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The Government faces demands from the troika to accept tough fiscal policy conditions in return for an emergency credit line to guard against any loss of market confidence in the wake of the bailout.
With only seven weeks to go before Ireland’s official exit from the EU-International Monetary Fund bailout, there is no consensus in the troika or among European leaders as to whether the Coalition should seek a precautionary loan programme. However, European sources said Dublin would be expected to comply with a new swathe of tough conditions even if it never used the credit line.
This is at odds with the stance of the Government, which is trying to minimise the scope of any conditions. Taoiseach Enda Kenny said at the end of the EU summit in Brussels other leaders had expressed a “range of views” to him on the merits of a credit line.
Taoiseach Enda Kenny would have to pay a price in return for a precautionary credit line, namely a new series of fiscal policy conditions. Photograph: Virginia Mayo/AP
Exiting the bailout: the factors at play
An unsporting tax
The summit was overshadowed by an escalating transatlantic row over American spying in Europe.
Both the European Central Bank and the IMF are keen for Ireland to take on a precautionary programme, but the European Commission sees no “obvious” need at this point.
‘Success story’
With Ireland seen as the only demonstration the response to the debt emergency is working, the commission is wary the “success story” could be undermined if approval is sought in other countries for a credit line.
However, the ECB remains concerned there are still risks in the Irish banking system and believes there should be a credit line to confront any return of market turmoil. After talks this week with the ECB and the commission, Minister for Finance Michael Noonan is due in Washington on Monday for discussions at the IMF.
Although Dublin argues behind the scenes that any conditions should go no further than existing commitments under EU budget rules, European sources doubt that would satisfy the European Stability Mechanism fund or the IMF.
Even though the prospect of tough conditions would present difficulties for the Government, the argument is made within the troika that Ireland is already obliged to run “very tight” budgets for years to come. Mr Kenny said the Government expects to decide before the bailout ends on December 15th.
ich denke eher an einen längerfristigen langsamen anstieg.
Wenn ich mir den fritz chart (Posting # 2016) so anschaue popeln wir gerade an einem hartnäckigen Widerstand herum wenn der überschritten wird kanns noch mal einen Schub geben.
Google Übersetzer
Irish Bank Officials Association recommends deal brokered by Labour Relations Commission
The Irish Bank Officials Association yesterday recommended to Bank of Ireland staff the proposed changes in their pension arrangements, which were brokered recently by the Labour Relations Commission (LRC).
“The proposals from the LRC meet the union’s core objectives of retaining the defined benefit scheme for future accrual; preserving members’ core benefits and other provisions; and applying change in an equitable fashion across all stakeholders,” the association’s general secretary Larry Broderick said.
“Viewed against the background of recent developments in pensions within Irish banking and in employment generally, and recognising that protracted engagement has taken place between the union and Bank of Ireland since February, our executive committee believes that the final proposals represent the best that can be achieved by negotiation,” he added.
‘Mature compromise’
Mr Broderick said the LRC proposals represented a “mature compromise” to the opening positions of the bank and its staff.
“Following a series of consultation meetings throughout the Republic, Northern Ireland and Great Britain, the proposals will be put to our members in Bank of Ireland for their approval in a ballot – which we hope to complete by the end of November,” he added.
Bank of Ireland is set to reduce its pension deficit by up to €400 million, thus securing the future of its defined pension scheme and paving the way for a stronger capital position.
Following the completion of discussions, which began seven months ago, facilitated by the LRC, the bank’s pension deficit, which stood at €1.15 billion as of the end of December 2012, is set to fall as a result of adjustments in benefits.
The solution agreed upon is said to be a “shared” one, in that the bank will reduce the deficit as a result of various measures, and members of the bank’s pension scheme will need to agree to cuts in their benefits.
Muss ja was zu bedeuten haben.
Noch sehe ich das alles als normale Korrektur und bin ja mit Kaufkursen von 0,26 und 0,27 nicht wirklich erschüttert.
Gibt es irgendwelche fundamentale Nachrichten oder Erkenntnisse?
unten ziehen aber man sieht schwäche wird zum nachkaufen genutzt.
lg bk1
Noonan to press IMF over credit facility
Minister to argue case for minimum policy conditions in any post-bailout arrangement
Minister for Finance Michael Noonan will argue his case today with International Monetary Fund (IMF) leaders for minimum policy conditions in any post-bailout credit line.
Mr Noonan will have talks this morning in the Washington headquarters of the IMF with its first deputy managing director, David Lipton. IMF managing director Christine Lagarde will meet the Minister for dinner this evening at Ireland’s embassy to the US.
He meets tomorrow with US treasury secretary Jack Lew.
Such talks follow Mr Noonan’s negotiations last week in Strasbourg with EU economics commission Olli Rehn, as well as discussions in Frankfurt with the European Central Bank and the Taoiseach Enda Kenny’s engagement with EU leaders at a summit in Brussels.
Focus on terms
With troika inspectors due in Merrion Street tomorrow for their 12th and final mission before the bailout ends in mid-December, the focus now is the terms on which any emergency credit line is granted.
At issue is whether the Government can secure access to a credit line without accepting fiscal policy conditions which go beyond existing obligations under new EU budget rules. However, this is unlikely to satisfy either the IMF or the EU powers.
While there is speculation in political circles that the Coalition will not accept a precautionary loan programme if the conditions are too onerous, Mr Noonan has kept all options in play.
Having indicated during the summer that the Government would be seeking such a programme, it has rowed back from this position. The Government has large cash reserves in place anyway, so it could argue that access to an emergency safety net is not strictly necessary.
To avoid any lack of clarity in the immediate run-up to December 15th, the Coalition expects to make a public declaration of its intentions some time in November.
This timetable allows for the Cabinet to assess Mr Noonan’s talks, the troika’s mission and the outcome of ongoing stress tests on Ireland’s banks.
Safety net
The aim in any declaration would be to provide certainty both to financial markets and the Ireland’s international sponsors, with whom any precautionary credit line would have to be agreed.
The IMF and the ECB are keen for the Government to take on a programme precautionary credit line but they are insisting on compliance with tough policy conditions in return. Dublin would be obliged to submit to such conditions even if it never drew down money from this credit facility.
Still, the EU commission sees no “obvious” need for such a programme. Its concern is to avoid undermining the “success story” of Ireland’s return to private debt markets at the end of the bailout.
Any precautionary programme from the European Stability Mechanism fund would necessitate parliamentary approval in Germany and other euro zone countries.
If proceeding in this manner, there would also be a separate IMF credit line
die Uhr tickt unaufhörlich und manche machen jetzt halt kasse bis es raus ist, wie die 1,8 mrd. bis ende märz 2014 gestemmt werden sollen.
ich persönlich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass wir vor bekanntgabe der finanzierung noch die 30 cent sehen werden und dann werde ich vermutlich ca. 25% meiner anteile verkaufen...... - um mit dieser kohle eine evtl. kommende ke mitzugehen.
gruss weltumradler
den Aufwärtstrend fortzuführen aber leider war der Wiederstand im Bereich 0,265 - 0,27 zu groß, darauf hin setzen dann Gewinnmitnahmen ein die begleitet wurden von eingigen
SL - Absicherungen die den Abverkauf dann beschleunigten.
Auslöser des ganzen war heute Nachmittag eine Verkaufsorder in London über
2,5 Mill.Shares.
wir sollten nun den Bereich von 0,25 - 0,24 cent einen guten Boden finden,
von einer großen Korrektur würde ich erst sprechen wenn der Bereich um 0,22 cent nicht hält
meine Meinung :)
beides ist derzeit o.k. und das mittlere band verläuft bei ca. 24,5 Cent, immerhin auf 52 wochen hoch. wie oft unser wert an dieser Barriere gedreht hat weiss ich nicht, kritisch wird`s wohl erst am unteren, also bei derzeit knapp über 20 cent.
ich denke, hoffe, dass spätestens beim mbb unser wert dreht, um einen erneuten anlauf gen 30 cent zu tätigen.
mit der entsprechenden news sollte dies noch möglich sein.
gruss weltumradler
dieses Jahr noch mal sehen :)
Aufwärtstrend völlig intakt..
aber heute konnte man schön sehen das hier viele im Bereich von 0,258 SL abgesichert waren,
kann gut seien das diese sich schon morgen teurer wieder einndecken müssen :)
bleibe auf jeden Fall drin und falls wir tiefer rutschen kaufe ich nach,,
denke wir stehen Ende 2014 zwischen 0,80 cent und 1,20 EUR....
gute 60 cent war wohl das allzeithoch bezogen auf die aktuelle aktienanzahl, und weshalb unsere boi nun doppelt soviel wert sein soll - na ja.
hätte ja nichts dagegen, wohl ne eigentumswohnung oder wäre ausgewandert......
dir noch nen schönen abend.
gruss weltumradler
eines Unternehmens oder Bank in denn darauf folgenden Jahren in den positiven und operativ gewinnträchtigen Bereich laufen eine gewisse Übertreibung in den Kursen zu sehen ist weil jeder bei den Hype dabei seien will..
(meine Meinung und oft beobachtet Bsp. Infineon habe damals vor Jahren sehr viele Aktien im Bereich von 0,50 cent erworben gingen schneller rauf als der Gewinn )
wenn Irland den Weg zurück findet was auch seien wird ,,der Markt und der Aufschwung sehr dynamisch nach oben läuft...
schönen Abend....
28.10.2013 17:35:12
London (LSE)
Zeit Kurs* Stück kumuliert
17:35:12§0,26 EUR - 27.726.403
17:35:12 0,26 EUR 0 27.296.709
17:35:12 0,26 EUR 1.253.000 27.296.709
Irland: Immobilienpreise im September +1,8% nach +0,9% im Vormonat (m/m).
vor 2 Min (13:00) - Echtzeitnachricht
Irland: Einzelhandelsumsatz im September +0,5% nach revidiert -2,3% (-1,6%) im Vormonat (m/m). vor 2 Min (13:00) - Echtzeitnachricht - Quelle: JANDAYA