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4846 Postings, 7305 Tage martin30smSK auf TH: 1,17 CAD!

22.08.07 22:03
Super Aussichten für morgen. Die 0,80 Euro sollten somit überwunden werden! Der Zeitpunkt für News wäre jetzt ideal.  

4618 Postings, 6588 Tage chinaloverBlue River deposit larger than expected

22.08.07 22:45
Blue River deposit larger than expected

Aug 20 2007

Mineral deposits at a proposed tantalum-niobium mining project near Blue River are larger than expected, increasing the chances of the mine becoming a reality, Commerce Resources Corp. announced last week.

Commerces Resources, which wholly owns the Blue River Project, said in a press release Wednesday that samples from eight test drill holes indicated substantial deposits of carbonatite, the host rock in which tantalum and niobium are found.

Tantalum and niobium are both rare, relatively non-reactive metals; tantalum is used to make components for electronic devices, while niobium is used as an additive in steel. The junior mining firm hopes Blue River will become the world’s next major source for the minerals, as only a handful of sources currently exist.

While project is still in the exploratory stage and it is too early to estimate a yield for the site, Commerce Resources president Dave Hodge was understandably pleased with the findings.

“Things are going very well,” he said. “We are adding huge tonnage with every hole we drill.”

Hodge said test drilling will continue until October at which point a pre-feasibility study will be conducted to see if the project is economically viable, the results of which are expected to be favorable.

“If everything goes to plan, it will be three years before we reach extraction,” said Hodge.

Before that can happen, the company must first get a permit from the provincial government to proceed. Among other things, they must demonstrate the environmental soundness of the project and put up a bond worth 150 per cent of the estimated cost of reclamation.

Kamloops-North Thompson MLA and Minister of State for Mining Kevin Krueger said permit restrictions simply don’t allow mines to cause the sort of destruction they once did.

“The concern people often raise is pollution, and that just isn’t allowed anymore,” he said. “If people saw how modern mining operations are in this province they wouldn’t be worried.”

Hodge noted that no chemicals are used to process tantalum and niobium, only water, which is then recycled, and that tailings from the mine would be completely benign.

“This project will be extremely environmentally friendly,” he said.

Should the Blue River Project become a reality, Hodge says there will definitely be jobs available for the local community.

“The labour skills we need are in tune those that are already in the community,” he said. “There’s a good stable labour supply there.”

Krueger sees the Blue River Project, and others like it, as a possible economic solution for communities facing the wrath of the mountain pine beetle. Average salaries in the mining industry run just shy of $100,000 per year, the highest of all heavy industries in B.C., and generates more than $785 million in tax revenue for the province annually.

“People don’t realize mines are big supporters of the local community,” he said. “It provides an economic mainstay, you get more facilities, and that attracts people to the community.”

Considering the amount of land actually affected by mining, only 0.03 per cent of the province’s total land base, Krueger believes the trade-off is a positive one.

“[Mines] have a very small foot print but have big benefits,” he said. “I hope people can make the connection that this is serious money coming in.”


4618 Postings, 6588 Tage chinaloverUnser Cash ist sicher!!

22.08.07 22:48
Last week when mining companies started reporting that (on the advice of their banks) they had parked their cash in Canadian asset backed securities and now they couldn't get it back, I emailed Chris Groves about our $31 million.

He replied:
"Thank you for your concern and in regards the public purse of Commerce Resources, we absolutely have no exposure in investments like those that you have mentioned."


so allen eine gute Nacht und viel Spass für morgen :-)  

405 Postings, 6611 Tage CamusTantalum - A Tantalizing Commodity Investment Oppo

23.08.07 06:56
Schaut euch die Zahlen an ;-)!!!!

Source Can BullBoards
Tantalum - A Tantalizing Commodity Investment Opportunity
by Lorimer Wilson
August 22, 2007

I'm sure you've heard of gold, silver, platinum, palladium, uranium and perhaps even molybdenum but have you ever heard of vanadium, cadmium, lithium, rhenium, niobium or tantalum? This essay is limited to an examination of tantalum (Ta) and what the companies that explore for, mine and process tantalum might expect in the prices of their shares given the possible shortage of a product that is used in many, many areas of our lives.
What is Tantalum?

Tantalum is a rare metal found in Australia (56%), Africa (19%), Brazil (16%), China (5%) and Canada (4%). This high performance metal has a high melting point, high strength, high ductility, high reliability, high resistance to corrosion and high thermal conductivity making it a highly efficient, highly reliable and environmentally versatile component for use in a wide variety of applications that contribute significantly to our economy and way of life.

What is the Market for Tantalum?

The largest application for tantalum (approx. 68%) is in the electronics capacitor industry in such products as cell phones, DVD players, personal computers, digital cameras, gaming platforms, LCD monitors, wireless devices, telephone switch boards and computer networks because of its unequaled capacity to store and release electrical charges. Other electronics applications (11%) are in PC memory chips, igniter chips for car air bags and other automotive electronics. In addition, tantalum is used in the manufacture of super alloys (8%) for jet engines, turbines, space vehicles, nuclear reactors, power plants and chemical equipment due to its extreme hardness; in the manufacture of carbides (5%) for cutting tools, drill bits, excavator and bulldozer teeth and the forming of dies; in sputtering targets (2%) for use as optical coatings, memory chips and silicon wafers for use in microcompressors; in military and recreational ammunition (1%) and in the manufacture of a variety of other products (3%) such as rayon fibers, heat shields, ink jet printers, x-ray film, hip and knee replacement systems (because of its non-corrosive nature) and in the manufacture of surgical instruments and appliances.

What is the Demand for Tantalum?

According to the US Geological Survey Mineral Commodity Summaries report and the Tantalum-Niobium International Study Center

1. world-wide demand for tantalum is currently (2006) 6 million pounds per year
2. consumption has been increasing approx. 7% per annum over the past 20 years
3. primary mine production has increased 38% since 2004 to 2.84 million pounds in 2006
4. the USA imports 87% of its 1.5 million pounds annual requirement (the balance reclaimed from recycling) and, according to the US Defense Logistics Agency,
5. the US's current stockpile of tantalum will be depleted by the end of 2007 at current disposal rates.

The above facts add up to an impending major imbalance in supply and demand starting in 2008 and quite possibly a major escalation in the price per pound of tantalum in the years ahead.

What is the Current Price of Tantalum?

Tantalum is not traded on the commodity metals markets but, rather, the price is freely negotiated between supplier and processor. As such, over the past 30 years, the tantalum market has been marked by long periods of stability, punctuated by very sharp price hikes created by a combination of strong demand and fear about a shortage of supply. Such was the case in 1999 and 2000 when many buyers of tantalum capacitors falsely believed there was a shortage and speculators and traders took advantage of the lack of communication between the various players and increased the price per pound from $30US/lb or so in 1999 to in excess of $240US/lb in 2000. This perceived shortage caused panic-buying by major companies to increase their inventories which only now are becoming depleted. This had the effect of drastically reducing the demand for and price of tantalum.

The 2006 year end average price per pound of contained tantalum pentoxide (Ta205), also called tantalum concentrate, was $32.40US ($15US/kg) while that of tantalum oxide powder (Ta) was somewhere around $500US/kg and tantalum metal ingot was a reported $700US/kg, up from a low of $200US/kg in August, 2002. Be that as it may, prices can vary greatly because the market is relatively small. In the opinion of Ed Hone, the author of a March, 2007 article on tantalum as it related to the business prospects of a specific company he was reviewing, "Ta has gotten a lot more expensive than the USGS's paltry $32.40. After all, the US government carries gold on the books at $42.50 per ounce."

From what we know about the many and growing market applications for tantalum, the impending supply shortage of tantalum, the present low price for tantalum and the historic high price tantalum commanded just a few years ago it is evident that the future price of tantalum has no where to go but up - big time!

How can an Investor Profit from Tantalum?

There are major 'unmined' profits to be had by investing in one or more of the tantalum junior explorer companies (12 in total of which 5 are major); mining companies (14 in total with 4 producing 60% of the world's supply); processor companies (9 of which 3 supply 80%); producer companies (26 in total of which 8 are major); integrators and recyclers. It behooves you to investigate the companies involved that are publicly traded (shares and warrants where the case may be), do your analyses, make an informed choice as to which ones to invest in and deploy your investment dollars accordingly. Tantalum is, indeed, a tantalizing investment opportunity that warrants further study. Do so and you may be on to something big!

Joel Jeangrand's paper on "Comprehensive Strategic Analysis of the Tantalum Industry" 2005 and Ed Hone's article of March, 2007 on tantalum are hereby acknowledged.

Lorimer Wilson


4723 Postings, 6758 Tage oligatornicht übel 0,825!

23.08.07 09:06

4618 Postings, 6588 Tage chinaloverGuten Morgen Oli,

23.08.07 09:14
das sei uns auch gegönnt nach dem wir nicht unsere Shares billigst auf dem Markt geschmissen haben... :-)

Habe meinen EK schön drücken können,jetzt schon 4% im Plus.  

4723 Postings, 6758 Tage oligator chinalover

23.08.07 09:20
ja wurde ebenfalls leider bei 0,80 ausgestoppt als ich im Urlaub war, zum einen konnte ich dadurch mein Einkaufskurs verbiliegen, mir wäre aber lieber wenn ich nicht ausgestopp wäre denn ich bin hier min. auf 1 Jahr ausgerichtet (auch wegen der Spekulationssteuer) so long  ;-)  

4618 Postings, 6588 Tage chinaloverIch

23.08.07 09:30
denke das immer noch sehr viele Anleger an der Seitenlinie stehen und auf bessere Einstiegskurse warten.?
Wir hatten aber schon bis 0,50 € korrigiert,also jeder hatte die Möglichkeit sich bestens zu positionieren...

Wenn jetzt noch die Bohrergebnisse kommen,dann geht die Post aber so richtig ab...


45 Postings, 6598 Tage trauriger_frodomein einstadnspreis

23.08.07 09:35
von 0,85€ ist auch wieder zum greifen nahe...leider hab ich aber andere werte die extrem im keller sind. :-( und auch nur, weil ich zu gierig war und das Jahr abwarten wollte!! man lernt es manchmal einfach nicht. :-)

auf lange sicht, werden wir mit diesem wert noch richtig unseren spass haben!!


866 Postings, 6524 Tage Wolle1307REBOUND bei Commerce!?

23.08.07 11:39 das sieht doch klasse aus!!!!
da werden sich aber einige in den A.... beissen, da sie nicht reingegangen sind...tröstet euch: Der Zug fährt ja mal gerade an...
Weietr so....;-))))  

2514 Postings, 6977 Tage Harleyman500Nix los hier?

23.08.07 18:37
Wolle, ich bin zwar auch mit ner kleinen Posi drin, und bleibe es jetzt auch, EK 76 cent, aber ich persönlich glaube, ich kann bestimmt noch mal nachtanken unte 60cent.
Die Subprime Krise ist noch lange nicht ausgestanden, leider steht auch der schwächste Monat des Jahres, der Sebtember bevor. Die Korrektur ist noch lange nicht durch. :-((

LG, Harley


825 Postings, 6603 Tage DozoernIch wollte es um 15.00 Uhr schon schreiben...

23.08.07 19:48
...dass das Spiel wieder läuft: Jetzt zwischen 0.6 und 0.84. CCE die Gelddruckmaschine für Zocker.
P.S.: Heute mussten sie aber wahnsinnig schnell raus! Wer konnte auch wissen, dass so ein US - Fidi um 15.00 Uhr MEZ was von der "grössten Krise des Finanzsystems seit 53 Jahren" schwafeln würde...Darauf legte der DOW den Rückwärtsgang ein und der DAX versuchte noch was er konnte bis Börsenschluss.  

825 Postings, 6603 Tage DozoernTages-Volatilität : 11.9 %

23.08.07 19:51
Das muss man sich mal vorstellen!  

4723 Postings, 6758 Tage oligator1,24 !!

23.08.07 21:35
nicht übel ;-)  
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866 Postings, 6524 Tage Wolle1307Wahnsinn!

23.08.07 21:37
dann sehen wir morgen wieder Kurse über 0,80!!!!!  

24 Postings, 6415 Tage FazitCCEs

23.08.07 21:50

Hallo Commerce Freunde

bin auch ein fan von commerce und dave hodge nach dem erfolgreichem private placement noch vor dem crash an allen weltbörsen

das sind interessante kaufkurse derzeit

sauberes projekt mit soviel potenzial und beste ausicht auf produktionsaufname in nächsten jahren

cheers FaZiT



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charts_histproc.png (verkleinert auf 61%) vergrößern

24 Postings, 6415 Tage Fazitchart

23.08.07 21:53
also canada kurs befindet sich direkt an der wichtigen 1,20er Hürde.
wenn wir jetzt 1,20 knacken können gehts sicherlich auf 1,40 wo der nächste ´große UND auch noch LETZTER widerstand steht.. wenn diese lange konsolidierung als beendet gelten darf indem der abwärtstrendkanal gebrochen wird und daraufhin ein starker boom einsetzt  

4723 Postings, 6758 Tage oligatorgrüner SK 1,19 !

23.08.07 22:02
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2514 Postings, 6977 Tage Harleyman500Na, SK sieht aber eher nach 1,15 aus

23.08.07 22:04

Ich hab grad noch gesehen, daß der Kurs wieder zurückgekommen ist. Was ja erst mal nicht heißen muß, daß es morgen nicht wieder über 80 cent gehen kann. Das aber hängt davon ab, inwiefern dort wieder die fundamentels berücksichtigt werden, oder ob die Subprimekrise wieder die Zügel der Börse in die Hand nimmt.

Wir werden es sehen. Bzw. ich leider nicht, bin bis Sonntag in Hamburg, werd das ganze dann im Hotel ggf. mal checken, ansonsten Börsenkurs via GPRS. ;-)

Euch allen einen schönen Abend, hier noch der Chart.


LG, Harley


4846 Postings, 7305 Tage martin30smBärenstark unsere Perle!

23.08.07 22:04
Nur eine kleine Zündung noch und Commerce hebt ab! ATH bald wieder in Gefahr!  

4723 Postings, 6758 Tage oligatorSK ist 1,19 ;-)

23.08.07 22:09
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4723 Postings, 6758 Tage oligatorso, schauen wir mal..

24.08.07 08:47
.. ob wir Heute die 0,80 cent Nachhaltig halten können ;-)  

24 Postings, 6415 Tage FazitCCE Begleitindikatoren zeigen auf GO

24.08.07 10:38

ja denke auch dass CCE an einem Turn nach oben wieder steht bzw. wieder begonnen, anzusteigen. begleitindikatoren allesamt an einem wunderschönen anti-zyklischen kaufbereich und vor einem wahrscheinlichen neuen aufwärtstrend nach dieser korrektur.   müssen über 1,20 kommen und den roten widerstand brechen dann noch den obersten grünen trendkanal bei 1,80 brechen und schon geht der nächste starke boom wieder los.

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cce.png (verkleinert auf 98%) vergrößern

24 Postings, 6415 Tage FazitDave Hodge

24.08.07 11:48


weiss einer Hintergrundinfos zu dem anderen Deal von DAVE HODGE ?


hier war er auch mal der President & CEO. jetzt sitzt er "nur" noch im Aufsichtsrat.  die aktie hebt seit kurzem ab. keiner scheint sie zu kennen. ist das eine neue zweite erfolgsstroy neben commerce von Dave Hodge persönlich ?   für Infos/Meinungen wäre ich dankbar.   gruss FaZit


205 Postings, 6465 Tage elster07falscher

24.08.07 12:04
thread, fazit! mach doch einen neuen thread für die aktie auf, vielleicht gibt es ja auch schon einen thread darüber.  

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