Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
"Nie mehr wieder Bergbau in Bougainville"
"Nie mehr wieder Bergbau in Panguna"
daraus wurde
"Nie mehr wieder Bergbau in Panguna mit Rio Tinto"
daraus wurde
"Nie mehr wieder Bergbau in Panguna mit BCL"
daraus wird vielleicht
"Nie mehr wieder Bergbau in Panguna mit BCL solange BCL noch BCL heißt"
Aber dann wirds losgehn....
Auf die paar Wochen...
23 NOVEMBER 2017
The Mediation process reconvened yesterday, following 6 full days in previous rounds and an extensive separate reconciliation process between myself, Philip Miriori and Mr Lawrence Daveona who has been seeking to challenge my leadership of the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (“SMLOLA”).
Mr Miriori said “I feel Mr Daveona and myself made significant progress in our reconciliation meetings, with the assistance of both our family and long accepted custom and we were keen to work together, but the specifics needed to be worked out. To capitalise on that progress, we requested that the Mediation process be refocussed back onto the key issue - the leadership dispute.”
Mr Miriori said “In my view dealing with other issues, like the fair basis for benefit sharing, until the leadership issue is resolved is wasting everyone’s time. We needed clarity for everyone on who the legally elected leader is. It is critical to start unifying our members and develop an agreed strategy to move forward with, including engaging with the Autonomous Bougainville Government (“ABG”) on the issue of an exploration licence over our members’ land. While there is uncertainty all progress on the possible redevelopment of Panguna and undertaking the social mapping exercise to ensure all our members are treated fairly in any future benefit sharing, will go round in circles as there will always be two versions of everything.”
Mr Miriori said “The mediation process was requested by myself and was designed to try and reach an agreement between the parties to the legal matter (being the challenge to my chairmanship of the SMLOLA). Mediation requires the parties to agree amongst themselves, it is different to Court where the Judge makes the decisions. When my request to refocus the mediation on the leadership issue first was not accepted, and I was asked to agree to matters we did not agree on and accept whatever was prescribed by others on the issue of an exploration licence over our ground and minerals, with whatever conditions they say, I became very concerned the mediation process would not succeed, as we were not going to reach
any form of agreement on that issue.”
Mr Miriori said “As a result the only option left in my view was to withdraw, which is disappointing as we have all invested a great deal of time and effort in the mediation process, in the belief we would properly and openly discuss all the issues surrounding my appointment as the Chairman of the SMLOLA in December 2015.”
Mr Miriori said “I now believe the best way to find a timely and final resolution of the dispute is through the Court, where all the facts could be presented and an independent person could assist in determining the specific legal matters. In the meantime, the Reconciliation Committee has committed to continue to work with both myself and Mr Daveona in a concerted effort to try and resolve the issue amicably. It is also important to note that the standing order of the Court is that Mr Daveona cannot hold himself out as the Chairman of the SMLOLA until the matter is resolved before the Court.”
Mr Miriori also said “at the end of the day, what is important is that the will of the people is respected, with the now 2,000 supporters of the ‘No BCL’ Petition clearly expressing their support for my work to protect them against the return of BCL.”
Mr Miriori said “I would like to thank the mediators for a valuable forum for all to express their views which has allowed people to better understand local sensitivities and work towards developing a social mapping plan that will ensure our future is more closely aligned with the clan structure and customary rules, which we all seek to live by and respect given they have survived the true test of time.”
Philip Miriori
Chairman of the SMLOLA
...das man von dieser Seite so etwas :
.......Mr Miriori said “I would like to thank the mediators for a valuable forum for all to express their views which has allowed people to better understand local sensitivities and work towards developing a social mapping plan that will ensure our future is more closely aligned with the clan structure and customary rules, which we all seek to live by and respect given they have survived the true test of time.”.........überhaupt lesen kann, war doch vor ein paar Tagen noch kaum voraussagbar.
Die Kontrahenten scheinen trotz des Alters sehr lernfähig zu sein. Es dauert halt ewig lange bis sich da etwas bewegt. ;-))
....ich sehe es anders. ;-) ``scheinen`` gemeint ist nicht ``sind``. Mmmh ja........
Trotzdem hier wird kein alleiniger! unabänderlicher! Anspruch auf Panguna bescheinigt/gefordert/postuliert. Das klang ja eine ganze Zeit lang auch nicht so von Seiten des Lo Miriori.
Lizenzvergabe Panguna (EL1) am 11.Dez.2017 => BCL (all or nothing ??)
"Bougainville ist highly supportive of mining development." Folie 20.
Allerdings was hat Kalia Lizenz (im Norden) mit BOC-Lizenz (in der Mitte) zu tun?
Falls BCL bei der Bewerbung um die Panguna-Lizenz nicht erfolgreich wäre, sähe es für Bougainville Copper wohl düster aus. Möglicherweise ist der 11. Dezember für BCL ein Tag der Entscheidung ?,-20,540
ABG needs more budget...
Erster Teil positiv für RTG
Zweiter Teil wird noch vom Markt ignoriert (spricht aber nicht für RTG)
......Duncan's group (RTG) has no project without road and port rights as well as government support.....
dieser Miriori u. Daveona ist? War's dies nun für BCL? Ich persönlich kann mir immer noch nicht vorstellen, dass RTG diese Herausforderung schaffen kann.
Es wäre ein Wunder, wenn am 11.12.2017 die Lizenzvergabe EL1, wie angesagt, wirklich stattfinden würde.