Premier Oil plc - Explorer & Producer
Von entscheidender Bedeutung für den weiteren Jahresverlauf wird die Normalisierung der Lage in Kanada und Nigeria sein. Während Kanada die Folgen eines schweren Waldbrandes in absehbarer Zeit bewältigen und die Ausfälle von zwischenzeitlich mehr als 1 Mio. b/d wieder ausgleichen sollte, sind die Entwicklungen in Nigeria wesentlich schwieriger einzuschätzen. Der seit Jahren schwelende Konflikt zwischen der in den Ölfördergebieten lebenden Bevölkerung und der Zentralregierung ist eskaliert.
Beinahe täglich werden neue Pipelinesprengungen gemeldet. Nachdem zu Jahresbeginn noch knapp 2 Mio. b/d in Nigeria gefördert wurden, sollen es den aufständischen Milizen zufolge momentan nur noch 800.00 b/d sein. Viele westliche Ölfirmen haben ihre Mitarbeiter bereits abgezogen. Erklärtes Ziel der Milizen ist es, die Produktion gänzlich zum Erliegen zu bringen.
Weiter hier mit Charts (Seite 4)
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Offshore activity is ramping up on Premier Oil’s Catcher project in the North Sea, with all three Pipeline Bundles now successfully installed. Subsea 7’s Alasdair Farquharson and Tammie Sebire and Jon Taylor of Premier Oil reflect on the significance of the first Bundle launch in Wick.
•Strong production of 61.0 kboepd, with recent record rates above 80 kboepd; full year production expected to be at or above the upper end of earlier guidance of 65-70 kboepd
•Solan ramping up to 14 kbopd from P1, currently at 11 kbopd; P2 completed, successfully tested and will be tied in shortly
•Integration of E.ON UK assets completed; portfolio performing strongly
•Catcher on schedule with the FPSO hull now in Singapore; further cost reductions secured, with capex now 20 per cent lower than at sanction
•Opex for the period of $16/boe, 14 per cent below budget; weaker sterling exchange rate will reduce cost of sterling denominated opex, capex and debt
•Net debt of c. $2.6 billion at period end, flat on end Q1 2016 position; as previously announced, negotiations with lenders are progressing well with the main covenant test deferred while discussions are finalised
Tony Durrant, Chief Executive, commented:
“Over the period, we have delivered a robust production performance, achieved first oil from Solan, completed the E.ON acquisition and reached key milestones on the Catcher project. We have continued to secure cost reductions across the business and are set to benefit from recent foreign exchange movements. We now look forward to a rising production profile and, with Solan on-stream, significantly lower committed capital expenditure. At current oil prices, we start to generate free cash flow later this year which positions us well to manage the balance sheet whilst retaining some optionality for future growth projects.”
Ist Premier Oil ein besserer Kauf als BP?
Seit Anfang des Jahres haben sich einige Ölaktion außerordentlich gut geschlagen. Darunter befindet sich auch der Nordseeölproduzent Premier Oil (WKN:A1H9WB), der einen Anstieg um 55 % im Jahresvergleich verbuchen konnte. Das war deutlich besser als im Fall von BP (WKN:850517), das im selben Zeitraum nur 26 % gutmachen konnte.
Diese Performance könnte einige Investoren zu der Annahme veranlassen, dass Premier Oil ein besserer Kauf ist als BP. Immerhin haben sie eine vernünftige Strategie, die das Unternehmen mittelfristig wieder profitabel machen und langfristig mehr Gewinn bringen sollte. Premier Oil hat auch versucht, seine Vermögenswerte zu reduzieren und die Effizienz zu verbessern, um sich erfolgreich an die extrem schwierigen Bedingungen im Ölsektor anzupassen.
Premier Oil hat auch den Nordseebetrieb von Eon gekauft. Das zeigt, dass Premier mit einem langfristig höheren Preis rechnet und auch fähig sein könnte, seinen Ausblick durch den Kauf hochwertiger Betriebsteile zu niedrigen Preisen zu verbessern.
Einige der größten Nutznießer des Sinkflugs des britischen Pfunds in Folge des Brexit-Referendums sind Öl-Konzerne, da Öl wie viele andere Rohstoffe in US-Dollar notiert ist. An der Londoner Börse gelistete Öl-Unternehmen verzeichnen daher hohe US-Dollar-basierte Einnahmen, von denen britische Investoren profitieren, da sie ihre Fremdwährungserträge zurück in britische Pfund umrechnen.
By, July 20, 2016, 08:32:00 AM EDT
It can be very difficult to find companies that are both flying under the radar, and still might have potential for gains. Many times, stocks are off investors' radar screens for a reason, though there are some hidden gems that could be worth uncovering by those with a high risk tolerance.
One way to find these underappreciated stocks is by looking at companies that haven't seen their share prices move higher lately, but have observed analysts raising earnings estimates for their stock. This trend could signal that investors haven't quite embraced the rising estimate story yet, but that the potential for a big move higher is definitely there.
One such company that looks well positioned for a solid gain, but has been overlooked by investors lately, is Premier Oil plc PMOIY . This Oil & Gas-INTL Integrated stock has actually seen loss estimates narrow over the past month for the current fiscal year by about 36.4%. But that is not yet reflected in its price, as the stock lost 8.6% over the same time frame.
"COSLPIONEER" (Singapore)
"Transocean Searcher" (Schweiz)
Letztere ist baugleich mit der "Transocean Winner", die gerade an der schottischen Küste zu zerbrechen droht. Auch die "Deepwater-Horizon", die 2010 im Golf von Mexiko gesunken war, gehörte zur Transocean Flotte.
Wenn also das Management die Banken überzeugt, dass es keine Probleme gibt so ist hier mit einem fulminanten Kursanstieg zu rechnen. Natürlich spielt selbstverständlich auch der ölpreis eine große Rolle. Aber die Refinanzierung war bisher in der Schwebe und nun scheint sich hier einiges zu tuen. Das stimmt mich hoffnungsfroh :) Kommt dazu noch ein steigender Ölpreis, der selbstverständlich zu einer höheren Bewertung der Ölreserven von PMO führt, so ist hier mit einer großen Überraschung zu rechnen. Allen Investierten viel Glück!!!
Thursday preview: Premier Oil reports half year results
Wed, 17th Aug 2016 12:31
(ShareCast News) - Premier Oil is expected to report strong production in its half year results on Thursday.
In a trading update in July, the company said it had achieved production of 61,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) in the six months to 30 June, with recent record rates above 80,000 boepd. As a result, it sees full year production "at or above" the upper end of its guidance of 65,000- 70,000 boepd.
Production has been given a boost by first oil from the Solan oil project, which was being ramped up to 14,000 boepd in the second phase.
18 Aug 2016
To view the full statement, please click the link below:
Half-Yearly Results for the six months to 30 June 2016 (690KB PDF)
Tony Durrant, Chief Executive, commented:
"Delivery of a step change in production levels and a leaner operating cost base has addressed the lower commodity price environment. Full year production guidance is now increased, which will drive free cash flow generation. We have made substantial progress with our lending group on the principal terms of a refinancing. Our project portfolio has been expanded, positioning Premier for future growth at lower cost."
LONDON, Aug 18 (Reuters) - Premier Oil has saved about $250 million thanks to the depreciation of the British pound following the country's vote to leave the European Union, its chief executive said.
Premier Oil, which on Thursday announced a return to profit in the first half of the year despite weak oil prices, earned the windfall from investments denominated in sterling, lower decommissioning fees, also in sterling, and a higher value for its $120 million acquisition of E.ON's North Sea assets.
The pound has fallen to the lowest level against the dollar in more than 30 years since Britain's Brexit vote in late June.
"A weaker sterling exchange rate means it costs us less dollars to pay for our investments," Premier Oil Chief Executive Tony Durrant told Reuters.
Premier Oil, which is a heavy investor in Britain's North Sea, also raised its full-year output target by four percent on Thursday after better-than-expected output mainly from its British fields. It now expects full-year output of 68,000-73,000 barrels per day, up from 65,000-70,000 bpd previously set.
Durrant said next year's average daily production could be around 10,000 barrels higher as its $1.8 billion North Sea Catcher project comes on stream in 2017.
"Premier should be able to deliver a record production rate of over 100kboe/d in our view. This would be a positive psychological hurdle to pass," said analysts at Jefferies, who recommend a "hold" rating on the stock.
The London-listed firm, whose operations stretch from the Falkland Islands to Indonesia, returned to profit in the first six months of the year, reporting profit after tax of $167 million, compared with a $375 million loss the same period last year.
Premier Oil's shares rose more than 2 percent. They have risen more than 60 percent since the start of the year, compared with a 9 percent rise in the oil and gas company index over the same period.
Zeitpunkt: 08.09.16 14:40
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für immer
Kommentar: Werbe-ID.
Zeitpunkt: 08.09.16 14:40
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für immer
Kommentar: Werbe-ID.
Wed, 14th Sep 2016 12:38
LONDON, Sept 14 (Reuters) - Britain and Argentina have agreed to work together towards removing measures restricting the oil and gas industry, shipping and fishing around the disputed Falkland Islands, Britain's Foreign Office said on Wednesday.
The two countries fought a war in 1982 over the British-run islands in the South Atlantic, known in Argentina as Las Malvinas, and the issue has continued to cause tensions in the two countries' relationship.
The Foreign Office said London and Buenos Aires had agreed their first positive statement about South Atlantic issues since 1999.
It said the discussions that had taken place did not affect the sovereignty issue and Britain remained clear in its support of the islanders, the majority of whom want the islands to remain under British control.;HisDate&SV=0&E=UK