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Eröffnet am: | 10.08.06 13:43 | von: eufibu | Anzahl Beiträge: | 27.194 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 01.11.21 15:08 | von: VandaGutuv | Leser gesamt: | 3.673.969 |
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Commerce Resources... now I´ve switched
to Donner Metals.
Hope we will win both :-)
und dann ist Schluß mit dem "Gedümpel" !
Her mit den Fakten !
Sollte was vernünftiges kommen aus stockhouse stell ich es rein :-)
Zeitpunkt: 06.11.07 18:41
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß / spam id - mfg peet
Zeitpunkt: 06.11.07 18:41
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß / spam id - mfg peet
Mit CRC werden wir in den nächsten Wochen sicherlich eine Menge Freude erleben, nach dem Motto: stay long, stay strong, sehe ich für die Jahresendralley bei diesem Investment gute Tage. Kursziel nach Norden, mit Deckel offen würde ich sagen, ohne Barrieren ! Gruß Aktiengeschichte
Das Potenzial und die Performance scheinen aber gerade in
anderen Welten zu spielen. CCE läuft seit Wochen so
konstant wie mein Geldmarktfonds ;)
Wenn man sich andere Rohstoffexplorer ansieht, könnte
man in Verlegenheit geraten (=
Dennoch sind wir hier long..
Von Drox2000 aus stockhouse:
Considering that Commerce is now at the center of the global stage for being the next major low-cost, stable, supplier of tantalum; and considering they have just brushed shoulders with the who's who in the industry at the T.I.C., and further considering that they do not need any more money via private placements from any major players... It would not be inconceivable for one of these major players to step into the market to gain some form of involvement in the tantalum race that is about to begin.
If you were heading up a major processor or supplier, would you not want to get your foot in this door? I certainly would. And because greed is the overriding factor in most business decisions, one would think that one or more majors are getting ready to take a position in CCE based on future prospects, and possible executive involvement.
The 20%-25% float accumulation by a major is very possible in this environment. CCE has the perfect share structure to support such a move, with over 100,000,000 shares outstanding providing excellent liquidity for any institutional or corporate investor.
I believe we are nearing the end of our dormant period and are about to enter into a new strong period of growth.
2007-11-06 16:30 ET - News Release
Mr. David Hodge reports
Commerce Resources Corp. has doubled the size of its Blue River property by staking an additional 95 claims totalling about 104,700 acres to the south of the Bone Creek watershed. The claims were acquired for their potential to host additional mineralization, as well as ensuring ownership of mineral tenure under areas where infrastructure for potential mine development may be located. The total size of the Blue River property is now in excess of 1,000 kilometres square.
The acquisition of the new claims reaffirms Commerce's commitment to the Blue River project which is host to several known carbonatites, each with anomalous concentrations of tantalum and niobium.
The acquisition of the new claims was prompted by results from the 2007 exploration program, which led to the discovery of an extensive ultramafic body that outcrops about 12 kilometres to the southeast of the Upper Fir carbonatite. This dike-like body is made up of massive to layered pyroxenites and hornblendites (see photos on the company website). The steeply dipping body can be traced over a six km strike length, and is at least 400 m thick.
The occurrence of this very large ultramafic intrusion at the Blue River property is significant due to the diverse styles of mineralization typically associated with these types of intrusions. Ultramafic intrusions can be host to minerals that contain nickel, copper, cobalt, platinum group elements and gold.
Also, the company has added considerable data for the Howard Creek carbonatite, which is located within the northeast part of the Blue River property. Portions of this extensive carbonatite complex form an approximate dip slope, and contain significant titanium-bearing minerals (ilmenite, magnetite, titantite) and zircon. This deposit has now been mapped and sampled (with a total of 43 surface rock grab samples) with assays ranging from background concentrations up to 7 per cent Ti02, 8.61 per cent P205, 4,843 grams per tonne V205 and 3,055 g/t Zr02. Given the occurrence of a diverse array of commodities at the Howard Creek carbonatite, the company anticipates conducting additional fieldwork in the area during the summer of 2008. Recently completed logging roads lead to within one to two km of the Howard Creek carbonatite.
Jody Dahrouge, PGeo, a director of Commerce Resources and qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the technical information in this news release.
We seek Safe Harbor.
Freuen wir uns auf den morgigen Tag.
good 8@all
Der € ist greifbar und dann solltes es flott weitergehen ...
Stay long stay strong ;-)
07. November 2007 | 05:08 Uhr
Resources zeigt Fortschritte
Newsticker aus den Emerging Markets übermittelt durch, ein Nachrichtenportal der AG.
Rohstoffe-Go - Stuttgart ( Wie Chris Grove von Commerce erklärte, sind aktuell über 1000 Proben in den Labors zur Überprüfung. Darin enthalten sind Proben aus den verbliebenen 11 Bohrlöchern von der Upper-Fir-Liegenschaft.
Ein Teil der Proben stammt aus der Switch-Creek-Liegenschaft, hier wurden auch die bisher höchsten Tantalgehalte (bis zu 2,9 Gramm pro Tonne) gefunden. Die Bodenproben des Explorationsprogrammes decken etwa 48.000 Meter in British Columbia und eine ungefähr ebenso große Fläche in Quebec, Kanada, ab. Auf der Webseite sind interessante Videos über die Explorationsarbeiten von Commerce zu sehen.
LG, Harley