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1335 Postings, 6505 Tage Traderevil.....bougainvillenews...

02.06.18 16:30

138 Postings, 5809 Tage sonne798Bougainville Strategic Development Plan 2018-2022

03.06.18 12:44
Ganz klare Worte:
Securing certainty about the ownership and governance structure of BCL is a high priority.
The government will work with the landowners and BCL to restart mining in the Panguna area. Rehabilitation of previous environmental damage is a critical factor in any decision to reopening mining near Panguna. Opening the Panguna mine is a priority for the governement.  

933 Postings, 4717 Tage LOFPMan ist das langweilig!

06.06.18 14:07
Kann nicht endlich mal etwas passieren!?
Eine klare Linie, egal in welche Richtung wäre einfach nur schön!  

1025 Postings, 4827 Tage antares0650klare linie

07.06.18 09:12
seit wann gibt es das, wenn politiker mitspielen???  

1335 Postings, 6505 Tage Traderevil......Bougainvilleans will go to the polls...

09.06.18 10:02

....“The issues concerning Bougainville are quite sensitive for all parties concerned. Together we have come a long way since the Peace Agreement was signed in Arawa in August in 2001.
“I can assure you that this government is committed to honouring the spirit and the letter of this agreement.
“The National Government is fully committed to the spirit of the agreement,” he said.

Mr O’Neill also spoke of the Bougainville Referendum Commission whose members he said would be announced in Arawa.

On weapons disposal he said this was non-negotiable in order to provide guarantee to the people to vote without duress and consciously with clearly articulated political options before them.

...........auf die  > 12 Monate ................... aber es geht wohl so langsam in die Zielgerade. Zwischenzeitlich wird es ja noch  einiges  von den  'Entscheidern` vor Ort zu lesen geben....(und der interessierte shareholder wird noch viiiele Möglichkeiten haben seine Sicht der Dinge in den Foren zu posten........ ;-)

1335 Postings, 6505 Tage Traderevil.....The Post Courier reported Sir Mel Togolo ....

13.06.18 11:10

A leading Bougainvillean governance and mineral specialist has been knighted in Papua New Guinea's Queen's Birthday honours.
Mel Togolo......
........The Post Courier reported Sir Mel Togolo is known for his contribution to the establishment of the provincial government system in PNG and helped Bougainville set the precedence for autonomy, together with John Momis.

With other leaders they established PNG's inaugural provincial government in the then North Solomons Province where Sir Mel played a key role as chief secretary between 1978 and 1990.

He later worked in the mining sector for over 25 years, serving as PNG country manager with Nautilus Minerals and is now chairman of Bougainville Copper Ltd........

Bougainvillean Mel Togolo is knighted | Radio New Zealand News
A leading Bougainvillean governance and mineral specialist has been knighted in Papua New Guinea's Queen's Birthday honours.

138 Postings, 5809 Tage sonne798Team Leaders rejected by Panguna SML Titleholders

13.06.18 19:10

New Dawn FM News
The seven nominated representatives of the 367 customary titleholders in the Panguna mine lease area said the public needs to know that Philip Miriori and Lawrence Daveona do not speak on their behalf.
They called on the pair to stop making false and misleading statements that were creating further disunity in the Panguna SML area undermining the peace process.
The representatives said customary landowners remained committed to seeing Panguna redeveloped in partnership with BCL the company owned by Bougainvilleans.
They said MIRIORI and DAVEONA continue to undermine BCL to advance the position of Junior Australian miner RTG- a company with no support among the title holders that they represent.
The titleholders believe that BCL remains the best option to redevelop Panguna with the ABG and the people of Bougainville the major beneficiaries.


179 Postings, 2905 Tage x-y-zBCL-Chairman

15.06.18 10:58

138 Postings, 5809 Tage sonne798Buka Administration Co-Ordinator gesucht

19.06.18 08:49

1335 Postings, 6505 Tage Traderevil.... leaders commit to closer relationship....

25.06.18 09:41

Pacific Papua New Guinea
22 Jun 2018
Chinese and PNG leaders commit to closer relationship
6:44 pm on 22 June 2018
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Papua New Guinea's prime minister, Peter O'Neill, is greeted with full honours as he arrives to meet China's President Xi Jinping.

Papua New Guinea's prime minister, Peter O'Neill, is greeted with full honours as he arrives to meet China's President Xi Jinping. Photo: Office of the Prime Minister of PNG

Papua New Guinea's prime minister has met with the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, in Beijing.

Peter O'Neill's visit is part of a trip that's expected to conclude with PNG's signing on to China's..........

Mr Xi said PNG was an influential Pacific country, noting the mutual political trust and beneficial cooperation between the two.

Mr O'Neill said PNG is committed to deepening its strategic partnership with China, and hopes to expand cooperation in trade, investment, agriculture, tourism and infrastructure

222 Postings, 5043 Tage Koud.heRTG Major sponsor for Bougainville Day

25.06.18 10:17

138 Postings, 5809 Tage sonne798BCL mountains strong support for project area ...

27.06.18 09:10

666 Postings, 5928 Tage havannaJSB Meeting

29.06.18 22:16

179 Postings, 2905 Tage x-y-zzu Info #21789, havanna

01.07.18 10:57

letzte Seite:


The JSB resolved that the two Chief Secretaries will meet and discuss the legal

status of the 17.4% of shares to be transferred to Landowners in the near future.


1335 Postings, 6505 Tage Traderevil..... J. Momis and P. M. O.Neill have signed.....

02.07.18 09:43

July 2, 2018


BOUGAINVILLE President John Momis and Prime Minister Peter O’Neill have signed a joint resolution that will pave the way for referendum on Bougainville next year.

The resolution covers a wide range of areas including administration, financial support and the creation of an independent body to oversee the referendum for self-determination set for June 15, 2019...........

The JSB also resolved and noted the appointment of former Ireland prime minister Bertie Ahern as chair of the BRC and the appointment of ABG nominees Patrick Nisira and Ruby Mirinka, while the National Government nominees would be appointed this month.

The JSB also resolved to accept the progress report on the implementation of the four phases weapons disposal plan. It also agreed that National Government funding support of K12 million over three years is affirmed, with a commitment that K7 million in funds be provided in the 2018 financial year, subject to savings in the 2018 National Budget.

Other resolution on weapons disposal included:

 That the link between weapons disposal and a free and fair referendum be affirmed, noting that continuing work to remove the scourge of weapons from Bougainville remains a joint National Government and ABG responsibility;

 To note and endorse the proposal plan for the disposal of explosive ammunition and weapons and noted that the two chief secretaries have jointly written to the governments of United States, Japan and Australia to seek funding and capacity building support to enable disposal of World War II remnants;

 That work on drawdown on powers should continue, noting limited progress to date; and

 That the joint technical working group start work immediately to progress the drawdown of powers.

The JSB also noted that the fisheries sector has also been transferred back to Bougainville, who now take charge of management and overseeing revenue from that sector..........

Both parties agreed that the ABG provide advice to the National Government on the allocation and distribution of the K15 million paid.

843 Postings, 2999 Tage Ice-Nine comingAktienpbertragung und der kleine Investor

03.07.18 05:36
„But let me stressed very clearly that we have obligation, both ABG and National Government and the landowners of Panguna, we have an obligation to the minority shareholders of BCL who have trusted us and have bought shares in this company many years ago, they are simply mums and dads who have invested in the future of Bougainville and we have to resolve these issues with them in an amicable arrangement where they can be able to easily dispose their shares either to ABG or landowners,” Mr O’Neill said.“  

396 Postings, 4756 Tage BOC-KoalaWas meint der Herr O´Neill mit...

03.07.18 07:23
"an amicable arrangement where they can be able to easily dispose their shares either to ABG or landowners,” ???

Soll das heißen wir dürfen uns frei entrscheiden, ob wir unsere Aktien dem ABG oder den Landownern schenken? Hat der Mann zuviel Homebrew erwischt?  

843 Postings, 2999 Tage Ice-Nine comingre #21794

03.07.18 07:38
Ist doch gar kein Problem! Man soll uns AUD 5 pro Anteilsschein anbieten! ;-)  

396 Postings, 4756 Tage BOC-KoalaIch befürchte eher

03.07.18 08:24
"amicable" bedeutet so etwas wie großzügigen 25% Aufschlag ...
auf den Durchschnittskurs der letzten 3 Monate.  

843 Postings, 2999 Tage Ice-Nine comingIch würde ...

03.07.18 09:21
... die Aussage O´Neills nicht überbewerten. M.E. wird es in nicht zu einem "Abfindungsangebot" kommen. Warum auch? Auf welcher (rechtlichen) Basis sollte so etwas auch geschehen?

Alles Humbug ...  

1335 Postings, 6505 Tage Traderevil......alles Humbug würde ich jetzt....

03.07.18 09:33 nicht sagen. ....Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has told the people of Bougainville.......

.....da werden doch die regionalen shareholder angesprochen. Das sind alles Aktienbesitzer mit kleinen und kleinsten Depots. Ich denke bei dieser Aussage  hat er wohl diese Zielgruppe im Auge gehabt. ;-)

13 Postings, 5639 Tage LysogenBin hier auf Traderevil Seite...

03.07.18 13:27
es geht um die Kleinanleger, bzw. Aktienbesitzer vor Ort! Die wohl hauptsächlich Anteile in Papierform besitzen und das wohl schon zu operativen Zeiten und nie eine Dividende gesehen haben.
Da gab es auch mal einen Artikel zu. Ein ehemaliger Arbeiter bei dem genau das zutraf. Den Link kann ich aber zZ nicht finden.
Es wird im betreffenden Absatz ja expliziet auf solche Fälle eingegangen. Ich vermute, das man eine art Verwahrungsstelle/Vereinigung/Interessensgemeinschaft schaffen möchte, die dann die Rechte der Kleinstkleinstbesitzer auf der Insel organisieren kann und eben auch mögliche Dividenden vor Ort ausgeben kann. Dies lese ich aus dem Wort "Dispose" heraus.
Ein kluger Schachzug, um hier geprellte "Besitzer" mit zurück ins Boot zu holen.
Grundsätzlich ein sehr positiver Artikel.  

179 Postings, 2905 Tage x-y-zLysogen s. Link

03.07.18 14:39

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