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1470 Postings, 5337 Tage baggo-mh@yokyok

29.04.23 20:05

Points taken.

Trotzdem Nr. 3 bei den Tecdax Unternehmen mit 50,92% Kurssteigerung in 2022.

Nur 54 deutsche Aktien beenden Jahr im Plus

laugthingcool baggo-mh


1470 Postings, 5337 Tage baggo-mhON Semiconductor

02.05.23 09:29

an Aixtron customer according to jeffries reported great numbers yesterday and gave a positive outlook.
"ramping silicon carbide, which remains ahead of plan."

The stock added > 9% yesterday.

The future for Aixtron looks bright...... I keep wearing shades.
coollaugthing baggo-mh


1470 Postings, 5337 Tage baggo-mhInfineon SiC Wafer

03.05.23 10:28

Um die erwartete steigende Nachfrage nach Halbleitern auf Basis von Siliziumkarbid (SiC) für Automobil- und Solaranwendungen decken zu können, hat der deutsche Hersteller Infineon Technologies einen weiteren Lieferantenvertrag geschlossen.

Das chinesische Unternehmen SICC wird Infineon danach mit 150-Millimeter-Wafern und -Boules beliefern und langfristig einen zweistelligen prozentualen Anteil der prognostizierten Nachfrage decken, wie der DAX-Konzern in Neubiberg bei München mitteilte.
Das hat keine nachteiligen Auswirkungen auf Aixtron, im Gegenteil.

Boules: daraus werden Wafer geschnitten
Wafer: darauf findet die Epitaxe (mit Aixtron Reaktoren) statt

:):cool: baggo-mh


1470 Postings, 5337 Tage baggo-mhVeeco

09.05.23 11:10

Presented numbers for Q1 yesterday.

@CWL1 did you look at them?

Here are a few comments :

"However, the power electronics and photonics markets offer promising opportunities for growth. In power electronics, we're focused on GaN with our legacy MOCVD technology and with CVD silicon carbide, which we recently acquired.

Integration of the acquired CVD technology is progressing well with our system expected to be demo ready in the second half of 2023. Our system represents a significant opportunity for a differentiated solution to address growing power electronics demand in the electric vehicle market.

Our epitaxi equipment to address micro LED applications continues to display promising long-term growth potential. We're making ongoing investments in this area, including R&D, supporting customer demos and evaluations to penetrate these market opportunities."

Sounds to me that tehy are leaps and bounds behind Aixtron in both SiC and MicroLED.

Gus Richard

Yes. Just in terms of MOCVD and GaN, I know you've had an evaluation system out there for a while in Asia. And I think you've been talking to customers about MOCVD for GaN. And I was just wondering if you could kind of give us an update on what you're seeing in that market? And what's the opportunity over the next 12 to 18?

William Miller

Yes. We do have an evaluation system for GaN power electronics. It's for the transition from 6-inch to 8-inch. The product is running, and we're in a competitive situation there. Our customers asked us to extend that evaluation through this year, which we are going to do. And so it's a little slower taking off than we had originally planned, and we're still working on it. I would say we probably won't see any meaningful gain on silicon power activity beyond where we are today until the 2024 time frame. That being said, we also have GaN on silicon for micro LED, where we're working with a few customers on opportunities there. and that continues to develop as well for GaN silicon.

David Duley

Okay, a little bit topics to silicon carbide. You've made this acquisition. And I thought you've talked about, if I'm not mistaken, having a demo later just late this calendar year. Could you help us understand the size, the market opportunity that you're chasing in the silicon carbide marketplace? And who the key competition is for this deposition tool I guess, that you're talking about?

William Miller

Yes. So according to the they're sizing the silicon carbide device market at $2 billion going to about $6 billion in 2027, and the corresponding epitaxi equipment market is about $250 million these days going to about $0.5 billion by 2027. There are a few participants in that market today, namely ASMI. And then New Flare and AXtRoNore (wahrscheinlich ist Aixtron gemeint) competitors in that space?

David Duley

Okay. And -- was it accurate that you will have a demo later this year? And then when would you expect to have, I guess, meaningful revenue from this particular opportunity?

William Miller

Yes. Thanks for reminding me the first half of your question. I would say right now, we are shipping our demo tool from Sweden to our demo lab in Somerset, New Jersey. As we speak, we're going to be facilitizing it. And our plan is to be demo ready in the second half of the year. We've met with a number of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 players in this market. They're all very excited about the acquired technology with our worldwide service footprint is very intriguing to them. And so we're pretty much at the key milestone of having to have the demo tool put down films that can be measured and sent to our customers. And then we would expect to have eval systems for some Tier 1s in 2024 and then also start selling directly to some Tier 2 customers as well. So I think we're planning for some modest revenue in '24, but I wouldn't think -- I think we have more meaningful revenue in 2025.

David Duley

Okay. And -- thanks for giving the competitive layout. Who would you say is the leader in this space now? And I would imagine you're going to have to show a fairly significant cost of ownership advantage versus whoever that leader is, what would be the key reasons that you can show a superior cost of ownership?

William Miller

There's -- the market actually varies pretty significantly by region or what tier. So we do understand cost of ownership is critical as well as yield, and yield plays a big part in that. And so from our discussions with our customers, they do see an opportunity for us to have a cost of ownership advantage of what's available in the market today.

laugthingcool baggo-mh


1142 Postings, 2698 Tage CWL1Veeco

09.05.23 16:46
Hi Baggo,
I agree with your assessment.

1470 Postings, 5337 Tage baggo-mhNachkaufchance

11.05.23 11:42

Michael Schröder hat sich mal wieder zu Wort gemeldet.
und wie immer bullish unterwegs.

Dann geistert seit gestern die headline durch den Blätterwald.

Heikler Vorstoß: Habeck will künftig China-Pläne deutscher Unternehmen kontrollieren
Dabei geht es um Investitionen deutscher Unternehmen in China nicht um Exporte. Das ganze läuft unter der Bezeichnung: OUTBOUND-SCREENING

Dazu heißt es in der Wirtschaftswoche: „Sie können als Unternehmen jedes Geschäft mit China machen, wir werden ihnen keine Knüppel zwischen die Beine werfen“, versicherte Schnichels, Habecks eigener Abteilungsleiter für Außenwirtschaft.

Gruß laugthingcool baggo-mh


133 Postings, 1887 Tage BigGeldGute Nachricht v. Aixtron

16.05.23 16:22
Aixtron: Bis zu 100 Millionen Euro für Innovationszentrum am Hauptsitz in NRW

Der Chipindustrieausrüster Aixtron will seine Forschungs- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten am Firmensitz in Herzogenrath kräftig ausbauen. Bis zu 100 Millionen Euro sollen in ein Innovationszentrum fließen, um Platz für die nächsten Produktgenerationen sowie weitere Produktentwicklungen zu schaffen, teilte der im MDax notierte Konzern am Dienstag mit. Ein genauer Zeitplan wurde nicht genannt. Zum Vergleich: für 2023 plant das Unternehmen ein Umsatzwachstum auf 580 bis 640 Millionen Euro.

"Wir adressieren mit unseren Produkten die Megatrends Digitalisierung, Elektromobilität und Energieeffizienz und verzeichnen eine starke und stetig wachsende Nachfrage", sagte Konzernchef Felix Grawert laut Mitteilung.

Aixtron ist mit seinen Maschinen zur Herstellung von Verbindungshalbleitern ein Profiteur dieser Trends. Die Anlagen zur Herstellung der Grundlage von Elektronikchips auf Basis etwa von Galliumnitrid (GaN) und Siliziumkarbid (SiC) sind begehrt, denn solche Chips sind kleiner, energieeffizienter und temperaturbeständiger als klassische Siliziumchips. Damit können sie mehr Strom schneller leiten, was Schnellladetechnik für Heimelektronik und E-Autos genauso ermöglicht, wie den sparsameren Betrieb von Daten- und Serverzentren sowie bestimmte 5G-Mobilfunk-Anwendungen./mis/ngu  

577 Postings, 6464 Tage fel216€ 100m Innovation Center

17.05.23 06:41
Hi everybody,

Big announcement by Aixtron yesterday, just ahead of todays AGM - will anybody attend?

Investing up to € 100m into a new innovation and R&D Center. Wao. That is a lot of money! One question is over which time period; 2-3 years I guess? That will hurt FCF and thus dividends/buybacks/M&A.

BUT it in my view shows A LOT of confidence for the next 10 years and beyond. Which products will be developed here? What are the next big trends? I assume this is beyond MicroLED?!?

Why is NOW the right time for this sizeable investment? Why not in 3 years? What makes them as confident?

I think they did not give many details in the press release. So it would be great to hear your thoughts and views.

But it seems to imply next megatrend beyond MicroLED, more revenue potential and margins.


577 Postings, 6464 Tage fel216On semi plans 2bn SIC Investment

17.05.23 20:05

1470 Postings, 5337 Tage baggo-mhI see a new ASML in the making - Teil 1

18.05.23 14:55

“I see a new ASML in the making” 
Zitat laut Felix Grawert von einem Analysten der Bank of America auf einer kürzlich in USA durchgeführten roadshow .

Zunächst mal zu den Nachrichten von gestern und vorgestern.

100 Millionen sind nur für die Hülle, ohne Maschinen und Techniker gedacht.
Laut Kim Schindelhauer sollen dort einmal 50 hochqualifizierte Physiker arbeiten.
Baubeginn: 2023
Fertigstellung: Ende 2024
Es sollen neue Produktgenerationen entwickelt und Schulungen (extern und intern – Servicetechniker) durchgeführt werden.

Habe die Gelegenheit genutzt und dem Aufsichtsrat Prof. Dr. Biagosch, den hatte Kim Schindelhauer mir bei Frühstück vorgestellt, und einigen Mitarbeitern zum On-Semi win zu gratuliert. Habe immer große smiles und Rückbestätigungen geerntet, sodass man mit 100er Sicherheit davon ausgehen kann, dass Aixtron die Epitaxie Reaktoren liefern wird.

Zur HV
ich bin ja als Aixtron Bulle verschrien und muss gestehen ich nach dem Besuch der HV jetzt noch bullischer unterwegs bin als zuvor.

Teil 2 folgt

laugthingcool baggo-mh


1470 Postings, 5337 Tage baggo-mhI see a new ASML in the making - Teil 2

18.05.23 15:52

"I see a new ASML in the making"

Die Veranstaltung war wieder sehr professionell organisiert. Leider ergab sich nicht wie in 2019 die Möglichkeit sich intensiver mit der Firmenleitung vor oder nach der Veranstaltung auszutauschen. Es standen aber ausreichend Senior-Mitarbeiter zu Verfügung die man befragen konnte.

Der Vortrag von Felix war sehr detailliert, gut illustriert und selbst für Laien gut verständlich.
Die Vorträge der Vorstände und die Einleitung von Kim Schindelhauer konnte man live digital miterleben. Später wird man eine Aufzeichnung auf der Homepage abrufen können. Die Generaldebatte allerdings nicht.

Alle Fragen wurden sehr detailliert beantwortet, dank des bestens funktionieren Back-Office.

Nachfolgend einige Notizen die ich für wichtig erachtet habe.

Hier wurde ein leicht unscharfes Bild gezeigt denn die offizielle Produkt-Einführung steht erst noch bevor. Trotzdem hat Texas Instruments bereits den Supplier Excellence Award 2022 für die neue MOCVD-Anlage G10-GaN an Aixtron verliehen.

Bemerkenswert für mich 2022 award und die G10 ist bis zum heutigen Tag noch nicht offiziell released. Muss ein Super tool sein.

Felix sprach im Zusammenhang mit TI und diesem Reward: ..and there is more to come. Ich interpretiere das mal so, dass wir weitere News zu TI in Zusammenhang mit der G10-GaN und Aufträgen erwarten dürfen.


Man sprach von Exportgenehmigungen (ich denke Ausfuhrgenehmigungen ist der richtige Begriff). Wie ich schon anderer Stelle schrieb muss einiges über den Kunden mitgeteilt werde, aber auch zu der Maschine und dem Verwendungszweck. 
Verantwortlich ist Felix Grawert persönlich. Das Ministerium bat Aixtron Ende 2022 Vorkehrungen in die Reaktoren einzubauen, die eine Zweckentfremdung verhindern. Dies wurde unverzüglich ungesetzt und man glaubte die Reaktoren noch in Q1 ausliefern zu können. Leider blieben die Lizenzen per 31.03. aus.

Felix sprach von, sehr positiver Rückmeldung vom Ministerium und er erwartet das die Reaktoren bis Sommer ausgeliefert sein werden.

Chr. Danninger: „Die Erwartung ist die Lizenzen kurzfristig zu erhalten und die Reaktoren mehrheitlich in Q2 und den Rest in Q3 auszuliefern“.

Es gab keine Kundencancellations aufgrund der eingetretenen Verzögerungen.
Die Jahresprognose ist selbst dann nicht gefährdet wenn man die Lizenzen nicht erhalten würde.

Teil 3 folgt

laugthingcool baggo-mh


1470 Postings, 5337 Tage baggo-mhich kann aus irgendeinem Grund

18.05.23 20:59

die weiteren Teile nicht posten. Habe deshalb den kompletten Bericht bei Wallstreet Online hochgeladen.

laugthingcool baggo-mh


1142 Postings, 2698 Tage CWL1@baggo-mh thanks for the great insights

18.05.23 22:36
To me the most interesting information is:

"How long does a SiC production run take - also approx. 6 hours

One could deduce from this:
- Aixtron's SiC tools list price $10 million
- up to 25% of the investment sum mentioned in the press release is accounted for by epitaxy tools.

The current SiC tool delivery quantity from Aixtron is sufficient for the production of 1 million epitaxial wafers. This in turn smells for 2-3 million electric vehicles.

Currently, 80 million vehicles are newly registered every year."
It is surprising to learn a SiC tool is listed for ~$10m.

Market research has projected annual production of 20 million EV's in 2025.  If one wafer for 3 EV's, then roughly 6 million 6" SiC epi wafers annual capacity are needed by 2025.  That's 6x of what Aixtron currently has provided.  People can guesstimate how many more G10 SiC tools would be needed if Aixtron gains 50% of the share.


1470 Postings, 5337 Tage baggo-mh@CWL1

19.05.23 08:55

Thanks for the feedback CWL1

By 2035 no more combustion chamber cars should be sold in the EU.
Then the number in your calculation jumbs from 20  to 80 Million.

Let me post my question: "If ON-Semi announces an investment of 2 Billion into a new SiC fab, how much of the total investment would be for Epitaxie tools?"

The answer came immediately: "Take 50 tools at 10 Million each"

I used ON-SEMI as an example to gain further confirmation that Aixtron will be the supplier of choice.

To me it also adds food for my theory that during negotiations for supply of full factories a "blanket order" is being signed. Against this blanket order which covers 100% of what will be needed if the factory is fully equipped, socalled "release orders" are being placed on an annual basis with a shipping plan per quarter.

That would give Aixtron the freedom to only report the release orders according to the shipping plan.

The best is yet to come as we watch a new ASML in the making

PS: The blanket and release order system is what Air Canada used for their multi year supply contracts.


1470 Postings, 5337 Tage baggo-mh20 Million EV

19.05.23 10:47

will need at least 20 Million charging possibilities. Quick charging for sure SiC according to the AGM.

Regular charging at home over night on the wallbox:  GaN potentially feasible - my thoughts

An enormous wave of demand for SiC and GaN chips is rolling towards the chip manufacturers and therefore the maschine manufacturers with 80 Million EV in 2035 annually.

Kind regards
laugthingcool baggo-mh


1142 Postings, 2698 Tage CWL1AI

25.05.23 06:12
NVIDIA reported a blowout quarter due to AI.  AI requires tremendous data generation, collection, communication, sensing, etc.  That means optoelectronics GaAs and InP chips made from Aixtron's tools would be in high demand.    

1470 Postings, 5337 Tage baggo-mhBonus payment Felix for 2002

27.05.23 10:04

1470 Postings, 5337 Tage baggo-mhBernecker Einschätzung zu Aixtron

29.05.23 17:57

Kurs 28,75 
Ziel 35,00 
Potential 21,74% 

Leidet unter China-Beschränkungen und fehlenden Exportgenehmigungen.
Auftragslage sehr stark. Aussichtsreich.

laugthingcool baggo-mh


1470 Postings, 5337 Tage baggo-mhÜbergangsmetall-Dichalkogenide

30.05.23 01:12

I just read somethin very interesting.

Has anyone heard of this before?

"Im Unterschied zum kohlenstoffbasierten Graphen offenbaren sie jedoch eine Eigenschaft, die sie für den Einsatz in Computerchips geradezu prädestiniert: Sie sind wie Silizium Halbleiter, das heißt, ihre Stromleitfähigkeit lässt sich innerhalb von Sekundenbruchteilen verändern. Darum kommen sie zumindest von der Theorie her am ehesten für den Einsatz in Chips in Betracht."

Shit I thought Graphene was the future..... now it seems to be MoS2......

laugthingcool baggo-mh


1142 Postings, 2698 Tage CWL12D semiconductor film

30.05.23 06:20
Hi Baggo,

MoS2 or MoSeS 2D materials and Aixtron's potential role in its presentation linked were touched on in posts #1324 and #1328.  


1470 Postings, 5337 Tage baggo-mh2D semiconductor film

30.05.23 11:42

Thank you @CWL for highlighting the fact that I am getting old or running out of memory space.

Prof. Heuken actually says
- this material is going to replace Si on the international roadmap
- that they are working on a system to deposit these materials on 300mm wafers

So not only do we have: 
- SiC grwoing at CAGR of 30% by 2027
- GaN growing at a CAGR of 50% by 2027
- MicroLED
- MoS2 the material to replace Si

One should not sell a single share, but buy more!!

laugthingcool baggo-mh


1142 Postings, 2698 Tage CWL1100m

30.05.23 12:58
That's why Aixtron invests 100m on the R&D of 2D semiconductor,  and also Gen. 4 compound semiconductor which is Gallium Oxide (GaO) thin film deposition.  

1470 Postings, 5337 Tage baggo-mhwoooooow

30.05.23 16:08

GaO. I need to read up on or was that in Prof. Heukens video as well?

I was fantasizing of the next product release G10-MoS2 Now you are saying it could as well be G10-GaO.

The MoSSystem would have to be on 300mm to be competitive with Si production and compatible with the existing production equipment. (middle & back end)

Thanks for the new insights.

laugthingcool baggo-mh


133 Postings, 1887 Tage BigGeldNavitas invests $20m in its first three Aixtron G1

31.05.23 13:13
Gallium nitride (GaN) power IC and silicon carbide (SiC) technology firm Navitas Semiconductor of Torrance, CA, USA has announced the first in a series of strategic manufacturing investments, in order to increase control, reduce costs and enhance revenue capacity for its GeneSiC silicon carbide power semiconductors.

An initial $20m investment enables a three-reactor SiC epi-growth facility. The first G10-SiC epitaxy reactor from Germany’s Aixtron, with 6” and 8” wafer capability, is expected to be fully qualified and in production in 2024. Navitas views the epi-growth services to be provided by its new facility as a critical process step that could support up to an additional $200m in annual production. The firm expects to continue the use of third-party vendors for additional epi-growth, wafer fabrication and assembly operations.

“We are proud that an important technology innovator such as Navitas chose our new G10-SiC to further accelerate the adoption of SiC in the growing market for energy-efficient power devices,” says Aixtron’s CEO & president Dr Felix Grawert. “This is especially significant as Aixtron and Navitas are both firm believers and pioneers in the unstoppable advance of GaN and SiC over legacy silicon,” he adds.

“Adding a high-quality SiC epi-layer onto a raw SiC wafer is a critical process step prior to individual device manufacturing, and adding the Aixtron in-house epi capability to existing subcontract process flows expands available capacity, lowers finished wafer cost , increases quality and reduces cycle times,” says Dan Kinzer, Navitas’ chief operating officer/chief technology officer (COO/CTO) & co-founder. “The development and manufacturing business partnership with Aixtron includes ongoing technical and co-development support.”

Navitas’ investment in internal epi capacity is one of several initiatives in support of its recently announced $760m customer pipeline of estimated potential future business, based on expressed customer interest for qualified programs. While the conversion of this pipeline into orders or shipments depends on many factors in addition to possessing available capacity, the firm expects that its epi capacity expansion will provide a favorable return on investment under most anticipated planning scenarios.

Navitas recently completed an $80m follow-on offering of its common stock. It plans to use the proceeds for strategic manufacturing investments, among other possible uses, including working capital and general corporate purposes.  

1142 Postings, 2698 Tage CWL1Onsemi More SiC Epi

31.05.23 15:28
Vitesco Technologies is securing silicon carbide (SiC) supply capacity worth $1.9 billion (€1.75 billion) in a ten year supply deal with onsemi.

The German tier one automotive supplier is paying onsemi $250 million (€230 million) upfront to secure that production capacity, and the two companies will collaborate to further optimize the design of traction inverters using onsemi’s EliteSiC MOSFETs.

The €230m will fund equipment for SiC boule growth, wafer production and epitaxy to secure access to SiC capacity where onsemi’s Czech plant is a key supplier. The equipment will be used to produce SiC wafers to support Vitesco Technologies’ growing SiC demand. In parallel, onsemi says it will continue to invest substantially into end-to-end SiC supply chain.

“Energy-efficient silicon carbide power semiconductors are at the beginning of a big surge in demand. That is why it is imperative for us to get access to the complete SiC value chain together with onsemi. With this investment we have a secure supply of a key technology over the next ten years and beyond,” said Andreas Wolf, CEO of Vitesco Technologies. This is key to reliably supplying Vitesco’s customers.

“This collaboration will enable Vitesco Technologies to address their customers’ demand for longer range and higher performance in electric vehicles. onsemi provides superior performance and quality, supply assurance, and manufacturing at scale of SiC technologies based on decades of experience in manufacturing power semiconductor products in high volume automotive applications,” said Hassane El-Khoury, president and CEO of onsemi.


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