**Absolutes Hot-Stock-Pflichtinvestment **
Danach gleich ab zum nächsten lambo händler und soeinen rauslassen ;-))) he he
der 10te (der ja gestern war) hätte eigtl. (lt. news) der "Record day" also sozusagen der Tag der Entscheidung sein sollen ...
Wer bis zu diesem Tage seine JPHCs behalten hatte, der wurde in eine Shareholders Zählung aufgenommen, nach deren Ergebnis sich wohl der entgültige Kurs, bzw. die entgültige Aufteilung der APO - Health Aktien richtet ...
Zudem war gestern der letzte Tag, an dem JPHC einen Rückzieher in Richtung Übernahme machen konnte....
Unabhängig davon hat APOA schon vor einer Woche berichtet, dass sie evtl. den APOA-Shareholder Dividende in Form von Aktien zahlen wollen ... Offen ist nun, ob dies auch für die JPHCs gilt...
Aber von der Übernahme spürt man momentan ja relativ wenig ...
JPHC wurde heute mit über 275Mio weiterhin gehandelt .... normalerweise hätte es für eine Zählung ja einen Handelsstopp geben müssen...
Meines Erachtens nach bleibt es hier spannend .... Die news bzgl. der Übernahme wurden nicht bestätigt...
Somit besteht aber auch weiterhin die Short Squeeze Chance, der ja sonst kurz vor Übernahme hätte eintreten müssen...
Das ist alles sehr undurchsichtig, aber ich persönlich finde es sehr spannend!
Habe immer noch 10mio JPHC und werde diese auch unter 0.001USD sicherlich nicht hergeben!!!
Wo ein Risiko ist, ist auch immer eine Chance .... und was ich in den letzten Tagen alles in diversen Boards zu lesen bekommen habe ... macht Lust auf mehr :-)
OCEANSIDE, NY -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 05/15/06 -- Paivis, Corp. (formerly APO Health, Inc.) ("Paivis") (OTC BB: APOA) and Jupiter Global Holdings, Corp. ("Jupiter") (OTC: JPHC) today jointly announced their closing of the Definitive Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Merger Agreement") dated April 21, 2006, pursuant to which Paivis acquired, through a wholly-owned subsidiary, 100% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Jupiter, and Jupiter became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Paivis. As consideration in the merger transaction, Paivis has agreed to exchange shares of its common stock with Jupiter's shareholders at an exchange ratio that valued the Jupiter shares at $0.005 per common share whereby Jupiter shareholders will receive approximately 0.46232 of a share of Paivis common stock. No fractional shares will be issued in the share exchange.
A new symbol will be assigned reflecting the name change from APO Health, Inc. to Paivis, Corp. The current management of Paivis and Jupiter will not continue with the successor entity. A new team of experienced management will be brought in, and the current management of Macro Communications, Inc., the core operating subsidiary of Jupiter, will take a leading role in the management of the merged companies.
Jan Stahl, the departing Chief Executive Officer of Paivis, commented, "We are pleased to have been able to reach a closing of the transaction and we welcome the Jupiter shareholders as Paivis shareholders and feel very strongly on the new combined entities moving forward."
Ray Hawkins, the Chief Executive Officer of Jupiter, commented further, "We are glad we achieved a closing of the Merger Agreement; the future is bright for the merged company."
Details, including but not limited to the specifics of the exchange ratio, regarding the consummation of the Merger Agreement will be filed by Paivis in a Current Report on Form 8-K with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as required.
Paivis, Corp. (formerly APO Health, Inc.), a Nevada corporation, through its subsidiary distributes medical, dental and health and beauty aids products to dental and medical professionals and wholesalers throughout the United States.
Jupiter Global Holdings, Corp., a Nevada corporation, is a holding company with interests and developments in a diverse number of growing industries. Jupiter plans to achieve a leadership position through the building of a synergistic network of innovative, profitable and global businesses.
The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "PSLRA") provides a "safe harbor" for forward-looking statements so long as those statements are identified as forward-looking and are accompanied by meaningful cautionary statements identifying important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in such statements.
Statements contained herein that are not based on historical fact , as well as other statements including words such as "anticipate," "believe," "plan," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "will," "could" and other similar expressions, constitute forward-looking statements under the PSLRA. Paivis and Jupiter intend that such forward-looking statements be subject to the safe harbor created thereby. Such forward-looking statements are based on current assumptions but involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause Paivis and Jupiter actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from current expectations. These risks include economic, competitive, governmental, technological and other factors discussed in Paivis and Jupiter annual, quarterly and other periodic public filings on record with the Securities and Exchange Commission which can be viewed free of charge on its website at http://www.sec.gov.
Please visit Jupiter's website: www.jupiterglobal.net
For more information regarding Jupiter, please contact:
Jupiter Global Shareholder Services
Phone: 1.800.963.6532
Email Address: Email Contact
For more Paivis information please contact:
Phone: 516-594-0005 x 221
Paivis, Corp. (Formerly APO Health, Inc.) and Jupiter Global Holdings, Corp. Announce Final Closing of Merger Agreement
Monday May 15, 11:57 am ET
OCEANSIDE, NY--(MARKET WIRE)--May 15, 2006 -- Paivis, Corp. (formerly APO Health, Inc.) ("Paivis" (OTC BB:APOA.OB - News) and Jupiter Global Holdings, Corp. ("Jupiter" (Other OTC:JPHC.PK - News) today jointly announced their closing of the Definitive Agreement and Plan of Merger (the "Merger Agreement" dated April 21, 2006, pursuant to which Paivis acquired, through a wholly-owned subsidiary, 100% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Jupiter, and Jupiter became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Paivis. As consideration in the merger transaction, Paivis has agreed to exchange shares of its common stock with Jupiter\'s shareholders at an exchange ratio that valued the Jupiter shares at $0.005 per common share whereby Jupiter shareholders will receive approximately 0.46232 of a share of Paivis common stock. No fractional shares will be issued in the share exchange.
A new symbol will be assigned reflecting the name change from APO Health, Inc. to Paivis, Corp. The current management of Paivis and Jupiter will not continue with the successor entity. A new team of experienced management will be brought in, and the current management of Macro Communications, Inc., the core operating subsidiary of Jupiter, will take a leading role in the management of the merged companies.
Jan Stahl, the departing Chief Executive Officer of Paivis, commented, "We are pleased to have been able to reach a closing of the transaction and we welcome the Jupiter shareholders as Paivis shareholders and feel very strongly on the new combined entities moving forward."
Ray Hawkins, the Chief Executive Officer of Jupiter, commented further, "We are glad we achieved a closing of the Merger Agreement; the future is bright for the merged company."
Details, including but not limited to the specifics of the exchange ratio, regarding the consummation of the Merger Agreement will be filed by Paivis in a Current Report on Form 8-K with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as required.
Paivis, Corp. (formerly APO Health, Inc.), a Nevada corporation, through its subsidiary distributes medical, dental and health and beauty aids products to dental and medical professionals and wholesalers throughout the United States.
Jupiter Global Holdings, Corp., a Nevada corporation, is a holding company with interests and developments in a diverse number of growing industries. Jupiter plans to achieve a leadership position through the building of a synergistic network of innovative, profitable and global businesses.
The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "PSLRA" provides a "safe harbor" for forward-looking statements so long as those statements are identified as forward-looking and are accompanied by meaningful cautionary statements identifying important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in such statements.
Statements contained herein that are not based on historical fact , as well as other statements including words such as "anticipate," "believe," "plan," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "will," "could" and other similar expressions, constitute forward-looking statements under the PSLRA. Paivis and Jupiter intend that such forward-looking statements be subject to the safe harbor created thereby. Such forward-looking statements are based on current assumptions but involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause Paivis and Jupiter actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from current expectations. These risks include economic, competitive, governmental, technological and other factors discussed in Paivis and Jupiter annual, quarterly and other periodic public filings on record with the Securities and Exchange Commission which can be viewed free of charge on its website at http://www.sec.gov.
Please visit Jupiter\'s website: www.jupiterglobal.net
also ich entnehme dem jetzt erstmal, dass APOA jetzt Paivis heißt .... davon hat irgendwie keiner was mitbekommen ... berichtigt mich, wenn ich falsch liege...
im WO gibts die Befürchtungen, dass APOA (oder jetzt ja "Paivis) VOR der Übernahme eine Dividende ausschüttet (Was einem Split von 1:10 gleich kommt) ... die Fusionsübernahme, das wird befürchtet, findet aber noch zum JETZIGEN kurs und Stück statt ..
sprich: wir bekommen zwar (wenn ich das alles richtig verstanden habe) pro JPHC Aktie soviele Paivis Shares, was einem realen Wert von 0.005 USD / Share entspricht ...
allerdings nur fiktiv, da ja VORHER die Dividende ausgeschüttet wird im 1:10 ...
also doch nur effektiv 0.0005 USD / Share
... so habe ich das verstanden ..
aber es ist so verdammt schwer, hier etwas rauszubekommen ..
bin selbst mit 10mio dabei ... also hängt mir was an dieser Aktie
Wenn jmd mehr weiß .. Bitte her damit! :-)
@neuling83: kein problem ^^
Tochtergesellschaft von APOA ist,die jetzt Paivis heißt,warum steigt
nur der Kurs von APOA und nicht auch der von JPHC,wenn sie doch jetzt
eine Gesellschaft sind,die sollten doch jetzt gleichberechtigt sein
und normalerweise jetzt ein Einheitskürzel haben,wie ist denn das jetzt
zu verstehen?
Danke im voraus für Äußerungen!
konkret für uns bedeutet.Aber da wir zu APOA gehören und
die im Plus steht ist es doch ganz gut für den Anfang.
Also ich habe es so verstanden:JPHC ist 0.005$ pro Anteil
wert,es wird`s ein Austauschverhältnis geben wobei die
Jupiteraktionäre,also wir,ungefähr 0.46232 eines Anteils
von APOA(Paivis)empfangen werden.Bruchanteile wird es nicht
geben,nur ganze Stücke(Aktienanteile).Also für eine ganze
Aktie JPHC bekommt man nicht ganz eine halbe Paivisaktie.
dann wollen eir mal hoffen,dass die APOA(Paivis)weiter steigt!
Jupiter Stückanzahl mal 0,46 ca. jetzige Stückzahl !!
Jetziger Kurs von PAIV RT:0,0013
Das entsprich etwa einen Kurs von JPHC von 0,0006 , also plus 200 Prozent zu gestern.
ausserdem kein Pinksheet mehr sondern OTCBB, daher handelbar auch in Berlin !!
eingebucht bekommen und JPHC ausgebucht wird.Wichtig ist das wir
schon mal soweit im Klaren sind.