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1254 Postings, 6970 Tage LichtblickNeue Silverado Homepage schön übersichtlich

31.07.08 12:05

11123 Postings, 7198 Tage SWayJunior Mining Shares

31.07.08 13:18

Junior Mining Shares

In the fifteen years that I have personally been trading the junior mining shares, (eight years as a newsletter writer), I have never seen such a painful, difficult period as the one we are currently witnessing. It has been an awful time.

As I see it, the current horrendous market situation is due to the following factors:

Continued naked short selling of the junior mining share market
Major redemptions with the hedge funds who are being forced to liquidate
Lack of buyers in the market
Panic selling by investors who get spooked seeing such losses
Let's look at each one of these individually so you can understand what you are faced with as an inves-
tor in the junior mining market.

First, naked short selling has devastated our market the past nine months. This activity, which is criminal behavior in my opinion, is best summed up by some recent comments by Dan Norcini who posts regularly at In that post Dan said the following:

"The bigger disappointment is in the mining share sector. Perhaps we could change the names of some of the mining issues to First Financial Gold Mine, or Federal Mining Association Inc, and then the SEC would get off their asses and crack down on the naked short selling in this sector. Folks - you are witnessing the utter corruption of our financial system where the US government decides to selectively enforce the current laws on the books regarding illegal naked short selling. What is happening is so blatantly corrupt that it rivals the kind of moral and ethical decay that marked ancient Rome as it went into its period of decline. Where in the US constitution does it confer the right upon governmental bureaucracies to subjectively enforce the laws that govern our system? Are we a nation of laws or of men? The answer, it would appear, is that we are no longer a nation of laws but one of men where certain industries or sectors have special rights and privileges conferred upon them while those of the less-fortunate, out of favor with the powers that be, apparently do not enjoy equal treatment under the law. Here, in 21rst century America, the blind-folded goddess of justice first peeks under her blindfold to see who it is that is standing before her as she dispenses justice! Should she see a natural resource entity or gold mining operation, she calls for the bailiff who promptly has them dragged out from before her tribunal and ignominiously thrown into the street to fend for themselves. It would seem that all that is left of the once-proud American Eagle is a featherless vulture which consumes the very things necessary to sustain its existence in current form."

I wholeheartedly agree with Dan's wise observation! There will come a moment, however, when the pressure will blow like a top to the upside forcing these shorts to cover.

I believe that will occur when the precious metals prices begin to rise dramatically as more and more financial institutions become insolvent. This in turn will begin to draw a larger portion of the investing public towards the precious metals and the mining shares.

The upside volatility at that point could be wicked when this occurs. This is the reason I don't recommend selling your core positions of your quality junior mining shares. Just weather the storm and know that this market will rebound with authority at some point.

Quality companies with good management teams, new discoveries, cash flow, low cost profitable production, or near-term production will be rewarded in a big way as market events continue to unfold.

Second, the hedge fund situation has taken a turn for the worse. What we saw in March and April was only the beginning of major selling on the part of the hedge funds.

As I have mentioned before, the hedge funds, who have been big supporters of our junior mining shares at times, suddenly find themselves in a selling stance.

The reason for this is simple; their customers need to raise cash and have sent in redemptions. The hedge funds then need to decide what to sell in their portfolio to raise this cash.

Since they are no longer getting full value towards their collateral requirements for holding a Canadian mining share that is priced under a dollar, they have been forced to sell a good portion of these stocks.

Unfortunately, this activity appears like it could be with us for a few more months as the financial crisis deepens and more people need to turn to cash.


Third, there is a very pronounced lack of buying at the moment. This is due mostly I believe to seasoned junior mining share investors sitting on the sidelines betting that share prices will be going lower before they start to move higher once again.

Those of us who have supported this market for years and haven't been afraid to buy when things are down have had been badly hurt with our purchases the past six months. When you add this fact to the two I listed above, it's no wonder we are experiencing such downside pressure.

Fourth, with such a tough market, badly shaken investors start to panic sell which only exacerbates the downside selling pressure.

All in all, with such astonishingly large losses looming over the financial world there is no perfect solution that will protect you from anything or everything that could happen.

I maintain however that the two best places to reside with a good portion of your investment dollars is in physical purchases of the precious metals and the corresponding quality junior mining shares.

A massive financial mega-storm is about to hit that will shake investors to their core. But if you remain firm in your quality positions, I believe we will be richly rewarded.

Hang tough and keep running to higher ground!

11123 Postings, 7198 Tage SWayTXL 3x10e6 :)

31.07.08 13:52

For those of you that do not have the data at your fingertips, the inferred combined antimony and gold resources (WB only) ammount to approximately $67,600,000 (gross) worth of material thus far delineated on only one part of Workman's Bench. This is the equivalent of over 73,000 Troy Ozs of gold.

Keep in mind also the the other Nolan resource estimates are only Placer resource estimates, and not lode-source estimates!

8524 Postings, 7340 Tage sts091280ich sag nur "gold rules" und das noch heute ;-)

31.07.08 14:48

8524 Postings, 7340 Tage sts091280gestern nachbörslich news ( 2. report) mal sehen

01.08.08 07:57
was sie heute draus machen !? ;-)

Thu, Jul 31, 2008
4:45 PM
Silverado releases mineral resource estimates for its Ester Dome property in Alaska

VANCOUVER, July 31 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Silverado Gold Mines Ltd. (the 'Company') (SLGLF OTCBB, SLGL Frankfurt, ), is pleased to announce that it has received a completed mineral resource estimate for its Ester Dome property, located about 10 miles west-northwest of the community of Fairbanks in interior Alaska, from Thomas K. Bundtzen ('Bundtzen') of Pacific Rim Geological Consulting Inc., the independent mining consultant commissioned by the Company to prepare a NI 43-101 Technical Report. The Technical Report, dated July 30, 2008, was filed today on SEDAR and is available at

Mineral Resource Estimate

Since 1983, mineral resource estimates have been prepared by the Company relating to Ester Dome near Fairbanks, Alaska. Bundtzen was given access to all exploration data previously acquired by the Company to determine the current resource estimates of lode gold on Ester Dome. The table below summarizes the mineral resource estimate for the Ester Dome property (effective July 11, 2008):

                  Cut-Off Grade      Quantity        Grade         Metal
   Category        (oz/ton Au)         (ton)      (oz/ton Au)     (oz Au)
   Indicated           0.08           631,600         0.21        126,700
   Inferred            0.04         2,553,400         0.08        214,100

   Notes :

     -  Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have
        demonstrated economic viability. The estimate of mineral resources
        may be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal,
        title, taxation, socio-political, marketing, or other relevant
        issues. There has been insufficient exploration to define these
        inferred mineral resources as an indicated or measured mineral
        resource, and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in
        upgrading the inferred mineral resource to an indicated or measured
        mineral resource category.

     -  Rounding may result in some discrepancies.

     -  No processing recovery factors have been applied to these resource

     -  The unit ton refers to short tons.

All reclamation work on Ester Dome has been completed and the Company is working towards completion of the closure of the Grant Mill tailings pond. This pond, which is filled to capacity with tailings, will be capped and decommissioned after a final approval of the tailings pond closure plan is received from the Alaska state regulatory authorities.

Assumptions and Methods

Bundtzen included the following steps during calculation of the indicated and inferred resources at Ester Dome:

     -  examination of the Company's Ester Dome and Eagle Creek properties
        in 1980 - 82, during 1995, 2004 and 2008;
     -  database compilation and data validation;
     -  geological interpretation and modeling;
     -  compositing assay intervals to a common length;
     -  determination of average material density for both lode and placer
     -  analysis of grade variability;
     -  polygonal estimation of grade by the compositing of sample assay
        information taken within designated widths and lengths of
        mineralized zones;
     -  assignment of appropriate cut off grades, the lowest grade that can
        be mined economically;
     -  classification of confidence in the estimates with respect to CIM
        (2005) guidelines; and
     -  mineral resource tabulation and validation of the resource estimate.

To arrive at the resource estimates on Ester Dome, Bundtzen used data from 18,705 feet of trenching, 11,758 feet of overburden geochemical sample drilling, 58,396 feet of rotary drilling, 60,011 feet of surface diamond drilling, 3,740 feet of underground diamond drilling, and 7,917 feet of drift, raise, and sub-drift activities (in the Grant Mine). Specifically, 53 drill core holes totalling about 55,000 feet were the most important data source for both the indicated and inferred categories of gold resources on Ester Dome, most of which were derived from drilling the O'Dea deposit at the Grant Mine.

Data Verification

Bundtzen used exploration data stored in the Company offices on Ester Dome. During October 2004, he examined core from American Copper Nickel Company ('ACNC') drill program conducted during 1991 - 1992 in a core shed behind the Grant Mine complex. The Grant Mine and mill complex is situated on the southeast flank of Ester Dome, about 8 miles northeast of Fairbanks, Alaska. Bundtzen also was on site during the 1991 drill program at the Grant Mine. He also worked underground at the Grant Mine as a geologist then employed by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources during 1981 - 1982 while the Grant Mine was in development, and has a sound understanding of gold grades and character of the ore body. Bundtzen also observed drilling activity at the Ethel-Elmes operation prior to its development in 1988 - 1989. Although Bundtzen did not conduct independent check samples from the Ester Dome drill programs, he assessed the analytical integrity of the sample data. Two analytical facilities were used during past drill programs. The Company used ACME Analytical in Vancouver. ACNC used Chemex Labs in Vancouver. Both companies submitted prepared standards, which were inserted every 15th or 20th sample interval. ACNC also twinned certain drill holes previously drilled by the Company. Mr. Bundtzen's review of such results did not reveal any reportable anomalies. During the 2004 review, he reviewed the techniques and certified assay reports generated by the Company, including the gravimetric 'metallic assay' research work done at the Grant Mine.

Qualified Person

The mineral resource estimates contained in this news release were prepared by Thomas K. Bundtzen, President of Pacific Rim Geological Consulting, Inc., who is independent of the Company as defined by NI 43-101. Bundtzen is a Certified Professional Geologist with the American Institute of Professional Geologists. Bundtzen is the author of a NI 43-101 Technical Report entitled 'Ester Dome Mineral Resource Estimation and Eagle Creek Exploration Results, Fairbanks Mining District, Alaska' dated July 30, 2008 which the Company has filed today on SEDAR. Bundtzen is a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101 and has verified the data contained in this news release for accuracy.

The mineral resource estimates reported in this news release were reported with reference to the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves, Definitions and Guidelines prepared by the CIM Standing Committee on Reserve Definitions and adopted by the CIM Council on December 11, 2005 and referred to in NI 43-101, and are not compliant with US Securities and Exchange Commission (the 'SEC') Industry Guide 7 guidelines. In addition, measured mineral resources, indicated mineral resources and inferred mineral resources, while recognized and required by Canadian Securities Administrators, are not defined terms under SEC Industry Guide 7. US investors are advised that NI 43-101 standards and the SEC's Industry Guide 7 standards are substantially different, and that many of the terms and concepts set out in and required to be disclosed by NI 43-101 as information material to the Company are neither recognized by the SEC nor included in or compliant with Industry Guide 7 standards. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of the mineral resource estimates in these categories will ever be confirmed or converted into a SEC Industry Guide 7 compliant 'reserve'.

About the Company

The Company is an exploration stage company focused on the exploration of gold properties, with some past production, and the development of new environmentally friendly low-rank coal water fuel technology. The Company has gold properties located throughout Alaska, which include a 100% interest in numerous mining claims located on the Nolan Creek property. The Company is developing low-rank coal water fuel that is designed to be produced from low-rank coal and processed into an environmentally friendly oil substitute. Silverado Green Fuel Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of its publicly traded parent, Silverado Gold Mines Ltd. For more information about Silverado Green Fuel Inc., please visit and the public parent corporation at

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may contain, in addition to historical information, forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Statements in this news release that are forward-looking statements are based on the current expectations, beliefs, assumptions, estimates and forecasts about the Company's business and the industry and markets in which it operates. Such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties regarding the market price of gold, availability of funds, government regulations, common share prices, operating costs, capital costs, outcomes of test mining activities and other factors. Forward-looking statements are made, without limitation, in relation to operating plans, property exploration activities, including test mining activities, availability of funds, environmental reclamation, operating costs and permit acquisition. Any statements contained herein that are not statements of historical facts may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as 'may', 'will', 'should', 'expect', 'plan', 'intend', 'anticipate', 'believe', 'estimate', 'predict', 'potential', or 'continue', and the negative of such terms or other comparable terminology. Actual events or results may differ materially. In evaluating these statements, you should consider various factors, including the risks detailed in the Company's filings with the Canadian Securities Authorities and the US SEC. These factors may cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from any forward-looking statement. Except as required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any obligation to publicly update these statements, or disclose any difference between its actual results and those reflected in these statements. Given these uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements.

SOURCE Silverado Gold Mines Ltd.

Source: PR Newswire (July 31, 2008 - 4:45 PM EDT)

News by QuoteMedia  

11123 Postings, 7198 Tage SWaySilverado 128 Page NI 43-101Compliance Report

01.08.08 08:22


128 PAGE PDF FILE, 10.3 MB

Estimation of Lode and Placer Mineral Resources,
Nolan Creek, Wiseman B-1 Quadrangle, Koyukuk
Mining District, Northern Alaska, July 29, 2008

11123 Postings, 7198 Tage SWayJETZT (!) kriege ich aber Tränen in die Augen !

01.08.08 08:42


Jul 31, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- BUYINS.NET,, announced today that these select companies have been added to the NASDAQ, AMEX and NYSE naked short threshold list: PowerSecure International Inc. (NASDAQ: POWR), International Star Inc. (OTCBB: ILST), Silverado Gold Mines Ltd. (OTCBB: SLGLF), Optigenex, Inc. (OTCBB: OPGX), Golden Peaks Resources, Ltd. (OTC: GDPEF), Warrior Energy N.V. (OTC: WENEF). For a complete list of companies on the naked short list please visit our web site. To find the SqueezeTrigger







Chart painting is a major tool being used now against you. I am not suggesting TA be ignored. I am, as always, suggesting that if you know the plot, you will know when you have to weigh in on the fundamentals to balance your thinking.

Many juniors are worth more dead than alive. That means you could market the pieces for more than the cap value.

The shorts seem to now be driven more by ego and power trips than brains. Brains would give them the ability to know when enough is enough, if only from a functional profit standpoint.

Look at the scenario of a company that might go 90% into paper, have outstanding results with gold going to four figures and new interest entering daily.
The management of that company might tell every fund, hedge fund and institution to go jump in the lake to invite a major short into the largest trap ever set.
That management might pray for a short position of major proportions seeing it as a gift from heaven as a meal fit for a king.

Jim Sinclair

8524 Postings, 7340 Tage sts091280wartet mal ab was heute noch mit dem Goldpreis

01.08.08 13:06
passiert ;-))  

15130 Postings, 8563 Tage Pate100lol wer glaubt das wegen dieser

01.08.08 13:08
lächerlichen Ressourcenschätzung jetzt diese Leiche zum leben erweckt wird,
glaub auch an den Weihnachtsmann. Selten solche erbärmlichen Ergebnisse gesehen.
Und das nach wieviel Jahren? zu geil die Firma....

Aber jetzt träumen wir mal. Selbst wenn die ne wirtschaftlich abbaubare
Ressource hätten(was nie passieren wird) wer soll die Produktion finanzieren.
Keine Bank dieser Welt würde ein Kredit geben. Kein Fonds, Broker oder sonstwer
würde da geld reinstecken. 1 Milliarde ist da leicht abschreckend...*ggg*

Das Baby ist so tot, toter geht gar nicht.

Es gibt so viele gute Explorer mit richtigen Ressourcen und seriösen Management
und ihr sucht euch so einen Dreck raus. Das ist schon ne Leistung...*g*  

11123 Postings, 7198 Tage SWayGeh kiffen aber geh

01.08.08 13:08

15130 Postings, 8563 Tage Pate100die wahrheit tut weh sorry

01.08.08 13:12
sway ist das eigentlich dein erster Rohstoffwert?

dann sei dir deine Naivität vergeben...:)  

11123 Postings, 7198 Tage SWayPate Brot kann schimmeln aber was kannst Du ?

01.08.08 13:12

15130 Postings, 8563 Tage Pate100lol sway sorry das ich dich aus deinen

01.08.08 13:14
Träumen gerissen habe. Kannst weiter machen und die Leute hier zulabern...

Aber ich komme wieder! Gibt ja immer wieder was zu lachen hier....haha  

11123 Postings, 7198 Tage SWayIst gut Pate, wir haben Dich auch lieb,

01.08.08 13:16
Alle haben Dich lieb.

15130 Postings, 8563 Tage Pate100aber ich will euch auch mal richtige Firmen zeigen

01.08.08 13:24

sind zwar alles Silber Explorer/Produzenten aber da kannst du mal Firmen mit richtigen Reserven sehen:-)
bitte, gern geschehen...





Angehängte Grafik:
xxx.jpg (verkleinert auf 39%) vergrößern

11123 Postings, 7198 Tage SWayFein gemacht, braver Pate, danke sehr !

01.08.08 13:26

15130 Postings, 8563 Tage Pate100sway ich geb dir doch gern Nachhilfe

01.08.08 13:28
so kanns ja nicht weitergehen mit Dir. Das führt dich ja in den Ruin wenn
du so weiter machst...  

11123 Postings, 7198 Tage SWayJa Pate Du hast natürlich Recht. So kann es nicht

01.08.08 13:29

8541 Postings, 7253 Tage kleinlieschenslglf ist doch ne reine Zockeraktie -

01.08.08 13:30
wer die Hochs mitkriegt und rechtzeitig aussteigt,
kann gute Gewinne machen - alle anderen verlieren.

Ich dachte auch mal, mit greenfuel, das wird was, aber der CEO
ist ein Meister im Märchenerzählen und der Hinhaltetaktik.

Demnächst wird`s höchstwahrscheinlich mal wieder neue Aktien geben
und dann werden die 0,004$ auch bald Realität.

Gruß kl.  

11123 Postings, 7198 Tage SWayJa Lars DU hast auch Recht natürlich hast Du Recht

01.08.08 13:32
wie konnte ich mich nur so blenden lassen aber ein Glück seit Ihr genau im richtigen Moment erschienen...

7974 Postings, 6960 Tage louisaneralso mein lesezeichen...

01.08.08 13:33
für silverado lautet: Flop-Mine
damit ich immer weiss was ich nicht kaufen soll.

11123 Postings, 7198 Tage SWayJa deshalb war/ist Silverado ja auch in

01.08.08 13:37
das Blickfeld von Burns seinem HegeFond geraten. Sie dachten bei der Geschichte, dem CEO und natürlich Pate und Kleinlars + Dir wäre es ein leichtes Silverado zu Tode zu shorten und die Kohle zu kassieren aber das es SOOOO hart würde hätten se am Anfang auch nicht gedacht. Glaubt mir eines Silverado war noch nie von der Pleite soweit entfernt, wie heute und solange man mich nicht schützt und die Aktie vom Markt nimmt kaufe ich immer weiter und weiter und weiter...

8524 Postings, 7340 Tage sts091280Gold 899 $ jetzt strong up meine Meinung

04.08.08 14:19

8524 Postings, 7340 Tage sts091280hier ein kleiner chart dazu ;-)

04.08.08 14:32
Angehängte Grafik:
bigchart.png (verkleinert auf 93%) vergrößern

8524 Postings, 7340 Tage sts091280rt 0,033 $ ;-))

04.08.08 15:54

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