Thompson Creek Metals (Blue Pearl Mng)
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Eröffnet am: | 18.01.07 07:23 | von: CaptainSparr. | Anzahl Beiträge: | 23.072 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 24.04.21 22:58 | von: Lenaldbqa | Leser gesamt: | 2.402.444 |
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(siehe den Chart in #21357)
VALUE: 15.150 USD
Thompson Creek Metals Co (TCM) 14,107,512 13,036,755 +1,070,757
September 28, 2010 3:19 PM EDT
Filed on: September 28, 2010
By Bloomberg News - Sep 29, 2010 8:07 PM GMT+0200
"Thompson Creek Target Raised To C$20.55 From C$17.20 By Desjardins >TC "
Thompson Creek Metals Bullish Moving Average Crossover Alert (TC)
Oct 08, 2010 (SmarTrend(R) Market Surveillance via COMTEX) --
Today, shares of Thompson Creek Metals (NYSE:TC) have crossed bullishly above their 10-day moving average of $10.89 on volume of 837 thousand shares.
This may provide swing traders with an opportunity for a long position as such a crossover often suggests higher prices in the near term. Watch for a close above this moving average level for confirmation.
SmarTrend issued an Uptrend Alert for Thompson Creek Metals on September 13, 2010 at $9.95. In approximately 4 weeks, Thompson Creek Metals has returned 11.9% as of today's recent price of $11.13.
We will continue to monitor TC's share price relative to this moving average.
Thompson Creek Metals Co (TCM) 30.Sept.: 15,169,507 15.Sept.: 14,107,512 +1,061,995
Symbol: TCM-T, Last Price: 11.420
Last Price Date: 2010-10-11 02:20:24
Jeff Parent of Quadrexx Asset Management Inc.:
DON'T BUY. An example of a stock he would avoid. Has resistance at $12.90. Wait until it breaks above $14. (2010-10-08)
Chinese molybdenum prices have returned to the upward track on recovering demand and increasing volumes of business after the country’s week-long holiday.
Spot prices for 60% min grade ferro-molybdenum rose to RMB132,000-135000/tonne on Wednesday, from the pre-holiday level of RMB130,000/tonne.
“Consumer demand has seen an improvement after the holiday and transactions are steadily increasing..."
October 13, 2010
12.10.2010 | 13:15 Uhr | Hahn, Rainer
Thompson Creek Target Raised To C$20 From C$15 By CIBC >TC
Keine Ursache! Meistens macht mir die Recherche wirklich Spass...
Ich denke, TCM ist nach wie vor eine "Bank". Das Management leistet solide Arbeit, und das zahlt sich nach und nach aus. Kurssprünge wie 2006 sind natürlich nicht mehr zu erwarten; eine Kursverdopplung innerhalb der nächsten zwei Jahre halte ich aber dennoch für möglich.
Neue Molybdänprojekte gehen frühestens 2013 in Produktion, und wenn der Goldpreis stabil bleibt (wovon man ausgehen kann), wird auch Mt Milligan noch erhebliche Gewinne einfahren. Aber bis dahin ist es noch ein langer Weg. Wer 100% in zwei Monaten machen will, sollte das Investment wechseln; bei TCM ist weiterhin Geduld angesagt...
Gestern war übrigens ein richtiger "Ian McDonald-Tag": TCM, Stonegate und Canada Lithium satt im grünen Bereich...
Written on Fri, 10/15/2010 - 1:45am By Chip Brian
Thompson Creek Metals (NYSE:TC) traded in a range yesterday that spanned from a low of $11.57 to a high of $11.88. Yesterday, the shares gained 1.04%, which took the trading range above the 3-day high of $11.83 on volume of 2.1 million shares.
Shares of Thompson Creek Metals are currently trading above their 50-day moving average (MA) of $9.90 and above their 200-day MA of $11.26. Look for these MAs to provide support for a short-term pullback in the shares.
SmarTrend is bullish on shares of Thompson Creek Metals and our subscribers were alerted to Buy on September 13, 2010 at $9.95. The stock has risen 17.4% since the alert was issued.
SmarTrend has the shares in an Uptrend and expects the share price to pullback toward the $11.68 support level. Afterwards, we expect it to move upward with its peers in the SmarTrend Industrial Metals & Minerals industry.
(The following statement was released by the rating agency)
-- We are affirming our 'B+' long-term corporate credit rating on Denver, Colo.-based Thompson Creek Metals Co.
-- We are also assigning our 'BB' issue-level rating, with a '1' recovery rating, to the company's proposed US$300 million senior secured revolving credit facility. The '1' recovery rating indicates our expectation of very high (90%-100%) recovery in the event of default.
-- The stable outlook reflects our view that Thompson Creek will generate credit metrics that are solid for the rating given the company's weak business risk profile, with adjusted debt to EBITDA of less than 2x, assuming stable molybdenum prices and production costs.
Oct 7 - Standard & Poor's Ratings Services today said it affirmed its 'B+' long-term corporate credit rating on Denver, Colo.-based Thompson Creek Metals Co . The outlook is stable. At the same time, we assigned our 'BB' issue-level rating, with a '1' recovery rating, to the company's proposed US$300 million senior secured revolving credit facility. The '1' recovery rating indicates our expectation of very high (90%-100%) recovery in the event of default. (For the complete credit rating rationale on Thompson Creek, see the research report, to be published on RatingsDirect on the Global Credit Portal, immediately following this media release.) "The ratings on Thompson Creek reflect what we view as the company's weak business risk profile, highlighted by very limited operating diversity, volatile molybdenum prices, and the capital-intensive nature of its operations," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Donald Marleau. "Partially offsetting these factors, in our opinion, are the company's relatively attractive cost profile, long reserve lives at its two operating mines, and good credit protection measures," Mr. Marleau added. Thompson Creek produces molybdenum, which is used primarily to produce steel and stainless steel alloy. Standard & Poor's expects the company to produce 29 million-32 million pounds of molybdenum in 2010 from its two operating mines in the U.S. and Canada. By acquiring Terrane Metals (not rated), Thompson Creek has added the construction-ready Mt. Milligan copper and gold development project in British Columbia to its business. While the project will require more than C$900 million in capital in the next several years, we believe that completion of the mine should improve Thompson Creek's operating diversity, which is a key constraint on the rating. Standard & Poor's considers Thompson Creek's financial risk profile to be significant, as we believe the company will generate substantial negative free operating cash flow in the next several years as it completes more than US$1 billion of expansionary capital expenditures. The company's acquisition of Terrane Metals was financed with existing cash balances and equity. The stable outlook reflects our view that Thompson Creek will generate credit metrics that are solid for the rating given the company's weak business risk profile, with adjusted debt to EBITDA of less than 2x, assuming stable molybdenum prices and production costs. Furthermore, we estimate that the company's free cash burn in the next several years will be funded with existing sources of liquidity. The ratings could come under pressure if Thompson Creek's large capital expenditure program contributes to an accelerated free cash burn, with liquidity declining to less than US$250 million. We believe that such a scenario would coincide with an unexpected decline in molybdenum prices to about US$10 per pound for a sustained period. We could consider a positive rating action as the company executes its growth plans, thereby adding to its operating diversity without compromising its solid financial risk profile. Our current ratings on Thompson Creek incorporate the expectation that the proposed US$300 million senior secured credit facility will be completed as planned. RELATED CRITERIA AND RESEARCH
-- Key Credit Factors: Methodology and Assumptions On Risks in The Metals Industry,June 22, 2009
-- Standard & Poor's Revises Its Approach To Rating Speculative-Grade Credits, May 13, 2008
-- 2008 Corporate Criteria: Our Rating Process, April 15, 2008
Complete ratings information is available to RatingsDirect subscribers on the Global Credit Portal at and RatingsDirect subscribers at All ratings affected by this rating action can be found on Standard & Poor's public Web site at Use the Ratings search box located in the left column. Primary Credit Analyst: Donald Marleau, CFA, Toronto (1) 416-507-2526; Secondary Contact: Marc Ahlers, Toronto (1) 416-507-2585; (New York Ratings Team)