Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
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Eröffnet am: | 29.09.07 14:50 | von: nekro | Anzahl Beiträge: | 25.579 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 07.03.25 12:30 | von: Fuchsbau24 | Leser gesamt: | 6.356.165 |
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....nicht nur hier existiert nach wie vor Optimismus (ja etwas gedämpft ;-) auch beim Handel in Australien also vor Ort herrscht offensichtlich ein gewisser Optimismus der sich in dem Verkaufsangeboten deutlich zeigt.
Die Begründung: Seit langer wirklich langer Zeit bietet hier ein shareholder ein paar Stück fünf mal gestückelt zwischen 62......66 Australien $ an.
Wird sie aber nie los. ;-((
Vielleicht liegts einfach an der Menge???? hehehe.
Also das nenne ich Opimismus pur ;-))))
vom Arriva Board zur aktuellen Entwicklung Industriemetalle, Gold
........Dahinter verbirgt sich die Einschätzung, dass die von Trump propagierte Renaissance der amerikanischen Basisindustrie, Steuersenkungen und erhöhte Rüstungsausgaben das US-Wirtschaftswachstum beflügeln und für Inflation sorgen werden.
In diese Konjunktureinschätzung passt auch der nach Wahlsieg Trumps plötzliche Preisanstieg der Industriemetalle, Kupfer und Eisenerz. Vor dem Hintergrund, dass Trump mindestens eine Billion US-Dollar in Straßen, Brücken und (Flug-)Häfen investieren will, ist tatsächlich eine höhere Rohstoffnachfrage zu erwarten. Dieses Bild unterstützt auch der sichere Hafen Gold, dessen Preis nach einer anfänglichen Bewegung nach oben wieder nachgegeben hat.
Wieviele Chancen auf gute Staats Einnahmen für Bougainville sollen noch vergeben werden.?????????????
Habe nur einen Bericht zu Resolution gefunden. rio sieht in dieser Mine mehr potenzial als in Peebles und Bougainville (was ja nix neues ist) ....
In some projects, the risks and rewards no longer balance. Since 2013, Rio and Anglo American have both walked away from another big US project: Pebble, an Alaskan copper resource where concerns over a spawning ground for salmon are likely to hold up development. Rio has also abandoned any attempt to rehabilitate Bougainville, a copper mine in Papua New Guinea that was at the centre of a secessionist conflict in the 1980s.
wobei ob das jetzt das beste für die Aktie ist, sei dahingestellt:
....für alle die dem chinesischen nicht so sicher sind. BOC wird nur als Verlierer im Materialssektor erwähnt :-)
.....jeder macht was er will - keiner was er soll - und alle machen mit.......wenn es nicht so traurig wäre, wäre es wirklich zum lachen. :-)
Dabei gibt es doch nur eine vernünftige Option realistisch gesehen. Nämlich BCL seine Arbeit für ein ´´reopening´´ Panguna einfach machen lassen.
Who is illegally dredging for gold on Bougainville?
Illegal gold dredging on the Jaba river might not be Chinese owned, as claimed in the media.......
Interessanter Artikel.Wie schon gesagt: Jeder macht w.........................
Sind das die ersten Handlungen von PNG und ABG
Wo kommen denn die immerhin 4 Mio Euro her?
THE major shareholder of the Lower Tailings area of the Panguna Mine Affected Landowners Association, Mr Ben Paula Takusi says that proper consultation must be done before any form of royalty is given.
Mr Takusi is the eldest son of major shareholder of the lower tailings Mr Peter Simon Takusi and is the next of kin, entitled to receive payments on behalf of the landowners in the area.
He said if Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) wanted to make the payment that would be K14 million now, they must first do a region wide consultation that includes the Autonomous Bougainville Government and all landowner executives to explain the purpose of the payment
He stressed the need for region wide consultations as many people across the region died during the crisis that ignited from royalty payments.
“We must always protect the peace process and a guarantee for safety, security and stability will ensure that the peace process prevails. There must be wider consultation to the former combatants, executives of North, South and Central Bougainville and the immediate people in the affected areas because not everyone is recipient of the royalty,” Mr Takusi said.
Pastor Albert Magoi, another next of kin and a title landowner of the lower tailings voiced support saying many people did not know about the payment and this could create problems.
“We (genuine landowners) must always be consulted and not opportunists who only want to take what they are not supposed to be getting,” Ps Magoi said.
He alleged that opportunists sidelined the next of kin’s and had initially wanted to take the money when it was worth K5 million.
Ps Magoi expressed concern that there was a faction trying to hijack the payment. He and fellow leaders are calling on BCL, ABG and other landowners to work together to stop payments until proper awareness is done on the purpose of the payment and recipients.
The royalty payments are from 1990 that were not yet paid to the lower tailings and other PMALA’s.
wie es heute Nacht aussah ???
gestern -meine ich- sah es doch schon ähnlich "gut" aus (tagsüber bei MEZ).
Nur die Frage, wer da so gerne "einige kleine" Stückchen haben möchte ...
Allen einen schönen 3. Advent
.....“You’re going to see these next three years where there’s this lag,” he said. “There are going to be almost no new copper mines coming online. There’s a general consensus that, by the time we hit 2020, 2021, you’re going to need significant new supply, and it’s just not in the pipeline.”
“The general view remains that supply is decreasing and demand is increasing,” Goldman Sachs states in its recent report. “It [copper] is one of the few commodities where consensus is forecasting a price recovery.”
However, Goldman Sachs also warns that as new mines get built, the prospect of another oversupply increases.
“A wall of new copper supply will come online over the next five years, adding to the global surplus and weighing on already deflated prices.”..............
" The landowners of Panguna were promised payments that are long overdue to them after 27 years of waiting.
The landowners received the notice during the Panguna Landowners Community Review which was conducted recently by Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) and the ABG Panguna Negotiation office.
Seen as a breakthrough and historical event, this year marks 27 years since the Bougainville Crisis ended. It has also provided an opportunity for BCL to begin a new chapter."
The Acting Director of the Office of the Panguna Negotiation, Mr Bruno Babato thanked the people of Central and South Bougainville for kindly accepting and welcoming BCL and the team to precede its work in the region.
Babato said that the aim of the program was to verify and confirm the list of landowners with their account numbers so that transaction of payments would be made.
Mr Justin Rogers who is a consultant from the office of Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) informed the Landowners that BCL has pledged K13.9 million to them as an outstanding payment for the year 1990. That payment ceased then because of the Bougainville crisis.
The payment was supposed to be a 12 months pay for the year 1990 but BCL had extended that agreement to the year 2013.
The amount that was given by BCL is for the year 1990 to 2013, said Mr Rogers.
Mr Rogers urged the landowners to fully work and cooperate with ABG and BCL to settle that issue and focus on other programs or developments to be implemented in the future for the benefit of the landowners and Bougainville as a whole.
The Team completed Panguna Mine Acess Road PMAR Association, Lower Tailings, Bolave Fish Owners and Mid Tailings. They are yet to conduct a meeting with other two associations, Small Mining Lease and the Upper Tailings next year January.
Change in BCL major shareholding requires re-assessment of the re-development context.
The OMS describes a project with potential
for a long mine life but the capital cost is high.
Once guidance is provided on the shareholders expectations and re
-development vision, further
technical, community and environmental studies can be planned!!!!
Clarify new BCL re-development context;
Plan appropriate work plan based on new context that could include:
–Update order of magnitude assessment;
–Establish Arawa office to facilitate community engagement and facilitate commencing
site activities:
Landowner Identification Studies;
Social Mapping Studies; and,
Technical de-risking programme.
Consider initiating a Prefeasibility Study;
Undertake social, economic and environmental baseline assessments