Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948
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By Tom Kathoa
Meanwhile, Vice President and Minister for Referendum, Veterans Affairs and Peace Patrick NISIRA has announced that after the conclusion of the parliament workshop the government will the establishment of a Meekamui Office within the Bougainville Administration.
The establishment of the Meekamui Office is to assist the ABG Government with the completion of reconciliations, unification and weapons disposal.
Its opening will coincide with Meekamui Defence Force Commanders first visit to Buka after the signing of the Agreements in Panguna.
Meanwhile, Mr. Nisira has congratulated Bougainvilleans, the ABG and Meekamui leaders for presenting a unified stand in preparation for referendum during the recent visit of the Assistant General Secretary of the United Nations, Mr. MIROSLAV JENCA to Bougainville.
The positive progress achieved by the ABG in Panguna in terms of agreements on weapons disposal, unification and reconciliations has attracted that a high visit by a foreign dignitary.
nachdem ich den Rat von Kostolany gefolgt bin, habe ich mich mal schlafen gelegt und bin gerade aufgewacht. Leider hat sich bei BCL noch nicht der erhoffte Erfolg eingestellt.
Kann mal jemand kurz zusammenfassen, was die letzten Monate passiert ist? Ich möchte nicht das ganze Forum lesen.
Die Studie unter #20243 ist ja interessant. Mich wundert es etwas, dass es hierzu noch keine Meinung gibt.
Das einzige nennenswerte Ereignis ist das Ableben von Paul Coleman am 05.09.2015.
Wir haben einen guten Mann verloren. Einen, der still einen hervorragenden Job gemacht hat.
............ to reconcile 20 years after war ends
There are plans for a reconciliation between the Papua New Guinea Defence Force and the former Bougainville Revolutionary Army.
Entweder machen die Bougies oder machen nicht.
"Neue" Pläne kommen nur auf die Halde der bisherigen 1000 Pläne.
Wie heiß es so schön: "Wer A sagt, muß auch B sagen." Deshalb wird es langsam Zeit, dass Rio Tinto zur damaligen Aussage etwas hören lässt. Das könnte dann der Trigger für etwas höhere Kurse sein. Ich kann mir einfach nicht vorstellen, dass BCL wie derzeit nur 72 Mio. Euro wert sein soll.
The president of Bougainville says the Papua New Guinea government's decision to reduce funding to the autonomous region's government could compel its people to push for secession from PNG.
John Momis says the government's 2016 budget makes savage cuts to almost every aspect of funding for Bougainville.
He told the Post Courier that the autonomous Bougainville government's budget has been reduced by 10 million US dollars, and several other grants for development and the Bougainville Peace Agreement have also been cut.
Bougainville is due to hold a referendum on possible independence from PNG within the next five years, and Mr Momis says the cuts could push Bougainvilleans to vote for independence.
But the prime minister Peter O'Neill's office says the autonomous government received more funding than any other province.
But the prime minister Peter O'Neill's office says the autonomous government received more funding than any other province.
.....Aber das Büro Ministerpräsident Peter O'Neill Büro sagt die autonomen Regierung erhält mehr Mittel als jede andere Provinz.....und sie reichen bei weitem nicht.
Das ist doch mal schriftlich eine indirekte Aufforderung von O´Neill an den Präsidenten Dr. John Momis - der ja nach seiner Wiederwahl einen Amtseid geschworen hat - die Eröffnung Panguna´s weiter voran zu treiben. Kein "Laissez-faire" zu zulassen.
Wie sollte er auch sonst dafür sorgen können das seine Wähler/Bürger in menschenwürdigen Verhältnissen leben können.
Mit den zur Zeit zur Verfügung stehenden Geldmitteln ist das ja ganz offensichtlich niemals zu schaffen.
On the third and final day of the 2015 PNG Mining and Petroleum Conference, Minister for Mining, Byron Chan, highlighted recent changes made to the Mining Act and the development of six new mining policies.
Chan said the changes address issues of governance, compliance, best practice and sustainability.
The Minister said the changes capture the local content aspirations of the O’Neill-Dion government.
The morning session of the conference focused on the government’s initiatives in the mineral sector.
Chan said the focus of the reviews to the mining legislation and the development of the six new policies address the sensitive issues of resource ownership and national content, which has been missing for a long time.
“As you are all aware, the mining sector has been the single largest export revenue earner for PNG for many years since Panguna since 1967," Chan said.
After wide consultation, PNG has now legislated for quarrying operations, where in the past the State has lost out on so much revenue. People will now be required to get a licence before any quarrying operations are undertaken.
Another important review on ownership of minerals will now include those minerals extracted from deep-sea mining.
“The law maintains that ownership of minerals remains with the Independent State of Papua New Guinea for the collective benefit of all its people. But we have expanded this to include the new frontier with deep sea mining,” said Chan.
Reviews have also been done on the requirements at each stage of a mining project; from exploration phase, mining lease application, construction, production and even the closure phase.
Minister Chan said a mine closure is expected to address issues of rehabilitation and reclamation.
“The biggest focus in this whole review exercise is sustainability. We must ensure the footprint left behind by a mine development brings about tangible benefits that are sustainable after mine closure.”
Chan said the changes and the restructure can enable Papua New Guineans to maximise the benefits derived from the exploitation of the country’s minerals.
Geld- und Briefkurse
Handelsplatz Geld-Stk. Geld Geld-Brief Brief Brief-Stk. Spread Zeit
Tradegate 10.000 0,161 €
§0,183 € 20.000 13,66% 12:32:31
L&S RT 0 0,159 €
§0,186 € 0 16,98% 15:40:58
Berlin 20.000 0,157 €
§0,183 € 20.000 16,56% 12:32:31
Düsseldorf 0 0,156 €
§0,184 € 0 17,95% 12:32:31Frankfurt 500.000 0,156 €
§0,184 € 5.000 17,95% 12:32:31
Hamburg 500.000 0,156 €
§0,184 € 5.000 17,95% 12:32:32
München 20.000 0,156 €
§0,184 € 20.000 17,95% 12:32:32
Stuttgart 10.000 0,145 €
§0,173 € 10.000 19,31% 13:12:16
....RT. Warum ?? Weil nur ein `` Big Player `` diese Voraussetzungen erfüllen kann. Wir leben im Jahrre 2015: Seit 1989 sind 26 Jahre vergangen.:-))
"If you follow their recommendation there would be no foreign investor allowed in mining in Bougainville, and that is not what we want. We want mining but under very stringent conditions that would secure the best interests of the people of Bougainville.
.....eben gefunden. (War schon länger nicht mehr auf der Seite).
Bougainville Copper's approach 'quite good'
Bougainville is due to hold a referendum on independence from Papua New Guinea before mid-2020 but for there to be a real choice the Autonomous Bougainville Government must have an independent source of revenue.
For many on Bougainville, including President Momis, the massive Panguna copper mine is the best hope.
Back in 1975, the Panguna copper mine was the revenue source that bank-rolled PNG's independence from Australia.
The agreement to get it up and running in time was rushed and its failure to deliver benefits to landowners led to the grievances behind the civil war.
Mr Momis, who is determined to get it right this time, says he's pleased with BCL's approach to the negotiations.
"We don't know what Rio Tinto will do because they are so remote from us but I must say Bougainville Copper's approach is very good and I am quite happy that we are collaborating," he said.
"I think Rio Tinto is probably being consistently and systematically briefed by BCL.
"We haven't heard anything that might mitigate against the process proceeding towards reaching a conclusion, in fact, we are very happy with Bougainville Copper's approach so far."
Mr Momis is also working hard to diversify Bougainville's economy.
Crops such as cocoa are now providing substantial income for Bougainvilleans but not the tax revenue needed for Bougainville to be self-reliant. Bestätigt was ich sehr oft schon gepostet habe - zuletzt #20247 Einer der Hauptpunkte aber leider ein oft stark unterschätzter in der Diskussion um die Zukunft von Panguna. ;-))))
Mr Momis sees Panguna having an impact well beyond mining.
"Panguna mine will be like a magnet that attracts a lot of other businesses and it only needs Bougainville Copper landowners and ABG to agree and that will attract a lot of these companies to come and generate income for the people and revenue for the government.
By Aloysius Laukai in Kokopo
The ABG President, CHIEF DR.JOHN MOMIS and his Ministerial delegation, including Vice President, PATRICK NISIRA, Economic Minister, FIDELIS SEMOSO, Minister for Public Service, RAYMOND MASONO,Mining Minister ROBIN WILSON, Technical Services Minister, LUKE KARASTON, Finance Minister ALBERT PUNGHAU and Police Minister, WILLIE MASIU arrived in Kokopo for the JSB Meeting the final for 2015.
The JSB will be held in KOKOPO and the Papua New Guinea team is also on the ground in Kokopo.
The Prime Minister is expected to be in Kokopo by Monday morning for the One day JSB.
Für mich ist immer noch die Frage offen, welche Interessengruppe hinter der
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.....interesanter Blick auf die Problematik durch Jubilee Australien.
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