Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
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By Aloysius Laukai in Kokopo
The Prime Minister, Hon. Peter O’niel CMG MP and the ABG President of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Hon Chief DR.JOHN MOMIS CL MHR, this afternoon announced that the Joint Supervisory Body(JSB) Meeting has risen and will reconvene on February, 16-17th, 2016.
The Prime Minister and President said the meeting was fruitful and encouraging and agreed on several matters that will advance service delivery and economic development in Bougainville, while other issues will be finalised in the New Year.
Agreement was reached in principle on referendum and on issues that include the restoration Development grants and now details will be finalised for the meeting in February.
This will provide time for officials to ensure that the views expressed by the Prime Minister and the President can be fully captured and finalised by the officials.
The Prime Minister and President said such matters should not be rushed and appropriate time will be allocated to ensure consensus.
Ultimately the welfare of the people of Bougainville and Papua New Guinea is the shared concern of all parties to the discussion.
Prime Minister and President said there is a lot to be proud of on Bougainville and all parties need to focus on this and building a stronger future.
Erstaunlich hohe Umsätze in Bougainville, allerdings vorerst nur in Deutschland.
Worin entzündet sich die Fantasie?
Zijin kauft verstärkt Minen in PNG,
auch finden gegenseitige Besuche statt.
Darüber hinaus bietet sich China Bougainville als "Geburtshelfer" an...
Dann noch sehr interessant:
The Bougainville president John Momis says returning to mining is the fastest way to achieve this viability and that is why they are talking with BCL, which operated Panguna before it was shut down by the civil war.
He says they are more than willing to talk with other parties but will give BCL first right of refusal.
"We are ready to engage with Bougainville Copper if they so wish, if they want to come back, and we are also ready for other arrangements if other partners are interested."
Mr Momis says a key thought in having BCL back in Panguna is the company would be required to clean up the environmental mess left by its earlier operation at the mine.…
Das alles zusammen, läßt vielleicht an höhere BOC Kurse denken...:lick::lick:
Radio New Zealand
The president of Bougainville says the ABG has been in discussions with Rio Tinto subsidiary, Bougainville Copper Limited, about a possible re-opening of the Panguna copper and gold mine. The Bougainville government is having consultations on a regular basis .
The autonomous Papua New Guinea region is set to hold a referendum on independence by 2020 but it has to have a viable economy before Port Moresby will agree to this.
The Bougainville president John Momis says returning to mining is the fastest way to achieve this viability and that is why they are talking with BCL, which operated Panguna before it was shut down by the civil war.
Mr Momis told Don Wiseman that Bougainville has plenty of other mineral deposits and it is not dependent on Panguna re-opening, but it remains the best option.
JOHN MOMIS: Of course Bougainville is endowed with rich natural resources. Under the new Bougainville Mining Law, which is quite unique, any investor must strictly adhere to the conditions of our Mining Law, and with Rio Tinto – we have taken away every right of Rio Tinto, except the right of first refusal. That’s all they have, and if they don’t meet our conditions then even they will not be allowed to come back. But we will also consider others. In fairness to Bougainville Copper [ a subsidiary of Rio Tinto ] if you shut the door on Bougainville Copper, which other mining company would come and take care of the damage which was caused by Bougainville Copper? Bougainville Copper has the obligation to clean up. That is why we, in our mining policies, have taken everything away from them, except the right of first refusal. But [under] our current mining policy, we will consider another mine to be opened if it is considered appropriate and is we have the capacity, but one mine is enough for the time being.
DON WISEMAN: You said immediately after the election that one of the first things you would be doing is getting in touch with Rio Tinto. Have you done that?
JM: Yes we have.
DW: What is their response?
JM: They are doing evaluations and they will let us know, but we are having regular meetings with Bougainville Copper, which is a subsidiary of Rio Tinto, and there are consultations on a regular basis.
DW? Are you confident that you are going to proceed with Panguna re-opening?
JM: We are ready to engage with Bougainville Copper if they so wish, if they want to come back, and we are also ready for other arrangements if other partners are interested. For example, if the national [PNG] government wants to come in under our law. As you know the Bougainville Mining law is independent of the national Papua New Guinea mining law. We are quite independent in respect of mining in Bougainville. And that is something that even our colleagues at the national level do not fully understand.
unique, strictly. Bougainville kann stolz sein auf deren "independent mining law."
Auch wenn das den Aktionären von BCL nicht gefallen dürfte, meiner Meinung nach.
....@tbhomy... das ist mir jetzt aber zu kryptisch. Es ist so wie alle wissen der einzige und auch akzeptabele Weg für einen Neuanfang. ....
........Auch wenn das den Aktionären von BCL nicht gefallen dürfte, meiner Meinung nach...........
Kannst du das bitte an einem/paar Hauptpunkten verständlich fest machen???
D.h., dass noch weit mehr Zeit ins Land gehen dürfte, bis ein "Investor" respektablen Zugang zu den Bodenschätzen dort erhält. Was ja nicht im Sinne der meisten Aktionäre sein kann. Je früher desto besser, oder?
Hab das bereits früher einmal andernorts erlebt, komm grad nicht drauf, wo das war...
.....“We are ready to engage with Bougainville Copper if they so wish, if they want to come back”......
....nicht im Sinne der meisten Aktionäre sein kann....... muß mit einem ´jein´
beantwortet werden.
Da an diese Aktie logischerweisekeine gewöhnlichen Maßstäbe angelegt werden sollten, weiß ich das ein großer Teil der Shareholder zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt mit teilweise über
> 100 % im grünen Bereich sind.
Dieses ist das beste Trostpflaster für die aktuelle Situation und macht das lange warten auf steigende Kurse erträglich.
Diejenigwen die später eingestiegen sind und sich noch im roten Wartebereich befinden haben trotz aller Verunsicherungen eine reellen Chance auf einen satten Gewinn und der kann jederzeit real werden.
Wer kann denn zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt vorhersehen wie der Markt auf eine positive Reaktion seitens BCL/RT auf die offizielle Aufforderung von JM - die Miene wieder in Betrieb zu nehmen - reagiert. Dazu kann weder ein Analyst oder Charttechniker oder auch Händler aus Deutschland oder Sydney eine fundamental solide Aussage machen denn es ist Spekulation. Ich starre nicht - wie das Kaninchen auf die Schlange - nur auf die Wiederaufnahme der Produktion denn schon der Weg dorthin wenn er den festeht, kann außerordentlich spannend werden. :-)))
Bougainville Coppe. 0,135 € -4,26% Perf. seit Threadbeginn: -78,57%
Null Interesse in USA - Nasdaq...seit 30.11.15 nix mehr
Hättest du gesagt, "ein großer Teil der Trader", hätte ich das ohne es konkret nachvollziehen zu können. geglaubt. ;-)
BCL Chairman addresses ministers at Pacific forum
Posted on 6th November 2015
Bougainville Copper Limited Chairman, Peter Taylor has made a presentation on foreign investment to the Pacific Forum Economic and Trade Ministers, which was held in Rarotonga, Cook Islands in October. The following is a transcript of the presentation.
The Australia Papua New Guinea Business Council (APNGBC) is an organisation whose members are by and large Australian investors and traders in PNG. The Australia Fiji Business Council and the Australia Pacific Islands Business Council work alongside the APNGBC across other Pacific jurisdictions........
No need to break away: Leaders
“After 10 years of peace-building, South and Central Bougainville have not shown us in the North the guarantee that we will be free to make a good choice in the Referendum for Bougainville’s political destiny.”
As their meeting progressed, there were some who said that Bougainville was better off remaining an integral part of Papua New Guinea instead of suing for independence.
They said with the current state of turmoil in Bougainville, the region should regain its current political arrangement and remain with PNG after the referendum expires in 2020.
“The ABG is our Government, give us higher autonomy and adequate financial powers that will enable us to enjoy financial independence as we are content with the current constitutional arrangement with PNG,” they said.
The northern veterans said many Bougainvilleans share their thoughts but were reluctant to voice their concern in fear of retribution by pro-independence hardliners.
They said Central Bougainvilleans seem to continue to dominate the pro-independence movement but they were not showing any respect in implementing the Bougainville Peace Agreement in its entirety.
The northerners also petitioned the ABG to cease its spending on the Panguna negotiations and its attempt at reopening the mine through the bel kol process.
They requested that funding earmarked for the program be used to cater for development projects in Bougainville instead of being used in futile attempts to reopen Panguna mine.
“Panguna landowners continue to disagree on reopening the mine to foster development in Bougainville and to pay for the compensation for the people, we urge the ABG to forget Panguna and work towards developing the Toresure
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG Minister for Finance Planning and Treasury, ALBERT PUNGHAU this afternoon handed down the 2016 ABG Budget totalling K 350,868,200.00
This is down by EIGHT MILLION KINA from the 2015 ABG Budget.
In handing down the budget, the Minister said that from the National Government’s allocation for 2016, ABG was allocated K261,727,500.00
According to the ABG 2016 BUDGET most of this year’s funds were not used and have been forwarded for implementation in 2016.
The ABG Minister told the ABG House that times are tough and everybody must be prepared to tighten their belt now and in the future.
The ABG Budget session then adjourned so that the members can study the Budget so that they can debate on the budget before it is passed as the 2016 Budget.
By Aloysius Laukai
The Minister for mining and member for TERRA, ROBIN WILSON says that the BEL KOL ceremony that the Panguna Landowners have requested from BCL is not to open the Panguna mine, but to make it possible for BCL to clear its way to coming to Bougainville to discuss issues that are important to the future of Bougainville.
MR. WILSON said that BCL has to be invited to establish its office in Arawa so that issues like the Damages done by the mine, Chemical and outstanding issues can be dealt with.
He said the future of Panguna will have to be negotiated under Bougainville’s own mining law and until now BCL remains as one of the possible investors like any other investor.
The Minister for mining made these remarks when responding to questions from the woman member representing the women of North Bougainville and Deputy Speaker, FRANCESCA SEMOSO who asked who will benefit from the BEL KOL as the conflict and its spillover affected all regions from South, Central and North Bougainville and including our nearby Solomon Islanders.
Member SEMOSO said that to make it fair all districts must benefit from the BEL KOL arrangement.
PNG and Bougainville governments chase mining mirage
by ramunickel
panguna trucks
The PNG Attitude blog reports that the PNG government is looking to purchase Rio Tinto's stake in Bougainville Copper Limited. Dr Kristian Lasslett, in a reply on the website, argues there is no business case to justify the PNG and Bougainville government's optimistic outlook for industrial scale mining.
Realistically - not always a popular vantage point - what does a 53.83% stake in BCL give the investor [potentially the PNG government - MW], in terms of expected future revenues?
BCL has certain amounts of capital reserves, but clearly no one would buy out the Rio stake with a view to enjoying the interest accrued from these reserves.
Presumably, they would expect to have a stake in revenues generated by a new large-scale mining operation.
Panguna is an exceedingly dim prospect. Despite the ongoing efforts to pump this project [going back eight years! - MW], there is wide spread opposition on the ground – if all was as rosy as the constant stream of press releases suggest, surely we would see the first signs of BCL vehicles rumbling along the old pit for prefatory work, to the waves and smiles of surrounding villagers, excited by the journey ahead.
Another key issue. The commercial complexity of obtaining finance, insurance, etc, in a post-conflict environment where large-scale mining is a big bone of contention would be extremely challenging, to say the least.
They could bring on the Chinese investors. Certainly they have been looking around Bougainville for prospects - and we have seen Chinese take stakes in other natural resource developments, especially in Madang Province. But if landowners were resolutely opposed to BCL's return, add a few more layers of exclamation marks, were this to be done under Chinese auspices. Chinese investors would be doing their due diligence in this respect - at least one would hope.
If PNG are really considering this purchase, then either they have drunk the PR Kool-aid on Panguna, or alternatively, perhaps the company is in the running to acquire other industrial scale mines on Bougainville?
You could perhaps forgive PNG in either case for being overly optimistic, given the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) itself has been at times euphorically pumping the potential of large-scale mining on Bougainville, primarily Panguna, without presenting a serious business case to justify its predictions. Meanwhile, the governing apparatus on Bougainville is being rotted with grand corruption (!!), really jaw dropping graft is going on, with impunity - and honest civil servants are frustrated. Those seriously attempting to build local industries are receiving little assistance.
The independence referendum is an unescapable date with reality. A yes vote in particular will force the ABG to account to the people of Bougainville, for what has happened to all the grant and aid money pumped into the island, and for the bold policy prognoses that have guided its future planning. At some stage people's charitable inclinations will run dry and the question will be asked of the ABG, ‘account to us, like any government’. And given some of the companies who are the recipient of government largesse this could get very awkward indeed.
If the people of Bougainville ask the ABG to facilitate a transition to independence, only to find the state edifice is hollow, or worse still, venal, there will be real despair. Accordingly critical questions now, are a friend for a better tomorrow. More need to be asked.
ramunickel | December 24, 2015
...@Koud.he ... zur Zeit werden Tag für Tag Einnahmen aus dem Bergbau (alluvial) generiert. Diese einträgliche Form des Mining schafft auf der Habenseite des
ABG null Veränderung so das dadurch auch null für den Rest der Bevölkerung übrigbleibt. (Ein paar wenige freuen sich allerdings und damit meine ich nicht nur denjenigen der in diesem Spiel hart arbeitet.)
Ein plus auf der Habenseite schafft nur BCL !
Wenn das ABG es hinbekommt, BCL die Förderung von Erzen zu erlauben, könnten sie es schaffen aus der Rolle des ewigen Bittstellers und Almosenempfänger heraus zu treten und eine Zukunft zu gestalten. Sonst nicht.
In diesem Sinne wünsche ich allen ein frohes und besinnliches Fest und ein gutes Neues Jahr. ;-))
"PNG proposes to spend US$100 million on shares in BCL"
100 Mill US$ :
215,920,089 RIO Shares =
0.464 USD/ Share =
04233 Euro
Dr Momis sought Mr Walsh’s “urgent assurance that, if Rio has decided to divest, it will enter into discussions with my government about the consequences of such a decision.”
Replying to Dr Momis some days later, Mr Walsh said Rio’s review had “not reached any final conclusion” but that Rio is engaging “with interested parties”.
Mr Walsh wrote that “as a listed public company [Rio is] obliged to conduct the review in full compliance with [stock exchange] listing rules and other applicable laws and are limited in what we can discuss.”