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1335 Postings, 6505 Tage TraderevilABG is the regulator of all natural resources

13.02.18 10:03

The Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) is the regulator of all natural resources in Bougainville including minerals and the Panguna mine that it has full control over.
The ABG has completed the legal processes under the Bougainville Mining Act 2015 in relation to Bougainville Copper Limited’s application to renew its exploration license over the Panguna Mine area and concluded that it is untenable under the current circumstances for the Panguna project to proceed, resulting in a decision not to grant an extension to BCL’s exploration license........
.......Mr Masono said it is in the best interest that the Panguna resource owners be left alone and be dealt with by the ABG alone regarding any future plans for the Panguna project moving forward when the circumstances are conducive and the moratorium is lifted.
He said for BCL or RTG or any other investor to directly deal with the landowners regarding the development of the Panguna project will only result in more division and problems amongst the people and may affect the ABG’s drive for peace and unity leading towards referendum.
“The ABG will not accept nor be influenced by any speculations regarding its decision on the moratorium and redevelopment of the Panguna project,” Mr Masono said.

222 Postings, 5043 Tage Koud.henothing will happen at the Panguna copper-gold min

13.02.18 15:12
PNG Industry News |  12 February 2018

IT seems that nothing will happen at the Panguna copper-gold mine until after the referendum on independence is held for the island upon which it is situated in Papua New Guinea – Bougainville.

The doors to Bougainville Copper Mines (BCL) and RTG Mining – both anxious to redevelop the mine which has been closed since 1989 – have now been firmly shut by President John Momis.

Momis has told media that the mine would remain closed until after the vote, which is expected to take place on June 15, 2019.

This follows up on a statement issued by Vice President Raymond Masono, who is also Mines Minister, in which he said that the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) had completed the legal process under the Bougainville Mining Act 2015 in relation to BCL’s application to renew its exploration licence over the Panguna mine area “and conclude that it is untenable under current circumstances for the Panguna project to proceed, resulting in a decision not to grant an extension to BCL’s exploration licence.

“Effectively BCL does not have any more tenement (sic) in Bougainville or any legal right over Panguna mineral resources and the legal ownership of the Panguna resources reverts back to the customary landowners of Panguna and the ABG.

“In making that decision to not grant an extension of terms to BCL’s tenement, the ABG has also made a decision to impose a mining reservation (moratorium) over the Panguna mine area for an indefinite period,” Masono said.

Masono added that the public was invited to comment on the Panguna moratorium and this should be submitted to the Department of Mineral and Energy Resources by close of business on March 26, 2018.

“It is in Bougainville’s best interest that the Panguna resources owners be left alone and be dealt with by the ABG alone regarding any future plans for the Panguna project moving forward when the circumstances are conducive and the moratorium is lifted.

“For BCL or RTG or any other investor to directly deal with the landowners regarding the development of the Panguna project will only result in more division and problems among the people and may affect ABG’s drive for peace and unity leading towards the referendum.

“The ABG will not accept nor be influenced by any speculations regarding its decision on the moratorium and redevelopment  of the Panguna project,” Masono concluded.  

1335 Postings, 6505 Tage Traderevil......exploration licence.....

15.02.18 09:23

Court stays decision to refuse extension of exploration licence
February 14, 2018 The National National
Article Views: 66

A COURT has stayed a decision by the Autonomous Government of Bougainville to refuse the extension of the exploration licence for the Bougainville Copper Limited until Feb 22.
Justice Les Gavara-Nanu issued the order in the National Court saying he was satisfied BCL’s interest in the matter was at stake in regards to its exploration licence.
The respondents in the matter include the ABG MiThe lawyer representing the State told the court that their position in the matter was confusing because the State was a substantial shareholder in BCL and therefore needed further instructions regarding its standing on the matter...................

222 Postings, 5043 Tage Koud.heBCL takes Bougainville Govt to court

16.02.18 18:47
BCL takes Bougainville Govt to court over licence non-renewal

Radio New Zealand | 16 February, 2018

Mining company Bougainville Copper Ltd is taking an arm of the Bougainville government to court.

This came after the autonomous government in the Papua New Guinea region announced late last year a moratorium on mining at Panguna, which had been abandoned in 1989 after the civil war started.

Two companies are vying to re-open Panguna but Bougainville President John Momis said to get the nod, the successful company must first win the trust of the people and BCL is yet to do this.

Meanwhile a mining wardens meeting in central Bougainville in December turned down BCL’s request for its exploration licence to be extended.

But the company is not giving up and secretary Mark Hitchcock says they want the licence restored, hence their application for a judicial review.

“We have taken the regulator , which is the Bougainville Government, as the Department of Mineral and Energy Resources, to court. We are seeking leave to apply for a judicial review of that decision, to not renew the exploration licence.”

The Bougainville government is the main shareholder in Bougainville Copper Ltd, with 36%, after it was given the lion’s share of equity by Rio Tinto when that company walked away from involvement in BCL two years ago.

Mr Hitchcock say the ABG leadership has told him that the company has to do what it has to do to protect the interests of all of its shareholders.  

328 Postings, 6495 Tage kjensw,

16.02.18 19:04

Vor welchem Hericht wird denn verhandelt?  

159 Postings, 4947 Tage WinbouRadio NZ, BCL Interview

17.02.18 09:56

916 Postings, 6506 Tage Carlchen03mal was neues

28.02.18 08:03

843 Postings, 2999 Tage Ice-Nine comingRTG

01.03.18 03:08
Die finden immer wieder Dumme und geben definitiv

RTG Mining The Board of RTG Mining Inc. is pleased to announce that the Company has received commitments to raise approximately US$34 million in a private placement to Australian and international institutional and sophisticated investors. Hartleys Limited, together with Trump Securities LLC, acted a ...

1335 Postings, 6505 Tage Traderevil...Referendum Outcome.....

06.03.18 08:08


   March 06, 2018

Secretary for Department of Peace Agreement Implementation, Mr James Tanis, says his Department wants Bougainville to take a different referendum road to avoid the conflict experience in other countries.

“There are many lessons to learn from independence referendums held around the world,” Mr Tanis said.

“South Sudan, Timor Leste, the UK, and last year, Catalonia, Spain, have all gone through referendums and encountered problems afterwards that we wish to avoid.”.......
......“We would like to see the referendum not only conducted in a safe and peaceful way, but for peace to continue after the result of the referendum is known – the result must be accepted and respected by all,” Mr Tanis said.

Mr Tanis said the Bougainville Peace Agreement, with its promise of referendum, marked the end of conflict in Bougainville.

“The Peace Agreement ended the war, the next step is to support people with service delivery – that’s what will make a difference to people’s lives. Strong health, education and infrastructure services.”

“At the end of the day we need strong, healthy people to assist in implementing our destiny.”

“We want to be different: Timor Leste ended conflict with a referendum only to create a new conflict. South Sudan won independence, but then went to war with each other, Catalonia declared independence, but was internationally rejected, and now UK voted for Brexit but is still arguing how this is to be done.”

“Our strategy, the trident strategy, is preparing ourselves through weapons disposal, good governance and unification, preparing the national government with peaceful dialogue, and engaging with the international community to support the process.

Mr Tanis said the workshop was a strong signal that all arms of government and civil society must mobilise to prepare communities.

“We cannot just make announcements; we need to follow our words down to the community with action.”

138 Postings, 5809 Tage sonne798BOC Indexkandidat für ASX 200 Index

15.03.18 11:30

222 Postings, 5043 Tage Koud.heGefährliche Webseite

16.03.18 12:30
Gefährliche Webseite blockiert

Sie versuchen zuzugreifen:

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1335 Postings, 6505 Tage Traderevil....interessant.... kannst du das bitte näher...

16.03.18 14:10

........beschreiben. Danke. :-)

222 Postings, 5043 Tage Koud.heNorton Safe Web

16.03.18 14:17

Norton Safe Web hat auf Sicherheitslücken untersucht. Dies ist ein Beispiel für die gefundenen Bedrohungen.
• Computerbedrohungen: 380  

1335 Postings, 6505 Tage Traderevil.........Bougainville Peace Agreement.......

19.03.18 08:59

Top Stories

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has stressed the need to have a united Papua New Guinea.

March 19, 2018

PM vows to honour Bougainville Peace Agreement

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has stressed the need to have a united Papua New Guinea.
..........................................“We cannot make the mistakes like we have done in the past, where we introduced provincial governments created a structure of government that we could not fund and maintain, that is what happened in the last 25-30 years, just because we have to satisfy Bougainville, whatever autonomous arrangement we have to come with it must function for the best interest of our people that is our number one priority and secondly it must be funded well so it can function in provinces,” he said

119 Postings, 3561 Tage wf_nirvanaOrderbuch

22.03.18 08:17
Kann jemand das Orderbuch sehen?


666 Postings, 5928 Tage havannaOrderbuch

22.03.18 20:20
Sehe ich schon lange keines mehr...  

1335 Postings, 6505 Tage Traderevil......Ann: Annual Report 2017 ......

28.03.18 08:48

Notice to ASX          28 March 2018

2017 Annual Report
Attached is the 2017 Annual Report which contains the full financial statements for 2017. Also attached is the annual appendix 4G statement - Key to Disclosures Corporate Governance Council Principles and Recommendations.

The Annual General meeting of Bougainville Copper Limited will be held at the Grand Papua Hotel in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea on the Thursday 24th May, 2018 at 11.00 am.

By Order of the Board

Mark Hitchcock Company Secretary

.................SAFETY Bougainville Copper believes that a safe and healthy workforce is essential to the Company’s success and sustainability and is committed to achieving zero harm. It is paramount that work is only undertaken when it is deemed safe to do so. The Company for example adheres to a stringent travel approval process. COMMUNITIES Intensifying community engagement in Bougainville during 2017 was a priority for the Company. Bougainville Copper appointed a Bougainville Manager to oversee a local project team which has actively engaged with a range of stakeholders, including landowners in the project area. In June of 2017, the Company opened an office in Buka and in the first half of 2018 plans to also open an office in Panguna. In November 2017, Bougainville Copper also initiated a Village Liaison Officer (VLO) program which initially saw nine VLOs engaged to work in villages across the Panguna project area. The initiative is proving effective in the exchange of accurate information between Panguna communities and the Company and is set to continue. Strong community engagement in project areas remains essential given the Company has been subjected to a misinformation and destabilisation campaign by other parties with competing interests in Panguna mineral rights. Bougainville Copper also plans to continue its support for worthwhile community initiatives in Central Bougainville in areas such as sports, culture, education and health. During 2017, the Company also made excellent progress in settling 1990/91 statutory compensation payments to landowners, with just 79 of 2,123 payments now outstanding.  BOUGAINVILLE.................

1335 Postings, 6505 Tage Traderevil.....communities confront Filipino miner....

29.03.18 09:18
Bougainvillean communities confront Filipino miner | Radio New Zealand News
There are reports from central Bougainville of a confrontation earlier this week between landowners and a Philippines mining company.

Bougainvillean communities confront Filipino miner

Diese Entwicklung verwundert nicht. Wie soll das auch gehen? Panguna unter Führung von BCL ablehnen und jeder will jetzt selber seinen eigenen Tagebau aufmachen?? Das gewonnene Erz mit Hubschraubern zur Weiterverarbeitung ausfliegen damit das Land des Nachbarclans nicht betreten werden muß.Fragen über Fragen. Kopfschüttel.. ;-))

138 Postings, 5809 Tage sonne798Wie geht's jetzt weiter ...

04.04.18 19:07

Vielen Dank für Feedbacks, Nekro wie ist deine Meinung? Wird es BCL gelingen Momis u.
den Miriori Clan zu überzeugen?  

933 Postings, 4717 Tage LOFPWahlen oder Abstimmung

06.04.18 12:53
Sollte nicht im April über irgendetwas abgestimmt oder gewählt werden?  

666 Postings, 5928 Tage havanna@LOFP

06.04.18 13:32
Das ist korrekt.
Die Entscheidung wurde aber um 3 Monate verschoben.
Das hab ich bei Hotcopper im RTG Forum gelesen...

138 Postings, 5809 Tage sonne798Landowners müssen sich jetzt einigen ...

11.04.18 18:37
interessanter Artikel, no toleration for foreign guests like RTG!!!

222 Postings, 5043 Tage Koud.heBougainville Govt says no to Panguna indefinitely

14.04.18 19:19
Bougainville Govt says no to Panguna indefinitely

13 APRIL 2018
Papua New Guinea Mine Watch

Panguna landowners are holding the region to ransom says Momis

Radio New Zealand | 13 April 2018

The government in the autonomous Papua New Guinea region of Bougainville says it will not allow exploration or mining activities at the Panguna mine site until landowners unite.

Two companies have been battling to re-open the mine, a move the government had been touting as vital to developing Bougainville’s economy.

But at the end of last year President John Momis announced a moratorium on mining at Panguna and in a new statement he says it is ‘absolutely clear the landowners and the people of Panguna are divided over their preferred developer.

He said after debate in the ABG House of Representatives it was very clear this decision could not be avoided and has been made in the best interests of the landowners and the people of Bougainville as the region prepares for its referendum next year.

Mr Momis says landowner leadership at Panguna remains unresolved creating factional groups with opposing views and positions on how the mine should be developed.

He says as long as the landowners remain divided the moratorium will remain in place.

Mr Momis says the ABG had invested a lot of effort trying to unite the landowners but while most Bougainvilleans are in favor of reopening the mine, the Panguna landowners are holding the region to ransom.  

222 Postings, 5043 Tage Koud.hepresident J.M. elaborates on No to mining

17.04.18 11:12
Bougainville president elaborates on ‘No’ to mining
17 APRIL 2018 OM 00:43
Papua New Guinea Mine Watch  /  ramunickel

Radio New Zealand | 17 April 2018

The President of the autonomous Papua New Guinea region of Bougainville has elaborated on why his government is saying no to mining at Panguna for the foreseable future.

Panguna was the site of the Bougainville Copper Ltd mine which was at the crux of the ten year long civil war.

In recent years there has been a push to have it re-opened to help drive the Bougainville economy forward.

Two companies, Bougainville Copper Ltd and RTG have been battling for the rights to mine Panguna but last week the government announced an indefinite moratorium on mining there.

Don Wiseman asked Bougainville President John Momis why they had taken such action.

JOHN MOMIS: Because landowners themselves are split. One faction supporting another company in developing the mine and another faction supports another company. So we don’t want to cause a split amongst the landowners because we have a referendum coming. We want to make sure we unite our people.

DON WISEMAN: Yes, although the landowners you say are supporting another company – that’s the Osikaiang group and they are right at the site of the current mine so as far, I think, as they are concerned, they are the landowners at that point, therefore they are ones that make that decision.

JM: Not really. Titleholders have rejected their claim. They have said they are not the legitimate titleholders, this Osikaiang group. Titleholders, according to law, are people who are supporting another company. So there is a definite divide and until the people are united we will not proceed with any mining.

DW: So in the meantime, in terms of trying to orchestrate some sort of unity, is the ABG going to do anything? Are you going to undertake anything, or leave it up to the landowner groups themselves?

JM: No, no we have taken steps to unite them. For us you know determining Bougainville’s future is more paramount right now. It is the priority we are focussing our attention to, to make sure that the people of Bougainville are united, so we don’t want any other issues to undermine this unity.

DW: Essentially it is off the radar until after the referendum?

JM: That’s probably it. I can’t see how the landowners can unite before the referendum. If they do then that will be good and we will look at other possibilities.

DW: The ABG of course is in an invidious position because you are a significant owner of Bougainville Copper Ltd, which is this other company you talk of. If the landowners agreed and they wanted to go with RTG, the second of those companies, would you, the ABG, accept that?

JM: We have some problems with RTG right now. In fact they are causing a lot of confusion and division in the community and we are not prepared to go ahead while this situation prevails.

DW: One of the reasons for this focus on Panguna had been to get the economy cranking ahead of the referendum, if that was possible. So if the effort is now going in a different direction is there going to be this focus that’s been talked about up to now but I am not sure how much has been done, in terms of agriculture and tourism and fishing.

JM: We cannot sacrifice unity for the sake of even generating revenue at this point in time. We have the referendum coming and it’s going to be very high on our priority list, so we have made it very clear to the landowners that unless they are totally united and they are prepared to subject themselves to the rule of law and so on and so forth, the ABG will leave the reserve [moratorium] in place.

DW: But in terms of these other industries is any effort going into those?

JM: We are looking at timber development and other industries, yes.  

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