unterbewerteter US-Transportgigant!

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Neuester Beitrag: 21.03.12 14:56
Eröffnet am:04.10.10 21:26von: sekko1982Anzahl Beiträge:7.789
Neuester Beitrag:21.03.12 14:56von: denpitLeser gesamt:761.157
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:194
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198 Postings, 5270 Tage Resident83bevor

30.10.10 19:01
auf teamster nix offizieles ist ist alles nur spekulation...eins ist sicher..gebasht werden kann heute nicht oder gepusht da börse zu hat..gott sei dank....also abwarten...  

635 Postings, 5416 Tage Niko_Lauswenn es stimmt

30.10.10 19:06
dann sieht es nach nem YES aus. Ist aber Wurst, bis morgen sollte es ein offizielles Statement geben, auf ein Forum verlasse ich mich sicher nicht wenn ich ne Entscheidung treffe ;-)
Ist aber unterhaltsam :-D  

1436 Postings, 5909 Tage jawanseAnfrisst hat es oben gepostet

30.10.10 19:13
Die Teamster Seite da wird es dein stehen. Bis jetzt steht dort noch nichts.  

198 Postings, 5270 Tage Resident83teamster

30.10.10 19:21
is schon überlastet die seite...ich bin gespannt  

198 Postings, 5270 Tage Resident83we have a yes vote!

30.10.10 19:23
we have a yes vote!!!  

493 Postings, 5419 Tage INK4a.

30.10.10 19:27
Teamster Freight Members Ratify YRCW Restructuring Plan
October 30, 2010
Agreement Is Aimed at Saving More Than 25,000 Jobs
Press Contact
Galen Munroe
(Washington, D.C.) – Teamster members who work at YRC Worldwide Inc.’s (YRCW) operating companies YRC, Holland and New Penn have ratified the “Restructuring Plan” that is aimed at saving more than 25,000 union jobs. YRC and Holland members ratified the agreement by a 62 percent to 38 percent margin, while members at New Penn ratified the agreement by a 69 to 31 percent margin. About 67 percent of YRCW Teamsters cast ballots.

The ratified Restructuring Plan is the product of months of discussions and difficult negotiations by the Teamsters National Industry Freight Negotiating Committee (TNFINC) in consultation with Teamster local unions. On September 29, leaders from Teamster freight local unions unanimously recommended to send the plan to a membership vote. Union members voted by mail over the past three weeks and ballots were counted this weekend.

“We realize that in ratifying this Restructuring Plan our members will continue to make huge sacrifices, which have been very difficult for our members and their families during the worst economic recession in decades,” said Tyson Johnson, Director of the Teamsters National Freight Division. “However, we firmly believe this plan is the only hope for saving our members’ jobs as this recession continues to cause so much hardship.”

“As painful as the sacrifices are on an individual level, our members understood that by approving this Restructuring Plan they would be setting the stage for the company’s existing lenders to do their part and make this company an attractive investment for new investors and preserve their jobs,” Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa said. “As this restructuring moves forward over the next three to six months, the union will be involved every step of the way.”

During negotiations with the company, the union received input from a team of experienced, respected and independent financial and restructuring experts it assembled over the past year to verify the company’s financial situation and to assist in developing this restructuring plan. Through this lengthy and on-going process, the union has reviewed numerous financial and operational reports on YRCW and determined that this Restructuring Plan is the only avenue to save and hopefully grow the respective companies it operates.

The Restructuring Plan modifies and extends the current National Master Freight Agreement (NMFA) and Supplemental Agreements for a two-year period until March 31, 2015 and provides for annual wage and benefit increases including a resumption of partial pension contributions beginning in June 2011.

In addition to participating in the debt reduction and equity investment discussions to create a sustainable company, the union will require equity ownership of the company and, at a minimum, one additional board seat. The plan also calls for continued equal sacrifice—management and non-union employees are required to participate in cost sharing in an equal manner. The plan has additional compensation improvements for Teamster members based on the company’s future operating performance.

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters was founded in 1903 and represents 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.


5397 Postings, 5874 Tage Jensenaja ist ja nur nen Forum

30.10.10 19:27
darauf würde ich nix geben... aber natürlich könnte es sein, dass die einzeln ausgezählt werden... ich dachte aber dass es ne zentrale Stelle gibt an die auch die Stimmzettel geschickt wurden??? oder doch Lokal?  

941 Postings, 6499 Tage kadmonist offiziell

30.10.10 19:34

69 to 31 percent  

116 Postings, 5352 Tage goodtime2007Macht euch keine große

30.10.10 19:37

Hoffnung, bei einem ja wird der Kurs grademal 10% bei zirka 5,00 $ hoch gehen. Bei einem nein denke ich wird es in den nächsten Tagen schrittweise bis auf die 2,00 $ gehen wohlgemerkt USD.


936 Postings, 6241 Tage albaymal schauen

30.10.10 19:38
wie es weiter geht. ob der handel am montag ausgesetzt wird ? hoffe nicht , würde gerne welche nachkaufen bevor die amis aufmachen.

5397 Postings, 5874 Tage JenseKadmon

30.10.10 19:39
link? auf der teamsters seite ist nix  

76 Postings, 5344 Tage neverzsoltJUHU!!

30.10.10 19:41

493 Postings, 5419 Tage INK4aJense...

30.10.10 19:43
wozu hab ich das gepostet??? #2081

Das ist brandneu  

936 Postings, 6241 Tage albaysekko hat bei w o

30.10.10 19:43

ich kopiere es hierhinein.

Ich hatte auch ganz klar mit einem YES gerechnet. Das Puzzle setzt sich so langsam zusammen und bald wird der Kurs sich dem wahren Unternehmenswert anpassen! Nur zum Vergleich: Vergleichbare Wettbewerber sind mit dem vier- bis fünffachem bewertet, wenn man die Marktkapitalisierung zugrunde legt!


76 Postings, 5344 Tage neverzsolthttp://www.teamster.org/content/teamster-freight-m

30.10.10 19:47

5397 Postings, 5874 Tage Jenseso geht der link nicht

30.10.10 19:50
bitte nochmal  

4713 Postings, 5856 Tage bierro@jense

30.10.10 19:53

Die HP ist überlastet! 


936 Postings, 6241 Tage albayresident

30.10.10 19:56
hoffe das du dich auch jetzt freust. oder suchst du noch nach krümmeln unter dem tisch.

273 Postings, 5384 Tage metatron1908Resident

30.10.10 19:56
du bist einfach nur twofaces......

aber die nachricht ist geil ;-) hmmm man sollte montag kaufen....  

5397 Postings, 5874 Tage Jensehier für alle

30.10.10 19:57
eamster Freight Members Ratify YRCW Restructuring Plan
October 30, 2010
Agreement Is Aimed at Saving More Than 25,000 Jobs
Press Contact
Galen Munroe

(Washington, D.C.) – Teamster members who work at YRC Worldwide Inc.’s (YRCW) operating companies YRC, Holland and New Penn have ratified the “Restructuring Plan” that is aimed at saving more than 25,000 union jobs. YRC and Holland members ratified the agreement by a 62 percent to 38 percent margin, while members at New Penn ratified the agreement by a 69 to 31 percent margin. About 67 percent of YRCW Teamsters cast ballots.

The ratified Restructuring Plan is the product of months of discussions and difficult negotiations by the Teamsters National Industry Freight Negotiating Committee (TNFINC) in consultation with Teamster local unions. On September 29, leaders from Teamster freight local unions unanimously recommended to send the plan to a membership vote. Union members voted by mail over the past three weeks and ballots were counted this weekend.

“We realize that in ratifying this Restructuring Plan our members will continue to make huge sacrifices, which have been very difficult for our members and their families during the worst economic recession in decades,” said Tyson Johnson, Director of the Teamsters National Freight Division. “However, we firmly believe this plan is the only hope for saving our members’ jobs as this recession continues to cause so much hardship.”

“As painful as the sacrifices are on an individual level, our members understood that by approving this Restructuring Plan they would be setting the stage for the company’s existing lenders to do their part and make this company an attractive investment for new investors and preserve their jobs,” Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa said. “As this restructuring moves forward over the next three to six months, the union will be involved every step of the way.”

During negotiations with the company, the union received input from a team of experienced, respected and independent financial and restructuring experts it assembled over the past year to verify the company’s financial situation and to assist in developing this restructuring plan. Through this lengthy and on-going process, the union has reviewed numerous financial and operational reports on YRCW and determined that this Restructuring Plan is the only avenue to save and hopefully grow the respective companies it operates.

The Restructuring Plan modifies and extends the current National Master Freight Agreement (NMFA) and Supplemental Agreements for a two-year period until March 31, 2015 and provides for annual wage and benefit increases including a resumption of partial pension contributions beginning in June 2011.

In addition to participating in the debt reduction and equity investment discussions to create a sustainable company, the union will require equity ownership of the company and, at a minimum, one additional board seat. The plan also calls for continued equal sacrifice—management and non-union employees are required to participate in cost sharing in an equal manner. The plan has additional compensation improvements for Teamster members based on the company’s future operating performance.

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters was founded in 1903 and represents 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.  

23 Postings, 7631 Tage chronoswissschön, ...habe nie wirklich daran gezweifet

30.10.10 19:58

4713 Postings, 5856 Tage bierroJense, Du Blitzmerker

30.10.10 19:58

Aufgeregt, oder was? Steht doch schon alles in #2081.  


187 Postings, 5358 Tage Pleitenpaule@jense

30.10.10 19:59

 guck ma posting #2081 von inka


273 Postings, 5384 Tage metatron1908ding ding ding

30.10.10 20:00
hoffentlich kommen die q3-Zahlen noch ein bissl besser raus als die vorabzahlen....

und auf auf und davon.....klingt wie ein Push!!! ist aber keins, des macht die Aktie von ganz alleine :-D  

5397 Postings, 5874 Tage Jenseups, sorry

30.10.10 20:09
hatte zeitgleich mit ink oben auf Kadmons Beitrag gepostet und dann die offizielle NEWS von INK überlesen.... sorry...

aber egal, sehr geil, schön, dass es jetzt endlich was Positives gibt... es wird sicher noch einige Monate dauern bis wir über 10 Dollar sind, aber wenn jetzt nächste Woche noch ein Q3 am oberen Ende veröffentlicht wird, dann geht es steil bregauf... Und Q4 wird auch super werden... nach nem kleineren Hänger im Oktober wird es im November und Dezember sicher wieder wesentlich bessere Frachtzahlen um die 46-50 geben... aktuell ja um die 43-44  

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