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5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_SWVC Shareholder Protest Song !!

14.03.08 22:13

6681 Postings, 6437 Tage swedenHey cool bbb

14.03.08 22:17
anymore ;-)))  

1026 Postings, 6358 Tage D23011964Leute, Leute.......

14.03.08 22:21
wat ist den hier los......??? Seid Ihr alle betrunken oder habt ihr was geraucht? Verstehe jetzt hier Bahnhof...... irgendwelche Tipps, Geschichten, duetsch, english, und weiß was ich.... In der Nacht war ich hier allein, Morgen auch...... aber jetzt tanzt ihr alle, wenn ich weg bin....:), hahahahaha

87 Postings, 7110 Tage Norbert62SK Tippspiel

14.03.08 23:30
Und the Winner ist Eismacher und Hirschi
Wohin darf Ich die Sterne schicken
Und 3B bekommt den Looserstern , müßte dann eigendlich ein schwarzer sein.

Ein schönes WO allen
kann man nur hoffen das nächste Woche nicht 2 Schritte wieder zurück geht und wir die 0,005 in Amiland testen.  

6681 Postings, 6437 Tage swedenSabbel nich

14.03.08 23:59
alle Sterne zu mir ;-)

Wünsche euch allen ein schönes WE auf noch viel bessere Zeiten ;-)



296 Postings, 6239 Tage Bärenstarkheute in meinem depot

15.03.08 01:07
Kann mir jemand erklären was da in meinem depot los ist? wie kommen die zahlen zustande seht selbst!  
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5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_Interessant... :)

15.03.08 08:45
Posted by: Soapy Bubbles  
In reply to: None Date:3/14/2008 5:56:49 PM
Post #of 144507

LB is touching on something important here.

When KK and TS dumped the shell (GSCR) into TS's lap, TS was given two important responsibilities:

1) Use the shell as a dilutive measure and give KK/TS time to deal GS a new life with YA. GSCR (our beloved SWVC) was the vehicle that gave them time to hash it out with Cornell (via the thick COES document) and to partially pay YA off. In turn, when YA took over GS as it recently did, TS's pref Cs would be cashed out and would be used to salvage GSCR (now SWVC). Thus, by servicing GS's debt using GSCR, GS decided to help us mop the resulant mess up with cash. Basically KK gave us a thank you -- albeit in a rather strange way.

2) GSCR (whenever you see this, just thing SWVC -- I am an old timer in this one) was to be handed over to YA when the CDs were finally converted. Although this was supposed to happen rather quickly, Highgate took their sweet time and held up the final CD dumps we're experiencing at this time. Upon completion, the company would be resturctured and cooperate with YA just like GS does with YA. Unlike GS (who owes YA so much money it's not even funny -- good job there KK!), GSCR will cooperate w/ YA, and not just pay YA like GS does.

Over time the plan evolved:

3) GSCR will be compartmentalized into various holding companies. As BBB pointed out about 1000 times, we now have a real estate holding w/ YA as to house Hacks and other REAL ESTATE purchases associated with a retail empire. Such materials will go into holding by YA and GSCR as to generate money for both during their restructuring. As "places" are M&A'd using restricted CDs, they will be linked to such a holding.

And when the credit industry collapsed in the US, it was no longer practical to use ONLY bank finance for SWVC. So, TS and YA hammered out the restricted CDs as to provide a form of "revolving credit" without the 20% interest rate GS was offered. Although it's (I think) 12% (better than a lot of CDs) the shares were to be restricted -- forming a strange sort of "bond" in which CDs could behave like a bond -- pay interest and then the load at the end. This will prevent dilution and afford a LARGE line of credit we can slowly payoff as M&A generates more revenue.

The key thing to keep in mind is the fact that this credit will expand MULTIPLE holding "shells" in SWVC/YA. We know about the Retail and Real Estate "shell" for our current M&A'd properties. Just keep in mind that other "shells" for holdings will soon fill -- each addressing a different sector of the economy. IF TS and YA can make their holdings diverse enough, you're looking at a particular kind of FUND in our future.

And what about GS? Well, GS is in a YA holding? What if YA maintains a percentage of GS in holding after they pay off their debt? (Assume KK isn't a total idiot and will pay the bills.) Well, that's one nice way to start an energy holding portfolio for YA.

Anyways, that's enough of my rambling for now.

Got SEC filings?

1536 Postings, 6251 Tage snappleSau fett

15.03.08 11:32
läuft hier hoch und runter +20 db...

bin mal gespannt wie oft die POlente hier noch anrücken


Passt in die zeit und ....


ich habs mal zur offiziellen seaway hymne erklärt...

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49 Postings, 6202 Tage tim_my@bbb

15.03.08 11:57
wie wahrscheinlich hälst du die idee von soapy ausm ihub?  

5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_@tim_my

15.03.08 12:57
ich habe mir teilweise die Filings durchgelesen...ist aber wie gesagt nicht so einfach durchzublicken.
Fakt ist dass Tom schon weiss was er tut, siehe BIO ... und der Rest der Mannschaft ist IMO auch nicht auf der Nudelsupp dahergeschwommen.. :)
Wir werden bald mehr wissen worum es genau geht.
Würde mich wundern wenn wir mit dem Mischmaschspielchen von GS nichts zu tun haben. :)
Schliesslich war SWVC ja mal im GS Boot.
Tom throw us a BONE !

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49 Postings, 6202 Tage tim_mybbb

15.03.08 17:17
gabs ne news von gs?...

wenn ya jetz zur mannschaft von swvc gehört...deswegen war beim letzten 10k ya auch nich mehr als kreditgeber drin...wäre doch mal ne theorie =)  

5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_hm...

15.03.08 17:22
Die gs website geht schon wieder nicht....warscheinlich wieder updates.
Naja das komische ist halt dass plötzlich 40mill assets in GS Agri fehlen.
Wo sind die nur hingekommen ? Warum steht folgendes auf der SWVC Website:
Mr. Scozzafava co-founded, invested in, and serves as President and CEO of GS AgriFuels, a renewable fuels company that has acquired about $40 million of agrifuels assets since mid-2006.


LEUTE wir haben sogar nen Partyraum !!



49 Postings, 6202 Tage tim_mybbb

15.03.08 19:16
lol...kanndir grad nich folgen =)...könnte aber auch an den zwei hasseröder liegen=)...erklärst mirs noch mal =)...hehe thx  

18623 Postings, 6836 Tage HirschmannL O L ;--)) ich glaub keiner kann bb so richtig

15.03.08 19:49
folgen ;-))

hey bb, ist nicht böse gemeint  aber sprich doch bitte mal klartext und nicht so verschlüsselt, hehehe.

Wie bei FOCUS...........Fakten Fakten Fakten........aber bitte verständlich ;--))  

5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_Alt aber passt genau ins Schema !

15.03.08 20:18
Nischenmarkt !!!

As you can see from the map of Wal-mart locations around Tupper Lake, no Wal-Mart has been built within 50 miles of the town.

Tupper now has a WiseBuys instead of a Wal-Mart, and the chain provides an excellent example of creative destruction:

"WiseBuys was formed to proactively address the recent loss of Ames Department Stores throughout northern New York,” said WiseBuys Stores, Inc. founder Thomas Scozzafava. “Ames represented a vital retail destination in the larger, key shopping centers and filled an important role of providing a variety of affordably priced and much-needed merchandise. It is our goal to replace and expand on the concept of Ames.

SOURCE: http://alp.truckandbarter.com/archives/new_stores/

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5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_und den !

15.03.08 20:19
Tupper now has a WiseBuys instead of a Wal-Mart, and the chain provides an excellent example of creative destruction

"WiseBuys was formed to proactively address the recent loss of Ames Department Stores throughout northern New York,” said WiseBuys Stores, Inc. founder Thomas Scozzafava. “Ames represented a vital retail destination in the larger, key shopping centers and filled an important role of providing a variety of affordably priced and much-needed merchandise. It is our goal to replace and expand on the concept of Ames.


WiseBuys Department Store Opens in Pulaski
WiseBuys Stores, Inc. celebrated the grand opening of its new department store located in the former 59,600 square-foot Ames building in Pulaski. The Pulaski store is one of five stores in the North Country and is expected to create more than 60 jobs.

“WiseBuys was formed to proactively address the recent loss of Ames Department Stores throughout northern New York,” said WiseBuys Stores, Inc. founder Thomas Scozzafava. “Ames represented a vital retail destination in the larger, key shopping centers and filled an important role of providing a variety of affordably priced and much-needed merchandise. It is our goal to replace and expand on the concept of Ames.”

The store offers discounted and brand name merchandise such as clothing, footwear, domestics, home entertainment equipment, toys, hardware, furniture, appliances, sporting goods and housewares at every day low prices.

A Payless Shoe Source and a Radio Shack are also located in the store.

WiseBuys’ employees and management team will consist of northern New York residents. The department store’s warehouse and headquarters will also be located in northern New York.

The project received financial assistance from the County of Oswego Industrial Development Agency (IDA), New York Business Development Corporation and Key Bank.

“Ames represented a vital retail destination and filled an important role in the Pulaski community. We are fortunate that WiseBuys realized the potential of the Pulaski location as a viable and profitable retail outlet,” said L. Michael Treadwell, CEcD, executive director of Operation Oswego County.

“The project will not only create additional job opportunities, but will also have a positive economic impact on surrounding businesses and vendors in Pulaski.”


5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_und den !

15.03.08 20:20
Posted by: _bbb_  
In reply to: Soapy Bubbles  who wrote msg# 144535 Date:3/15/2008 1:02:19 PM
Post #of 144556

This was just an example what will happen here and in what niche market Hacketts will run !
Joe (da fox) knows those locations damn good !



5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_und.....

15.03.08 20:24
wie gesagt es geht hier nicht nur um Hacketts!
Schaut mal wieder auf die Seaway Webseite und überlegt was Seaway eigentlich ist !
Und wenn das mit YA alles stimmt dann ist hier Bambule angesagt !! :)))


18623 Postings, 6836 Tage HirschmannIdentitäääät von bbb geklärt ;--)) brüll

15.03.08 22:42

18623 Postings, 6836 Tage Hirschmann..

15.03.08 22:44

268 Postings, 6383 Tage Jens5000Die Jungs haben von Tuten und Blasen keine Ahnung

15.03.08 23:27

Unser BBB tutet und blähst und wir haben Keine Ahnung was er von uns will.  

5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_hirschi...

15.03.08 23:47
genau...schau dir an wie sie die Instrumente halten und dumm schauen...
So wie wir die Shares von SWVC....wir sind wie blöde...und schauen auch nur dumm aus der Wäsche...
Siehst du die Analogie ???

NOCH...bis wir wissen wie wir darauf spielen können...noch suchen wir die Noten...aber wenn Tom fertig ist mit komponieren und uns das erste Stück liefert werden wir sehen was was für geile Instrumente wir haben..LOL !!!!  :))


5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_und dann gehts hier so los....

15.03.08 23:49
Rätschedääää Rätschedääää morge hänn mer Schääädelweh !!!
Rätschedääää Rätschedääää morge hänn mer Schääädelweh !!!
Rätschedääää Rätschedääää morge hänn mer Schääädelweh !!!

LOOOL !!! :)))


1691 Postings, 6495 Tage qatar111hallo maedels.............F5 schon geoelt ????

16.03.08 16:40

und diese woche ist der blanke HORROR schon vorprogramiert !!!!!!!!!!!
passt schoen auf .....(bezieht sich nicht auf seaway )
gilt auf der ganzen breite........die quartalszahlen der grossen investmentbanken in
den USA stehen auf dem programm !................S C H L A C H T F E ST

meine BERATERBANK ( DRE.....) wird auch auseinandergenommen !

also...........auf ne BLUTROTE WOCHE !


5662 Postings, 6366 Tage _bbb_@quatar

16.03.08 17:51
hm...soll das folgende Taktik für morgen früh bedeuten ?

"Alles Montag morgen verkaufen und in Seaway investieren weil das Krisensicher ist ???"

Klär uns mal auf warum du das gerade gepostet hast ! :)



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