

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaAuch noch zu #5761

27.10.13 21:04
The company's recent 2Q2013 results beat internal expectations while
management also increased its top line guidance range by $2 million for
the full year. Local is ahead of schedule by a quarter, clocking an unexpected
positive free cash flow for the 1Q2013 period while increasing upon this in 2Q2013;
the company also recently completed a restructuring program to lower expenses
by nearly $2.5 million annually in order to focus on the company's higher-margin
(i.e., about 40-50%) Network business, while selling of its unprofitable daily deals

Source: Read the complete report over 17 sites from Merriman Capital  

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaIP & Technology of Local Corp

28.10.13 07:47
Proprietary platform and know-how

- Real time business, product and services data integration
- Large scale local/commercial content production and syndication
- Very large scale CPC ad-serving and distribution
- Web indexing and local search relevance
- Very large scale SEO, SEM campaign expertise
- Local display ad production and syndication
- Web hosting and local/commercial domain name acquisition

12 patents issued, 7 pending Key patents

- Local web indexing (for indexing local web sites across the web)
- Pay per call for local and commercial searches via a mobile device (multiple patents) The billion dollar industry question: How do we monetize mobile?
- Dynamic cascading menu search (for product search on tablets and smart phones)
- Bulk domain registration


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaMerriman Captial: Buy (Wall Street Journal)

28.10.13 10:22

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaNext BIG in 2014

28.10.13 12:54
Local's new and revolutionary mobile shopping directory apps could
offer substantial new shopping-related revenue streams in 2014. Local is
planning to introduce a new shopping directory product and a price comparison
application called Savings Near Me in the 2nd half of the current year. These apps
will aggregate thousands of retailers across the country in real-time to provide
price-savvy consumers with price comparisons as they search for local products.  

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaLocal Corp's Message to Developers:

28.10.13 15:18
Build robust applications with the same local shopping data used by leading brands and publishers

Ideal for powering all types of web and mobile apps, our patented local product search technology provides consumers with real-time shopping data tailored just for them.

Enhance your apps with up-to-the-minute shopping data that consumers demand.

Full Featured APIs: We support all major programming languages and platforms to enable full integration with a wide range of applications.

Product discovery: Provide consumers with information they want on in-stock products with real-time StockCheck™ technology.

Clean, Powerful Data: All of our shopping data passes through a vigorous, ongoing data normalization process to ensure its integrity and accuracy.

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaOur powerful shopping infrastructure is unparallel

30.10.13 20:13
Benefit from our dynamic shopping engine that indexes products from over 75,000 retail stores nationwide. Powered by the patented Krillion localization engine, we capture the most current product, pricing, and inventory information across leading consumer brands to deliver locally relevant, up-to-the minute shopping content to your audience.

the reason is simple: Localized Shopping System basing on thís patent:

Local Corp Granted U.S. Patent Number 8,032,427 for a System for Providing Localized Shopping Information

IRVINE, Calif., Oct 17, 2011

Local Corporation, a leading online local media company, today announced that the company has been awarded patent number 8,032,427 by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office covering a system for providing localized shopping information.

Issued on Oct. 4, 2011, the patent describes a system by which consumers are provided with online information for specific products sold by local retailers using location-based information to determine relevance. The patented system also provides for the display of relevant advertising along with the sought-after local shopping information.  

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaAnd the future is bright

31.10.13 22:55


Local Corporation (LOCM), a leading online local media company, today announced that it has launched the next generation of its Krillion local shopping platform, which provides dynamic location-based product search data for millions of local consumers nationwide.

The Krillion local shopping data index, one of the largest and most comprehensive in the industry, now includes over 75,000 retail stores, covering over 3,000 shopping categories and over 23,000 leading consumer brands, representing millions of products. The platform also includes a new API, providing business partners and customers with an efficient way to integrate local shopping solutions and content into desktop and mobile sites and applications.

"Krillion continues to make its mark as a leader in location-based shopping data," said Michael Sawtell, Local Corporation, president and COO. "Our comprehensive coverage, extensive data set and patented technology have proven to be a winning combination in connecting top retailers and brands with valuable local shoppers. We're excited to launch the next generation of the Krillion platform to further enhance the online shopping experience by providing ready-to-buy consumers with even more dynamic shopping information."

Local Corporation's patented Krillion local shopping platform provides relevant local product search results, including retail locations, brands, categories, product images and product inventory and availability data, to millions of connected consumers researching online prior to purchase. The new platform features significant technology enhancements, which enable better data aggregation and allow it to normalize large amounts of unstructured data more efficiently.

The Krillion platform aggregates national local shopping content and offers it through a range of APIs tailored for both online and mobile channels and devices. Retailers and brand marketers included in the Krillion data index can reach more local Less

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaAber eigentlich hätte ich mir das

31.10.13 23:38
letzte Postings und alle davor ersparen können, denn eigentlich ist das Kaufinteresse in Deutschland  fast Null. Ohne meine Käufe, die meinen Bestand auf 85.850 eehöht haben, wären die Umsätze in Deutschland fast gegen Null tendiert.

Und auch beim wichtigsten Aspekt, warum ich überhaupt poste, bin ich hier auf diesem Board unzufrieden. Denn ich erwarte hier Kritk an und Lob für diese Aktie - und zwar begründet.

Meist sind hier aber nur Basher mit Blödsinn aufgetaucht.  

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