Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
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Bin gespannt wie das ABG reagiert, BCL kommt ziemlich unter Druck.
Zeitpunkt: 27.06.17 04:50
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Moderation auf Wunsch des Verfassers
BCL scheinen die Felle davon zu schwimmen.
Wirklich schade, nach so langer Zeit setzt sich ein anderer ins gemachte Nest
Mit BCL bekommen Sie auch ein großes Stück ab.
Man muss sich nicht immer sofort auf alles melden.
Listing : Toronto
letztes Jahr 33mio shares ausgegeben
hab mich jetzt nur kurz informiert aber das reicht mir ...
.....wegen mangelnder Kompetenz nicht einmal zum Altmetall entsorgen zu gebrauchen. Schade um die Zeit. Nekro hat recht kein Déjà-vu alles schon mal dagewesen. ;-))
Wie schon geschrieben nicht mal das Altmetall RTG anvertrauen;-)
Pacific Papua New Guinea
1:13 pm today
Bougainville govt won't consider RTG for Panguna mine
1:13 pm today...........
............But Bougainville President John Momis said RTG didn't have any money.
"RTG doesn't have any money. The RTG representative in fact, a fellow by the name of Renzie Duncan has Philip Miriori and a few of his cobbers on his payroll and their intention is to get the support of the landowners and the ABG and as a speculator go and find a developer. RTG itself as a company does not have the money......................
Kristie Batten | PNG Industry News | 28 June, 2017
RTG confirmed that it had joined a consortium comprising the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (SMLOLA) and Central Exploration.
The company has paid US$750,000 for a minority stake in Central.
The SMLOLA owns the minerals within the old Panguna mine and control the land.
The autonomous Bougainville government (ABG) owns a controlling stake in ASX-listed Bougainville Copper (BCL) after being gifted shares by former major shareholder Rio Tinto last year.
The ABG supports BCL's plans to redevelop the abandoned mine.
According to Radio New Zealand, a protest by local landowners last week prevented the ABG from signing a memorandum of understanding with other landowners last week.
The SMLOLA is not prepared to grant access to the land to BCL.
RTG has agreed to partner SMLOLA in its proposed Panguna redevelopment if the proposal is successful.
SMLOLA is seeking to redevelop the mine in stages, starting with an initial 15 million tonne per annum plant.
RTG said there were strong parallels between the proposed redevelopment and the redevelopment of the Masbate gold mine in the Philippines, which was completed by the RTG management team.
RTG's primary focus to date has been the Mabilo copper-gold project in the Philippines.
The company said its three largest shareholders are backing the proposed Panguna development.
Panguna has been suspended since 1989 due to the outbreak of civil war in Bougainville.
BCL has not had access to the mine since, and the company and Rio have faced allegations and lawsuits regarding their involvement in the conflict, as well as environmental damage.
BCL plans to spend more than $A100 million on feasibility studies and potentially introduce a new strategic partner.
A 2016 order of magnitude study considered a 60 million tonne per annum operation, with a possible expansion to 90Mtpa.
Under that scenario, capital costs would be $US6 billion for a 24-year mine starting in 2027.
The expansion would cost a further $1 billion.
At the end of 2015, Panguna had resources of 1.8 billion tonnes at 0.3% copper and 0.34 grams per tonne gold for 5.3 million tonnes of copper and 19.3 million ounces of gold.
On the announcement, RTG shares jumped by 21% to A17c, capitalising the company at $28.5 million. At BCL's last price of 33c, it had a market capitalisation of just over $130 million.
Nur nocch 35000 STück bei 0,35.
Auf Tradegate kommt man heute nochmal günstig an Stücke zu 0,219
Die nächsten Tage kommen bessere News und der Kurs wird wieder anziehen.
......bleibt die Frage : wann wird erkannt das einer allein keine Chance alle zusammen aber die
besten Chancen haben. Chancen die weder in AUS noch im näheren Bereich so nochmal vorhanden sein werden. Ein Glücksfall für die Beteiligten.
Renzie Duncan and Philip Miriori team up in another illegal Bougainville venture
PNGExposed | June 28, 2017
Sydney lawyer and mining venture capitalist, Renzie Duncan, is on the prowl again for Bougainville’s mineral wealth, with his old friend Philip Miriori, the scandal-plagued, self-appointed head of the Me’ekamui Tribal Government.
This time its through Central Me’ekamui Exploration Limited, which is in partnership with Australian mining firm RTG Mining.
Company extracts indicate that Central Me'ekamui Exploration Limited, despite its very local name, is in fact a foreign enterprise.
This assertion is based on the fact it is 50% owned by Australian company, Central Exploration Pty Ltd.
Central Exploration Pty Ltd’s thriving head office is 266 Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove, New South Wales, Australia. This leafy address on Sydney’s north shore, is also the registered home address for Renzie Duncan.
Under the Investment Promotion Act 1992, a company which is 50% owned by a foreign entity is deemed a foreign enterprise and must apply for certification to conduct business in Papua New Guinea.
Section 41 of the Investment Promotion Act 1992 states it is an offence to carry on business without certification, punishable by a K100,000 fine.
There is no record with the Investment Promotion Authority that Central Me’ekamui Exploration Limited has applied for certification, despite the fact it has been clearly conducting business with RTG Mining.
However, this is not the first time Duncan, Miriori and the other Central Exploration Director, Michael Etheridge, have conducted business in Bougainville.
The last time it was through Transpacific Ventures Limited.
In that case Transpacific Ventures informed investors:
‘In the past 12 months, TPV has negotiated and signed an Agreement (the "Cairns Agreement") with the Sovereign Me'ekamui Tribal Government on an exclusive basis for 20 years, renewable, to advise customary landowners (the Me'ekamui) in developing their natural resources sector, including potential oil and gas, on the island of Bougainville, PNG and surrounding atolls and marine territories, and to participate with the Me'ekamui in such development and other business opportunities’.
Yes, that’s right, Philip Mioriri and his self-styled tribal government proposed to sign away the natural resources, landed and marine, across Bougainville. Clearly, he had no right to, and Transpacific Ventures had no legal business publishing this information to investors.
Of course the claim by President Momis that RTG mining ‘doesn't have any money’, is rather ironic given that his preferred operator, BCL, cant even afford permanent staff – and has no means whatsoever to raise the sort of capital to develop Panguna.
But the core point all this squabbling between various minority interests distracts from is this – 98% of the people in and around Panguna oppose mining, under any industrial guise. They have suffered the environment and human loss.
The ordinary people – real landowners – don’t have government support, nor do they have access to the internet or media. Their voice is unheard, except when they protest and resist.
The re-entry of Duncan and Mirori, will be cynically used by the government to label all landowner resistance, simply a plot to bring in an alternative developer by the backdoor. If this is argued, it is a lie.
Landowners throughout the mine area remain opposed, like they have since 1963, when the first rumblings of Panguna began. Journalists will not report this. They don’t leave their offices, much less speak with someone who cant reply in english.
On the rare occasions they do leave their office, they knock on the door of Lawrence Daveona, Philip Mioriori and other individuals, who falsely claiming they somehow speak for all landowners, which they don’t. Of course the colonial powers did this back in the 1960s. Some poor old man, was wielded out to say yes, while the mothers cried no.
History has been a cruel teacher, it is unlikely the mothers of the land will allow the bulldozers through this time.
Plea to Bougainvilleans to all work for common good
1:51 pm on 29 June 2017 n
The President of Bougainville is calling on everyone in the autonomous Papua New Guinea region to work for the good of all.
President of the autonomous Bougainville government, John Momis.
President of the autonomous Bougainville government, John Momis. Photo: RNZI
John Momis was speaking after the landowner group at the site of the controversial Panguna mine, SML Osikaiyang, opposed the return of Bougainville Copper Ltd.
The SML is backing RTG - a company Mr Momis calls a speculator that has no money to develop the mine.
He said people knew that the vote on independence in two years hinges on whether Bougainville can show "fiscal self-reliance" and this requires everyone to pitch in.
"The ABG as the government has the perspective of making sure that we get the best interests of all the landowners, as well as all Bougainvilleans. Whereas the SML people are just looking at their own selfish, legal interest and they are causing trouble. But we are not going to allow this to keep happening this way because it is time people put aside their selfish interests and worked for the common good of the people of Bougainville.
Ohne ABG geht nichts u. somit auch nicht ohne BCL :-)
Schade, dass jetzt wieder alles verzögert wird.
....gut das darauf und die Pkt.* Professionalität und Transparenz bei der Durchführung* immer wieder hingewiesen wird. :-)
.................JM: Well I think everybody knows that fiscal self-reliance is one of the most important benchmarks that will be taken into account after the outcome of the referendum - by the national government, by the UN and the international community and I think people know that, so they are working hard now to ensure that we reach a consensus to open the mine. Apart from other, agricultural and fisheries businesses, believe that the Panguna mine is probably the best, quickest way of generating revenue because a dollar invested in mining produces three dollars in other associated industries - that's agriculture or other businesses. .........
RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) advises
that the attached letter has been sent to holders of Listed Options exercisable at C$1.50 on
or before 4 June 2017, as notification of the expiry of their options on 4 June 2017.
Press Release:
From the Special Mine Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association Inc (SMLOLA)
3 July 2017
Panguna Redevelopment – The SMLOLA has suggested mediation to find a fair and sensible compromise
Contrary to recent press reports, the SMLOLA is committed to a redevelopment of the Panguna Mine and completely understands its importance to a successful referendum on Independence for Bougainville. Mr Philip Miriori, the Chairman of the SMLOLA has said “as the best demonstration of our genuine commitment to improving the livelihood of all Bougainvilleans (not just the SMLOLA as others wrongly suggest), the SMLOLA has been suggesting all parties need to meet to find a fair compromise, while still respecting the SMLOLA members’ ownership of the Panguna minerals. In recent months, the Autonomous Bougainville Government (“ABG”) representatives have refused to meet, but we remain hopeful as historically we have always considered President Momis a supporter of fair play and landowner rights.”
Mr Miriori has said “as many would be aware, the SMLOLA members now own the Panguna minerals under the new Mining Act, not the State or Government. We fear the ABG and Papua New Guinea Government controlling interests in Bougainville Copper Limited (“BCL”) may now have confused the issues, creating a significant conflict of interest. The ABG were recently quoted as saying they are stakeholders in the minerals. As all would understand that is not correct, however if their stated agenda of supporting BCL is forced through, they would effectively reverse the transformative changes implemented under the new Mining Act, again moving ownership of the minerals from the landowners, back to the State. That doesn’t seem right or fair in our eyes.”
The SMLOLA has sought to meet with the ABG on a number of occasions to explore some form of compromise and is willing to ensure that the ABG directly participates and benefits from the redevelopment as well, given that should benefit all Bougainvilleans. In fact, the proposal of the Landowner led consortium has enhanced both the landowners’ interests in the project and provided for a Bougainville Redevelopment Fund that would allow for a much needed, near term investment in local Bougainvillean projects that will enhance the quality of life of many Bougainvilleans.
Mr Miriori says “the SMLOLA believed it is important that a fair and reasonable compromise that includes both our objectives and those of the ABG is meaningfully discussed. It is deeply regretful BCL falsely claimed unanimous Landowner consent. Both BCL and the ABG have also stated that BCL cannot develop Panguna on their own and would need to find a development partner. Our Landowner lead consortium will deliver a specialist developer and financier, with a globally impressive and proven track record, direct ABG participation and finally also with critical landowner support. Without each of those important elements, we fear any progress on the redevelopment of Panguna, which is important to the whole of Bougainville, could be delayed for years. We don’t want to see that happen to Bougainville.”
Mr Miriori urges the ABG and especially President Momis to now genuinely engage with the SMLOLA as they have publicly suggested they will do, to ensure we all find the best possible outcome for all Bougainvilleans.
Philip Miriori
Chairman - SMLOLA