silverado goldmines (867737)
Noch viel Zeit, um neue Aktien zu drucken - ich denke, TT hat
mit seinem Ausstieg richtig gehandelt.
Ich faß slglf beim derzeitigen Stand auch nicht mehr an.
Gruß ka-el
Wenn er sich das erlaubt zu behaupten dann ist ja alles gut und wir stehen bald ganz wo anders ;-))
"The plant will use the vast low-rank coal reserves found near the Mississippi site, and should be operating fully by 2010"
ist natürlich der Hammer, hat er mal so ganz nebenbei erwähnt ;-(
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Grund breaking war Anfang 04/07
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Also ganz ehrlich so viel Zeitunterschied ist das nicht. Wer von Euch hat den sein Leben bisher mit Freitag auf einer einsamen Insel verbracht und glaubt daran das ein Taxi an Sylvester 20min. braucht bis es da ist oder der Telekom Mann um 11:00 (Mo.) da ist um den Anschlus freizuschalten.
Anfang April Ground Breaking und danach gehts richtig los.
man kann sich auch Probleme suchen wo gar keine sind... Lächeln !
Das wird wohl kaum bis 2010 die letzte News gewesen sein. *lach*
Die Preise für Edelmetalle tendieren am Mittag fester. Aktuell legt der Kurs für eine Feinunze Gold um 11,65 Dollar auf 819,10 Dollar, den höchsten Stand seit rund 30 Jahren, zu. Daneben verteuert sich der Preis für eine Feinunze Silber um 28 Cents auf 14,95 Dollar
An den Rohstoffmärkten notiert der Ölpreis am Dienstagmittag wieder deutlich fester. Der Future für Brent Crude (Dezember-Kontrakt) gewinnt aktuell im Londoner Handel 1,53 Dollar auf 92,02 Dollar je Barrel. Das leichte US-Öl WTI (Dezember-Kontrakt) notiert hier bei 95,68 Dollar je Barrel und damit 1,70 Dollar fester. An den Spotmärkten notiert Brent zuletzt bei 90,57 Dollar und WTI bei 94,20 Dollar. In New York notierte leichtes US-Öl (Dezember-Kontrakt) zuletzt bei 95,14 Dollar. Ein Dezember-Kontrakt für eine Gallone Heizöl war in New York zuletzt für 2,57 Dollar erhältlich. Ein Dezember-Kontrakt für eine Gallone Unverbleites Benzin notierte bei zuletzt 2,41 Dollar. Im Fokus der Marktteilnehmer stehen weiterhin die in der vergangenen Woche erneut gesunkenen US-Öllagerbestände. Mit Spannung warten die Anleger hier auf die morgen zur Veröffentlichung anstehenden Daten zur vergangenen Woche. Außerdem wirkt sich die weiterhin unsichere geopolitische Lage im Nordirak verunsichernd auf die Marktteilnehmer aus.
silveradoshares abnehmen.
also dann langt 2010 kräftig zu!
SILVERADO - OTCBB: SLGLF / Frankfurt : SLGL / Berlin : SLGL
November 7, 2007 - Vancouver, BC - Silverado Gold Mines Ltd., (OTCBB: SLGLF / Frankfurt : SLGL / Berlin :SLGL) announced today that, an independent analysis website for traders and investors, last week authored a technical report on the stock of Silverado Gold Mines Ltd: SLGLF.
Entitled "The Chart Is Looking Up," the report sees Silverado Gold Mines (SLGLF) putting in "a bullish 'W' or catapult pattern ... in which the stock moves higher in stairstep-fashion." The report also notes that lows in the stock's price "in the W pattern are supported by ... [its] positive trend line." The report says, "A steady increase in volume on price rises would be confirmation that the trend is gaining momentum."
Further, the analysis places the most recent squeeze trigger price of Silverado's stock (SLGLF) at $0.0762: The squeeze trigger price is the threshold price at which short sellers in the stock begin to feel pressure to cover their short positions, making any trading price above this threshold favorable for the stock. "As the stock moves above this price," the report says, "motivation to buy the stock by short sellers to cover their positions increases, thereby providing further upward price pressure."
According to the report, the long-term squeeze trigger price for SLGLF has been placed by at $0.099, suggesting that any trading in the stock above this second-tier price would create a new price floor from which the stock could move higher. The entire report can be viewed:
Posted: Wed, 07 Nov 2007
[] -- THE use of coal as an energy source will increase by 73% by 2030, with China and India the biggest users, the International Energy Agency said in a report.
"In line with its spectacular growth over the past few years, coal sees the biggest increase in demand in absolute terms, jumping by 73% between 2005 and 2030," the Paris-based agency said. "China and India, which already account for 45 percent of world coal use, drive over four-fifths of the increase (in its use) to 2030."
The 663-page report was packed with alarming statistics based on a "reference scenario" in which energy consumption continues on current trends without government measures to reduce demand and greenhouse gas emissions, the AFP newswire reported.
Under this model, energy demand increases by more than 50% up to 2030, with 84% of the new demand supplied from fossil fuels.
China and India's energy needs, measured in tonnes of oil equivalent, more than double from 2005-2030. China's energy demand surpasses that of the US after 2010 and its pollution problems worsen. China is also set to become the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions this year, the IEA said.
Wednesday November 7, 05:10 PM
China, India to drive coal demand surge by 2030 - IEA
By Jackie Cowhig
LONDON (Reuters) - China and India will lead a 73 percent leap in world coal demand to 2030 to 4,994 million tonnes of oil equivalent (mtoe) from 2,892 in 2005, as it gains appeal due to costly oil and gas, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Wednesday.
"Higher oil and gas prices are making coal more competitive as a fuel for baseload local generation," the IEA said in its World Energy Outlook.
"China and India, which already account for 45 percent of world coal use, drive over four-fifths of the increase to 2030." ...
IEA tips 'king coal' in bleak view of world's energy future
Coal-fired power stations have been 'the primary cause of the surge in global emissions in the last few years,' the IEA said, and new power stations in China and India are likely to be mostly coal-fired.
Because of this, the IEA urged governments to focus on developing clean coal technologies, in particular carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), which entails capturing carbon and storing it underground.
According to its calculations, if governments do not take further action the world's temperature could rise by six degrees Centigrade beyond 2030, Fatih Birol, head of research at the IEA, told Agence France-Presse.
The conclusions of the IEA are also of vital importance for international relations....
dann kann der Kurs neue Ziele erklimmen
Rasen und eilen bringt ihn zum sinken
darum abwarten und Tee trinken
Sind die Nackten Kurzen geroden
steigt der Kurs nur noch nach oben
auf ein gutes Gelingen
U.S. Energy Bill -- Early Christmas Present or Lump of Coal?
by Stephen Lacey, Staff Writer
Washington, D.C. []
All the tough talk in Washington, D.C. about the need to combat global warming, make America energy independent and stimulate the economy with homegrown, renewable energy sources turned to a whisper on Thursday, as House and Senate Democratic leaders said they would remove key provisions for the renewable energy industries from the latest energy bill. ....
That status quo, said Resch, means continued support for coal, oil and natural gas, additional support for biofuels, but no support for renewable forms of electricity such as solar, wind and geothermal.....
Sind die Nackten Kurzen geroden
steigt der Kurs nur noch nach oben
auf ein gutes Gelingen
Ist wohl vom 03.11.07
Die Zukunft gehört uns !