Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
...........mehr brauchts ncht.
Mir wäre es lieber, das wäre anders.
......wem wäre das nicht lieber. Du hast da recht....sieht ähnlich aus....obwohl der "Sinkflug" .....bei RTG
seit 5 Jahren mehr linear erfolgt. ;-)...BOC hat die Substanz....RTG fehlt die Substanz . Das ist der Unterschied.
Mir macht der folgende Artikel Freude (wenn´s denn nicht nur bei der Ankündigung bleibt)
ABG makes police a priority
PNG hat nichts mehr zu verschenken, was auch Bedeutung für BCL haben wird.
.................One surprising revelation from EITI is that the single largest revenue stream from the mining, oil and gas sector to the government for at least the last two years has been so-called “group taxes”: the taxes paid on the wages and salaries earned by employees in the sector (Figure 2). These were worth more than K500 million in both 2016 and 2017, and in 2016 represented 34% of the revenue streams from the sector to the government, as identified by EITI. This is significantly more than the K46-88 million in corporate income taxes, K200 million in dividends paid to the State, or the almost K200 million paid in royalties in 2017. These group taxes are likely to be a more stable revenue stream than taxes or dividends – the workforce is unlikely to expand and contract to the extent that it impacts on the taxes they pay (leaving aside construction phases), or at least not as much as global commodity prices and profitability. But – and here we come back to the issue of PNG securing a fair share of its mineral endowment – this is a tax on the labour used to extract the resource, not a means of necessarily securing a direct share of the value of the resource itself.
.......interessante Erkenntniss . :-) .......wenn gut verdient wird mit der eigenen Company ist das gut für alle beteiligten.
Das ist doch das beste Argument zur Motivation. :-)
New Dawn FM News
The ABG member for the largest constituency on Bougainville, KONNOU and Minister for Police and Law and Justice, WILLIE MASIU has called on the people of PANGUNA to make sure they associate with a developer of Panguna mine who comes through the back door and that is through the Mining Department of Bougainville.
Speaking in a heated debate during ABG parliament session last Friday, MR. MASIU said PANGUNA is not for few individuals to contact with a developer and do whatever they want to do with it.
He said the people of PANGUNA are still not united and as such unity is paramount for the people of PANGUNA for them to talk about opening the closed mine.
MR. MASIU said that the people of Bougainville lost their lives and properties fighting for this mine and their government must be involved in any negotiations with any developer.
MR. MASIU made these outbursts after the member for KOKODA and Chairman of Central Bougainville Parliamentarians, RODNEY OSIOCO told Parliament that the people of PANGUNA were united and wanted to work with RTG.
MR. OSIOCO said the ABG must now listen to the Panguna landowners who are ready to work with the ABG and their preferred company RTG.
... ...
New Dawn FM News
The ABG President, CHIEF DR.JOHN MOMIS says that the ABG is not impressed with the actions of the company that wants to operate the closed Panguna mine, RTG for creating instability on Bougainville.
In his address to the ABG house last Friday, President MOMIS said that RTG must come through the ABG if it wants to get into Panguna.
He said that RTG according to due diligence check carried out by the ABG is not a mining company and does not operate a mine anywhere in the world.
President Momis was very concerned at the deliberate attempts by RTG to hold their meeting when the ABG Parliament was in session thus disturbing members to attend their presentation.
He said this made the ABG parliament to adjourn parliament due to lack of quorum.
President Momis was supported by more members to criticise RTG for trying to divide the members.
More from John Momis (Hansard Draft 7th of September) -
"Mr Speaker, RTG has been raising capital in the ASX through false pretence, misleading statements and outright lies by claiming that it has been given rights over the Panguna tenement by the Meékamui tribal government. Firstly, there is no other government in Bougainville except the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG). Secondly, no other government, tribal or otherwise, has the authority to grant exploration license over any tenements in Bougainville, except the ABG's Ministry and Department of Mineral & Energy Resources."
And then -
"Mr Speaker, because RTG is an exploration company and a relatively junior in mining exploration it does not necessarily mean that it is capable of developing and operating a mine the size of Panguna. It will most likely do what its peers have done in the exploration sector do or what its peers do in exploration sector; it would use the license to raise capital and after recouping its costs, sell to a mining company, pocket the profits and leave the landowners high and dry. As the custodian of the Bougainville Mining Law, we have a duty to protect the landowners from exploitation in line with the law which gives recognition to landowners as landowners of minerals, oil, and gas under the ground and in our seas and oceans."
"Mr Speaker, at the same time the ABG will never accept RTG in Panguna. Both investors are interested only in the profits that they can make out of our resources. They both belong to the colonial mining regime where landowners are mere recipients of royalties. We want to develop a mining regime that is aligned with our mining law, which recognises landowners as the owners of minerals in the ground. A mining regime where the ABG and landowners are equal partners in the development and operations of any mine."
And -
"Mr Speaker, therefore, I challenge the Panguna landowners to get rid of RTG. Let us rid ourselves of these companies and collaborate to collectively develop a mining regime based on equal partnership; a regime where the ABG and the landowners not only own the resources, but also the company that develops and operates the Panguna mine."
Its messy but not exactly encouraging ...
John Momis and Peter O'Neill Photo: RNZ / AFP
Bougainville, an autonomous region of Papua New Guinea, has a tentative date of June 15 next year for the vote but before then critical matters need to be sorted out.
Mr Momis said he and Papua New Guinea Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, met on Monday and they agreed to hold a meeting of the Joint Supervisory Board (JSB) in two weeks' time.
He said they had made progress on the question issue.
"Both the Prime Minister and I agree that there should only be one question to avoid any possibility of creating confusion, of risking a quality outcome of the referendum.
"So we are happy again to say that we are making good progress and that particular question or issue will be determined in the next JSB meeting."
Der Abgeordnete von Central Bougainville, Sam Akoitai, sagte in einer Presseerklärung, dass die Formulierung des Plans Strategien für den Wirtschaftswachstum und Einkommens- und Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für die ländlichen Gemeinden bieten würde.
„Der Plan wird sich mit der Förderung der wirtschaftlichen Erholung und der steuerlichen Eigenständigkeit befassen. Es ist klar, dass die gegenwärtige Situation, in der die Autonome Regierung von Bougainville nur in der Lage ist, jährlich 20 Mio. Km Einnahmen zu erzielen, durch den Plan angegangen werden muss.
"Es war Central Bougainville, das Papua-Neuguinea durch die Einnahmen aus der Panguna-Mine unabhängig gemacht hat, und wir brauchen jetzt diesen Plan, um Bougainville vorwärts zu bringen, um steuerliche Eigenständigkeit zu erreichen und in der Lage zu sein, seine eigenen Leute zu versorgen", sagte Akoitai sagte.
Herr Akoitai ging auf einige der 46 Resolutionen ein, die kürzlich auf dem Entwicklungsforum verabschiedet wurden, und sagte, der Plan werde formuliert, um die Voraussetzungen dafür zu schaffen, dass die Bevölkerung von Central Bougainville auf die Vorbereitung des Referendums vorbereitet wird.
„Der Plan enthält auch den Rahmen, die Programme und Projekte zur Vorbereitung von Central Bougainville auf den Sitz der Autonomen Region Bougainville.
„Das Forum beschloss, die Bevölkerung von Central Bougainville in Aropa, Wakunai, Panguna, Arawa, Kieta, Toniva, Loloho und anderen Regionen dazu aufzufordern, die Rechtsstaatlichkeit und die Eigentumsrechte zu respektieren, indem sie Regierungs- und Privateigentum, einschließlich der von BCL und anderen, räumen andere als Voraussetzung für eine reibungslose und erfolgreiche Umsetzung des Entwicklungsplans.
"Die Anführer von Central Bougainville in Aropa, Wakunai, Panguna, Arawa, Kieta, Toniva und Loloho werden jetzt aufgefordert, ihre Leute zu bitten, ihr Eigentum zu räumen, das ihnen nicht gehört", sagte Akoitai.
"Die Führer beschlossen auch, die Landbesitzer von Panguna aufzufordern, einer gemeinsamen Herangehensweise an die Mine zuzustimmen, und die Landbesitzer von ABG und Panguna sollten eine Vereinbarung zur Wiedereröffnung der Mine treffen", sagte er.
Akoitai dankte auch allen ABG-Abgeordneten, Gemeindevorstehern, Gemeindemitgliedern, Chefs, Beamten und Delegierten, die am Central Bougainville Development Forum teilgenommen und Beiträge dazu leisteten, als „es ihre Begeisterung und ihr Engagement waren, die zu einem erfolgreichen Ergebnis bei der Ermittlung von Problemen und Problemen führten Prioritäten für die künftige Entwicklung von Central Bougainville setzen “.
„Ich danke ABG-Präsident John Momis für die Präsentation der Keynote im Forum. Gleichzeitig bestätige ich die Anwesenheit des Ministers, der den Premierminister in Bougainville-Angelegenheiten unterstützt, und William Samb, der am Treffen teilgenommen hat.
"Besonderer Dank gilt auch dem australischen Hohen Kommissar für die Entsendung seines Delegierten, um einen Vortrag über das australische Programm zu halten, das wesentlich zum Friedens - und Entwicklungsprozess in Bougainville beigetragen hat, und ich freue mich darauf, mit ihm bei der Umsetzung des Plans eng zusammenzuarbeiten", sagte Mr Sagte Akoitai.