Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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666 Postings, 5936 Tage havannaGute Entwicklung

14.03.16 09:46

1335 Postings, 6513 Tage Traderevil...@havanna....

19.03.16 09:03 there news Share to bel kol 15th of March?.....  

1335 Postings, 6513 Tage Traderevil...Biggest mining equity rally in years built on s

20.03.16 13:20
The biggest rally for mining company shares since 2009 risks fizzling out as gains have largely been driven by funds reversing bets on lower prices...

 ......China, aiming to shift its economy away from manufacturing towards consumption, has been behind the recent rout in metals prices, which saw copper fall to 6-1/2 year lows of $4,318 in January.

It is also one of the main reasons why mining majors such as BHP Billiton , Rio, Glencore and Anglo American have had to take tough decisions to slash capital expenditure, dividends and sell assets.......

Offensichtlich hat sich  da bei Panguna nichts in diese Richtung entwickelt. :-)))


918 Postings, 6514 Tage Carlchen03BCL Infos

24.03.16 09:56

1335 Postings, 6513 Tage Traderevil....von der HP BCL...

24.03.16 11:08
Bougainville Copper Limited | PNG Mining
Bougainville Copper Limited looks forward to sustainable, responsible mining, being committed to the recommencement of the Paguna mine at Bougainville.


The vision of Bougainville Copper Limited is to return to active exploration and sustainable, profitable mining in the Autonomous Bougainville Province.

In 2015 BCL has continued to strengthen its regional relationships with the Autonomous Bougainville Government, the mine affected landowners, community leaders and the people of Bougainville.

Ein bisschen mehr an aktuellen Informationen auf der HP zu den BCL Info´s
(die aktuell übrigens auch noch nicht  eingestellt  sind) müßte schon sein. :-)


918 Postings, 6514 Tage Carlchen03BCL Annual Report 2015

29.03.16 08:18

1335 Postings, 6513 Tage Traderevil.....Notice to ASX 29 March 2016....

29.03.16 09:18

Annual Report
Attached is the 201
5 Annual Report which contains the full financial statements for 201
5 along with the annual
appendix 4G
- Key to Disclosures
Corporate Governance Council Principles and Recommendations
The Annual General meeting will be held at the Grand Papua Hotel in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea on the Wednesday 1st June, 2016 at 2.00 pm.

The Annual Report and notices of meeting will be mailed to shareholders and posted on the company’s web site in due course.
By Order of the Board

und dann auf 

Seite 36 + 37

unter anderem:                

Number of shareholders at end of year

2015               15,108 


2014              15,212 

Diff total      -  104


222 Postings, 5051 Tage Koud.heCan investors take Bougainville Copper seriously

31.03.16 00:35

1335 Postings, 6513 Tage Traderevil....#20383.....

31.03.16 09:46

......While BCL management pronouncements on Bel Kol have assumed a mirage like quality, it appears executive payments are being deposited each year with much greater reliability.......

dazu  2 Stimmen :

2 responses to “Can investors take Bougainville Copper Limited seriously?”

   John Sells
   March 31, 2016 at 10:20 am

   ~~~Before investing in Mining stocks in PNG check out what has happened to IDC….Corruption is rife in PNG…from the top to the Bottom..B warned.IMO.
   March 31, 2016 at 11:07 am

   Who among locals is going to buy a few shares and then turn up at shareholders’ meetings to protest loudly? Preferably several.

Da muß ich Karis sogar beipflichten. Wenn  die  HV  von der hohen Anzahl von  Kleinaktionären (siehe Annual Report Seite 36/37 ) besucht würde, könnte es in der Tat eine sehr  angeregte stimmungsvolle Diskussion werden. ;-)))  

145 Postings, 6458 Tage p2205Bougainville Parliament Undergo Leadership Seminar

05.04.16 09:00

Members of Bougainville Parliament Undergo Leadership Seminar

Buka, April 4, 2016 – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with Bougainville House of Representatives conducted an induction workshop for elected members of parliament from March 30 - April 1.

The three-day induction seminar was aimed at assisting members of parliament to better understand and more effectively perform their roles. The workshop covered key aspects of parliament’s work, operational procedures, role of women in leadership and more. MPs also had an opportunity to learn from the experiences from the Australian, New Zealand, and Solomon Island Parliaments.

The Bougainville House of Representatives (BHOR) is a key institution to implement the Bougainville Peace Agreement. The elected parliamentarians, who form the Bougainville House of Representative, play a vital role in decision making under the Autonomous Bougainville Government.  As newly elected representatives, they need to be informed and inducted on various parliamentary processes, procedures and current events to make informed decisions on key governance issues. [...]  

15645 Postings, 6514 Tage nekroPanguna-estimated at a value of $ 37 Billion

05.04.16 21:45

138 Postings, 5817 Tage sonne798Value of USD 37 Bilion

06.04.16 21:25
Da bin ich damit einverstanden! Nur, wer ist der Nutzniesser dieses Wertes?
BOC hat ja angeblich alle Recht verloren! Wie sieht die Gewinnverteilung eines
möglichen Neustarts für BOC aus? Wieso lässt sich Rio so lange Zeit um über ihre
Zukunft mit BOC zu entscheiden? Viele Fragen u. keine Antworten, leider  

703 Postings, 6339 Tage Tom0001#20387

07.04.16 18:09
ich gehe davon aus, dass Rio keine Aussage machen kann, solange Rio nicht weiß wer eigentlich "Vertragspartner" ist. Sprich Referendum (max noch 3,5Jahre) abwarten, welche Regierung dann eigentlich zuständig ist. - ABG oder PNG. Und so wie ich das momentan sehe, läuft die Sache super für PNG. Jede Menge Verzögerungen und Zwischenrufe die das Vorankommen für eine Unabhängigkeit bremsen....  

145 Postings, 6458 Tage p2205Momis about Rios plans for its BCL shares

12.04.16 08:36

[...]If, as now seems highly likely, Rio decides to end its involvement in BCL, the equity must come to Bougainville, and Rio Tinto must accept its full historic responsibilities, and honour its obligations to Bougainvilleans. It cannot just walk away from Bougainville, and at the same time pretend to hold itself out to the world as a highly responsible company that learnt from its horrific experience in Bougainville by adopting new and appropriate modern standards of corporate responsibility.[...]

Hier scheint das ABG ein wenig Druck auf Rio aufbauen zu wollen, endlich eine klare Entscheidung zu kommunizieren. Man versucht wohl, ein Dementi zu provozieren, scheint mir.

Weiterer interessanter Artikel:


1335 Postings, 6513 Tage Traderevil. Momis statement ABG engagement with Rio....

12.04.16 11:02
Bougainville News : President Momis statement ABG engagement with Rio Tinto about Rio’s plans for its shares in Bougainville Copper -BCL | Bougainville News
" I want to brief you on recent developments concerning Rio’s review because it is obviously a matter of great importance to the future of Bougainville. So all of you, as the elected representatives of the people, have the right to be kept advised of developments on this subject. Another importa ...

....The Rio officers indicated that they would consider the ABG position, and would respond within 2 to 3 months, probably at another meeting in Singapore. I am yet to hear more about such a meeting.........


1335 Postings, 6513 Tage Traderevil...@p2205...sorry..

12.04.16 11:05

...habe den ersten Link übersehen;-))  

189 Postings, 6502 Tage oyooESBC

12.04.16 16:41
Weiß jemand was aus dem ESBC geworden ist? Die Seite wird schon lange nicht mehr aktualisiert.  

1335 Postings, 6513 Tage Traderevil....Rio Tinto HV 2016...

13.04.16 10:43

....Rio Tinto PLCRSS Feed dekoration
Xetra: 27,78 Kursentwicklung +6,40%   (10:22) ISIN: GB0007188757 


Termin, Ort

London Broad Sanctuary
London Broad Sanctuary


104 Postings, 4949 Tage bollo@oyoo

14.04.16 11:51
axel hat wohl Wichtigeres, siehe seine neue homepage:

warum er die ESBC komplett vernachlässigt, ??  

468 Postings, 5007 Tage macoubaRio Tinto HV ....

14.04.16 13:20
....Mr Walsh will be replaced by Jean-Sebastien Jacques on July 2, and one of Mr Jacques first moves will be to spread across the company new safety system, which he initiated in the copper division.

Mr Jacques told the meeting that he would make safety the company's top priority and would  continue to focus on large, long-life, top-tier mineral assets.....


1335 Postings, 6513 Tage Traderevil..Copper price jumps on record Chinese imports...

14.04.16 17:48
Copper price jumps on record Chinese imports |
First quarter concentrate imports are up 34% and refined metal almost 40% compared to 2015.

Copper price jumps on record Chinese imports  

1335 Postings, 6513 Tage Traderevil.....

14.04.16 17:54

.....The annual general meeting for Rio Tinto Limited will be held in Brisbane on 05 May2016 - See more at:


189 Postings, 6502 Tage oyoo@bollo

15.04.16 20:28
Die Seite gibt es schon lange, die ist nicht neu.  

666 Postings, 5936 Tage havannaRahmenbedingungen für Referendum

17.04.16 10:55
Bougainville Vice-President and Minister responsible for the Referendum Patrick Nisira,

In connection with Referendum preparations, there is to be a significant meeting held in Port Moresby on Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 April. Its a meeting of the Joint Bougainville Referendum Committee (joint between the National Government and the ABG) which will be discussing key issues about referendum preparations, including:

a. the process for establishing the agency for conducting the Referendum;

b. the process for determining the date for the referendum (and in particular, whether determinations on weapons disposal and good governance are just matters to be taken into account when the two governments consult on setting a date within the five year period between mid-2015 and mid-2020 within which the Referendum MUST be held, or, alternatively, whether they are conditions precedent that must be met, with failure to meet them permitting the National Government to refuse to the referendum being held;

c. Development of an overall plan for preparations for the referendum, inclusive of steps, timelines, budget, and funding.

The ABG is proposing that the meeting  be opened by statements given by the new Minister for Bougainville Affairs (Joe Lera) and Bougainville Vice-President and Minister responsible for the Referendum (Patrick Nisira), and that the outcomes of the subsequent discussions between the officials will be reported back to those two, as well as President Momis, at the end of the discussions.


A 2 day workshop that the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG)  held in early March for its ministers and senior officials around the theme of “Developing a ‘Whole-of-ABG’ Rolling Plan for Referendum Preparations”.


666 Postings, 5936 Tage havannaWie geht´s weiter

17.04.16 13:42
Langsam scheint es ernst zu werden, in 2-3 Monaten möchte sich Rio Tinto zum weiteren vorgehen über ihren Anteil an BCL entscheiden.
Was seht ihr als die Wahrscheinlichste Variante?
- Verkauf an PNG
- Anteil an das ABG verschenken
- Verkauf an anderes Minenunternehmen evtl. aus China - Chinalco
- ???

Ein Weiterverkauf soll laut Gesetz mit dem Verlust der Explorationslizenz unterbunden werden...  

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