IVG Immobilien=5,447 Milliarden € Schulden
Sowie Michael Sakkas
Danke Cap.
Pair of Cargill office buildings sell for $123M
" ...The seller was Real Estate Capital Partners, on behalf of a German-investor called IVG Institutional Funds, according to a press release from CBRE Group in Minneapolis...."
Der ganze Artikel hier/ Quelle:
also, da dreht sich doch was .. :-)
Buildings leased to Cargill sell for $123 million
Posted by: Janet Moore Updated: December 10, 2013 - 6:32 PM
CBRE said Tuesday that two buildings leased by Cargill Inc. on Excelsior Boulevard in Hopkins were sold to a California firm for $123 million.
The seven-story buildings at Excelsior Crossings are part of a three-building corporate campus currently leased to Cargill, the nation's largest privately held company. CBRE represented the seller, Real Estate Capital Partners on behalf of IVG Funds GmbH, a German firm.
Cargill has occupied the buildings, located at 9350 and 9380 Excelsior Boulevard, since they were completed in 2008 and 2009. The two buildings span more than 500,000 square feet.
Janet Moore covers commercial real estate for the Star Tribune.
" wenn man ("2") fast allein auf dem Spielfeld ist und somit ohne jeglichen, bzw großen Widerstand in beide Tore gleichzeitig schießen kann "
- oder ??!! ;-)
Ownership and Management
Principals of Real Estate Capital Partners include:
KS Holdings Inc
Karin Shewer is a founding partner of Real Estate Capital Partners. She became Chairman of the company in January 2013 and is a member of both the Operating and Investment Committees.
Harald Quandt Family
HQFS LP is a German family holding company with a globally diversified investment portfolio, including investment advisory activities for third parties. The Harald Quandt Family has established a number of financial services companies providing advice to high net worth families and institutional investors with the goal of developing global portfolio strategies in alternative investment classes, including:
* Wealth Management (Multi Family Office)
* Private equity and hedge funds in Europe, the United States and Asia
* Acquisition and management of participating interests in mid-sized companies in German-speaking countries
The Harald Quandt Family is a founding partner of Real Estate Capital Partners.
Burda Family Trust
FFB Recap, LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Franz and Frieder Burda. The Burda family has a globally diversified investment portfolio.
IVG Institutional Funds GmbH
Quelle: http://www.recp.com/ownership-and-management.aspx
Gab es denn einen Buchgewinn und wer kann sich darüber freuen?
... aber befindet sich auch immer noch in den Europa Top 100
Wenn Ihr ein Haus baut, dass mit 100.000 Euro Eigenkapital und 500.000 Bankschulden geplat wird und dann 1,2 Millionen kostet bis es fertig ist (die Banken haben dann nochmal 600.000 Euros zusätzlich finanziert) und Ihr bekommt nicht einmal 800.000 Euros dafür, wenn Ihr es verkaufen wollt, wass seit Ihr dann?
Antwort: P L E I T E ! !
Da hilft auch kein Sanierungsplan weiter, weil dass dann nur noch über eine Insolvenz abgewickelt wird!
Und was Bekommen die Anleihegläubiger und Aktionäre?
Antwot: Nichts! Weil Sie sich ganz hinten in der Reihe anstellen müssen und bis Sie zum Futtertopf kommen ist der schon lange leer!