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405 Postings, 6613 Tage Camus@ china

10.10.07 13:31

4618 Postings, 6590 Tage chinaloversuper Job Camus

10.10.07 15:00
echt klasse das du dir die Mühe gemacht hast den Report ins Englische zu übersetzen.

nochmals danke dafür!!  

538 Postings, 6559 Tage FlexaPassiert heute noch was, mit unserer CCE?

10.10.07 15:33

448 Postings, 6502 Tage mpietroist ya passiert

10.10.07 16:21
auf ein zug ganz schnelle 4% minus ? was da los ? chart gefällt mir nciht mehr heute, der euro haben wir verloren.....wie geht es weiter? was meint ihr ?  

4618 Postings, 6590 Tage chinaloverflexa

10.10.07 16:22
kauft dir eine schöne Kristallkugel und schaue da ganz genau rein.
Wenn wir das wüssten was in der Zukunft passieren wird....

flexa: späßle gmacht :-)

ich weiß es leider nicht ob heute noch was passieren wird.

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201 Postings, 6623 Tage flixgott...

10.10.07 16:24
nur keine panik! so wie es hier die letzten tag hoch ging kann es gar nicht weiter gehen! es muß sich erstmal ein bischen stabilisieren - schaut mal wo wir vor zwei wochen standen..  

866 Postings, 6526 Tage Wolle1307nun mal ganz langsam..

10.10.07 21:11
was wollt ihr eigentlich? Jede Woche 30-40%?????
War doch klar, dass ne kleine Erholung kommt, oder nicht?
Bei den CANS hält sich der Kurs sogar trotz des schwachen dows auf Vortageniveau!

Letztendlich zählt die Story von Commerce und die damit verbundenen super Wachstumschancen! Ich bleib dabei...RSR wird Recht behalten:
Kursziel (vorerst) bei EUR 1,80!

Schönen Abend...!  

866 Postings, 6526 Tage Wolle1307kleine Wette gefällig..!?

10.10.07 21:37
wenn drüben der Kurs heute mal nicht noch im Plus endet....!?  

4723 Postings, 6760 Tage oligatordenke auch das es noch grün wird ;-)

10.10.07 21:50

866 Postings, 6526 Tage Wolle1307That`s it!

10.10.07 21:54

4723 Postings, 6760 Tage oligatorschön ein grüner SK..

10.10.07 22:00
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4618 Postings, 6590 Tage chinaloverGuten Morgen

11.10.07 07:03
06:14  Commerce Resources mit großem Potential aufgrund der Ressourcen

Rohstoffe-Go - Stuttgart ( ) Niob ist eine wirtschaftliche Alternative zu Vanadium. Die Nachfrage nach Niob stieg allein im Jahr 2006 um mehr als 35 Prozent. Auf der Upper-Fir-Liegenschaft hat Commerce Resources durch die letzten Bohrungen hervorragende Ergebnisse bringen können. Eine neue Zone, die auch noch nach Osten und Süden hin offen ist, wurde entdeckt. Der große Vorteil von Commerce liegt darin, das das Unternehmen mehr Tantal und Niob gewinnen kann als die Konkurrenten, da ein höherer Prozentsatz an Tantal und Niob aus dem Erz heraus geholt werden.


4618 Postings, 6590 Tage chinaloverRoter Teppich am Blue River

11.10.07 08:09
Brandaktueller Bericht vor 8 Stunden in Canada erschienen.Vielleicht gibt uns das einen kleinen Schub für heute....

Commerce Resources Rolls out the Red Carpet at its Blue River Tantalum-Niobium Project

By Christina de Wit
Oct, 10th

Despite the sight of a black bear on the September 7th-9th property tour of Commerce Resources' (TSX.V:CCE) Blue River Tantalum-Niobium Project, the mood was nothing but bullish for a group of fund managers, industrialists, major newsletter writers, metal traders and senior analysts.  Like bears to honey, a total of 105 investors– including key players in the German finance and industrial worlds– were drawn to the property by the company's announcement of its discovery of two new carbonatite anomalies– the Lower Gum and the Lower Switch Creeks at the company's Upper Fir Deposit.  The Lower Gum geochemical anomaly is a minimum of 1,000 meters long and between 200 to 400 meters wide with geochem sample concentrations of 3,211 g/t Nb2O5 and 75 g/t Ta2O5, and highly enriched with light rare earth elements lanthanum (La) at 1,905 ppm; and cerium (Ce) at 2,666 ppm. The Lower Switch is a minimum of 700 meters long and 50 meters wide, with soil assays which returned values from background concentrations to 2,354 g/t Nb2O5. The anomaly extends through the historical trench location, where carbonatite samples collected by Anschutz Mining (Canada) Ltd., ran 21 and 2,930 g/t Ta2O5, and averaged 514 g/t.

The Blue River Project is located near Blue River, British Columbia.  Commerce owns 100% of the 500km2 claim group. Infrastructure in the area is excellent, with proximity to rail lines, roads, and power. The first carbonatite bodies were discovered in 1949, when the property was first examined for its vermiculite potential. Commerce acquired the property in 2000 and has conducted bulk sampling, ground geophysics, stream sampling and drilling to date. A 2007 report prepared by independent consultant Gorham has outlined an indicated resource of 8,600,000 tonnes with 208.2 g/t Ta2O5 and 1,372.6 g/t Nb2O5 and an inferred resource of 5,500,000 tonnes with 208.2 g/t Ta2O5 and 1,349.9 g/t Nb2O5. With further drilling, there is a very good likelihood of finding new reserves.

Carbonatites are rare, peculiar igneous rocks derived from deep within the Earth’s crust. They are the host rocks for tantalum and niobium- which are usually found in tandem, along with other Rare Earth Elements (R.E.E.s). Tantalum (named for Tantalus, a figure in Greek mythology) is essential in the manufacture of most electronic devices due to its having the highest known capacitance of any metal. According to the company’s website, “tantalum ores are found primarily in Australia, Brazil, Canada and central Africa, with some additional quantities originating in southeast Asia. The average yearly growth rate of about 8 to 12% in tantalum demand since about 1995 has caused a significant increase in exploration for this element”. Niobium (named for Tantalus’ daughter, Niobe) is an additive used in steel-making.  Its presence as an alloy triples steel’s tensile strength.  This is of critical importance for pipelines, aerospace, and the automotive industry.

Visitors to the project were treated to a presentation by Bill Serjak, the world’s leading tantalum and niobium market analyst. Mr. Serjak expects a double-digit increase in the demand for tantalum over the next two years.

Commerce's goal is to become the world's leading source of high-quality tantalum and niobium. The next phase of development involves permitting, and an environmental study conducted by Gartner Lee, a top environmental consulting firm.

The company has also researched processing methods as part of its pre-feasibility preparations. Metallurgical work carried out in 2004 confirmed recovery rates for Ta and Nb of 83 to 97% of contained metal values. These recovery rates give the company a comparative advantage over producers in other parts of the world. Australia's Sons of Gwalia, currently the world's largest tantalum miner, has published a much lower recovery rate of 55%.

On the spot market, tantalum usually trades at around $25-$35/lb. The spot market is supplied by small producers in African countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo – with its attendant instability. These sources are not sanctioned by the UN; the tantalum concentrate that comes from a UN sanctioned country like Australia or Canada is worth twice the price of that on the spot.  On a long-term contract from HC Starck, the world's largest tantalum processor, tantalum oxide will sell for $140-$150/lb.  Presently, the world’s largest producer of niobium (from pyrochlore) is the mine at Araxá in Brazil.  Niobium is currently trading at around $29/lb– quadruple January’s price.

With solid backing from German financiers and the people of Blue River– many of who are shareholders– the company has support for the project from start to finish. The company’s most recent private placement– originally intended to widen distribution into the US, had the unintended (but happy) consequence of having its original German investors strengthen their positions.  Because the world trade in niobium and tantalum is done primarily on long-term contracts, it is in the interest of major industrialists to take an interest in developing new, high-quality, reliable sources in politically stable countries.

The company is in an unparalleled position to meet this demand.  Alexei Rukhov, the geologist in charge of the project– considered one of the leading experts on carbonatites in the world– describes the polymetallic deposit as “the only one of its kind in the world.” Highly-economic carbonatite deposits of this size and quality are exceedingly rare. With growing demand and a market which trades almost exclusively on long-term contracts, it is critical that new, stable, low-cost sources of tantalum and niobium are discovered and developed.

Commerce has had the foresight to build its market from the ground up by appealing to a core of long-term institutional investors, in effect, the end buyers of the company's products. So far, the market has responded favourably to this methodical approach– the company is trading in the $1 range. Investors can anticipate healthy long-term gains, without the volatility issues that affect precious and base metal markets.  Napoleon Hill, advisor to U.S. Steel founder Andrew Carnegie and author of Think and Grow Rich, said, “Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel.” Or, in Commerce’s case– as carbonatite is to steel– and success.

This article is intended for information purposes only, and is not a recommendation to buy or sell the equities of any company mentioned herein. It is based on sources believed to be reliable, but no warranty as to accuracy is expressed or implied. The opinions expressed in the article are those of the author except where statements are attributed to individuals other than the author, in which case the opinions are those of the individual to whom they are attributed.

Commerce Resources Rolls out the Red Carpet at its Blue River Tantalum-Niobium Project

By Christina de Wit
Oct, 10th

Despite the sight of a black bear on the September 7th-9th property tour of Commerce Resources' (TSX.V:CCE) Blue River Tantalum-Niobium Project, the mood was nothing but bullish for a group of fund managers, industrialists, major newsletter writers, metal traders and senior analysts.  Like bears to honey, a total of 105 investors– including key players in the German finance and industrial worlds– were drawn to the property by the company's announcement of its discovery of two new carbonatite anomalies– the Lower Gum and the Lower Switch Creeks at the company's Upper Fir Deposit.  The Lower Gum geochemical anomaly is a minimum of 1,000 meters long and between 200 to 400 meters wide with geochem sample concentrations of 3,211 g/t Nb2O5 and 75 g/t Ta2O5, and highly enriched with light rare earth elements lanthanum (La) at 1,905 ppm; and cerium (Ce) at 2,666 ppm. The Lower Switch is a minimum of 700 meters long and 50 meters wide, with soil assays which returned values from background concentrations to 2,354 g/t Nb2O5. The anomaly extends through the historical trench location, where carbonatite samples collected by Anschutz Mining (Canada) Ltd., ran 21 and 2,930 g/t Ta2O5, and averaged 514 g/t.

The Blue River Project is located near Blue River, British Columbia.  Commerce owns 100% of the 500km2 claim group. Infrastructure in the area is excellent, with proximity to rail lines, roads, and power. The first carbonatite bodies were discovered in 1949, when the property was first examined for its vermiculite potential. Commerce acquired the property in 2000 and has conducted bulk sampling, ground geophysics, stream sampling and drilling to date. A 2007 report prepared by independent consultant Gorham has outlined an indicated resource of 8,600,000 tonnes with 208.2 g/t Ta2O5 and 1,372.6 g/t Nb2O5 and an inferred resource of 5,500,000 tonnes with 208.2 g/t Ta2O5 and 1,349.9 g/t Nb2O5. With further drilling, there is a very good likelihood of finding new reserves.

Carbonatites are rare, peculiar igneous rocks derived from deep within the Earth’s crust. They are the host rocks for tantalum and niobium- which are usually found in tandem, along with other Rare Earth Elements (R.E.E.s). Tantalum (named for Tantalus, a figure in Greek mythology) is essential in the manufacture of most electronic devices due to its having the highest known capacitance of any metal. According to the company’s website, “tantalum ores are found primarily in Australia, Brazil, Canada and central Africa, with some additional quantities originating in southeast Asia. The average yearly growth rate of about 8 to 12% in tantalum demand since about 1995 has caused a significant increase in exploration for this element”. Niobium (named for Tantalus’ daughter, Niobe) is an additive used in steel-making.  Its presence as an alloy triples steel’s tensile strength.  This is of critical importance for pipelines, aerospace, and the automotive industry.

Visitors to the project were treated to a presentation by Bill Serjak, the world’s leading tantalum and niobium market analyst. Mr. Serjak expects a double-digit increase in the demand for tantalum over the next two years.

Commerce's goal is to become the world's leading source of high-quality tantalum and niobium. The next phase of development involves permitting, and an environmental study conducted by Gartner Lee, a top environmental consulting firm.

The company has also researched processing methods as part of its pre-feasibility preparations. Metallurgical work carried out in 2004 confirmed recovery rates for Ta and Nb of 83 to 97% of contained metal values. These recovery rates give the company a comparative advantage over producers in other parts of the world. Australia's Sons of Gwalia, currently the world's largest tantalum miner, has published a much lower recovery rate of 55%.

On the spot market, tantalum usually trades at around $25-$35/lb. The spot market is supplied by small producers in African countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo – with its attendant instability. These sources are not sanctioned by the UN; the tantalum concentrate that comes from a UN sanctioned country like Australia or Canada is worth twice the price of that on the spot.  On a long-term contract from HC Starck, the world's largest tantalum processor, tantalum oxide will sell for $140-$150/lb.  Presently, the world’s largest producer of niobium (from pyrochlore) is the mine at Araxá in Brazil.  Niobium is currently trading at around $29/lb– quadruple January’s price.

With solid backing from German financiers and the people of Blue River– many of who are shareholders– the company has support for the project from start to finish. The company’s most recent private placement– originally intended to widen distribution into the US, had the unintended (but happy) consequence of having its original German investors strengthen their positions.  Because the world trade in niobium and tantalum is done primarily on long-term contracts, it is in the interest of major industrialists to take an interest in developing new, high-quality, reliable sources in politically stable countries.

The company is in an unparalleled position to meet this demand.  Alexei Rukhov, the geologist in charge of the project– considered one of the leading experts on carbonatites in the world– describes the polymetallic deposit as “the only one of its kind in the world.” Highly-economic carbonatite deposits of this size and quality are exceedingly rare. With growing demand and a market which trades almost exclusively on long-term contracts, it is critical that new, stable, low-cost sources of tantalum and niobium are discovered and developed.

Commerce has had the foresight to build its market from the ground up by appealing to a core of long-term institutional investors, in effect, the end buyers of the company's products. So far, the market has responded favourably to this methodical approach– the company is trading in the $1 range. Investors can anticipate healthy long-term gains, without the volatility issues that affect precious and base metal markets.  Napoleon Hill, advisor to U.S. Steel founder Andrew Carnegie and author of Think and Grow Rich, said, “Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel.” Or, in Commerce’s case– as carbonatite is to steel– and success.


8889 Postings, 6844 Tage petrussMoin Moin

11.10.07 09:21
schöner Bericht chinalover.  
Angehängte Grafik:
blue.jpg (verkleinert auf 48%) vergrößern

8889 Postings, 6844 Tage petrusschart

11.10.07 09:26
Angehängte Grafik:
p.gif (verkleinert auf 78%) vergrößern

405 Postings, 6613 Tage Camus@ china

11.10.07 09:29
Super Bericht, da hätte ich mir die Übersetzung ja sparen können :-) Anyway, CCE macht Spass :-)

@ All: Ein spitzen Forum ... Danke!



4618 Postings, 6590 Tage chinalovercamus

11.10.07 09:34
na ja doppelt gemobbelt hält besser :-)

sei bitte so nett und poste diesen Bericht auch im Stockhouse Bullboards.


4723 Postings, 6760 Tage oligatorAntwort von Chris..

11.10.07 09:40
aus WO (Fakten thread so eben eingetroffen) ;-)

Hab endlich eine Antwort von CG auf meine email bekommen:

Thank you for your email and I apologize for not getting back to you sooner.

Thank you for your comments on the news of Oct.1, 2007. We were very excited by these results as well and although we cannot categorically state this at this time, the potential is there for us to expand the size of the Upper Fir deposit by quite an incredible amount.

In regards the length of time to get the assays back from the remaining 11 holes completed on the Upper Fir, they should be back within 6 weeks or so.

The total amount of drilling done so far is probably not more than 5,000 meters.(Laut Plan sollen 18.000 Meter gebohrt werden :eek As you can see from the intersections the carbonatite is very close to the surface – which is of course exactly where we want it to be, to be the most economic.

We are currently drilling now on the Switch Creek deposit – about 10 kilometers north of the Upper Fir and we release an update on this program at the appropriate time.

In regards a take over or a joint venture, all I should say is that the entire tantalum and niobium world – everyone on both the buy and the sell side – will be meeting in Brazil on Oct.20 – 22, 2007 and that we do have already several meetings arranged with representatives of companies that are up the chain from us.

We have completed an extensive and comprehensive program on the Eldor and we expect assays back from this shortly.

And in regards SGS Lakefield, the work there is on-going, but I do have an expectation that we should have some results from the hydro-metallurgical process before the end of October. I know that this has taken much longer than expected, but there are no issues with this process – (SGS did the original test in 2004 showing that our concentrate consumed less acid that the industry standard) – except for the time element itself.

I might also add that we had a very positive trip to Germany – Munich and Frankfurt – and were very happy to meet a lot of current shareholders and many new faces that I believe may have just become shareholders. As well it was great to be able to speak again to the newsletter writers that have been supportive of Commerce over the last 6 months.

I look forward to hearing from you again and promise that I will respond in a more timely manner next time.

All the best,

Chris Grove

Hört sich für mich doch mal wieder recht positiv an. Natürlich kann er zu einem Joint-Venture nichts genaueres sagen. Aber positive News dürften folgen... Schhließlich stehen ja noch 13.000 Meter Bohrungen aus und von den gebohrten 5000 Meter haben wir erst die Hälfte der Ergebnisse gesehen!!!
Ich sag nur: DAS WIRD EIN SPAß  

538 Postings, 6559 Tage FlexaIst das aufregend!

11.10.07 09:45

405 Postings, 6613 Tage Camus@ china & oli

11.10.07 13:58
Bericht und Response sind in stockhouse! Wollen wir hoffen, dass die den Ball annehmen und den Trend supporten heute :-)

Wieder mal geht aus der response von Chris die Bedeutung des TIC meeting in Rio hervor. Ich denke, dass die Chancen nicht schlecht stehen, dass sich da im Hintergrund - evt. oder besser wahrscheinlich ? mit Starck - was anbahnt! Unter diese Annahme könnten wir evt. schneller als geplant das Produktionsstadium erreichen, denn wenn Starck ein substantielles Interesse hat, sich mittelfristig aus der Abhängigkeit von SOG zu lösen, dann wäre CCE die wohl ökonomischste und billigste Variante at present :-)

Vielleicht habe ich aber auch nur Hallus :-)  

2514 Postings, 6979 Tage Harleyman500Aloha @all!

11.10.07 17:06
RT leider schon wieder unter 1 Euro, um genau zu sein exakt 0,995 Eus gerade. Also TCM, und Columbia Yukon steigen grad. Meiner Meinung nach könnte CCE auch mal mit einen kleinen Hüpfer nach oben machen. ;-)

LG, Harley


538 Postings, 6559 Tage FlexaWir schliessen heute noch im plus, wetten!

11.10.07 17:42

78 Postings, 6599 Tage Mr.Musiolinihmmm

11.10.07 21:19
Freunde, ich befürchte, morgen wird hier die Rote Armee einmarschieren etwas auf unserer Perle herumtrampeln. Ich denke, an der 0,90er Grenze sollten wir im Stande sein, den Feind zurückzuschlagen und eine vernichtende Niederlage zuzuführen. Von dort an wird unser Siegeszug dann weitergehen.
Auf ins Gefecht!  

2514 Postings, 6979 Tage Harleyman500Moin moin

12.10.07 07:03
Also ich wär ja dafür, daß wir die "roten" gar nicht erst soweit einrücken lassen! Wir sollten uns bei der 1er Grenze ganz fest positionieren und keinen mehr durchlassen! Und von hier aus sehen  wir zu, daß wir uns dann so langsam auch die nördlicheren Gefilde erkämpfen. ;-)

LG, Harley


866 Postings, 6526 Tage Wolle1307gute Vorzeichen!

12.10.07 15:00
Heute gehts in den Wochendspurt! Wird nochmal grün!
Und ab nächste Woche sind dann hoffentlcih die Zeiten unter 1 EUR vorbei!

Auf gehts Commerce!


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