Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
....nicht so in den Köpfen zu sein.Sonst wären doch die roten Ampeln schon längst angegangen und man hätte sich intensiver um einen Zusammenhang gekümmert.
Das müßte Pflichtlektüre sein gerade bei den Leuten die wankelmütig der Versuchung $$$$ erliegen.
Da fällt mir spontan das Zitat : ......better with the Devil we one and we know .....ein.
We have been involved in every single aspect of financing juniors, including the use of shell companies and mezzanine financing.
Ja ja die Shell Companys,, echt tricky die 2
Oder setzen sich die 367 Landowner aus den 9 Landownervereinigungen zusammen?
heute gefunden auf HC. Wenn da was drann ist sollte man es im Auge behalten. Liest sich erstmal ganz positiv. Also erstmal.
Post #:
Chairman of SMLOLA, Philip Miriori met with Autonomous Bougainville Government President Dr John Momis and Ministers on 19 January 2018 in Buka.
22 January 2018
Following the recent rejection of Bougainville Copper Limited’s plans to redevelop Panguna, by the Bougainville Executive Council and President Momis’s press release on 22 December 2017 suggesting he would like to work more closely with the landowners to find an acceptable redevelopment proposal for Panguna, that will be widely supported by Bougainvilleans and unite the landowners, we were very appreciative of President Momis’s offer to meet, to start this process.
The meeting was a resounding success with the leaders agreeing to work together for the benefit of all Bougainvilleans. It was agreed that the technical team of the SMLOLA would now re-engage with the Autonomous Bougainville Government (“ABG”) Mining Department to develop a plan. Mining Minister and Vice President of Bougainville, Raymond Masono was present at the meeting along with Finance Minister Robin Wilson and Police Minister in the national government member for South Bougainville, William Masiu.
Mr Miriori said, “we had a very good meeting with President Momis and the other Ministers and I confirm it is my intention as Chairman of the SMLOLA to engage meaningfully with the ABG and National Government in finding a way forward for the future prosperity of all Bougainvilleans. President Momis was very respectful of my position and was appreciative of the reconciliation we have been able to achieve on the leadership issue. We all understand that the redevelopment of Panguna, if done with the broad support of the community, could enable Bougainville to thrive and enhance the Independence Referendum plans, which the ABG committed to in the recent Joint Supervisory Body Meeting in Port Moresby.”
This week my brother Lawrence Daveona, the former Chairman and myself will commence our awareness campaign throughout the Panguna area to update our members on our meeting with President Momis and will report back to President Momis before the end of the month with our findings. Meanwhile, our technical team will be meeting with the ABG Department of Minerals and Energy this week.
Mr Miriori said “we believe this could be the turning point for our Bougainville and look forward to working with the ABG as one team to progress the redevelopment plans at Panguna.”
....der mal bei BCL angestellt war und anscheinend ein tiefsitzendes Problem seit dieser Zeit mit sich herumträgt. Eigentlich ein Fall für den Fachmann und Reha.
wann kommt der nächste Newsflow zu BCL oder SMOLA. War nicht für den 29.01 was angekündigt?
"BCL hat offensichtlich eine Klage gegen ABG wegen der Ablehnung der BCL EL Renewal eingereicht"
Ob da was dran ist?
27 JANUARI 2018 OM 02:41
Mining Weekly | Aus. / Bloomberg
Copper mining deals are off to the best start in at least 12 years – and more money could be pouring into the sector this year. More than $500-million in transactions are pending or were completed so far this month, the most recorded for January in Bloomberg data going back 12 years. Merger interest is picking up after years of under-investment limited mining companies’ capacity to meet rising demand for the metal, Stephen Gill, a managing partner at Pala Investments, said by phone.
Location: Port Moresby
Date Posted: 29/01/2018
Closing Date: 16/02/2018
Bougainville Copper Limited is an independently managed company with a vision to return to active exploration and profitable mining at Panguna mine for the long term benefit of all stakeholders including Bougainvilleans and the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
BCL is looking to strengthen its management team with the appointment of a highly experienced accountant to this recently created role.
Reporting to the Company Secretary, you will have sole responsibility for the oversight and management of all the accounting requirements of the company and its subsidiaries, including meeting its ASX and other reporting obligations.
You must meet these key criteria:
Bachelor Degree in Accounting
Member of CPA PNG
At least five (5) years’ experience in a Senior Accounting role
Must be an all-rounder in the Accounting field
Demonstrate high attention to detail and to timely reporting
Capacity to work independently
Possess excellent skills in MS Excel & Word
Have strong IT system skills relevant to the accounting principles and procedures
Sound written and verbal skills
Confident communicator with capacity to present at Board level
A deep awareness and understanding of Bougainville, its recent history, and its present aspirations will be well-regarded
. Either way Panguna will never reopen in its current form. Other areas will now move forward with BCL.
Taktische Spielereien,
hinter den Kulissen wird schwer geschuftet
Zitat aus #21693 : .....Jeffrey Clason's mother is one of the mine landowners, and he said many people want BCL to resume mining.
"I think the majority of the landowners are still with BCL and I think as the Mining Act says, they're the last people to say yes or no, it's their land," he said.
"So, for the landowners, BCL is still welcome."........
mal was nachdenkliches für die die glauben das Rennen sei gelaufen. ;-)
Jeffrey Clason's mother is one of the mine landowners, and he said many people want BCL to resume mining.
Ist die Aussage repräsentativ???
....die Goldwaage legen ;-) Wirklich nicht. ABC Berichterstattung hat uns doch in die andere Richtung genervt.
Jetzt wird auch mal unter einem anderen Blickwinkel berichtet. Nicht so einseitig - einseitig.
Ich denke im Moment geht es doch erstmal um die vorhandene vielfältige Stimmung um und in Panguna.
Der Bericht zeigt das die vor ein paar Wochen zu lesenden Berichte (nicht nur ABC) höflich ausgedrückt ``witzig`` waren. In diesem Sinne schönen Wochenstart. ;-)
.....das ist gut analysiert. Es zeigt wieder das der eigentliche Knackpunkt Herr Miriori ist der wieder bessern Wissens hartnäckig seine eigenen egoistischen Ziele und Träume verfolgt.
Ich denke der kann gar nicht anders. Er ist wohl zu alt um eine vernünftige Zusammenarbeit mit BCL hinzukriegen. Und das in dem Wissen das es für seine Leute und ihn der richtige Weg ist.
Einzelkämpfer mit 35 Jahren OK mit über 60 Jahren die Mehrheit der LO`s zu ignorieren grenzt an Selbstüberschätzung oder noch schlimmer. :-)
Auf PNG Mining Watch wird auch schon wieder in einer Art und Weise kommentiert das einem die Haare zu Berge stehen.