PEARL ASIAN nächster 10000%er?
Ihr seid doch viel tiefer drin in dem Newsflow von PAIM.. danke :)
das internationale rote kreuz?
Aus den news:
"The Pearl Asian Medical Mission composed of committed hard working volunteers: Dr. Sean Wormuth, Sandra Hoskins-RN and Julieta Ludovico-RN, were flown in from the USA by Pearl Asian and initially given a tour of the mine site. They were ably assisted by local health professionals from Iligan City, Lanao Del Norte headed by Dr. Villarin, Head of the Minister of Health, 3 other local doctors, a local nurse, several other health workers and volunteers. The 3-day mission was done at the Whispering Hope Healing Center and then at Rogongon's LLG Foundation Health Center. A total of more than 550 indigent native Indigenous Filipinos were treated of their illnesses and ailments. Pearl Asian wishes to convey its heartfelt gratitude for the selfless efforts of all volunteers and all those who have assisted in making this successful medical mission a reality"
die haben also 14g Gold/1t Erz. auch gut.Daraus ergibt sich daß ca. 650.000t Erz bewegt werden müssen. Und mit was ??? Na mit der Schubkarre . Und was brauchen die dafür ? Na gut gebaute und gesunde Philippinos!!!
Versteht Ihr jetzt was hinter dem Caritas steht ????
wirtschaftsingenieuer nur auf unsere industrialisierte und technisierte welt erzogen...
bin ich ja mal gespannt ob die das hinbekommen...