Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEH)

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218 Postings, 6229 Tage Kostenfaktorhello

14.04.10 14:00
von mir aus, kann das shortvolumen noch ein wenig ansteigen, umso schneller und heftiger wird es zum short squezze kommen :-)  

298 Postings, 5581 Tage Hello123LEHMQ

14.04.10 14:09
Short Interest (Shares Short) 12,103,000  
Days To Cover (Short Interest Ratio) 2.0  
Short Percent of Float 1.79 %  
Short Interest - Prior 12,052,200  
Short % Increase / Decrease 0.42 %  
Short Squeeze Ranking™ 7


4545 Postings, 7985 Tage The GoldmanSollte sich das Blatt bald drehen?

14.04.10 16:49
Short Interest (Shares Short) 12,103,000  
Days To Cover (Short Interest Ratio) 2.0  
Short Percent of Float 1.79 %  
Short Interest - Prior 12,052,200  
Short % Increase / Decrease 0.42 %  
Short Squeeze Ranking™ 7  

Clubmitglied, 38541 Postings, 6243 Tage TerasHier die Sache mit dem Finanz-Amt:

14.04.10 17:02
14.04.2010 16:41
Lehman seeks $110 mln back from US for tax overpay

"NEW YORK, April [2010] 14 (Reuters) - Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc has sued the U.S. government, asking for the return of some $110 million that the bankrupt investment firm said it overpaid in taxes and penalties in 1999 and 2000.

Tax refunds paid to a bankrupt company usually become part of the estate and can be allocated to creditors. Representatives for Lehman were unavailable to comment on how any possible tax returns might be allocated in this case.

A U.S. Internal Revenue Service spokesman said the IRS can not discuss or disclose information about a U.S. taxpayer.

Lehman, which declared bankruptcy in September 2008, said it is entitled to a refund of federal income taxes and penalties they overpaid for dividends paid for borrowed stock":


4545 Postings, 7985 Tage The GoldmanBei Lehmann

14.04.10 17:09
ist nun alles möglich, möglich auch, dass hier bald ein Mega Short Squeeze startet!

Clubmitglied, 38541 Postings, 6243 Tage TerasWir kriegen jetzt den VOLLEN Report:

14.04.10 17:41
14.04.2010 16:46
BRIEF-Lehman examiner cleared to release  FULL  report

"April 14 [2010] (Reuters) - Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc:

* U.S. bankruptcy JUDGE says LEHMAN Brothers Holdings Inc EXAMINER can release UNREDACTED version of report and supporting documents

* U.S. bankruptcy judge overrules objection of CME Group Inc to disclosing certain confidential bid details in the Lehman examiner's report

* Examiner expects to make report fully available within next five to eight HOURS - attorney

* Examiner says did not do much review of role of Hudson castle, outside of fenway transactions, in Lehman because Hudson castle became independent in 2004"...


Für diesen großen Sieg haben wir lange gekämpft...

4545 Postings, 7985 Tage The GoldmanLehmann

14.04.10 17:46
MUE bewegt sich
0,086 EUR
14.04.10  17:42  

Clubmitglied, 38541 Postings, 6243 Tage TerasDocket #8307: UNREDACTED Report:

14.04.10 18:08
Docket #8307: 4/14/2010 Examiners Report / Notice of Filing Unredacted Volume 5 of Examiners Report filed by Patrick J. Trostle on behalf of Anton R. VALUKAS. (Attachments: # (1) Volume 5 - Unredacted) (Trostle, Patrick)  
Debtor: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.  
Related: none

Centraler EINSPRUNGS-Link:
Und zu denen DOCUMENTEN des Docket's #8307 geht es dann HIER:

MAIN Document:

Volume 5 (UNREDACTED):

129 Postings, 5624 Tage Geraer@teras

14.04.10 19:07
Für diesen großen Sieg haben wir lange gekämpft...

Sorry Teras,

was genau ist so wichtig daran.

Die Brisanz, wer wo dahinter steckt, z.B. Shorten? Oder steckt noch viel mehr unter dem Schwarzen, sprich Geschwärtem?  

Clubmitglied, 38541 Postings, 6243 Tage TerasEiner wollte in Frankfurt 2 Mio Stücke:

14.04.10 19:22
Angehängte Grafik:

604 Postings, 8381 Tage Jacky@TERAS

14.04.10 19:32
2 mio stück? warum sagst du das nicht früher! wir hätten ihn doch bedienen können. was wollt er denn bezahlen? 10 Euro?  

4545 Postings, 7985 Tage The GoldmanEs geht wohl los!

14.04.10 19:34

Clubmitglied, 38541 Postings, 6243 Tage TerasDer Chart ist z.Zt. am PUMPEN...

14.04.10 20:50

4545 Postings, 7985 Tage The GoldmanNa ja

14.04.10 20:53
morgen ist ja auch noch ein Tag um in D die 0.20 zu knacken !
Gute Nacht

817 Postings, 6263 Tage sky7ich habe mehr erwartet

14.04.10 21:38
was nicht ist kann noch werden .

letztes jahr kamen die kurssprünge ja auch mehr aus heiterem himmel,obwohl wir dieses mal mehr fundamentales besitzen.
das sagt mir: bald ist es soweit !!!!

nur meine meinung

keine verkaufsempfehlung


Clubmitglied, 38541 Postings, 6243 Tage TerasWir kennen jetzt den GRUND der Censur:

14.04.10 21:44
Lehman May Have Grounds to Sue Goldman, Barclays, CME (Update1)
April 14, 2010, 2:51 PM EDT

(Adds Lehman losses from eighth paragraph.)

By Linda SANDLER, Matthew LEISING and Donald JEFFREY:

"April 14 [2010] (Bloomberg) -- Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. may have grounds to sue Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Barclays Plc after they demanded $1.2 billion in additional margin to assume trading positions auctioned by a Chicago exchange, bankruptcy examiner Anton VALUKAS said.

Goldman was the high bidder for Lehman’s equity derivatives at options and futures exchange CME Group Inc., and took $445 million of those assets at a private auction in September 2008, according to previously CENSORED details of Valukas’s March 11 report. Barclays was the high bidder for Lehman’s energy derivatives and took $707 million in assets from CME"...


Clubmitglied, 38541 Postings, 6243 Tage TerasVALUKAS releases supporting docs:

15.04.10 01:10
14.04.2010 22:37
BRIEF-Lehman Brothers examiner releases supporting documents for report
April 14 [2010] (Reuters) - Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc:

* Examiner releases supporting documents for report on company's bankruptcy - examiner's website


Clubmitglied, 38541 Postings, 6243 Tage TerasGeheimhaltungs-Bemühen GESCHEITERT:

15.04.10 01:21
14.04.2010 22:47
CME loses bid to SHIELD Goldman, others in Lehman case
By Emily Chasan and Ann Saphir

"NEW YORK/CHICAGO, April 14 [2010] (Reuters) - CME Group Inc lost a bid to withhold the identity of firms that took part in an emergency auction of the futures and options positions of a floundering Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc in 2008.

CME asked Barclays Bank, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, and Chicago-based trading firms Citadel LP and DRW Trading to take part in the auction, according to unredacted court documents. Of those firms, all but Morgan Stanley took part.

The ruling, on Wednesday, sparked worries in the futures industry about how to resolve future crises. CME, joined by several industry groups, had argued that revealing the names of the participants could hurt its ability to hold future auctions, because traders don't want their competitors to know what assets they hold or how much they paid for them.

'I'm not sure what divulging the identity of the bidders adds,' said Dan Roth, president of the National Futures Association, after Judge James Peck, who is overseeing the Lehman bankruptcy in Manhattan, rejected a request from CME Group to keep certain documents about the auction secret. 'It may have a chilling effect on people's willingness to participate in these auctions in the future.'

CME conducted the September 2008 auction of Lehman's $2 billion portfolio after it became clear the firm would seek bankruptcy protection.

Bidders were given a look at the assets and a deadline by which to place their bids under seal.

If traders knew those bids would be revealed, they might have submitted lower bids, or even declined to participate at all, industry observers said. That could complicate matters if another large firm fails and its assets need to be liquidated so as to insulate other members of a clearinghouse from the failure.

'This was the first time the CME had to conduct an auction of this kind,' CME Associate General Counsel Lisa Dunsky told the court before the ruling. 'We hope that it doesn't happen again, but if it does, whether it's CME or any other clearing house, it is critical to have multiple qualified bidders who are willing to participate in the auction.'

Dunsky said that more than one of the bidders whose names were going to be disclosed had told CME directly that they would not have participated in the auction if they had known their trades would be made public.

'There is potential significant harm not only to CME Group but to the futures markets in general,' Dunsky said.

But Judge Peck on Wednesday disagreed and ordered the immediate publication of the full examiners' report. He said the 'public's right to know' outweighed confidentiality concerns and that no one knows whether a similar auction would actually occur in the future.

Attorneys for the examiner, Anton Valukas, who is chairman of Chicago-based law firm Jenner&Block, said that it is 18 months after the fact, and that potential litigation could be brought over some of these trades and people would need to know whom to sue.

Each winning bidder that took over a piece of the Lehman portfolio did so at a gain, the documents showed. The examiner concluded that although an argument could be made that the transfers at issue were fraudulent in part because Lehman may have received less than fair payments for its assets, 'the evidence does not support the existence of colorable claims.'

A representative for Lehman's TRUSTEE in charge of liquidating customer assets said in COURT on Wednesday that the trustee may SUE to recover some of these transactions"...


298 Postings, 5581 Tage Hello123Assets May Be Sold for at Least $38.5 Billion

15.04.10 09:08
By Linda Sandler and Karen Gullo

April 16 (Bloomberg) -- Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. said in a court filing that its assets may be sold for at least $38.5 billion within five years to pay creditors.

Lehman, which filed the biggest U.S. bankruptcy in September 2008 with assets of $639 billion, has received claims from creditors for more than $800 billion. A disclosure statement filed yesterday by the defunct investment bank in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New York explains the reorganization plan that it outlined last month.

The data on liquidation values and claims allows investors to try to estimate how many cents on the dollar they may recover eventually, said Kirk Ruddy, a senior vice president of trading at APS Capital Corp. and a former Bear Stearns Cos. claims trader. Gross recovery after liquidation, before payment of any claims or expenses, would be about $57 billion, Lehman said.

“I was looking forward to seeing the claims pool size, but I still think we have a long way to go and the range will be extremely wide,” Ruddy said.

Lehman has said many claims for payment are duplicates. Under its proposed reorganization plan, creditors of Lehman units guaranteed by the parent won’t be able to seek more money than they are owed by submitting duplicate claims against those subsidiaries and the parent, said John Suckow, Lehman’s president, in a phone interview last month.

Lehman, while liquidating some assets to pay creditors, is holding on to some units and properties, including real estate, uranium stockpiles and private equity. Under Lehman’s plan, those units will continue to operate until prices of their assets rise.

Lamco Unit

A new unit called Lamco will be set up to manage those assets, which will remain within the subsidiaries, according to Lehman’s plan.

A court hearing on the Lamco proposal is scheduled for today in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan.

The case is In re Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., 08-13555, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).

--Editor: Michael Hytha, Joost Akkermans.

To contact the reporters on this story: Linda Sandler in New York at lsandler@bloomberg.net; Karen Gullo in San Francisco at kgullo@bloomberg.net.

To contact the editor responsible for this story: David E. Rovella at drovella@bloomberg.net.


4545 Postings, 7985 Tage The GoldmanLehman

15.04.10 10:36
Short Squeeze heute ?
Wenn ja, dann geht Lehman heute noch so richtig ab!

159 Postings, 5574 Tage heppyThe Goldman

15.04.10 11:05
muß denn diese Pusherei hier sein. Wir sind doch schon alle groß!!!!  

298 Postings, 5581 Tage Hello123Sehr schön...

15.04.10 11:47
UPDATE 4-Lehman sets payouts to exit bankruptcy

* Expects to repay unsecured creditors 15-27 pct of claims

* Sees notional value of claims over $1 trillion

* Certain secured creditors could be paid in full


80430 Postings, 5681 Tage Lou2009MITTWOCH ( 14.4.2010 ), Short Interest:

15.04.10 12:41

MITTWOCHS -Zahlen (KEINE Monats-Übersicht)

Date           | Symbol | ShortVolume | TotalVolume | Market |        %

2010-04-14| LEHDQ |             5.000 |           5.800 |  O       =  86,207
2010-04-14| LEHJQ  |           78.400 |       158.656 |  O       =  49,415

2010-04-14| LEHMQ |      2.116.462 |    4.105.008 |  O       =  51,558  

Clubmitglied, 38541 Postings, 6243 Tage Teras"AmericanBulls": Buy CONFIRMED

15.04.10 12:50
Wen's interessiert: Die stets um correcte Handels-Empfehlung bemühte Internet-Plattform "AmericanBulls" sieht nach Auswertung der Nasdaq-OTO-Session vom gestrigen MITTWOCH (14.4.2010) vor-börslich für Heute ein Buy CONFIRMED
(=Kauf-Empfehlung BESTÄTIGT).

Hat aber nicht gar zu Viel zu bedeuten, da diese Plattform ein Wenig im Ruf steht,
etwas grob-motorisch zu Werke zu gehen...

Mit chartistischen Grüßen:
Angehängte Grafik:
2010-04-14-americanbulls-sehen-buy-confirmed.gif (verkleinert auf 91%) vergrößern

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