Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEH)

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Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52234 - Withdrawal of Subpoenas:

04.03.16 05:05
MAR/01/2016:  Notice of Withdrawal of Subpoenas Issued Pursuant to Order Granting the Debtors Authority to Issue Subpoenas for the Production of Documents and Authorizing the Examination of Persons and Entities (related document(s) [51821]) filed by Richard L. Levine on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (Levine, Richard).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  51821  [Berichtet schon unter Docket #51821 - Subpoena(s) ISSUED].

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2765114

Die entsprechenden Witnesses hatten inzwischen cooperiert,
so dass die Subpoenas haben zurückzogen werden können...  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52235 - MOTION for Recusal:

05.03.16 18:10
MAR/01/2016:  "Motion" for Recusal: This Administrative Entry was Entered for Docketing Purposes re: Document No. [52232] filed by Clerks Office of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court. (White, Greg).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  52232  [Berichtet unter Docket #52232 - "Suggestion" of Recusal]...

Document:  [Siehe dort].

Das Gericht hat sich also entschlossen, die armseelige Befangenheits-"Suggestion" des William Kuntz III. in den Rang einer Motion (also in den Rang eines förmlichen Feststellungs-Antrags) zu heben, um das Ding gerichtlich entscheiden zu können.

Das ist geübte gerichtliche Praxis! - Denn wenn ein Verfahrens-Beteiligter zum Beispiel durch ein störendes Hüsteln auffällt, darf ein Richter ja auch zu eigener Einschätzung kommen, ob die Geräusches-Darbietung zur Ironisierung seines Amtes-Waltens gedacht war, oder eher unbeabsichtigt einer rauhen Kehle entspringt, oder auf eine Erkrankung hindeutet, die eine Verhandlungs-Verschiebung rechtfertigen kann...  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52236 - Order DENYING Motion:

05.03.16 18:25
MAR/02/2016:  Order Denying Motion for Recusal (Related Doc # [52232]) signed on MAR/02/2016. (White, Greg).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  52232  [Reported under Docket #52232 - "Suggestion" of Recusal]...

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2765463

Und jetzt also die Klatsche für William Kuntz III. - Die Richterin weist ihm seine in den Rang einer förmlichen Motion gehobene Befangenheits-"Suggestion" sauber zurück...  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52239 - MARSONER Hearing:

05.03.16 18:50
MAR/02/2016:  Notice of Hearing: Notice of Status Conference Relating to the Motion of Dr. Thomas Marsoner to Deem Proofs of Claim to be Timely Filed by the Claims Bar Date (related document(s) [47589]) filed by Jacqueline Marcus on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. with hearing to be held on MAR/29/2016 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 623 (SCC). (Marcus, Jacqueline).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  47589  [Already reported under Docket #47589 - Motion to ALLOW]...

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2765542  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52242 - Another KUNTZ Letter:

05.03.16 19:15
FEB/29/2016:  Letter Filed by William Kuntz, III. (Cantrell, Deirdra).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  none.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2765786

Die Argumente, die er da bringt, sind allerdings ernsthaft...  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDockets #52243 ff - through Docket #52247...

06.03.16 04:35
... are dedicated to Withdrawals of Objections to Claim(s), but solely as
to certain Claim(s), the Majority of the Objections is hereby not affected...  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52248 - Presentment of Stipulation:

06.03.16 04:45
MAR/03/2016:  Notice of Presentment / Notice of Presentment of Stipulation and Agreed Order by and among James W. Giddens, as Trustee for the Liquidation of Lehman Brothers, Inc. Under the Securities Investor Protection Act and Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. filed by Lynn P. Harrison III on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. with presentment to be held on MAR/10/2016 at 12:00 PM at Courtroom 623 (SCC) with hearing to be held on MAR/29/2016 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 623 (SCC) Objections due by MAR/09/2016. (Harrison, Lynn).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  none.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2765818  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52253 - A. J. Rossman Declaration:

15.03.16 04:20
MAR/04/2016:  Declaration: Declaration Of Andrew J. Rossman Submitting Exhibit List For Hearing On Motion For Sanctions Against William Kuntz III (related document(s) [52113]) filed by Andrew J. Rossman on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
(Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Exhibit List, # (2) Exhibit A-1, # (3) Exhibit A-2,
# (4) Exhibit A-3, # (5) Exhibit A-4, # (6) Exhibit A-5, # (7) Exhibit A-6,
# (8) Exhibit A-7, # (9) Exhibit A-8, # (10) Exhibit A-9, # (11) Exhibit A-10,
# (12) Exhibit A-11, # (13) Exhibit A-12, # (14) Exhibit A-13, # (15) Exhibit A-14,
# (16) Exhibit A-15, # (17) Exhibit A-16, # (18) Exhibit A-17, # (19) Exhibit A-18,
# (20) Exhibit A-19, # (21) Exhibit A-20, # (22) Exhibit A-21, # (23) Exhibit A-22,
# (24) Exhibit A-23, # (25) Exhibit A-24, # (26) Exhibit A-25, # (27) Exhibit A-26,
# (28) Exhibit A-27, # (29) Exhibit A-28, # (30) Exhibit A-29, # (31) Exhibit A-30,
# (32) Exhibit A-31, # (33) Exhibit A-32, # (34) Exhibit A-33, # (35) Exhibit A-34,
# (36) Exhibit A-35, # (37) Exhibit A-36, # (38) Exhibit A-37, # (39) Exhibit A-38,
# (40) Exhibit A-39). (Rossman, Andrew).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  52113  [Reported under Docket #52113 - Motion for SANCTIONS]...


MAIN Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2765831
Exhibit LIST:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2765832

[To be continued]...  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52253 - Exhibits hereto, Part 2:

15.03.16 05:05

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52256 - Another KUNTZ Letter:

15.03.16 05:20
MAR/04/2016:  Letter to Judge Chapman (related document(s) [52236])
Filed by William Kuntz III. (White, Greg).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  52236  [Reported under Docket #52236 - Order DENYING Motion]...

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2766011  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52257 - Supplemental ORDER:

15.03.16 17:10
MAR/04/2016:  Supplemental Order Granting Plan Administrator's
(I) Reply to Response to and
(II) Supplemental Objection to Certain Claims Listed on Debtors Two Hundred Seventeenth Omnibus Objection signed on MAR/04/2016 (related document(s) [51691]). (White, Greg).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  51691  [Reported under Docket #51691 - 217th Omnibus Objection].

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2766013

All Portions of the Claims #62826, #62827 and #62828 are hereby disallowed and expunged with Prejudice...  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52261 - Sanctioning GRANTED:

15.03.16 18:45
MAR/07/2016:  Order Granting Motion for Sanctions Against William Kuntz III. (Related Doc # [52113]) signed on MAR/04/2016. (White, Greg).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  52113  [Reported under Docket #52113 - MOTION for Sanctions]...

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2766475

Die Löwin fährt die Krallen aus! - The Honorable Judge Shelley C. Chapman kann sich die Torpedierung des von ihr -übrigens sehr umsichtig! - geleiteten Verfahrens natürlich nicht bieten lassen, und so erkennt sie, quasi als einen Schuss vor den Bug, zunächst hauptsächlich auf einen Bedarf der Sanctionierung als solchen. - Welche concreten Sanctionen darüber hinaus vielleicht noch nötig werden könnten, wird von der weiteren Entwicklung abhängig gemacht. - Wie ich doch meine, eine sehr weise Entscheidung...  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52262 - 25th Termination Notice:

16.03.16 18:40
MAR/07/2016:  Notice of Withdrawal: Twenty-Fifth Notice of Withdrawal of Debtors Application to Assume Certain Executory Contracts filed by Jacqueline Marcus on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (Marcus, Jacqueline).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  none.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2766450

Concret betroffen sind hier dies' Mal die CounterParties:
BUCK Institute for Age Research,
EXUM Ridge CBO 2007-1, Ltd.
und RACERS 2005-10-C.

Im Rahmen der thematischen Einschlägigkeit vergleiche man das
Docket #51959 - 24th Termination Notice...  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52265 - Reconsideration GRANTED:

16.03.16 20:35
MAR/08/2016:  Order Granting Aadit Seshasayee's Motion for Reconsideration of the Disallowance of his Claim (Related Doc # [51601]) signed on MAR/07/2016. (White, Greg).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  51601  [See under Docket #51601 - MOTION for Reconsideration]...

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2767025

Ich hatte ihm ja die Daumen gedrückt  ;-))  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52266 - 513th Omnibus GRANTED:

16.03.16 20:46
MAR/08/2016:  Order Granting the Five Hundred Thirteenth Omnibus Objection to Claims (No Liability Claims) signed on MAR/07/2016 (related document(s) [51451]). (White, Greg).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  51451  [Reported under Docket #51451 - 513th Omnibus Objection].

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2767027

Kleinvieh macht auch Mist:  Immerhin 1.633.477,56 US-Dollares beim Orcus...  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52275 - Stipulation so ORDERED:

17.03.16 04:25
MAR/11/2016:  So Ordered Stipulation by and among James W. Giddens, as Trustee for the Liquidation of Lehman Brothers, Inc. Under the Securities Investor Protection Act and Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. signed on MAR/11/2016.
(White, Greg).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  none.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2768150

Betrifft die Lehman Brothers, Inc. (LBI),
also nicht die Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. (LBHI)...  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52276 ff - through Docket #52293:

17.03.16 04:35
Wiederum nur Claim(s) Transfers als verlässlicher Ausdruck des weiterhin regen Forderungs-Handels...

LG: Teras.  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52294 - "No Objection!" stated:

17.03.16 04:50
MAR/11/2016:  Certificate of No Objection Pursuant to LR 9075-2 Regarding Supplemental Motion for Order (I) Allowing Disclosure of Derivative Questionnaires Pursuant to Section 107(a) of the Bankruptcy Code and (II) Modifying the Treatment Afforded to Derivative Questionnaires of Certain Parties (related document(s) [51312], [48939], [52215]) Filed by Scott C. Shelley on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and Certain of its Affiliates.
(Attachments: # (1) Form of Order, # (2) Exhibit A to Form of Order, # (3) Exhibit B to Form of Order, # (4) Exhibit C to Form of Order, # (5) Exhibit D to Form of Order). (Shelley, Scott).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  48939, 51312, 52215.


MAIN Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2768285
FORM of Order:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2768286
Exhibit A hereto:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2768287
Exhibit B hereto:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2768288
Exhibit C hereto:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2768289
Exhibit D hereto:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2768290  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52296 - Letter stating DUPLICATE:

17.03.16 06:35
MAR/04/2016:  Letter Stating Doc. 51937 is a duplicate of 51936
(related document(s) [51937]) Filed by Banco Di Desio E Della Brianza SPA.
(Lopez, Mary).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  51937.

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2768647

Doch ging es hierbei in beiden Dockets jeweils nur um einen Claim(s) Transfer...  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52299 - Docket not accessible,

18.03.16 03:50
... kommt aber selbst-redend auf die Erinnerungs-Liste,
damit wir auf Grund von Zugriffs-Problemen nicht irgend etwas übersehen...

LG: Teras.  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52300 - Docket not accessible,

18.03.16 03:55
... kommt aber selbst-redend auf die Erinnerungs-Liste,
damit wir auf Grund von Zugriffs-Problemen nicht irgend etwas übersehen...

LG: Teras.  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52301 - Motion to APPROVE...

18.03.16 04:20
FEB/26/2016:  Motion to Approve: This Administrative Entry was Entered for Docketing Purposes re: Document No. [52215] filed by Clerks Office U.S. Bankruptcy Court. (White, Greg).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  52215  [Already reported under Docket #52215 - Notice of Hearing]...

Document:  [No separate Document necessary for administrative Entry #52301].  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52302 - Allowance GRANTED:

18.03.16 04:50
MAR/16/2016:  Order Approving Supplemental Motion for Order
(I) Allowing Disclosure of Derivative Questionnaires Pursuant to Section 107(a) of the Bankruptcy Code and
(II) Modifying the Treatment Afforded to the Derivative Questionnaires of Certain Parties (Related Doc # [52215]) signed on MAR/16/2016. (White, Greg).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  52215  [Already reported under Docket #52215 - Notice of Hearing].


MAIN Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2769817
Exhibit A hereto:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2769818
Exhibit B hereto:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2769819
Exhibit C hereto:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2769820
Exhibit D hereto:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2769821

Die im Exhibit A / in der Anlage A gelisteten non!-objecting Parties sind also weiterhin ganz klar in der absoluten Mehrheit...  

Clubmitglied, 38544 Postings, 6251 Tage TerasDocket #52303 - Hearing on 512th Omnibus:

18.03.16 05:15
MAR/17/2016:  Notice of Adjournment of Hearing on the Five Hundred Twelfth Omnibus Objection to Claims (Disputed Valuation Claims) (related document(s) [51450]) filed by Garrett A. Fail on behalf of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. with hearing to be held on APR/14/2016 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 623 (SCC).
(Fail, Garrett).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related:  51450  [Reported under Docket #51450 - 512th Omnibus Objection].

Document:  http://dm.epiq11.com/LBH/Document/GetDocument/2770428

Und, nun ja, man wird es kaum glauben:  Wir sind jetzt wieder voll "up to Date!"...  

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