Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
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@macouba: diese Seite erscheint wie ein Artikel, letztlich steht in der obersten Zeile sinngemäß: das hier ist ein Blogger-Portal.
Für mich "obvious" ist nur die Darstellung zweier Männer auf dem Foto, den Rest würde ich eher unter der Rubrik SCUM einordnen.
The Presidential leak and PNG’s bid for BCL
Over the holiday period, reports emerged suggesting that the Papua New Guinea government intended to purchase Rio Tinto’s 53.83% equity stake in Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL).
This proposal earned strong condemnation from the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG). With good reason, the Papua New Guinea state deployed brutal violence during the 1990s in an effort to keep Bougainville’s Panguna copper mine open (operated then by BCL), which at the time was a key revenue source for the Namaliu government.
This violence triggered a prolonged armed conflict, which was settled in 2001 through the Bougainville Peace Agreement. The agreement has devolved a range of powers to the Bougainville government including over mining. As a result, the ABG now has ultimate say over mining related issues.
Gesamter Text hier:
....In the past, Bougainville’s President has been reluctant to consider alternative models, which he cast unkindly as ‘planting and selling tomatoes’. Similarly, the ABG’s legal adviser has also opined: ‘So agriculture, contrary to what a lot of outside observers think, is a difficult one …
....Landwirtschaft anstatt mining ist wirklich ein Witz. Es hieße den ``Teufel mit dem Belzebub`` austreiben.
Um zur Grundversorgung beizutragen absolut OK. Um Einnahmen im nennenswertem Umfang für das ABG zu generieren muß daß angebaut werden das schnelles Geld möglich macht.
Ganz aktuell - wer noch die Bilder von vor einem 1/4 Jahr aus Singapore vor Augen hat wird sich ausmalen wohin das ganze letztendlich führen kann z. Bsp. Stichwort : Ölpalmplantagen in Indonesien.
ARG (Argo Investments Limited) = 1,937,571 shares x 7.55AUD = 14,628,661.05AUD
AFI (Australian Foundation Investment Co Ltd )= 4,757,570 shares a 5.80AUD = 27,593,906AUD
BKI (BKI Investment) = 625,427 shares x 1.68AUD = 1,050,717.36AUD
MLT (Milton Corporation Limited) = 612,890 shares x 4.50AUD = 2,758,005AUD
Summe: 46,031,289.41AUD
/ 401,062,500 BOC shares
= 0.115 AUD / Aktie
also ca. 0,17 AUD / Aktie
Verlustrisiko nach unten ist wohl begrenzt.
Bougainville funding squabble with PNG again to the fore
.............DW: This question over what happens with Panguna [the re-opening of the mine] - we were talking before Christmas, you said you had been holding talks with Rio Tinto. Have there been more talks?
JM: We will be holding talks with Rio Tinto probably very soon. We need to.
DW: It's got to be Rio Tinto first before you go to the next stage?
JM: We've given them the first right of refusal.......
By Aloysius Laukai
The Central Bougainville Combined Council of Elders Chairmen have voiced their concerns on people visiting Central Bougainville especially to PANGUNA without their knowledge.
Chairman for the Chairmen, JOHN DONA said from Arawa today that his group were not happy high profile visitors were by passing local authorities and going straight to Panguna and other places in Central Bougainville.
He said that the recent visit by the British High Commissioner was just one example of what has been happening in the past.
MR. DONA said these high profile officers can be properly accorded Kieta traditional welcome if his chief knew of their trip to Central Bougainville.
He called on organizers of such trips to make sure local government are included in such trips in future because if something happens to them they are the ones to be blamed for.
.......keiner was er soll und alle machen mit. ;-)).......... mh...könnte man bei oberflächlicher Betrachtungsweise annehmen.
In other words, no one is allowed to talk about the mine in Panguna without bel kol and one activity that the Office of Panguna Mine Negotiations (OPMN) was established to facilitate was the planning and staging of the bel kol program.
And this ceremony was supposed to have been staged in September 2015, but unfortunately it was put on hold due to threats issued by the so-called hard liners.
Hardliners are fundamentalists who oppose the Multi-national Corporation’s investment in Bougainville. They have been working against the desires and aspirations of the Panguna landowners.
In this context, Me’ekamui Government of Unity (MGU) President Philip Miriori wants to see Panguna people be allowed to deal with the issues affecting their livelihood. They can do this without putting unnecessary demands or conditions on the different factions from Kieta district, like the hardliners.
He stressed that the starting point is to stage the bel kol ceremony first before any other discussions can go ahead.
Mr Miriori said bel kol is not an issue that people should be worried about and as such, no one should try to stop the ceremony from going ahead this year. This is because the bel kol ceremony is a critical first step that will pave the way for the people of Panguna, the Autonomous Bougainville Government and BCL to discuss the future of Panguna Mine.
The President of MGU assured the bel kol organising committee that he will talk to the hardliners who are against not only the ceremony but big investments in Bougainville as well.
that would have domino effects on the economy in the region.
rot und blau sind stark im Kommen.
"Die Damen geben sich und ihren Putz zum besten
Und spielen ohne Gage mit "
nicht von mir.
Auch wenn das Dokument auf den 29. Februar 2015 datiert ist... Den gab es aber gar nicht.
Despite this being legally plausible, it will not eventuate because the mining moratorium on Bougainville still stands and the Bougainville Mining Act 2015 preserves it in the form of a mining reserve area covering almost all of Bougainville.
While the mining moratorium remains in place, the Mining Registrar is prevented from accepting any applications for mining tenements over land subject to the mining reserve area.
Historically, the mining moratorium was first established by the colonial administration in 1971 at the request of Bougainville’s leaders to control the spread of mining beyond Panguna.
ABG Minister Robin Wilson said under the Bougainville Mining Act, the process for revoking a reservation of this kind requires the Bougainville Executive Council (BEC) to first seek the advice of the Bougainville Mining Advisory Council.
He added that the Bougainville House of Representatives must also be given an opportunity to debate the merits of the proposed revocation.
“The Government is aware of the sensitivities attached to the question of mining on Bougainville and we will not rush into lifting the moratorium without first giving all interested parties an opportunity to consider the pros and cons of doing so,” Mr Wilson said.
The BEC is currently seeking the advice of the Bougainville Mining Advisory Council on the options available to the ABG in how best to deal with the moratorium.
In its first meeting for this year later this month, the Bougainville House of Representatives will also be given an opportunity to debate the issue on what should be done.
By Tom Kathoa
The Bougainville Executive Council has adopted a new Bougainville Mining Resolution 2016 which will come into effect once all the necessary papers are finalized.
In announcing the BEC decision, Mining Minister and Member for Tera, Hon. Robin Wilson said this is an important step in the implementation of the Bougainville Mining Act.
The regulation provides for a number of matters that are needed to fully implement the Mining Act, such as forms and fees.
The minister said the regulation will come into force in accordance with a notice that will be published in the Bougainville Gazette in the coming days.
He further added that copies of the regulation are available from his department.
By Tom Kathoa
Members of the Bougainville Executive Council (BEC) today discussed the 1971 mining moratorium imposed by the Colonial Administration at the request of Bougainville leaders to control the spread of mining beyond Panguna.
Bougainville’s Mining Minister, Robin Wilson in announcing BEC decision says, as things stand, our Mining Act preserves the moratorium, in the form of a mining reserve area covering almost all of Bougainville.
While the moratorium remains in place, the Mining Registrar is prevented by the Act from accepting any applications for mining tenements over land subject to the mining reserve area.
Reporter Tom Kathoa takes up the story…….
IN…………..Despite the fact………
OUT…………TOM KATHOA reporting.
The BEC is now asking the Bougainville Mining Advisory Council to provide it with advice on the options available to the ABG in how best to deal with the moratorium.
The House of Representatives will also be given an opportunity at its next sitting to debate what should be done.
Helping the people of Bougainville to get the best out of their natural resources
Updated about 10 hours ago
Next week sees the launch of what's called the Commodity Support Facility in Bougainville, funded mainly by Australia and New Zealand, in partnership with the autonomous Bougainville government.
Those behind the scheme say the aim is to help Bougainvillians make the most of their natural resources, with a focus on the burgeoning cocoa industry.
The CSF offers targeted support and grants to improve production, as well as marketing, research and training.
Thomas Betitis, Secretary in Bougainville's Department of Primary Industries, says the facility will offer many opportunities to the people of Bougainville.
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BOC Bougainville Copper Limited FPO 1K
This data is sourced from the ASX. All data from ASX is delayed by 20 minutes
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Total Trades Total Volume Last Trade V.W.A.P*
7 70,000 22 23.62§
* Volume Weighted Average Price
Number (s) Time
Last Traded Price Volume Change Value Number
of Trades
7. . . 2:13:34 pm 22 552 1 $121 1
6. . . 1:50:56 pm 23 448 2 $103 1
3 - 5 12:41:04 pm 25 22,000 2 $5,500 3
1 - 2 10:04:02 am 23 47,000 $10,810 2