FCEL vor Gewinnschwelle 2013

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Eröffnet am:02.01.13 17:52von: Bäcker33Anzahl Beiträge:16.379
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2381 Postings, 4721 Tage cromwelleder Kurs

16.09.14 07:46
der Tesla Aktie war mir eh Schleierhaft.

Aufwärtstrend bei FC ist noch nicht gebrochen. Keine Panik.  

3656 Postings, 7673 Tage Bäcker33Look Beyond

16.09.14 12:02
Why Investors Need To Look Beyond FuelCell Energy's Third Quarter Woes - FuelCell Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ:FCEL) | Seeking Alpha
Things are not going FuelCell Energy's (NASDAQ:FCEL) way of late. After starting the year brightly, the fuel cell player has lost almost 30% of its value in

102 Postings, 4317 Tage SchablChina will "reiner" werden

16.09.14 19:34
Das kann für unsere Sparte nur positiv sein


China Cuts Coal Output, Lifting Smog Hopes

Planned production cuts in China's coal sector may raise prospects for environmental gains if the government succeeds in promoting cleaner fuels, experts say.

Last month, central government authorities took extraordinary steps to curb excess coal production as prices continued their two-year slide.

On Aug. 13, the State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) announced it would conduct joint inspections of government-owned coal mines with other agencies. The inspections focus on "mining safety, overproduction and unauthorized capacity expansion," the industry website sxcoal.com reported.

On Aug. 21, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the state planning body, ordered local governments to "severely punish" mines producing above approved capacity, the site said.

At the government's urging, the China National Coal Association (CNCA) has called on members to curb operations.

Jiang Zhimin, CNCA's vice chairman, said the industry "has reached a consensus to reduce output by 10 percent in the second half of 2014," the official Xinhua news agency reported on Aug. 26.

It remains to be seen whether that will be enough to keep prices from falling further.

Benchmark coal prices have plunged over 20 percent since the start of the year from 610 yuan to 479 yuan (U.S. $99.21 to $77.90) per metric ton as of Aug. 20, Xinhua said.

The range compares with a high of over U.S. $130 (799 yuan) per ton in 2011, the Financial Times reported.

The glut has been the result of multiple factors in China, which accounted for 47 percent of the world's coal production and over half of consumption last year, according to BP Statistical Review of World Energy.

Slower economic growth has sapped demand, while global competition from cleaner fuels has helped to drive coal prices down.

China took advantage of cheap foreign coal last year, importing a record 330 million tons. Imports have added to oversupply, depressing prices even more.

Coal companies have responded by overproducing in hopes of replacing lost revenues, creating a downward spiral with prices sagging to five-year lows.

China mined 3.7 billion tons of the high-polluting fuel last year, Xinhua reported in January, citing the CNCA. In the past, provincial totals have exceeded national figures, raising suspicions that actual output could be even more.

In a further sign of oversupply, China's General Administration of Customs (GAC) reported on Sept. 8 that coal imports in the first eight months fell 5.3 percent to 202 million tons. Average prices were down 15.3 percent, Xinhua said.

Signs of decline

Environmental groups have been on the lookout for signs of decline, hoping that the government's anti-smog campaign will combine with poor market conditions to reduce burning of coal.

The central government's five-year action plan calls for reducing coal's share in China's energy mix to 65 percent in 2017. The share stood at an estimated 65.7 percent in 2013.

Last month, Greenpeace East Asia wrote in a blog posting that China's coal consumption "seems to have dropped in the first half of 2014," suggesting that "the structure of the Chinese economy is finally starting to change away from the energy intensive industries and investment."

But the conclusions may be hard to confirm.

Six-month CNCA figures cited by the energy website bjx.com.cn and Platts energy news service show production of 1.816 billion tons slipped 1.8 percent from a year before.

The trend continued at a milder pace, according to data for the first seven months reported by Platts, as coal output dropped 1.45 percent.

But even if the cutback proves real, it is unclear how long it will last.

The plunge in coal prices has raised expectations that the dip may be near the bottom, spurring a new spurt of buying for the bargain energy source.

The NDRC has ordered mining companies to cut imports for the rest of the year amid reports that it may ban imports of low-quality coal to support the industry.

"The wild card in all of this long term is what's really going to happen in China environmentally. How much conversion can they accomplish to other fuels?" said Andy Roberts, an analyst at the international consulting firm Wood Mackenzie, quoted by the Financial Times.

"It is still going to be a coal-based economy 20 years from now, but it might be a much lower share of power generation," Roberts said.

Beijing has taken the lead in pledging to close all coal-fired power plants in the city by 2017, responding to public complaints during the smog crisis last year.

But it is uncertain how much or if China will reduce total coal burning in the country as a whole, faced with competing economic and environmental costs.

Permanent change?

Philip Andrews-Speed, a China energy expert at National University of Singapore, said it is still unclear whether coal demand in the country is undergoing cyclical or permanent change.

"China's coal mining industry is suffering the same as the rest of the world's coal miners, the problem of boom and bust in an industry with long investment cycles," Andrews-Speed said.

There were also signs that coal prices may be feeling the effect of shorter-term pressures, including a 29-percent jump in hydropower production in July.

Sluggish demand and low prices may be seen as an opportunity to drive more inefficient mines out of business.

"However, as we have seen before in this and other industries in China, local protectionism and cross subsidies protect companies that should go bust," he said.

Another complication is that natural gas and coal prices are moving in opposite directions, testing the government's push to replace coal with cleaner fuel during a period of slower economic growth.

Last month, the NDRC announced an increase in gas rates for industrial and non-residential users of about 18 percent starting Sept. 1, hoping to recoup losses from high-priced imports and encourage domestic production, Reuters reported.

The government previously raised non-residential gas rates by about 15 percent in July 2013.

"The fall in coal prices occurring at the same time as the rise in domestic gas prices threatens to undermine the push for gas, but I presume that the government hopes that the regulatory measures relating to the environment will prevent users from switching back to coal," Andrews-Speed said.

Economic restructuring

So far, evidence of economic restructuring from the energy data appears cloudy.

Analysts often look to power consumption as an indicator of true economic growth, while a comparison with official gross domestic product (GDP) may be seen as a measure of China's progress to boost energy efficiency.

Last year, electricity use rose 7.5 percent, nearly as much as GDP growth of 7.7 percent. But in the first six months of this year, power consumption increased 5.3 percent compared with first-half GDP growth of 7.4 percent.

The larger spread between the figures this year could be a sign of a major gain in energy efficiency with less reliance on heavy industry for economic growth.

On Sept. 10, the government claimed just such an efficiency gain as Premier Li Keqiang announced that energy use per unit of GDP in the first half of the year had dropped 4.2 percent from the year-earlier period.

Carbon intensity, which measures emissions per unit of GDP, also fell sharply by 5 percent, said Li, according to Xinhua.

But the abrupt change in power growth rates may also raise doubts about the accuracy of GDP figures.

"If we take the data at face value, this is consistent with a gradual shift away from infrastructure and heavy industry and toward manufacturing and services," said Andrews-Speed.

"But this differential between growth in power consumption and GDP appears to be a bit too sudden to be credible," he said.

Over the years, Li and other officials have repeatedly questioned the accuracy of GDP data compiled by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).

In the latest suggestion of bad data, state-controlled China Youth Daily reported on Sept. 4 that the sum of GDP figures from the country's 31 provincial-level governments exceeded the national total by a whopping 12.6 percent in the first half.

The discrepancies have persisted for 10 consecutive years, the paper said.

Signs of economic lag continued in the latest NBS figures released Saturday as industrial production rose 6.9 percent in August from a year before, the slowest pace in nearly six years.

Power consumption fell 2.2 from the year-earlier period, posting the first decline since 2009, Bloomberg News said.  

10 Postings, 3820 Tage TaggokkoLöschung

17.09.14 05:18

Zeitpunkt: 17.09.14 07:53
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für immer
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - gesperrte nachfolge Spam- Pöbel ID



490 Postings, 4290 Tage goldfinger45Malen wir uns

17.09.14 12:51
die Gegenwart schön.
Angehängte Grafik:
die_realitaet.jpg (verkleinert auf 53%) vergrößern

2532 Postings, 4560 Tage pregowurde das schon gepostet??

17.09.14 14:48

2532 Postings, 4560 Tage pregowenn es so weiter geht

19.09.14 18:29
dann sind wir bald bei 1.50 Euro
Warum Heute wieder der Wurm
drin ist weiß ich leider nicht.
Im Moment macht es kein Spass.


2532 Postings, 4560 Tage prego"Goldfinger" wenn ich

19.09.14 18:34
mir Heute den Chart ansehe,
dann sieht es nicht gut aus.

172 Postings, 4127 Tage JoeyRamoneIch bin ja auch ganz schön genervt momentan...

19.09.14 19:38
... Aber es könnte auch die Flaute vor dem nächsten Sturm sein. Dabei brauche ich gar keinen Sturm. Ne steife Brise wäre mir viel lieber. Dafür muss die Vertriebssektion von fcel auch mit der Pressesektion zusammensetzen und die Windmaschinen anschalten...  

490 Postings, 4290 Tage goldfinger45prego

19.09.14 20:25
So sieht das aus. Aber immer locker bleiben. auf die werte von heute darfst du nichts geben. Gegendienst OS.das ist immer wieder ein extremes rauf und runter.  

2532 Postings, 4560 Tage pregoTote Hose hier!

22.09.14 16:29

2532 Postings, 4560 Tage pregoso einige verlieren den Mut

22.09.14 20:08
und verkaufen hier in BRD.
Kann nur jeden raten dabei zu bleiben.
Es kommen bessere Zeiten.

Vielleicht kann ich gut reden weil ich immer noch in Plus bin.
Aber bei Ballard bin ich tief rot. Verkaufen werde ich
dort aber auch nicht.  

4713 Postings, 4514 Tage Held-der-Arbeit@prego

22.09.14 21:33
zwingt Dich doch auch niemand!

Verkaufen ist Verlust: und diese Rechnungen und dann wieder billig rein, die gehen selten auf. Also das Rot ertragen. Was bleibt einem sonst übrig…

Das wird hier eine lange Hängepartie.  

10 Postings, 3814 Tage WooverixLöschung

23.09.14 00:44

Zeitpunkt: 23.09.14 07:52
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für immer
Kommentar: Spam/Werbe-ID



1025 Postings, 4827 Tage antares0650@held

23.09.14 13:48
glaube ich nicht...
wenn man die Linde-Homepage besucht, wenn man die Geduld aufbringt, die Ergebnisse der Weltklimakonferenz abwarten kann..
dnan werden sich die Nebel lichten...  

2532 Postings, 4560 Tage pregohatte gehofft,

23.09.14 19:15
das der Klima Gipfel Heute positiv aufgenommen wird.
Leider immer noch alles rot.

1219 Postings, 4081 Tage Card60@prego # jetzt nicht mehr rot

23.09.14 21:22
Angehängte Grafik:
chart_intraday_fuelcellenergy.png (verkleinert auf 70%) vergrößern

1219 Postings, 4081 Tage Card60Irgendwie doch immer wieder interessant....

23.09.14 21:30
Die 3 BZ-Werte (Plug, Fcell und Ballard) steigen nach 20 Uhr im Gleichschritt mit netten
Volumen nach oben......

Werde einer schlau daraus......


2105 Postings, 4994 Tage yvonnegoCard60

23.09.14 21:38
Plug sind gute Nachrichten gekommen.  

1219 Postings, 4081 Tage Card60@yvonnego # danke, habe es gerade gesehen

23.09.14 21:45
Schade, bin nur bei FCell und Ballard drin....

Aber macht nichts......die beiden profitieren sowieso auch bei einen Anstieg von Plug immer
etwas, oder ?  

2105 Postings, 4994 Tage yvonnegoCard60

24.09.14 07:17
JA; DA HAST DU RECHT: Bin aber nur hier drin. Ja so ein Anstieg wie bei Pflug wäre mal toll und nachbörslich sind sie ja immer noch kräftig gestiegen.  

490 Postings, 4290 Tage goldfinger45Boden erreicht

27.09.14 08:51
nächste Woche geht es wieder nuff. ;-)  

3656 Postings, 7673 Tage Bäcker33Korea

29.09.14 12:59
Fuel Cell Power Generation: POSCO Energy Builds World’s Largest Fuel Cell Power Station in Pyeongtaek | BusinessKorea
POSCO Energy has built a 360 MW-capacity fuel cell power generation plant, the largest one of its kind in the world, in Pyeongtaek City, Gyeonggi Province. To this end, POSCO Energy recently signed an investment agreement with Doosan, Korea Gas Corporation, Korea Investment & Securities, Darby Ov ...

3656 Postings, 7673 Tage Bäcker33FuelCell Energy Appoints Christopher S. Sotos

29.09.14 14:38
FuelCell Energy Appoints Christopher S. Sotos to Its Board of Directors
FuelCell Energy, Inc.
3 minutes ago
DANBURY, Conn., Sept. 29, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCEL), a global leader in the design, manufacture, operation and service of ultra-clean, efficient and reliable fuel cell power plants, today announced that Christopher S. Sotos, Senior Vice President of Strategy and Mergers and Acquisitions at NRG Energy, Inc. (NRG), has been appointed to the Company's Board of Directors, bringing with him extensive power generation experience and over two decades' worth of corporate financial management and business strategy expertise. Mr. Sotos was designated to the Board of Directors by NRG pursuant to the director designation rights granted to NRG in connection with its acquisition of shares of the Company in July 2014. This addition to the FuelCell Energy Board of Directors increases the total number of members to eight.

At NRG, Mr. Sotos is responsible for the development, execution and implementation of NRG's business strategy across all platforms, leading the company's efforts in acquisitions across all generation types, retail and wholesale business models, as well as smaller venture capital investments and strategic relationships. Mr. Sotos is also a Board member of NRG Yield (NYLD), a dividend growth oriented company that owns a diversified portfolio of power generation assets.

"We are pleased to welcome Chris to our Board of Directors," said Chip Bottone, Chief Executive Officer, FuelCell Energy, Inc. "His power generation industry experience and expertise in business strategy and financial management make him a valuable addition to the FuelCell Energy Board and the Company it serves."

"I am excited to be working with the FuelCell team," said Mr. Sotos. "FuelCell Energy provides one of the few clean distributed energy baseload solutions for customers. I look forward to actively contributing to the growth of FuelCell Energy and providing insight into fuel cell applications in the power markets."

NRG Energy owns approximately six percent of the outstanding common stock of FuelCell Energy and extends a $40 million construction and term facility to the Company for project construction and finance.

About FuelCell Energy

Direct FuelCell(R) power plants are generating ultra-clean, efficient and reliable power at more than 50 locations worldwide. With more than 300 megawatts of power generation capacity installed or in backlog, FuelCell Energy is a global leader in providing ultra-clean baseload distributed generation to utilities, industrial operations, universities, municipal water treatment facilities, government installations and other customers around the world. The Company's power plants have generated more than 2.7 billion kilowatt hours of ultra-clean power using a variety of fuels including renewable biogas from wastewater treatment and food processing, as well as clean natural gas. For more information, please visit www.fuelcellenergy.com
See us on YouTube

Direct FuelCell, DFC, DFC/T, DFC-H2 and FuelCell Energy, Inc. are all registered trademarks of FuelCell Energy, Inc. DFC-ERG is a registered trademark jointly owned by Enbridge, Inc. and FuelCell Energy, Inc.

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