Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
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....die Oberhand behält bleibt es bei - 25% auf die jährliche Dividenden Zahlungen. ;-))..............
BOUGAINVILLE Minister for Minerals and Energy Resources Robin Wilson says Panguna mine is the single largest project that can move Bougainville forward.
Mr Wilson said it would ease financial hardships for landowners of Panguna and Bougainville, therefore, it was in their interest to re-open the mine. He was speaking during the presentation by Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) of its future plans for Panguna mine. Mr Wilson urged the landowners re-open, adding. “you have the veto power and whatever decision you make must be for the good of the whole of Bougainville”.
“Let’s have one voice and move forward,” Mr Wilson said at the BCL presentation that was later graced with the initial payment of K5 million to two landowner associations in outstanding 1989 to 1990 compensation payments.
The other seven groups will be paid after completing the compiling and verifying names of families. They will be paid a total of more than K14 million....................
Nur warum reagiert der Kurs nicht?
Reicht das nicht als Phantasie?
Gibt es Bedenken?
Wie seht Ihr das?
erst wenn wir die Ameisen (sprich Arbeiter) auf Google Earth sehen, wird Bewegung reinkommen....
Gorethy Kenneth | Post Courier | March 03,2017
THE full cost of re-opening the Panguna Mine will run into billions but it will be better understood when the scoping study which is underway is complete.
Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) said that they need to raise significant funding of US$100 million to carry out the feasibility study, K12.5 million to remove the impediments to development and K25 million to demonstrate project viability to secure feasibility study funding.
BCL tells Post-Courier the proposal presented by the company chairman Robert Burns in Buka last week to the cabinet ministers of the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) and the nine landowner groups outlined a staged approach to developing a new Panguna.
Stages zero to two of the development plan includes the removal of impediments to mine development, opening an office in Buka, which is now being planned and on the ground studies to demonstrate the social, environmental, technical and financial viability of the project.
BCL Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary Mark Hitchcock said a full feasibility study is planned to be finalised in 2020 with the decision to proceed to construction and operations being dependent on obtaining the necessary approvals, permitting and financing.
He said the ABG is now fully committed to the opening of a new Panguna mine and it will support Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL), of which it is a major shareholder.
Hitchcock also reiterated Mr Burn’s statement in Buka last week that the nine Landowner Associations have agreed to work with the ABG and BCL to progress the staged development process.
"We need to raise significant funds at two different stages of the project – the Feasibility studies, $100 million, construction – multi billions (but pending completion of feasibility study), Feasibility Funding (high risk stage), Equity raising will be unlikely at current share price and we may need to introduce a strategic partner," BCL management said yesterday.
"For construction funding, the large projects have limited funding options, and must have high financial returns, low sovereign risk, including social risk and be internationally competitive," they said.
Sebastian Hakalits | Post Courier | March 03, 2017
THE Bougainville Government’s position on Panguna mine had always been clear - to re-open it, says Bougainville Vice-Presient Raymond Masono.
Mr Masono said that the region would have fiscal self-reliance and also the majority of Bougainvilleans would enjoy a better life again when the mine re-opens.
He said there was opposition to the mine re-opening but they were a minority.
"We need Panguna to finance independence for Bougainville," he added.
Mr Masono said that the mine would bring quick development and it still had a large known reserve yet to be mined.
Last week in Buka, K5 million was paid to four landowner associations. The cheque payment by Bougainville Copper Limited was done at Kuri Village Resort and was witnessed by Mr Masono, ABG Ministers, senior government officers and staff.
"It is not the devil that we used to know, but it’s now the devil that we own," Mr Masono said in reference to BCL, adding that it would be foolish go out looking for other developers when BCL was available.
More than K14 million will be paid to the Panguna landowner groups when their outstanding claims with BCL are settled.
Six landowner associations that were established before the Bougainville Crisis (1988-1998) and another three were established after the conflict, bringing the total to nine landowner associations.
More than K14 million will be made to the Panguna landowner groups when Bougainville Copper Limited completes outstanding claims are settled
Denke, dieser Meilenstein muss auf alle Fälle erreicht werden, bevor was vorangeht.
Dann die Frage nach der Finanzierung. Welcher strategischer Partner der das im Kreuz hat investiert schon gern in eine Region, in der man schon mal enteignet werden kann... Ich denke das können wir abhaken - da gibts angenehmere Gegenden für Investoren. BCL kann wohl nur selber wieder anfangen mit Krediten - evtl. mit Staatsbürgschaften von z.B. AU?
einige große sind da ja wohl auch noch mit im Boot.
Werden die sich dann auch einfach mit hinaus kegeln lassen (z.B. EDA Minerals und Banken).
Ich schätze mal, den einen oder anderen Dollar pro Share wollen die sicherlich auch sehen.
Oder ???
Allen ein schönes weekend
....das nur ein größerer Investor zum Zuge kommt ? ;-)) Warum eigentlich nicht mehr ?
z.Bsp mindestens zwei . ........
RT hat gesehen, dass ein einfaches "Weiter so" auch auf Jahre keine Lösung gebracht hätte. Also verschenkt man die Anteile, in der Annahme, dass dann die nun größten Anteilseigner aus reiner Gier schon die Wiedereröffnung vorantreiben würden. Da denen aber Geld und Know-How fehlt, weiß man bei RT auch, dass ein großer, kapitalstarker Partner an Bord geholt werden muss. Und, so spekuliert man bei RT dann, kann man dann durch die Hintertür wieder zu seinem ehemaligen Kronjuwel gelangen. PNG und ABG werden meines Erachtens mit Sicherheit auch bei RT anfragen und dann kann RT ganz schnell wieder mit an Bord sein. Champions League in Poker!
Krimi pur! :-))))
Bei Northern Dynasty ist RT aber auch nicht mehr zurück ins Boot, nachdem die Aktien verschenkt wurden.
Sehe es schon seit der Übertragung der Anteile wie du Ice-Nine.
Wäre schon ne geniale Strategie von Rio Tinto.
@Carlchen: bedenke, EDA MInerals ist quasi PNG und die Banken sind nur
die Verwalter der Kleinanleger, also haben beide überhaupt kein Interesse
sich für diese Kleinanleger in irgendeiner Weise einzusetzen.
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government should not accept the K1 billion projected offer by Bougainville Copper Limited to them if the mine is fully operational by 2020, says Francis Hurahura of Arawa.
He said the ABG should counter this offer by asking BCL to get a percentage based on the value of every shipment.
He suggested ABG request 10 per cent of the value of every shipment which would mean a fairer deal and based on price movements as well.
"We need to know what production and export target BCL is forecasting and this has to be based on various minerals that is deposited at the Panguna mine and we must remember that BCL never revealed to Bougainvillean’s that gold was present and was one of the major deposits up until today, but the people only knew that copper was being mined," Mr Hurahura said.
"The feasibility and environmental studies must be conducted by an independent body."
Mr Hurahura said Bougainville has petroleum engineers, mining engineers and so on and therefore ‘we must engage our own professionals to get well informed advice and all this must not be rushed adding that the projected date of 2020 to begin mine operation is unwise.’
He said ABG was given 36 per cent share and landowners 17 per cent with no real value and this was a "Catch 22 Offer" and "now they are saying, you invite me I will operate the mine and then you will see value of your shares."
"We should not fall for this."
No quick compo if Bougainville’s Panguna restarts.
The Panguna mine and the environmental and social problems that resulted from it were the key factor in the ten-year-long Bougainville civil war.
The company, now has new shareholding, including a big stake held by the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
There has long been a push for compensation but CEO Mark Hitchcock said he would expect any resolution of such a call to come once the mine is back in action.
"We see that as part of the negotiations moving forward and that any sort of compensation that is considered would be dealt with during the life cycle of a new mine and done on a community based sort of project."
Mr Hitchcock said BCL laid out a timeline for a possible return to Panguna which would have the mine in production in the mid 2020s
MARK HITCHCOCK: It has always been Bougainville Copper's aim to return to mining on Bougainville and with the change in shareholding in June last year, this gave Bougainville Copper, as an independently run and managed PNG company, the chance to actually forge some of its plans to return to mining. So the plan for Stage Zero, which is what we are call it for December [2017] is to arrange some of the precedents that need to be done for us to get back on the ground in Bougainville and Panguna.
DON WISEMAN: A key part of that is this issue of these shares that were split between the ABG and PNG Governments. The ABG wants those shares. What's going to happen to them?
MH: There is still a little bit of uncertainty around the 17.4 percent that Prime Minister O'Neill indicated would be given to the landowners of Bougainville. It's part of our Stage Zero to get some understanding on how those shares will be handled by the PNG Government.
DW: There are several other issues of course. There is still some trust and acrimony as far as BCL goes - I know you are under different ownership now but you have to overcome that barrier, so how do you do that?
MH: Well Bougainville Copper does have a fairly good name and people do remember the Bougainville Copper days and some of the good things that were generated when Bougainville Copper was running the mine at Panguna. Like education was world class, medicine was world class, and lifestyle was very good and a lot of people still remember that, so you can discount some of the good will that was generated then. So we, being a reputable and honest company, returning, we have held the ground, we have held the position and we have always wanted to return and we would like to return on terms that everyone is happy with.
DW: There is this question of compensation that has been floating around for many, many years. Demands from Bougainvilleans for compensation for the social and environmental that have been blamed on Panguna.
MH: We see that as part of the negotiations moving forward and that any compensation that is considered would be dealt with during the lifecycle of the new mine and done on a community based, sort of project.
DW: To go back to the question of a time line you have laid out a programme through to the end of 2020, by which stage you will be where?
MH: At 2020, if we can get a lot of things that we need done in 2017 we will have progressed doing all our studies and we will be at a stage where we have done a feasibility and we are ready to go and finance and start building the mine in 2020. So then it would be middle 2020s, a good five years to get the mine up and running after 2020.
DW: Yes although on your timeline which you have presented to the Stock Exchange in Australia you are going to need a fair amount of money, several hundred million dollars, before then, aren't you, in terms of this preliminary work, so where is that going to come from?
MH: Part of the plan of having a staged process is to actually build the wealth of the company - it's currently trading at 20 cents, or just below 20 cents Australian, and we believe there is a lot more wealth behind the company than that, and just building these stages and getting a lot more information we will build the value of the mine.
DW: As far as the landowners and the ABG - why should they go down this road. What's in it for them - re-opening Panguna and all those scars again?
MH: The autonomous Bougainville region has a referendum in 2019 where it will its future. Its future is dependent on there being an economy that can sustain themselves as a region and the Bougainville people see that they need a major project to actually fund their future.
DW: You have been involved with the company for a long time, you must have a sense of what most Bougainvilleans are thinking and there's certainly been vocal opposition. Do you think that's changing?
MH: Yes there has always been fairly widespread support for Bougainville Copper. There are detractors and there will always be detractors in all spheres of the world but I believe that the underlying people of Bougainville are supportive, because they do remember what they used to have when the mine was fully operational.
.............DW: Yes although on your timeline which you have presented to the Stock Exchange in Australia you are going to need a fair amount of money, several hundred million dollars, before then, aren't you, in terms of this preliminary work, so where is that going to come from?
MH: Part of the plan of having a staged process is to actually build the wealth of the company - it's currently trading at 20 cents, or just below 20 cents Australian, and we believe there is a lot more wealth behind the company than that, and just building these stages.............. and getting a lot more information we will build the value of the mine.
............DW: As far as the landowners and the ABG - why should they go down this road. What's in it for them - re-opening Panguna and all those scars again?
MH: The autonomous Bougainville region has a referendum in 2019 where it will its future. Its future is dependent on there being an economy that can sustain themselves as a region and the Bougainville people see that they need a major project to actually fund their future........................
......and getting a lot more information we will build the value of the mine......................also das macht doch Sinn auch bei einer evtl. später anstehenden Verwässerung sollte der sharepreis im ersten Schritt auf ein höheres Level kommen :-))) ( Nur meine Meinung.)