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18623 Postings, 6836 Tage HirschmannHehehehehehe ;--))

16.03.08 20:01
Das wärs ; Alle investieren in seawix. ;-))

                               Netter Traum ;-))

Liesen wir uns aber sehr gerne gefallen ,-)..........logischhhhh ;-)

1050 Postings, 6499 Tage mzocken@alle - schoenen Sonntagabend Jungs

16.03.08 20:03
ich glaube das wird was werden naechste Woche. Ich hab das irgenwie im Gefuehl.
Ich kann zwar keine Fakten liefern. DAs hat 3b schon gemacht. Aber es ist noch genug Stoff in der Story.
Das ist jetzt wirklich nicht meine Empfehlung, aber ich glaube es wird was.

6681 Postings, 6437 Tage swedenWe wanna rock

16.03.08 20:19
we want to rock ;-)))

Hallo Freunde alles klar bei euch???

Übrigens dein Posting bbb von soapi ist sehr interessant aber wie du ja
weisst ist sie die Oberpusherin im Thread sie hat zwar ein absolut
fundiertes Wissen aber ganz so ernst sollte man das nicht nehmen,
obwohl es natürlich klasse wäre.

Ansonsten euch allen noch einen schönen Sonntag mit unserem neuen

Dee Snyder ;-)))  

5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_LOL...YUP ! ...Das war ja fast "DUDE" !

16.03.08 20:33
Heh..some earlier find on some interview with Joe (the FOX):

PAUL SOLMAN: Ettore shops the world for bargains, squeezing vendors, like those in the far East in 1998, say, when economies and currencies there tanked. He passes on every penny he saves, he says, to his customers.

PAUL SOLMAN: This is $119.

JOE ETTORE: That's five pieces. Yeah, five pieces. That's four chairs and a table for $119.

PAUL SOLMAN: Come on, are you serious?


PAUL SOLMAN: Unbelievable.

Source: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/economy/jan-june00/ames_5-9.html

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5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_HAHA noch einer !

16.03.08 20:34
And another one... :)

PAUL SOLMAN: Even CEO Joe Ettore started out buffered from the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

JOE ETTORE: When I grew up in Jersey city, I wasn't unhappy because I was in Jersey City and not in Saddlebrook, New jersey. I mean, I didn't know. First of all, I had never heard of Saddlebrook, and all I knew was Jersey City. And so, I knew, being realistic, I knew that's where I was going to live. And I also knew that my father wasn't going to have a Cadillac in those days, because only rich people had Cadillacs in those days. So I don't think we thought about it. I don't think we got caught up in it. And maybe that's the same thing today.
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5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_AHHAHA ich verpiss mich gleich :))

16.03.08 20:39

5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_Heh....und hier der kommentar eines ..

16.03.08 20:58

5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_So mal einen Zwischenbericht was bei SWVC grade...

16.03.08 21:09

18623 Postings, 6836 Tage Hirschmann3B Machst du im I Hub den Spaßvogel ??

16.03.08 22:14

5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_@hirschi...

16.03.08 23:51

5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_bin ich heir alleinunterhalter..LOL..ok..hier noch

17.03.08 00:04

18623 Postings, 6836 Tage Hirschmann3B

17.03.08 06:28
Also,  wenn ich mir das so anschaue, sieht das aus wie einen Promotionstour für SWVC.

Obwohl noch niemand abschätzen kann was aus SWVC wird, rührst du in einer sehr fanatischen Art u. Weise im I Hub die Werbetrommel.

Lobst die Leute in den Himmel als wenn du ein persönlicher Freund der Familie und dessen Mitarbeiter bist, mhhhh

Optimismus in allen Ehren aber das sehe ich doch als sehr übertrieben an.

Wärst ein guter Promotor für Kaffeefahrten, hehehe

"Leute kauft diese Wolldecken und Kochtöpfe" hehehehe ;--))  

1691 Postings, 6495 Tage qatar111Morgen HIRSCHI !

17.03.08 07:08


18623 Postings, 6836 Tage HirschmannMorgen Dirk

17.03.08 07:17
Dollar 158 ...Waaaahnsinn !

Hoffentlich bleibt unsere seawix vom großen Gemetzel verschont.

Ansonsten bin ich mal gespannt was da so heute abgeht. Werden viele laaaaange Gesichter vor ihrem Monitor hocken, hehehe

Wer jetzt ein Auto aus den USA importieren will, wird sich über fette Gewinne freuen können, mhhh.....vielleicht sollten wir eins auf Autohändler machen, lol ;-))  

1691 Postings, 6495 Tage qatar111die 1.60 werden wir diese woche noch sehen

17.03.08 07:24
...............das laeuft weltweit momentan
megafuckingscheisseschleppend...........da werden MILLIARDEN vernichtet
die FED hatt ja gestern schon (sonntag !!!)den discountsatz gesenkt !
..........ich tippe mal auf den DOW verlust heute abend schlusskurs

mein tipp : zwischen 3 und 4 %..............das tal der traenen !!!
DAX -3.0%
Seaway....................................+80% ! LOL  

18623 Postings, 6836 Tage HirschmannMit anderen Worten....

17.03.08 07:32

"Leute auf der ganzen Welt , investiert in seaway," lol  

18623 Postings, 6836 Tage HirschmannHorror ! B. Stearns fällt um fast 90%

17.03.08 10:03


 Übersicht   Kurse   Charts   Fundamental   News   Forum 
WKN: 870272ISIN: US0739021089Symbol: BSC 
Einfügen in Watchlist | Depot | Börsenspiel
Ansicht:  Handelsplätze   Times & Sales   Vergleich (Branche)   Historische Kurse    

 Letzte Kurse

  HandelsplatzLetzter   VeränderungVortag letzte Stk Tag-Stk  Kursspanne Zeit 
 L&S RT19,38 €  +0,91%  19,20 € 19,64 - 19,64 09:12 
 Stuttgart 2,330 €  -88,99%  21,18 € 1.600 187.551 2,00 - 2,430 09:45 
 NYSE 30,00 $  0,00%  30,00 $ 300 24.400 -   - -    09:39 
 München 2,250 €  -89,25%  20,94 € 1.000 1.265 2,250 - 2,350 09:42 
 Berlin 2,20 € ebB -93,98%  36,56 € 1.000 1.000 2,20 - 2,30 09:34 
 Düsseldorf 2,330 €  -91,03%  26,00 € 100 100 2,330 - 2,330 09:25 
 Frankfurt 21,50 € 0,00%  21,50 € -   - -    09:11 
 XETRA 43,00 €  0,00%  43,00 € -   - -    10.03.08 

190 Postings, 6769 Tage eismacherwurden gerade

17.03.08 10:21
für 2§ geschluckt.  

6681 Postings, 6437 Tage swedenMahlzeit,

17.03.08 13:24
gerade sind News rausgekommen, vor gut 20 Min.
werde erst einmal nachlesen worum es geht.  

5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_NEWS !

17.03.08 13:31

Press Release Source: Seaway Valley Capital Corporation

Seaway Valley Capital Corporation Releases Update
Monday March 17, 8:00 am ET

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Seaway Valley Capital Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: SWVC - News) (“Seaway Valley”) chairman and chief executive officer, Thomas W. Scozzafava, issued the following update to its shareholders today:

Dear Shareholders:

We are pleased to announce the final closing of and funding from the previously announced Wells Fargo inventory-based line of credit (the “Wells Fargo LOC”) at our wholly owned subsidiary, Patrick Hackett Hardware Company (“Hackett’s”). Hackett’s expects to immediately draw down approximately $2 million of the $5 million facility leaving excess capacity of around $3 million, which should be sufficient to fund Hackett’s working capital needs through 2008. Also in conjunction with that financing, YA Global Investments, L.P. acquired Hackett’s legacy indebtedness previously owed to Community Bank, NA. If not acquired, the Community Bank debt of approximately $2.25 million would have to have been repaid with the proceeds of the Wells Fargo LOC, thereby significantly reducing Hackett’s excess availability of that line. The acquisition of this debt was strategic in that Hackett’s can now utilize a much larger portion of the Wells Fargo LOC for asset acquisitions and store expansions.

In the following months, we expect Hackett’s to transition each former WiseBuys store as well as acquire at least two other regional retailers. Additionally, we expect Hackett’s to finalize at least one new store opening. In summary, Seaway Valley will continue to financially and operationally support Hackett’s, whether through company or asset acquisitions or general expansion.

Seaway Valley also continues to seek other acquisitions and investments, and we expect to finalize a material acquisition in the coming days. Recently Seaway Valley announced that it executed a term sheet and is in final negotiations to acquire a regional hospitality and consumer products company with recent revenues and assets of approximately $5 million and $13 million, respectively. The consumer products company, based in Upstate New York region, would bring tremendous opportunities for cross selling and promotional efforts among and between these geographically clustered assets. Additionally, certain of these assets represent a tremendous platform that Seaway can immediately assist in positioning for growth inside and outside the region – both organically and through additional acquisitions.

I am pleased to be able to update you on these events, and I shall continue to update you with further developments.

About Seaway Valley Capital Corporation

Seaway Valley Capital Corporation was formed in 2002 and makes equity, equity-related, and debt investments in companies that require expansion capital and in companies pursuing acquisition strategies. Seaway also seeks investments in leveraged buyouts and restructurings. Seaway will consider investment opportunities in a number of different industries, including retail, restaurants, media, business services, and manufacturing, and Seaway will also consider select technology investments.

About Patrick Hackett Hardware Company

Hackett’s, one of the nation’s oldest retailers with roots dating back to 1830, is a full line department store specializing in name brand merchandise and full service hardware. Hackett’s, now with nine locations, features brand name clothing for men, women, and children, and a large selection of athletic, casual, and work footwear. Hackett’s also carries domestics, home décor, gifts, seasonal merchandise and sporting goods. Hackett’s full service hardware department features traditional hardware, tool, plumbing, paint and electrical departments.

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains statements that may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company, and members of their management as well as the assumptions on which such statements are based. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. Important factors currently known to management that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-statements include fluctuation of operating results, the ability to compete successfully and the ability to complete before-mentioned transactions. The company undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect changed assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events or changes to future operating results.


Seaway Valley Capital Corporation
Investor Relations:
CEOcast, Inc.
Gary Nash, 212-732-4300

6681 Postings, 6437 Tage swedenCool

17.03.08 13:36
other aquisitions and investments in the coming days ;-)

Seaway removed today from the naked short list,
na dann mal los ;-)  

6681 Postings, 6437 Tage sweden@bbb

17.03.08 13:38
warste 2 Min. schneller ;-)
wollte es gerade auch reinstellen, so dann bin ich mal auf den
heutigen Tag gespannt.  

5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_Waldbrillenalarm !

17.03.08 13:50
Angehängte Grafik:

6681 Postings, 6437 Tage swedeni hub

17.03.08 13:52
ist absolut begeistert, na ja dann wollen wir unsere Rakete mal
zünden, auf das die nächsten Tage hier die Kuh fliegt ;-)


Übrigens bid und ask steigen auf level 2, könnte eine schöne
Eröffnung werden aber noch sind es ja gut 40 Min.

Daumen drücken ;-)  

1050 Postings, 6499 Tage mzockenSind keine besonders super interessanten News ABER

17.03.08 14:21
es gibt an wie die Kohle verteilt werden soll und das einige Akquisis kurz vor Abschluss stehen. Da kommen also auch noch dickere News heraus. Wollen nur noch hoffen das der Kaufpreis dann stimmt.

Die 5 Millio decken wohl die Kosten von den Stores (nur 3mio für 2008 benötigt)

Dann gehe ich nächstes Jahr in Rente!


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