ID Media --mal anschauen ---
Hier die Daten vom Hauptthread von Ariva:
Thread eröffnet von: am: Letzter Beitrag von: am: | Nemosucher 06.04.04 08:10:50 Syrtakihans 15.11.06 19:29:12 | Beiträge: Gelesen gesamt: Gelesen heute: | 1046 72246 216 |
Also sehr bekannt sieht ganz anders aus!
Gruß Soyus
Das sagt doch schon alles, oder ?
Also kauft mal, fall Ihr noch keine Stücke habt !
War das überzeugend (arrogant) genug?
14.11. / 09:14 DGAP-News: I-D Media AG dpa-AFX (DE)
09.11. / 15:37 Gorny als Aufsichtsratsmitglied der I-D Media ... INFOSAT (LU)
09.11. / 09:32 DGAP-News: I-D Media AG dpa-AFX (DE)
26.10. / 15:21 I-D Media präsentiert gute Zahlen (DE)
26.10. / 11:42 I-D Media: Gewinn über Plan 4investors (DE)
26.10. / 07:08 I-D Media AG erneut mit Gewinnsteigerung (DE)
25.10. / 21:47 I-D Media meldet erneute Gewinnsteigerung (DE)
25.10. / 21:02 DGAP-News: I-D Media AG dpa-AFX (DE)
13.10. / 17:07 I-D MEDIA - Am Beginn einer deutlichen Rallye GodmodeTrader (DE)
10.10. / 16:39 ID Media: Trendwechsel (DE)
30.08. / 13:26 I-D Media kündigt IP TV-Sender "Motor Dow Jones News (DE)
14.08. / 21:59 I-D Media meldet Ergebnisanstieg (DE)
14.08. / 21:02 DGAP-Adhoc: I-D Media AG dpa-AFX (DE)
11.07. / 12:08 I-D Media erstellt Website für Nintendos Dow Jones News (DE)
04.07. / 14:08 I-D Media gewinnt Best of Corporate Dow Jones News (DE)
04.07. / 11:23 I-D Media bündelt Entertainment Aktivitäten
04.07. / 10:32 DGAP-News: I-D Media AG dpa-AFX (DE)
Dann wird´s schon wat werden mit unseren KZ. :)

Ich könnt Bücher darüber schreiben ...billig will keiner .. teuer jeder ;)
die Kunst geduldig zu sein oder
mit Geduld besser leben oder
Geduld, was ist das?.....
schönes Wochenende
2003 war nicht so ganz ein ID-Media Jahr. (platz 28 !)
Kurzvergleich der ID-Media Zahlen von 2005 und 2006
läßt mich euphorisch in die ID-Media Zukunft blicken.
Deshalb sind wir ja auch hier investiert. ;o)
Der BVDW bietet ein umfangreiches Service- und
Informationsportfolio für seine Mitgliedsunternehmen.
Er hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Effizienz und Nutzen
digitaler Technologien transparent zu machen und so
den Einsatz in der Gesamtwirtschaft, Gesellschaft und
Administration zu fördern.
Danke BVDW ... solide Arbeit. :)

"""Hohe Unternehmensverluste stehen bei einigen Ex-Neuer Markt-Werte immer noch als immens hohe Verlustvorträge in den Büchern.
Der Vorteil liegt darin, da diese in einigen Fällen für die zukünftigen Gewinne entgegengerechnet werden können.
Bei einigen Firmen werden daher für die kommenden Jahre weder
Körperschaftssteuer noch Gewerbesteuer anfallen.
Wichtig für den Investor ist vor allem der Barwert, also der heutige Steuervorteil der Verlustvorträge, soweit auch die hierzu notwendigen Gewinne generiert werden.
Als Faustformel nehmen wir daher 30% der heutigen Verlustvorträge."""
Im Falle ID Media (siehe Tabelle) läge bei Verlustvorträgen in Höhe von 4,20 Euro je Aktie ein Barwert von ca. 1,30 Euro je Aktie vor.
(Angaben in €) Kurs / VV je Aktie* / Barwert VV**/Anteil des Barwerts***
TRACOM 0,30 2,9 0,9 292%
FJH 2,10 7,7 2,3 110%
Concord Effekten 2,85 6,6 2,0 70%
ORBIS 1,02 1,9 0,6 56%
ID-Media 2,60 4,2 1,3 49%
USU Software 3,57 2,3 0,7 19%
* = Verlustvorträge je Aktie
** = Barwert der Verlustvorträge
*** = Barwert der Verlustvorträge im Verhältnis zum Aktienkurs
da könnte man ja fast argumentieren.......
1,30€/Aktie Cash + 1,30€ Barwert der Verlustvorträge/Aktie = 2,60€/Aktie
das sehr profitable Geschäft von ID Media bekommt man derzeit umsonst dazu........
- schon mal den Deckel der Kriegskasse öffnen.....
- Hand reinlegen (für schnellen Zugriff)......
- zugreifen........
- eventuell gestaffelt.....
- ;)
ID-Media hilft einer Organisation die unter Krebs leidenen Menschen
hilft. :o)
"Every time an ID Media employee buys a cappuccino,
one dollar will go directly to Gilda's Club Worldwide,"
Dienstag, 28. November 2006
27.11.2006 20:16
Actress Elizabeth Berkley and ID Media Launch Gilda's Club Worldwide eBay Auction
NEW YORK, Nov. 27 /PRNewswire/ -- ID Media, the largest direct and digital media services company in the U.S., today announced it is partnering with actress Elizabeth Berkley to launch the Gilda's Club Worldwide Auction to benefit this leading nonprofit organization that provides emotional and social support for thousands of men, women and children living with cancer.
The eBay auction features items generously donated by ID Media's clients, media partners, and friends. These include a vacation package to the 2007 US Open with behind-the-scenes privileges courtesy of The Golf Channel, tickets to a taping of MTV's TRL, Nautilus fitness equipment, Dior and Guerlain gift bags, an all-expense-paid trip for two to a Dallas Mavericks game, tickets to the Broadway show Jersey Boys, suite tickets to a New York Knicks game, passes to the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail and World Woods Golf Club, a $500 gift certificate to Masa restaurant, and more. The Gilda's Club Worldwide Store auction can be accessed at . The purchase of all items is tax deductible.
"At this time of year, when we are all thinking of giving -- particularly to children -- ID Media's employees have decided to give their time and effort to raise money for an organization that has a unique emphasis on children," said Lynn Fantom, ID Media's chairman and CEO and a Gilda's Club Worldwide board member. "We're thrilled that Elizabeth Berkley is helping us focus attention on this fundraising drive for such an important cause. Everyday, Gilda's Clubs across the U.S. and Canada open their bright red doors to thousands of people living with cancer, providing them the social and emotional support that is an integral component of cancer treatment."
"Gilda's Clubs are essential and important because there really aren't many places that provide these services, particularly for the children who confront cancer, either in themselves or in their families," said Berkley.
Raffle tickets are also being sold to employees, clients and friends of the Interpublic Group's numerous advertising and media agencies, including DraftFCB, Hill Holliday, Initiative Media, Lowe, Marketing Drive, Media First, Media Partnership, Universal McCann, and Wahlstrom. Interpublic agencies, including Deutsch and DraftFCB, have generously supported the fundraising drive with donations and creative contributions. The tickets -- two for $5, five for $10, or 15 for $20 -- offer purchasers the chance to win iPods, DVD players, digital cameras, Ralph Lauren Polo bedding, and gift cards for Home Depot, Circuit City, and American Express. To purchase tickets, send your request to .
The Gilda's Club Worldwide Raffle and Auction serves as the culmination of ID Media's community mission to care about cancer. These activities include internal workshops to raise awareness about different types of cancer, volunteerism, and ongoing fundraising through bake sales. ID Media's New York office features an in-house employee coffee bar -- which the agency covers at its own expense -- with 100 percent of the proceeds donated directly to Gilda's Club Worldwide.
"Every time an ID Media employee buys a cappuccino, one dollar will go directly to Gilda's Club Worldwide," said Vivien Hoexter, CEO of Gilda's Club Worldwide. "This is a rare form of quiet, ongoing personal activism that has produced significant contributions to help ensure no one faces cancer alone."
About Elizabeth Berkley
On stage, Berkley was most recently seen in "Hurly Burly," starring Ethan Hawke. She debuted on Broadway in "Sly Fox." On film, she has starred in director Woody Allen's "The Curse of the Jade Scorpion," "Roger Dodger," costarring Campbell Scott, and "The First Wives Club." Television credits include the hit "Saved by the Bell." Berkley is a strong supporter of Gilda's Club Worldwide.
About ID Media
ID Media helps leading advertisers profit in today's fast-changing media marketplace. The company, which is the largest direct and digital media services company in the country, delivers the best possible return on media investments because of its superior rates, research resources, and reporting systems. ID Media serves clients including American Express, Johnson&Johnson, HBO, L'Oreal Paris, Nautilus, and Verizon from locations in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. ID Media is part of The Interpublic Group of Companies .
About Gilda's Club Worldwide
Gilda's Club Worldwide is a leader in the field of emotional and social support for people living with cancer and is committed to making sure that no one has to face cancer alone. The 21 Gilda's Clubhouses located across North America, with eight more in development, have helped thousands of men, women, and children receive, free of charge, the emotional and social support that is a critical component of cancer care. Gilda's Club serves individuals with all types and stages of cancer, their families and friends, as well as people who have lost someone to the disease. At Gilda's Club, people learn that it is possible to live their lives with cancer, whatever the outcome.
Companies interested in supporting Gilda's Club Worldwide through financial contributions or volunteer programs should contact Lucretia Gilbert, Assistant Director of Development for Gilda's Club Worldwide at 1-888-GILDA-4-U or visit .
Quelle: PR Newswire

.. gut .. wir sind hier also bei 11
Kann nicht nur am allgemein schwachen NW Sektor liegen.
Es gibt andere Beispiele wie ORAD HiTec die auf grund einer (kleinen) adhoc heute + 23,5 % macht.
Ich verzweifel hier langsam :-(
Diese Aktionen kann man immer ganz gut für 10 /20 Cent Trading nutzen ....