WOW!Nano zum Schnäppchenpreis: AMR Tec. (189904)

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Neuester Beitrag: 18.03.05 19:29
Eröffnet am:11.02.04 11:09von: CarpmanAnzahl Beiträge:130
Neuester Beitrag:18.03.05 19:29von: CarpmanLeser gesamt:13.691
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:6
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24 Postings, 7561 Tage Yogi1974Oshkosh

18.02.04 00:50
ja, ich weiß sehr wohl was die machen, und wahrscheinlich andere auch ansonsten würde die aktie nicht so abgehen. ist DAS basisinvestment im nano bereich.

aber naja, wenn du noch billiger reinkommen willst dann sags halt einfach offen..LOL

warte mal ab ob die den deal mit dem consumer product bekommen, dann gehts erst richtig ab.


1084 Postings, 7576 Tage P340AMR +27% in meinem Depot : Carpman lebe hoch o. T.

18.02.04 11:16

18 Postings, 7556 Tage river@Oshkosh

18.02.04 11:21
schlecht recherchiert und babelfish-übersetzt, was?


45 Postings, 7553 Tage heavenbei mir bislang +10,27 % - merci an carpman! o. T.

18.02.04 11:34

3096 Postings, 7724 Tage HiGhLiFEeröffnen wohl stabil

18.02.04 15:09
oder irre ich mich bei yahoo stehen 3,45$ im bid.
Wär natürlich prima wenn der Aufwärtstrend weiter anhält.


4313 Postings, 7710 Tage CarpmanNachkaufchance!?

19.02.04 20:04
Hallo zusammen,

bei dem grandiosen Umsatz von 16900Aktien geht es im moment 4,55% nach unten! Ergibt sich also morgen wahrscheinlich tatsächlich nochmal die Chance für deutlich unter 2€ zum Zuge zu kommen!


PS: Achtet mal am Montag auf neuen Thread von mir! Habe dann eine richtig heiße Turnaround-Wette für euch!!:-)  

4313 Postings, 7710 Tage CarpmanAMR

22.02.04 21:18
Hi zusammen,

ich hatte euch ja eine neue Perle versprochen! Ist leider dumm gelaufen! Bin nämlich am Freitagmorgen zu 0,73€ in farmatic rein. Weil ich ab Freitagmittag stets nicht online bin, wollte ich dann heute einen Thread zu farmatic eröffnen und euch mit Infos zu dem Unternehmen versorgen!

Nun ist der Wert jedoch am Freitag in meiner Abwesenheit stark gestiegen! Ist nun natürlich von 0,73e weit entfernt, aber mit einer MK von immernoch unter 10Mio.€ ist es meiner Meinung nach weiterhin stark unterbewertet! Da am Freitag der charttechnische Ausbruch gelang, sehe ich hier kurz- und mittelfristig trotz des Anstiegs vom Freitag ENORMES Kurspotential!!

Beste Grüße,

4313 Postings, 7710 Tage CarpmanNEWS

23.02.04 15:35
AMR Technologies Inc. - Year-End Results - February 26, 2004  
TORONTO, Feb 23, 2004 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX) -- Notification of Year-End Results conference call and webcast:

AMR Technologies Inc. (TSX: AMR.)
Year-End Results
February 26, 2004, 4:00 PM ET

AMR Technologies will host a teleconference call on Thursday, February 26, 2004 at 4:00 pm (ET) to discuss their 2003 fiscal year-end results. Interested parties may access the teleconference by calling (416) 640-4127 (local) or (800) 814-3911 (toll-free long distance). A recording of the teleconference may be accessed until March 26, 2004 by calling (416) 640-1917 (local) or (877) 289-8525 (toll-free long distance), and entering pass code 21037050 followed by the number sign.

To listen to the live webcast of this event, please enter sign)733700 in your web browser. The event will be archived for 90 days.

For a complete listing of upcoming and archived webcasts available through Canada NewsWire, please visit our events calendar at CNW's webcast of earnings calls is consistent with Market Regulation Services Inc. (RS) initiatives to broaden investor access through the use of new technology.


CONTACT: For further information: Alex Caldwell, Corporate Secretary,
(416) 367-8588, adc(at)

News release via Canada NewsWire, Toronto 416-863-9350

Copyright (C) 2004 CNW, All rights reserved


3096 Postings, 7724 Tage HiGhLiFEZahlen am 26.2

23.02.04 23:11
da wirds so richtig interessant.
Wenn der Umsatz gesteigert werden kann und wir einen Gewinn sehen, werde
ich nachordern.
Die Zukunftsperspektiven sind durch verschiedene Projekte (geplanter MajorDeal, Samsung-Kooperation etc.) ja schon sehr vielversprechend.
Mit guten Zahlen würde der Kurs sicherlich bald die 2,5€ anvisieren, hoffen wirs.


4313 Postings, 7710 Tage CarpmanZahlen am 26.2.

23.02.04 23:17
Das Spannende wird sicherlich der Ausblick sein! Und gerade hier sollten wir sehr positive Impulse bekommen, die das Unternehmen mal ein bisschen bekannter machen könnten! Gut möglich, dass es bis Donnerstag zunächst leicht nach unten laufen wird, was ich aber als gute Nachkuafchance sehe!

Beste Grüße,

1084 Postings, 7576 Tage P340bin schon am 19.02 ausgestoppt worden..

25.02.04 07:28
da wurde der 5-Tagesdurchschnitt unterboten.
Jetzt warte ich erstmal, ob die 3 CDN$ gehalten werden können.

4313 Postings, 7710 Tage CarpmanDies ist die einzige Aktie in meinem Depot,

25.02.04 08:57
bei der ich keinen SL habe! Schließlich sagen mir Fundamentaldaten und Ausblick, dass das Unternehmen nunmal viel zu günstig bewertet ist und auf lange Sicht ein klarer utperformer sein wird! Und bei solch einem (noch) unbekannten Unternehmen würde ich auch nicht mit Charttechnik argumentieren!

Ich denke mal, dass morgen nach den Zahlen die Richtung wieder geändert werden wird!

Viel Erfolg zusammen!

este Grüße,

69033 Postings, 7654 Tage BarCodeIm Moment sieht es aber trüb aus!

25.02.04 18:02
Haben da einige Angst vor den Zahlen?

Gruß BarCode  

1084 Postings, 7576 Tage P340Mensch Carpman, ich wünsch Dir Glück !

25.02.04 18:16
sehe hier Minus 17,61 %, so schlecht können die Zahlen doch nicht sein.
Viel Erfolg.
Ich werde vielleicht morgen große Augen machen, wenn es heißt AMR zu 4 CDN$

679 Postings, 7574 Tage noreturnNun mal keine Panik!

25.02.04 18:21
In Berlin werden schon wieder 1,62 € geboten, also alles halb so wild. Die 1,45 € um 17.41/17.42 Uhr waren nur ein Ausrutscher von irgendjemand, der wohl unbedingt sein Geld verschleudern wollte. Morgen nach Bekanntgabe der Zahlen wird die Welt bestimmt wieder rosig aussehen.  

1084 Postings, 7576 Tage P340AMR +7,88% (aber nur 2 Trades) es geht aufwärts o. T.

26.02.04 12:10

3096 Postings, 7724 Tage HiGhLiFEHeut um 4Pm

26.02.04 14:40
also wohl nachbörslich die Zahlen, glaube nicht das sie Grottenschlecht werden
ganz im Gegenteil.
Wenns so wär un der Kurs vorm Absturz stehen würde, warum hätt dann die
Investmentgruppe Lysas über 2 Mio Aktien für über 3$CAN gekauft?.


607 Postings, 7596 Tage azelsind die zahlen schon da?

26.02.04 18:37
weil bei yahoo steht schon was!  

607 Postings, 7596 Tage azelhier die news,englisch ist nicht so mein ding!

26.02.04 18:44
AMR Technologies returns to profitability in 2003
Thursday February 26, 11:31 am ET

Encouraging sales growth recorded in zirconium and magnetics
TORONTO, Feb. 26 /CNW/ - AMR Technologies Inc. (TSX:AMR - News) today reported its results for the year ending December 31, 2003. Unless otherwise specified, all currency amounts are expressed as U.S. dollars.
For the twelve-month period ending December 31, 2003, the Company reported sales of $46.9 million versus sales of $47.3 million for the same period last year. Operating income for the 2003 period significantly improved to $1.7 million, compared to an operating loss of $6 million in 2002. Net income for the year was $302,000 or $0.018 per share versus a net loss of $7.3 million or ($0.44) per share. Operating income in 2003 increased by approximately $1.1 million over 2002 after adjusting for the impact of the write-down of certain magnetic assets in 2002 and the re-imbursement of VAT in both years.

AMR reinvested approximately $1.2 million, or 2.6 percent of its 2003 revenue, in research and development activities, up from $714,000 or 1.5 percent of revenue in 2002. The increase in this R&D investment is partly attributable to costs related to the development of a new line of products for the display industry as well as the recently announced consumer product application for nanosized cerium oxide.

The Company's rare earth business unit experienced a year-over-year decline in revenues from $42.4 million in 2002 to $38.1 million in 2003. This was due primarily to a decline in the selling prices and volumes of certain low margin products manufactured by the Company as well as a change in the geographic mix of its revenue with a higher proportion of shipments into the Chinese market in 2003 where selling processes are generally lower.

Sales from the zirconium business unit more than doubled to $4.2 million in 2003 from $1.7 million in 2002. This increase is attributable to AMR's investment in additional sales and marketing resources during the latter half of 2002, which led to further market penetration for the Company's products in U.S. and European markets in 2003.

Sales from the magnetics business unit grew by 45% to $4.6 million in 2003 from $3.2 million in 2002. The increase primarily relates to a 41 percent increase in quantities shipped, reflecting AMR's increased share of the growing magnetic powder market where the Company is one of only two suppliers in the world able to produce commercial quantities at a quality level required by the industry.

"While we saw improved overall financial results in 2003 compared to the prior year, stronger results can be achieved in future periods through increased sales volumes in our zirconium and magnetics businesses and from firmer pricing in our rare earths business," noted Peter Gundy, AMR's Chairman and CEO. "These results also demonstrate the diversity of our revenue and the importance of the R&D work that we have been doing with our customers to develop and commercialize the next generation of performance materials. Financial results in 2004 will continue to be impacted by the reduction in the VAT rebate to only 5% as of January 1, 2004 compared to the full 17% at January 1, 2003. Reduced costs and some rare earth price increases are beginning to offset some of the VAT rebate changes with the expectation that margins will return to more normal levels in the second half of 2004."

Subsequent to the end of the fiscal year, the Company reported that Lynas Corporation Limited of Sydney, Australia has acquired a 19.9% interest in the common shares of the Company, constituting almost all of the shareholding formerly held by Whiterock Investments of Singapore. The Company also reported that it had engaged a financial advisor to consider the Company's strategic alternatives to enhance shareholder value and to provide financial advice.

          §    Segmented Results
          §    Rare Earths                                            ------------------
          §    US$000's                                                  Year ended
          §                                                              December 31
          §              --------------------------------------------------
          §                   Q4       Q1       Q2       Q3       Q4     2003   2002
          §                  2002     2003     2003     2003     2003
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Sales       11,924    9,641    9,839    8,560   10,072  38,112 42,387
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Operating
          §     Income        941      780      518      (67)     490   1,721  3,364
          §    --------------------------------------------------

          §    Zirconium                                              ------------------
          §    US$000's                                                  Year ended
          §                                                              December 31
          §              --------------------------------------------------
          §                   Q4       Q1       Q2       Q3       Q4     2003   2002
          §                  2002     2003     2003     2003     2003
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Sales          533    1,007    1,098      923    1,155   4,183  1,718
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Operating
          §     Income       (163)       5      (40)     (76)     (65)   (176)  (110)
          §    --------------------------------------------------

          §    Magnetics                                              ------------------
          §    US$000's                                                  Year ended
          §                                                              December 31
          §              --------------------------------------------------
          §                   Q4       Q1       Q2       Q3       Q4     2003   2002
          §                  2002     2003     2003     2003     2003
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Sales          975      800    1,258    1,222    1,320   4,600  3,169
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Operating
          §     Income       (565)(1) (280)      80      153      179     132 (2,200)(1)
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §        Note: (1) excluding $7.1 million asset write-down in 2002

          §    Selected Financial Information
          §    US$000's - except               -----------------------------------------
          §     per share amounts                Three months ended     12 months ended
          §                                           December 31         December 31
          §                                    -----------------------------------------
          §                                         2003      2002      2003      2002
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Sales                               12,547    13,432    46,895    47,274
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Operating Income (loss)                604       213 (1) 1,677    (6,012)
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Net Income (loss)                      194    (7,049)      302    (7,325)
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Cash provided By Operating
          §     Activities                           (454)    1,853     2,311     3,388
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Net Income (loss) per Common
          §     Share (US$)                         0.011    (0.423)    0.018    (0.440)
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Net Income (loss) per Common
          §     Share (Cdn.$)                       0.016    (0.663)    0.025    (0.689)
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §        Note: (1) excluding $7.1 million asset write-down

          §    Teleconference Call
          §    Management will host a teleconference call on Thursday, February 26, 2004
at 4:00 pm (Eastern Time) to discuss these results. Interested parties may
access the teleconference by calling (416) 640-4127 (local) or (800) 814-3911
(toll free long distance) or by visiting A
recording of the teleconference may be accessed by calling (416) 640-1917
(local) or (877) 289-8525 (toll free long distance), and entering pass code
21037050 followed by the number sign until March 26, 2004 or by visiting

          §    AMR Technologies Inc.
          §    (All figures in thousands of United States dollars)

          §    As at December 31                                        2003      2002
          §                                                               $         $
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    ASSETS

          §    Current

          §    Cash and cash equivalents                                3,962     4,381

          §    Restricted cash                                          1,233         -

          §    Accounts receivable                                     11,656    10,802

          §    Inventories                                             14,312    11,063

          §    Prepaid expenses                                         1,245       518
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Total current assets                                    32,408    26,764
          §    --------------------------------------------------

          §    Capital assets, net                                     16,485    17,524

          §    Other assets, net                                          696       441
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §                                                            49,589    44,729
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    --------------------------------------------------


          §    Current

          §    Bank advances                                           10,707     9,201

          §    Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                10,019     6,110

          §    Current portion of long-term debt                          821       876
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Total current liabilities                               21,547    16,187
          §    --------------------------------------------------

          §    Long-term debt                                           1,022     1,652
          §    --------------------------------------------------

          §    Minority interest                                        2,578     2,750
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Commitments and contingencies

          §    Shareholders' equity

          §    Share capital                                           26,530    26,530
          §    Deficit                                                 (2,088)   (2,390)
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Total shareholders' equity                              24,442    24,140
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §                                                            49,589    44,729
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    --------------------------------------------------

          §    AMR Technologies Inc.
          §    (All figures in thousands of United States dollars
          §     except per share information)

          §    Years ended December 31                                  2003      2002
          §                                                               $         $
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    REVENUE

          §    Sales                                                   46,895    47,274
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    COSTS AND EXPENSES

          §    Cost of goods sold and selling,
          §     general and administration expenses                    41,413    42,380

          §    Depreciation and amortization                            2,608     3,126

          §    Write-down of the Magnetics business                         -     7,066

          §    Research and development expenses                        1,197       714
          §    --------------------------------------------------

          §    Operating income (loss)                                  1,677    (6,012)

          §    Other income                                                72       119

          §    Interest expense, short-term debt                         (479)     (465)

          §    Interest expense, long-term debt                          (144)     (225)

          §    Foreign exchange gain (loss)                                75       (34)
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Income (loss) before income taxes and
          §      minority interest                                      1,201    (6,617)

          §    Income taxes                                              (577)     (463)

          §    Minority interest                                         (322)     (245)
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Net income (loss) for the year                             302    (7,325)

          §    Retained earnings (deficit) beginning of year           (2,390)    4,935
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Deficit,  end of year                                   (2,088)   (2,390)
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Net income (loss) per share,
          §     basic and diluted (U.S.$)                               0.018    (0.440)
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    --------------------------------------------------

          §    AMR Technologies Inc.
          §    (All figures in thousands of United States dollars)

          §    Years ended December 31                                  2003      2002
          §                                                               $         $
          §    --------------------------------------------------

          §    Net income (loss) for the year                             302    (7,325)

          §    Add items not affecting cash

          §      Minority interest                                        322       245

          §      Depreciation and amortization                          2,608     3,126

          §      Write-down of the Magnetics business                       -     7,066

          §    Net change in non-cash working capital balances           (921)      276
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Cash provided by operating activities                    2,311     3,388
          §    --------------------------------------------------

          §    Purchase of capital assets                              (1,542)   (2,366)

          §    Business acquisition                                         -      (496)

          §    Increase in restricted cash                             (1,233)        -

          §    Increase in other assets                                  (282)      (55)
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Cash used in investing activities                       (3,057)   (2,917)
          §    --------------------------------------------------

          §    Increase in bank advances                                1,506     2,074

          §    Repayment of long-term debt                               (685)   (1,126)

          §    Minority interest share of
          §     subsidiary's cash distribution                           (494)     (323)
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Cash provided by financing activities                      327       625
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents      (419)    1,096


          §    Beginning of year                                        4,381     3,285
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    End of year                                              3,962     4,381
          §    --------------------------------------------------
          §    --------------------------------------------------

          §    About AMR
          §    AMR produces, processes and develops rare earth and zirconium based
engineered materials and applications that are essential in many of today's
high technology products. These include computers, TVs, VCRs, cell phones and
CD players. AMR separates and purifies rare earth materials at two plants in
China and sells to multinationals in Europe, North America, Korea and Japan.
AMR manufactures at its plant in Thailand, rare earth bonded magnetic powder
and magnets for the electronics and automotive markets. Headquartered in
Toronto, AMR has approximately 1,000 employees throughout its international

          §    Online Access
          §    A complete set of financial statements, the Management's Discussion and
Analysis and Chairman's Report will be available online at on
Monday, March 1, 2004.

          §    Forward Looking Statements
          §    From time to time, the Company may publish forward-looking statements
relating to such matters as expected financial performance, business
prospects, technological developments, and development activities and like
matters. These statements involve risk and uncertainties, including but not
limited to the risk factors previously described. Actual results could differ
materially from those projected as a result of these risks and should not be
relied upon as a prediction of future events. AMR Technologies Inc. undertakes
no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or
circumstances after the date on which such statement is made, or to reflect
the occurrence of unanticipated events.

For further information

Contact: Geoff Bedford, Chief Financial Officer, (416) 367-8588, ext. 338, website:, e-mail:
Ali Mahdavi, Genoa Management, (416) 962-3300, ext.225, e-mail:
To request a free copy of this organization's annual report, please go to and click on reports@cnw.


679 Postings, 7574 Tage noreturnDas sind gute News! Geil!

26.02.04 18:51
Und da an der Börse bekanntlich nur die Zukunft und nicht die Vergangenheit zählt, stimmt mich diese Aussage des AMR-Chefs besonders zuversichtlich:
"While we saw improved overall financial results in 2003 compared to the prior year, stronger results can be achieved in future periods through increased sales volumes in our zirconium and magnetics businesses and from firmer pricing in our rare earths business," noted Peter Gundy, AMR's Chairman and CEO.  

607 Postings, 7596 Tage azelwaren das den die zahlen?

26.02.04 18:54
solten doch heute abend kommen!  

679 Postings, 7574 Tage noreturn@azel

26.02.04 18:57
Nein, die Zahlen waren für heute 16.00 Uhr MEZ angekündigt (4:00 PM ET). Die Aktie steigt nach dieser Einschätzung für 2004 jetzt sicher gewaltig. Nochmals danke für den Tipp, Carpman!  

3096 Postings, 7724 Tage HiGhLiFEprofitables Geschäft in 2003

26.02.04 19:01
und das gute ist, der Umsatz von rund 46Mio$ verteilt sich auf mehrere Einkommensquellen unter anderem die neuen Segmente "Zirconium" und "magnetics".
Beide haben ein deutliches Umsatzwachstum in 2003 verzeichnet.
Wenn wir dazu die News diesen Jahres nehmen, in denen von weiteren Kooperationen
die Rede ist, stimmt mich das sehr positiv für dieses Jahr.


69033 Postings, 7654 Tage BarCodeAuf den ersten Blick nicht schlecht

26.02.04 19:04
wenigstens mal ne Firma mit Substanz. Allerdings: Zieht man mal den Abschreibungsverlust in 2002 von ca. 7 Mio. ab und konzentriert sich nur auf die operativen Zahlen, lief 2003 nicht besser als 2002. Positiv: Die neuen Produkte scheinen gut anzukommen (gutes Wachstumspotenzial).

Denn mal sehen wo es hingeht.

Gruß BarCode  

4313 Postings, 7710 Tage CarpmanPerfektes Langfristinvestment!

26.02.04 20:25
Hi zusammen,

also ich kann kein Haar in der Suppe finden! Die Zahlen und der Ausblick sind wirklich sehr sehr gut!! Jetzt heißt es nur zu warten, bis investitionelle (bzw. erstmal über haupt) Anleger auf AMR aufmerksam werden...!!


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