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Gamesa Corporacion Tecnologica SA : Gamesa to supply 30 MW to Indo Rama Renewables in India
09/18/2012 | 05:06am US/Eastern
Gamesa to supply 30 MW to Indo Rama Renewables in India
•The company strengthens its Independent Power Producer (IPP) base in Maharashtra
Gamesa, a global technology leader in wind energy -through its subsidiary in India-, has signed a new order of 30 MW from Indo Rama Renewables, a subsidiary of Indo Rama Synthetics (I) Limited, thereby expanding its Independent Power Producer (IPP) customer base in Northern India. This contract comes weeks after the announcement of the single largest 75 MW order with another IPP, ReNew Power, in Maharashtra State.
As part of the commercial deal, Gamesa will be supplying 15 units of its G97-2.0 MW wind turbines that will be erected and commissioned at Jath in Maharashtra. The project will be completed by 31st December 2012.
The growing orders from Independent Power Producers establish Gamesa's credibility as a preferred wind turbine manufacturer among the renewable power developers in the country. The deal also reinforces the overall confidence of wind turbine manufacturers even amidst the current slowdown in the wind energy market. India contributes 14% of Gamesa's total sales in the first half of 2012.
"We greatly value the Indo Rama Renewable deal as it further strengthens the Gamesa 2.0 MW portfolio in the state of Maharashtra", said Ramesh Kymal, the Chairman and Managing Director of Gamesa in India. "Our company is fast emerging as a market leader with the Gamesa 2.0 MW platform among the growing IPP segment".
"Indo Rama is delighted to have made its entry into the Indian renewable energy arena with our maiden 30 MW order for Gamesa 2.0 MW turbines in Maharashtra. This is the first of several investment plans that we have carefully chalked out, focused on shareholder returns. We have aggressive plans to be a leading renewable IPP and be an active participant in the exciting Indian renewable energy platform", said Mr.Vishal Lohia, Executive Director of Indo Rama Synthetics India Limited.
Also, mal abwarten, ich gebe meine Teile noch lange nicht her, habe auch bei 1 Euro gehalten...
Gamesa intensifies its technological and industrial diversification in the hydroelectric, solar photovoltaic, energy quality, electric traction and marine propulsion markets
04 October 2012
Gamesa Electric -a Gamesa subsidiary specialising in electric industrial equipment- expects to generate 40% of its sales from these sectors in 2013
The company has more than 30 years' experience developing proprietary technology in the power electronics industry, along with a track record spanning more than 80 years as a manufacturer of electric motors and generators
Gamesa Electric, which has factories in Spain and China, is developing projects in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa, and its international business now accounts for 44% of its sales
Gamesa is poised for further technological and industrial diversification in sectors including hydroelectricity, solar photovoltaic, electric traction and marine propulsion as the company capitalises on its technological and industrial success of recent years and the experience of its subsidiary, Gamesa Electric, in the electric equipment design and manufacturing business.
With manufacturing plants in Spain and China and a global sales and maintenance network, Gamesa Electric is developing projects in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa in the power electronics and electric motors and generators markets, its two main business lines.
Gamesa Electric currently derives 25% of its sales from industrial markets such as hydropower, solar photovoltaic, nuclear and marine, while its forecasts indicate that in 2013 these sectors will account for approximately 40% of its sales.
Technological knowledge and manufacturing know-how
"We have invested in technology and manufacturing development in recent years and gained wide-ranging know-how and competitiveness in the electric components field, an achievement underpinned by our track record in the wind power business," said Gamesa Operations Managing Director Ricardo Chocarro.
"This process has enabled us to make a qualitative leap forward in our technical and manufacturing capabilities, which we now want to leverage and capitalise on more intensely, devoting more resources to other industrial businesses in which we have been a player for many years."
To this end, Gamesa Electric has more than 30 years' experience developing proprietary technology in the power electronics industry, along with a more than 80 years in the electricity motor and generator business.
Focus on hydroelectricity, marine energy, solar photovoltaic, power converters and large rectifiers
"We work in a wide range of markets, so we want to focus on three or four business lines: developing generators for the hydropower market and motors for the nuclear industry and marine propulsion, all of them fields in which we are leaders," said Gamesa Electric Director Juan Barandiarán.
In the power electronics sector, the company operates primarily in solar photovoltaic in international markets -Gamesa Electric has installed more than 1,500 photovoltaic central inverters worldwide to date- and sells solutions to facilitate the integration of renewable energy to power grids (active voltage/reactive power regulators, voltage dip offset equipment, active harmonic filters, etc.). In addition, it supplies the traditional electric generation market (nuclear and combined cycles), with UPS (uninterrupted power systems) and high power and high-availability rectifiers.
Markets outside Spain currently account for 44% of Gamesa Electric's sales. As for the industry breakdown by region, the company operates in the hydropower business not only in Europe, but also in countries including Canada and nations in Latin America. In marine energy, it is studying opportunities in northern Europe, South Korea and Indonesia, among others.
India, China, Eastern Europe, the United States, Latin America generally and South Africa are target markets for Gamesa Electric in the photovoltaic industry. To this end, the first quarter of 2013 will see the market launch of the company's latest development: the 1 MW PLUS central inverter, a water-cooled device for utility-scale PV plants.
Most recent projects
Gamesa Electric in 2012 has been awarded several major supply contracts for its main business lines.
In the photovoltaic solar market, the company has forged commercial relationships with, among other firms, China's Sky Solar, a leading international photovoltaic developer, to supply 10 of its PLUS range inverters, each with capacity of 500 kW, for a PV solar farm in Bulgaria. Meanwhile, it has ventured into India, a new market, commissioning its first sites.
As for the hydroelectric market, in which Gamesa Electric is a European leader, in recent months the company has signed deals to supply generators in Turkey, Canada, Norway, Italy and Spain and has secured its first contract on the African continent.
Additionally, it is in the process of commissioning the Ashta hydroelectric power plant in Albania, powered by 90 submerged permanent magnet generators, as part of Andritz's Hydromatrix project.
Toshiba ist Kunde. Man wird schon wissen, warum man sich für Gamesa entscheidet und gegen Konkurrenz wie Vestas oder Siemens.
Naja, wilde Kurssprünge bin ich hier schon gewohnt.... Wohl alles mal wieder ohne Erklärung
Will hier ja keine Panik schüren, zumal ich noch in der Tiefroten Verlustzone bin aber trotzdem an Gamesa und profitable Gewinne in der Zukunft glaube, aber die Meldung zum drohenden Delisting und damit zu einem "möglichen Totalverlust" irritiert mich jetzt doch.
Bin halt eher ein Zocker mit Hang zum verzocken und habe nicht den optimalen Durchblick an der Börse, aber soll ich das jetzt so verstehen, dass ich meine Aktien verkaufen muss, obwohl ich eigentlich an die Zukunftspläne des Unternehmens glaube, weil ich sie sonst evtl. ab dem 15. Dez. nicht mehr verkaufen kann.
Zur Meldung führt dieser Link:
Kann da ein erfahrenerer Börsianer als ich es bin evtl. etwas Licht ins Dunkel bringen ?
Ich schätze es schlicht und einfach als Falschmeldung ein.
Danke schonmal für die Antwort - ähnliches habe ich mir zu diesem "Börsenbrief" aber auch gedacht ---- ist ja meist eh Spam, aber habe auch noch folgende Quelle gefunden:
Hier wird ja die Schliessung des First Quotation Board zum 15. Dezember angekündigt. Zu eben diesem Index gehört wohl auch Gamesa denke ich und wenn man sich die Liste zur Neusegmentierung herunterlädt findet man darunter auch einen Eintrag für Gamesa und wenn ich die Einträge nicht falsch verstehe ( was aber durchaus bei mir auf Grund mangelnder Erfahrung sein kann ) kann man der Liste entnehmen, dass Gamesa bisher nicht die Anforderungen erfüllt die eine Verschiebung in einen anderen Index voraussetzen. Das stimmt mich zumindest nachdenklich - kann das mal jemand überprüfen der sich auskennt, bitte?
Danke Blaumeise für die Aufklärung diesbezüglich,
habe ja wie gesagt nicht unbedinvgt den vollen Durchblick was die Börse angeht. Selbst wenn Gamesa also in Frankfurt nicht mehr gehandelt wird, oder generell an allen deutschen Börsenplätzen nicht mehr gehandelt würde könnte ich meine Aktien also immer noch in Spanien an den Mann bringen wenn sie sich vervielfacht haben ;-).
Diesbezüglich halte ich solche Meldungen wie "Totalverlust droht" aus dem oben genannten Börsenbrief dann aber fast schon für kriminell, da sie unerfahrenen Usern damit vorgaukeln die Aktie nicht mehr handeln zu können. Denke mal der Herausgeber selbst hat wohl einige "Putts" gekauft und will mal ein wenig nachhelfen.
Danke nochmals für die Aufklärung,
Danke monforte für die Erläuterungen, die Links sind ja leider auf Spanisch. :-) Werde meine Aktien aber noch ne Weile halten - glaube an Gamesa und man wird sich da schon einig denke ich.