Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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222 Postings, 5049 Tage Koud.heIs PNG taking over via the

10.03.17 01:23

Is PNG taking over Bougainville via the ?

PNGExposed | March 7, 2017

Over the past month, there has been a sudden spike in reporting on Bougainville Copper Limited and the Panguna mine. The reports vary notably. Some suggest an opening date of 2020. Others suggest something closer to 2025.

Curiously no journalist has asked, who is the man being described variously as BCL’s new CEO or CFO, Mr Mark Wallace Hitchcock?

Given that he appears to be a key source for these various bold claims over BCL’s ambitious objectives, it would seem a question worth asking.

BCL’s website is notably sparse. In contrast to most corporate websites, there is no detailed biography available on its head. Does he have mining experience? What are the blue-chip mining concerns he previously managed? Its impossible to know.

Yet given Hitchock is claiming his company will lead Bougainville to the promised land of milk and honey, one would expect details.

We do know, however, through some detective work that Hitchcock is in a close commercial relationship with a tycoon who is close ally of Peter O’Neill.

Company records reveal that Mr Mark Hitchcock is Director of Vane Mata Quarry Limited, a company majority owned by none other than the Australian magnate, ‘Sir’ Theophilus George Constantinou [through his company Monier Limited]. Constantinou is a man who is deeply involved in business relations with Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill.

It must be asked, is this a push by the Port Moresby club to take over Panguna?

Another fact that appears to have been overlooked by media commentators is BCL’s share registry. Despite the considerable passage of time since Rio Tinto ‘gave’ its shares to the PNG and Bougainville governments, there is no record of this on the IPA database – a list of the registered shareholders is included below.

For Bougainvilleans concerned over their sovereignty and independence, this should not come as a surprise. The ABG big men talk the talk about independence and speaking with one voice, in reality many in Cabinet are criminals stealing meagre resources – this is no secret, its on the public record in the national court.

These men trade on peoples’ love for their country and government. They know this goodwill gives them virtual impunity. And with no free press on Bougainville, where would alternative sources of information come from. Who can access blogs like this from the village?

But the ABG are asleep at the wheel. Some may talk nationalism, but their main devotion is to money – a sickness Francis Ona reported on way back in 1988. If that means getting into bed with Port Moresby, at the cost of compatriots, they will do it, if the price is right. They only see the gold, not the blood.

When the referendum returns a yes vote, it will become apparent that the ABG is poorly administered and incapable of managing independence without in effect surrendering its sovereignty to a donor such as Australia, or China, who could fleet in consultants to prop up an ailing structure (whether they will is another question). The Big Men will blame the people of Panguna for resisting the mine. They will not take responsibility for the criminal thefts, and corrupt transactions, that are now well documented within the ABG. They will blame the people.

Many years ago Francis Ona called out fake nationalists in love with money, one of whom is currently President.

In that spirit we should all be asking, if the ABG is placing the entire country’s chips on BCL reopening Panguna. Who is leading this keystone company? And who is this individual tied to?

BCL Share Registry

Bundle 1 - Number of shares 642157


Bundle 2 - Number of shares 4931743


Bundle 3 - Number of shares 1620157


Bundle 4 - Number of shares 57977361


Bundle 5 - Number of shares 214887996


Bundle 6 - Number of shares 76430809


Bundle 7 - Number of shares 6027187


Bundle 8 - Number of shares 1657958


Bundle 9 - Number of shares 3600000


Bundle 10 - Number of shares 2561500


Bundle 11 - Number of shares 30725632


286 Postings, 7199 Tage bergfex58@Koud.he

10.03.17 10:08

can you explain the blue-coloured micro-link in the 1. bundle of the registered shares ? when pointing on those figures, a smaller window says "Call on Ariba" which is a seperate derivate.

regards, b.  

145 Postings, 6456 Tage p2205@bergfex

10.03.17 10:28
Das mit dem 'Call on Ariba' ist ein Automatismus vom Forum. Als WKN erkannte Zahlenkombinationen werden mit Link hinterlegt.
Das stammt vermutlich nicht vom Poster.  

286 Postings, 7199 Tage bergfex58@p2205

10.03.17 21:16
danke, nur seltsam, die Zahl müßte ja größer sein als die des Bundle #2 und schon deshalb das Format einer WKN "sprengen".
Gruß, b.

1335 Postings, 6511 Tage Traderevil....sorry ich kann die BCL Share Registry..

10.03.17 22:40

....zeitlich leider nicht zuordnen. ;-)  

145 Postings, 6456 Tage p2205@bergfex

11.03.17 20:43
Die Zahlen decken sich mit denen auf

Aber Du hast Recht, vermutlich ist hier die Kleinigkeit von '23' verlorengegangen. 23 vornedran. ;-)
-> Citicorp Nominees Pty Ltd Melbourne VIC 23,642,157 5.89  

1335 Postings, 6511 Tage Traderevil.......mmmh.....

12.03.17 10:23

kopiert aus ramu... >

BCL Share Registry

Bundle 1 – Number of shares 642157

.. mit dem 'Call on Ariba' ist ein Automatismus vom Forum ???? Als WKN erkannte Zahlenkombinationen werden mit Link hinterlegt?????........

.....die Überprüfung bestägt diese Annahme  nicht! ;-))



1335 Postings, 6511 Tage Traderevil....nach dem *einfügen* doch - sorry...;-)....

12.03.17 10:25

843 Postings, 3005 Tage Ice-Nine comingDas Orderbuch ....

13.03.17 02:34
... vermittelt in diesem Augenblick aber auch nicht gerade Zuversicht der Marktteilnehmer. Noch eine Mini-Kauforder bei 17,50 und danach dann erst wieder bei 15. Insgesamt ist die Kaufseite echt schwach auf der Brust.... :-((((  

703 Postings, 6337 Tage Tom0001zu #20826 Register

13.03.17 07:09
Die Zahlen aus dem Register sind nicht aktuell.

Aktuelle Zahlen vom 10.3.:






kein Rio mehr!

328 Postings, 6501 Tage kjensw@Tom0001

13.03.17 08:33

Könntest Du bitte einen Link zum Register schicken?  

703 Postings, 6337 Tage Tom0001#20836

13.03.17 18:21
dazu gibts keinen Link. Register muss man bei BCL oder beim Registrar anfordern, die schicken einen dann eine Datei.  Oder Geschäftsbericht abwarten, da stehen die TOP 10 oder gar TOP 20 auch drin.  

703 Postings, 6337 Tage Tom0001Unshackled Bougainville Copper ....

15.03.17 08:56
‘Unshackled’ Bougainville Copper reveals strategy for re-opening Panguna mine on Bougainville

15 Mar 2017 by Kevin McQuillan

If the giant Panguna copper mine on Bougainville is ever to re-open, many complex problems must be solved, including the status of the former miner, Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL). In this exclusive interview with Business Advantage PNG, BCL Chairman Rob Burns outlines its strategy to return to mining.

In June 2016, Australian resources giant Rio Tinto announced it was walking away from its involvement in the now-dormant Panguna copper-gold mine on Bougainville, by giving its shareholding in Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL) to the national and Bougainville governments.....

vollständiger Text hier:

222 Postings, 5049 Tage Koud.hePresident Momis announces support the new Boug cop

16.03.17 22:35
President Momis announces support for the new Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL)

President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Chief Dr John Momis has announced his support of the new Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) .

The new BCL is step away from the post-colonial and pre-crisis arrangement that had Bougainville at a disadvantage; it is partly owned by the Autonomous Bougainville Government, the National Government, Panguna Landowners and people of Bougainville to develop the defunct Panguna Mine with the landowners for the benefit of Bougainville.

President Momis said the ABG as regulator will work together and support BCL explore alternative Panguna development options that will accommodate the interest of project stakeholders to fast track the development of the Panguna resources.

“Since BCL was invited to formally re-engage in discussions in Bougainville in 2012, the landowners have consistently stated their preference to work with BCL as the developer,” Momis said.

This was recently reaffirmed by the nine (9) Landowner Associations in Buka on 23 February 2017 after the BCL team led by Chairman Rob Burns made presentations to the ABG leaders and the nince landowner association executives and representatives on the new BCL’s development proposal for Panguna.

During that visit the Chairman present to the ABG leaders and the landowners a staed development proposal outlining how different the new Panguna approach will be under the new BCL hich now owned by the ABG, the Panguna landowners, people of Bougainville and the National Government.

Due to the recent majority of shares transferred by the Rio Tinto to ABG and the National Government, the ABG and the landowners now view BCL as not the devil we know but the devil we won.

The ABG and the landowners will now have to take advantage of this scenario and work out a positive strategy for an outcome that will be equitably beneficial for all stakeholders especially the landowners.

The ABG and the landowners have also committed to addressing the immediate challenges to progressing the Panguna project and looks forward to working in partnership with BCL through the project development cycle.

During discussions held this week between the BCL and the ABG, the two parties reaffirmed their commitment in which a way forward can be agreed for the immediate addressing of stage 0- Removing impediments under the BCL proposed staged development proposal presented during 23 – 24 February visit.

In those discussions it was also mentioned for BCL’s consideration to find ways and opportunities in its exploration to project development financing phase to support the ABG’s immediate development agendas as a way of building a long term unwavering development in Panguna  

1335 Postings, 6511 Tage Traderevil..Bougainville govt endorses Panguna plans of BCL.

18.03.17 11:40
Bougainville govt endorses Panguna plans of BCL | Radio New Zealand News
The President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Chief John Momis says he fully supports the plans of the new look Bougainville Copper Limited.

Pacific Papua New Guinea
9:54 am today
Bougainville govt endorses Panguna plans of BCL
9:54 am today

The President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Chief John Momis says he fully supports the plans of the new look Bougainville Copper Limited.
Bougainville's Panguna Copper mine

The miner, which is now partly owned by the Bougainville government and its land-owning groups, along with the Papua New Guinea government and private shareholders, has laid out a plan for a possible re-opening of the controversial Panguna mine by about 2025.

The Post Courier reports President Momis saying the ABG, as regulator, would support BCL in exploring a new approach which accommodates the interests of stakeholders in any fast track development of the Panguna resources.

He said that since BCL was invited to formally re-engage with Bougainville in 2012, the landowners have consistently stated ...........their preference to work with the company as the developer.!!!!!!!

............Mr Momis said this was reaffirmed when landowner associations met with the BCL chairman Rob Burns in February.

Mr Burns had outlined how different the new approach to Panguna would be under the new BCL.

John Momis said his government and the landowners have also committed to addressing the challenges to progressing the Panguna project and are looking forward to working in partnership with BCL through the project development cycle..................


14618 Postings, 4591 Tage willi-marlnach nun 5 jahren mit bcl.....

18.03.17 13:28
seinerzeit durch nekro drauf aufmerksam geworden.......
muss ich leider mal sagen, es war ein griff ins klo.....
will niemandem die schuld geben; ne warum und wozu auch,
aber der laden ist wohl eine nerver-ending-story.
auf die nächsten 5 jahre......  

286 Postings, 7199 Tage bergfex58@ willi-marl

19.03.17 06:48

In der Mineralogie mit ihrer Nähe zur Erdgeschichte sind 5 Jahre der Bruchteil eines Wimpernschlags. :-)  

1335 Postings, 6511 Tage Traderevil....ich hatte jetzt mit ...

19.03.17 10:14

...meiner  Meinungsäußerung an den Bergmann mit  * Ruhestand auf der Zielgeraden* ;-))......oder schon erreicht?......
.........etwas gezögert aber bergfexx 58 hat recht mit seiner Sichtweise und desshalb kenne ich hier auch nicht einen einzigen der behauptet hätte das das alles ein kurzer Sprint wird. Ganz im Gegenteil Willi...  jeder ....gut jeder weiß das sich die Protagonisten vor Ort, bisslang  jedenfalls, Zeit lassen in Ihrem Bemühen das richtige zu tun. Das ändert sich aber gerade und ich hoffe dein Depot hat noch ausreichend Bestände an BCL shares.....:-))))  

14618 Postings, 4591 Tage willi-marldas ist wohl wahr @bergflex58 .....

19.03.17 10:16
und dieser tatsache bin und war ich mir immer bewusst.....
kann mich an den geologie-schein noch gut erinnern!
aber bei der aktie BCL ist der vergleich nicht so gegeben;
die probleme liegen doch woanders und die aussichten auf
re-opening lagen auch auf einer anderen ebene.
bei dir nicht?  

14618 Postings, 4591 Tage willi-marlaber sicher @traderevil

19.03.17 10:28
sonst würde ich meine "freude" über die performance ja auch nicht posten.....  

222 Postings, 5049 Tage Koud.heWir sind immer noch im Plan

19.03.17 11:47
Niemand had gesprochen über 3 oder 5 Jahren, selbst Rio Tinto nicht.

222 Postings, 5049 Tage Koud.he@Willie

19.03.17 12:03
Man braucht ja nicht zu warten bis der Eröffnung von der Mine,
Nür das Gerücht von Eröffnung war damals schon €1,45  

14618 Postings, 4591 Tage willi-marl@koud.he schöne mütze.... farblich.....

19.03.17 12:12
ja, ich sagte ja, auf die nächsten 5 jahre.............
und mal ein post zur 5 jahres performance...... sei mir doch wohl genehmigt, oder?
ausserdem dürfte das bei vielen so aussehen. das müsst ihr schon aushalten.....  

1335 Postings, 6511 Tage Traderevil....ja ne klar ...Willi ..alles gut ;-).....

19.03.17 15:48

933 Postings, 4723 Tage LOFPund warum kauft jetzt keiner bei den News?

20.03.17 10:04

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