Tymofii Lapkov
Tymofii Lapkov
Diagnosis: Severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia. II degree respiratory failure

Tymofii has not been able to breathe on his own since birth, so he is on artificial lung ventilation. A large family asked for support in the treatment of their youngest son.

May 31, 2024, 11:0026
We help the military hospital
We help the military hospital

Modern materials and tools are constantly needed for the dental office of the hospital.

May 28, 2024, 18:0021
Kira Karhiieva
Kira Karhiieva
Diagnosis: Disorders of neurodevelopment, disorders of the autistic spectrum

Remedial classes are necessary for the girl's development.

May 27, 2024, 18:0026
Let's support the football section in Shcherbynivka!
Let's support the football section in Shcherbynivka!

In a small village there is a large number of IDP children, foster families and family-type orphanages.

May 17, 2024, 19:0024
Together we help hospitals
Together we help hospitals

Thanks to your donations, we can quickly respond to requests for help from hospitals.

May 17, 2024, 17:0027
Nastya has already received new hearing aids!
Nastya has already received new hearing aids!

Many thanks to everyone who took part in the meeting!

May 12, 2024, 21:0057
Nikita Lysachov
Nikita Lysachov
Diagnosis: Chronic glomerulonephritis

Collection is stopped! Currently, there is no contact with the boy's parents! All collected funds will be used for the treatment of other children.

May 8, 2024, 22:0062
Fundraising has been stopped! Funds for rehabilitation have been collected. Thank you!
Fundraising has been stopped! Funds for rehabilitation have been collected. Thank you!

Treatment courses reduce muscle tone and relieve pain.

May 5, 2024, 21:0048
Myron Borysov
Myron Borysov
Diagnosis: Childrens autism

Remedial classes will help Myron adapt to normal life.

April 30, 2024, 21:0063
Kyrylo Kulynych
Kyrylo Kulynych
Diagnosis: Peripheral paresis of the right foot

An unsuccessful intramuscular injection led to catastrophic consequences.

April 22, 2024, 11:0084
Bohdan received medicine!
Bohdan received medicine!

Thanks to your help, they bought a package of medicine for the boy.

April 14, 2024, 12:0056
Excursion of children from Zaporozhye to Chernivtsi region
Excursion of children from Zaporozhye to Chernivtsi region

Thank you very much to everyone who helped us organize the first excursion in 2024.

April 9, 2024, 22:3055
Help the child live in a family!
Help the child live in a family!

Anya's parents have special needs and need our support.

April 5, 2024, 19:3068
Fundraising for Ivan Babich continues
Fundraising for Ivan Babich continues

Rehabilitation is planned for June.

April 4, 2024, 12:0062
Anastasiia Kovalenko
Anastasiia Kovalenko
Diagnosis: Hearing impairment of the I-III degree

Fundraising is complete! Funds for hearing aids have been collected.

April 3, 2024, 19:0082
We helped Matvia live without allergies!
We helped Matvia live without allergies!

We have successfully completed the fundraising campaign for the boy and have already procured two vials of the required medication.

March 28, 2024, 21:0065
Real life, real charity
Real life, real charity

Shcherbinivka - a place where people just help other people.

March 25, 2024, 14:3081
We help the children's hospital
We help the children's hospital

We bought a spirograph and test systems for the Nanoduct device for the pulmonology department.

March 21, 2024, 17:0074
Lev Ustinov
Lev Ustinov
Diagnosis: Autistic Spectrum Syndrome

Seven-year-old Leo requires regular comprehensive therapy, including physical rehabilitation courses, to facilitate full-fledged communication.

March 12, 2024, 14:00107
Anton Zakharov already equipped with new «ears»!
Anton Zakharov already equipped with new «ears»!

Together, they bought hearing aids for the boy. Many thanks to all involved.

March 10, 2024, 12:5072

Read all >>>

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

They need help:
Lev Ustinov
Lev Ustinov

Autistic Spectrum Syndrome

Help now
Kyrylo Kulynych
Kyrylo Kulynych

Peripheral paresis of the right foot

Help now

You donated in 2024

$ 93 533

Our expenses in 2024
To 64 sick children $30 796
Medical equipment: $2 285
Humanitarian help: $26 941
To disabled children: $40 523
To children's village: $1 183
To orphans and poor children: $4 109
"Helpus" - help to adults: $15 846
Service expenses: $14 385
Total sum of expenses: $138 121

$6 863 131

donated since 2007