Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEH)
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Der olle Teras.
WAMUQ (WKN: 893906):
LEHMQ (WKN: 891041):
WAMUQ (WKN: 893906):
Mit chartistischen Grüßen:
Der olle Teras.
08.06.2010 21:46
UPDATE 1-Bankrupt LEHMAN seeks more debt of NY building
By Chelsea EMERY:
"NEW YORK, June 8 [2010] (Reuters) - LEHMAN Brothers Holdings Inc. is seeking Bankruptcy Court permission to make another $255 million debt investment in a New York office building, saying doing so would protect its existing investment.
LEHMAN already has a $437 million stake in the building, which is located on a valuable stretch of Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan, according to court documents released on Monday.
The investment bank, which collapsed in September 2008, has filed a motion in New York bankruptcy court to purchase the B note of a senior debt facility, using estate funds.
LEHMAN had originated some $1.23 billion in loans to finance the purchase of the 21-story building in May 2007. In August, LEHMAN suspected that Broadway Partners -- the building's owner -- was going to default on the B note and began discussions on a potential restructuring, according to court papers.
'Making a new investment in 237 Park by purchasing the B note from the seller has significant upside for LEHMAN Brothers Holdings and represents the best means of protecting LBHI's current investment, ... which could potentially be wiped out if a party other than LBHI acquires the B note and pursues a foreclosure of the B note,' the company wrote in its motion"...
SOURCE / QUELLE dieses Ausschnitts:
11:55 AM Jun 08, 2010.
"WASHINGTON - A high-profile panel investigating the causes of the financial crisis announced yesterday it had SUBPOENAED Goldman Sachs for FAILING to cooperate with the probe.
Leading members of Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission [FCIC] angrily accused GOLDMAN of ignoring "multiple" requests for information and of trying to overwhelm the commission's small staff with mountains of irrelevant documents.
The panel claims GOLDMAN had dumped around 2.5 billion pages of documents on its staff of around 50, much of which did not address specific requests.
'Our view is that this has been a very DELIBERATE effort, over time, to run down the clock,' said commission chair Phil ANGELIDES. 'We are not going to allow the American people to be played for chumps here.'
The bank INSISTED it had NOTHING to HIDE.
'We have been and continue to be committed to providing ... the information requested,' said Goldman Sachs in a statement. AFP"...
Und zur SOURCE oder QUELLE dieser CITATIO wankestu HIER:
Date |Symbol|ShortVolume|TotalVolume|Market|%
20100608| LEHKQ| 2049| 35711|O | 5,74
20100608| LEHLQ| 100| 2390|O | 4,18
20100608| LEHMQ| 1716208| 4705705|O |36,47
Financial Crisis Panel May Probe LEHMAN, JPMorgan -Fox Business's GASPARINO
6-9-10 2:30 PM EDT
The U.S. panel investigating the financial meltdown is considering looking into JPMorgan Chase & Co.'s (JPM) demand that Lehman Brothers Holdings turn over billions of dollars in collateral, just days before Lehman filed for bankruptcy in September 2008, Charlie GASPARINO of Fox Business Network reported Wednesday. The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission "has tons of information on LEHMAN, lots of stuff on JPMorgan, and is very much aware of this issue," a person with knowledge of the matter told Fox Business.
Full story at:
(Die Sache bleibt halt unser Grund- oder Basis-Thema)...
SEC Investigation Of Lehman Focusing On Ex-Executive Callan - DOW JONES NEWSWIRES
The Securities and Exchange Commission is focusing its investigation of Lehman Brothers Holdings (LEHMQ) on the actions and statements of former Chief Financial Officer Erin Callan, Charlie Gasparino of Fox Business Network reported Thursday. Gasparino quoted sources who say the SEC is looking at statements and actions by Callan ahead of Lehman's collapse in 2008.
Is BP the next LEHMAN?
Jun 10, 2010 10:10 am
seitdem bin ich mit an mehr oder weniger
und wenn ich WE im Talk abfeier ist das meine Sache
Ps und der dämliche Bayer der angeblich ne Abfindung pro A in Höhe von 25 bekommen haben soll der vor Gericht gezogen sei....*pfurtz*
Zeitpunkt: 12.06.10 22:45
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic - Bitte nicht die Threads zumüllen
Zeitpunkt: 12.06.10 22:45
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic - Bitte nicht die Threads zumüllen
Hearing with Respect to Reconsideration of Court's September 17, 2008 Interim Order (I) Authorizing Debtor to Obtain Postpetition Financing Pursuant to Sections 363 and 364 of Bankruptcy Code and (II) Granting Liens and Superpriority Claims to Postpetition Lenders Pursuant to Section 364 of Bankruptcy Code (related document(s)[434]) to be held on 7/15/2009 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 601 (JMP).
danke im vorraus
alexfra die 1.
Dick FULD Is No Villain, Says New LEHMAN Bros. Movie
By Michael CORKERY:
"How do you turn a story about a bunch of guys sitting around conference tables at a bank into a movie that people actually want to watch?
That was the challenge Craig WARNER faced when he was asked by the BBC to write a tale about the weekend that LEHMAN Brothers collapsed. He isn’t alone. Since that fateful September 2008 weekend, there have been multiple documentaries, radio dramas and an coming HBO drama that sought to capture those critical 48 hours of the financial crisis, which were important and dramatic, but not exactly cinematic.
WARNER’s project–“The Last Days of LEHMAN”–airs for the first time in the U.S. tomorrow on CNBC at 9 p.m.
DEAL Journal spoke to WARNER from his home in London about why he is a fan of former SEC Chairman Chris COX and why he says Dick FULD didn’t do anything wrong.
DEAL Journal: So how do you make a movie about bankers interesting?
WARNER: It is a tricky thing. It’s not only a bunch of white guys in suits sitting around talking. Another problem is what they are talking about is hard to understand. But you have to make it clear so that the big moments will have the right impact. I had to be as respectful as I could to the truth and honoring the gravity of situation while bringing to life the characters, which is necessarily giong to involve a bit of invention. Another problem is that there were almost no women at those meetings that weekend. I like writing a good woman’s role and there didn’t seem to be any.
DJ: How did you help spice up the story?
WARNER: There is a fanciful banker (Dick FULD’s imaginary assistant) who helps to explain to the audience what is happening. He also has a sister (also fictional), who lives in Tennessee and explains how the disasters on Wall Street were connected to the subprime mortgage crisis and her own house. I also like slighly surreal and funny moments in films. I am a fan of the COEN Brothers for instance.
DJ: Who did you talk to for your research?
WARNER: I never spoke to Hank PAULSON [käme mir auch nicht in den Sinn; dafür hat der Kerl schon zu oft gelogen]. Christopher COX (former SEC chairman) talked to me for about an hour and was lovely, and very kind and very discreet. He seemed like a good citizen, who cares about the financial system and protecting the common man…I also had extensive research that had been collected by BBC researchers.
DJ: How does Dick FULD come across in the movie?
WARNER: The more I read about what happened the less I think he did something wrong"...
SOURCE / QUELLE dieses Ausschnitts: