Local.com aussichtsreich

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63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaLaunched in the last 24 months

10.09.14 22:52
- nStore

- nQuery

- Display-to-Search

- Pre-roll-Video

- Pay-Per-Call

- Havvit

- Lead generation

- Fusion ad network

Source. Corporate Overview – Q3 2014

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaKernfrage

11.09.14 21:55
Question to you: What will be, if the SEC and Finra will do the first control of naked shortselling by Local Corp and recognize, that after my estimate between 8 and 10 million
not covered?

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaFacebook acquiring patents

11.09.14 22:00
According to a report from Envision IP, a New York-based research firm specializing in intellectual property, the social networking site has purchased various patents since January 2013.

Local Corp Overview - Q3/2014
Reviewing options to
maximize value
Pay-Per-Call patent portfolio

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWikipedi about Patent & Patent Application example

12.09.14 20:19
Wikipedi about Patent & Patent Application examples by Pay-Per-Call
Patent & Patent Application examples

2000 - A number of US patent applications have been filed by Ingenio since 2000. Including one for “Method and apparatus to provide pay-per-call advertising and billing”.[49] Additional applications by Ingenio are mentioned here.[50]
2004 - Google’s senior research scientist filed US patent application covering Advertisements for devices with call functionality, such as mobile phones.[51]
2005 - Callgen filed UK patent application UK0504574.5 covering the application of Pay-per-Call in Affiliate Marketing. A number of individuals applicants filed US application US7689466 for Dynamic Pay Per Call listings (Patent was granted in 2010), and US application for an Integrated pay per click and pay per call listings (patent 8239273, granted 2012).
2007 - Local Corp grant patent 7,200,413 relating to a referral model such as pay-per-call listings.[52]
2007 - RingRevenue files patent 8,238,540 for managing a pool of phone addresses.[53]
2008 - Click Interconnect Inc auctioned a number of U.S. Click-to-Call and Pay-per-Call patents.[54]
2012 - Local Corporation Granted U.S. Pay-Per-Call Patent 8,306,208 for a pay-per-call Enhanced Directory Assistance method or system.[55]

And I am sure, that this patent will be part of the a newer list of Wikipedio, too
Local Corporation Granted U.S. Mobile Pay-Per-Call Patent

Third Enhanced Directory Assistance Patent Focuses on Mobile Implementations

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mar. 6, 2013-- Local Corporation , a leading online local media company, today announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has granted the company patent number 8,359,049, which covers a mobile, pay-per-call Enhanced Directory Assistance method and/or system. This is the company’s third issued Enhanced Directory Assistance (EDA)-related patent that expands its reach into this high-growth area.

Issued on Jan. 22, 2013, the patent describes an Enhanced Directory Assistance method and/or system that uses wireless messaging protocols to receive keyword search data associated with a directory service request and matches it with a relevant advertiser associated with the keyword search. As part of the method, the requester is sent the directory listing for the advertiser and a callback number. Based on the second call to the callback number, it is determined that the directory listing was selected by the requester. This patent extends the company’s family of Enhanced Directory Assistance patents into wireless messaging systems, with potential uses extended to a host of potential mobile applications, such as the company’s mobile app, which was recently named as a finalist for the 2013 Appy Awards in the Search Tools category.

Local Corp.: Core IP and Growing Markets Could Mean Business

Posted byLaura Swartz
November 21, 2013 at 10:40 AM

Online media company Local Corporation (LOCM-NASDAQ) reported this morning on new market research commissioned from Borrell Associates. Among its services, Borrell works to gauge ad spending in local markets. The company forecasts that the online pay-per-call ad spending sector (also known as “enhanced directory assistance”) could be worth $8.1 billion by 2018, up from a current value of approximately $1.7 billion. Moreover, business use of this form of online advertising is anticipated to more than double by 2018. As more and more online searches for local goods and services are being performed on mobile devices (as opposed to on the traditional desktop platform), Local Corp. and other industry experts believe that pay-per-call as a mobile lead generation ad model will be key to generating revenue off of mobile consumers.

So What Could This Mean for Local Corp. (LOCM)?

For the past several years, Local Corp. has been expecting the growth of pay-per-call for mobile searches and has been pursuing a competitive patent position in this space. To date, the company states that it has been issued five patents related to pay-per-call advertising solutions.

Source: Crystal Research Less

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWie heiß dieses Thema ist, kann man

12.09.14 23:00
daran erkennen, dass von meinen fünf heute zum Thema Pay Per Call auf Yahoo platzierten Postings drei von bezahlten Kriminellen inside Yahoo getilt wurden, und zwar obwohl sie schon kurze Zeit lesbar waren.

Was beispielsweeise aus der Wiedergabe der Presseveröffentlichung von Local Corp über ein Patent gegen irgendeinen Disclaimer von Yahoo verstoßen haben könnte, ist nicht  nachvollziehbar. Oder entdeckt jemand von Euch am folgenden Text etwas - außer dass das einem bezahlten Kriminellen inside von Yahoo nicht gefallen haben könnte:

And I am sure, that this patent will be part of the a newer list of Wikipedio, too
Local Corporation Granted U.S. Mobile Pay-Per-Call Patent

Third Enhanced Directory Assistance Patent Focuses on Mobile Implementations

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mar. 6, 2013-- Local Corporation , a leading online local media company, today announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has granted the company patent number 8,359,049, which covers a mobile, pay-per-call Enhanced Directory Assistance method and/or system. This is the company’s third issued Enhanced Directory Assistance (EDA)-related patent that expands its reach into this high-growth area.

Issued on Jan. 22, 2013, the patent describes an Enhanced Directory Assistance method and/or system that uses wireless messaging protocols to receive keyword search data associated with a directory service request and matches it with a relevant advertiser associated with the keyword search. As part of the method, the requester is sent the directory listing for the advertiser and a callback number. Based on the second call to the callback number, it is determined that the directory listing was selected by the requester. This patent extends the company’s family of Enhanced Directory Assistance patents into wireless messaging systems, with potential uses extended to a host of potential mobile applications, such as the company’s mobile app, which was recently named as a finalist for the 2013 Appy Awards in the Search Tools category.


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWhat is current state of pay-per-call marketing?

13.09.14 00:03

"Pay-per-call marketing is going through a renaissance period. Traditional pay-per-call marketing, which existed via TV, print and radio advertising, has been around for years. Now, though, the game is changing, as the “mobile threshold” has been broken. As more Internet traffic comes from mobile devices, it makes sense for advertisers generating leads to have their leads call in directly to a call center rather than trying to get a consumer to fill out a lead form on a mobile page and attempt to connect with them later.

However, it doesn’t have to be one way or another. We see the largest opportunity for both advertisers and publishers alike by creating multi-action, multi-channel pay-per-call campaigns. This gives the user a choice to either dial in right now or to fill out a lead form. Not only do multi-action campaigns increase performance for the publisher, but they provide the user a better experience by giving users the choice of how they want to connect with the advertiser."

Source: Read the complete story from John Rampton from June 1,2014 direct at searchenginejournal

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDen kompletten längeren Artikel zum Durchklicken

13.09.14 08:46

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage Libuda100% connection rate with consumers

13.09.14 12:35
"Pay-per-call marketing is one of the most cost-effective, ROI-focused forms of digital advertising that a company can run. It offers advertisers the benefit of a 100% connection rate with consumers that have already opted-in to receiving your information and/or offer. "

Quelle: '#7132  

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMerh Moble = Mehr Pay-Per-Call

13.09.14 14:25
Increase consumers spend on their mobile devices increase = Increase of Pay-Per-Call ad spend

"As the percentage of time consumers spend on their mobile devices increase, we expect mobile pay-per-call ad spend to increase as well. It’s the best way to capture a customer on the mobile Web."

John Hampton in the article "State of Pay Per Call Industry" in Search Engine Journal

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWarum die Kurse auch weiter steigen werden

13.09.14 16:56
Big problem for shortsellers and reason for the ongoing shortsquezze in steps: Institutional ownership was at the end of the last querter the 4-fold against the numbers a year ago and had increased and will increase during Q3.

Institutional Ownership increased from about 6% a year ago to 26.62% at the end of the Q2/14 and will be after my estimates near 40% at the end of Q3/2014: Institutionals buying from naked shortsellers.

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage Libudazu #7135

13.09.14 17:58
The criminal crime behind The Street Sweeper buying Local Corp and manipulate at the same time with web-sites and postings under a lot of ID’s on message-board the stupid and poor naked shortselling-lemmings to increase their ownership.

Big problem for shortsellers and reason for the ongoing shortsquezze in steps: Institutional Ownership was at the end of the last quarter the 4-fold against the numbers a year ago and had and will increase during Q3.

Institutional Ownership increased from about 6% a year ago to 26.62% at the end of the Q2/14 and will be after my estimates near 40% at the end of Q3/2014: Institutionals buying from naked shortsellers.

And Yahoo blocking the posting of small parts of articles, who report about this "muckraking “journalism” that is best characterized as profitable character assassination", how James West wrote about Melissa Davis form The Street Sweeper.

Therefore my advice: Enter Google with "James West, Melissa Davis" and you can read more about this muckraing "journalism".

"It isn’t journalism,” says Edward Wasserman, Knight Professor of Journalism Ethics at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. “Their claim to be taken seriously as journalists, if they’re making that claim, is ridiculous.”

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaThe muckraking "journalists" of

13.09.14 21:54
the criminal crime behind The Street Sweeper, has not any chance by Local Corp.

Why the criminal crime behind The Street Sweeper has not any chance to buy more share for low prices and drive the smalll poor naked shortselling lemmings of the criminal crime in higher naked shortselling-positions:

Market Cap/Sales Valuation
Company /Revenues/2014/Market-Cap/Multiple

Yelp/375.0 million/5,938.0 million/15.8

Local Corp/105.0 million/45.4 million/0.4

More compeitors
*Estimate Company Symbol Price Market Cap (in millions) 2014E Sales (in millions) Market Cap/Sales Blucora, Inc. BCOR $ 15.54 $ 639.1 $ 598.0 1.1 The Rubicon Project, Inc. RUBI $ 10.01 $ 358.9 $ 119.0 3.0 Angie"s List, Inc. ANGI $ 7.61 $ 445.3 $ 318.0 1.4 Marchex, Inc. MCHX $ 8.63 $ 351.1 $ 187.0 1.9 Autobytel, Inc. ABTL $ 8.18 $ 73.9 $ 1 07.0 0.7 Yelp, Inc. YELP $ 82.32 $ 5938.0 $ 375.0 15.8 Travelzoo Inc. TZOO $ 17.05 $ 251.1 $ 149.0 1.7 XOXO Group Inc. XOXO $ 11.45 $ 290.0 $ 140.0 2.1 Demand Media DMD $ 9.11 $ 166.6 $ 164.0 1.0 Rocket Fuel Inc. FUEL $ 15.71 $ 563.3 $ 398.0 1.4 Average 3.0 Local Corporation LOCM $ 1.63 $ 45.4 $ 105.0 0.4 Corporate Overview – Q3 2014
Why the criminal crime behind The Street Sweeper has not any chance to buy more share for low prices and drive the smalll poor naked shortselling lemmings of the criminal crime in higher naked shortselling-positions:


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaHier dürften bald erste kleinere Umsatzbeiträge

14.09.14 11:22
zusätzlich anrollen:

Local Corporation Launches Mobile Display Ad Network
Targets Market Expected to Reach $16.3 Billion by 2016

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr. 9, 2014-- Local Corporation (NASDAQ:LOCM), a leading local advertising and technology company, today announced the launch of its new mobile display ad network for advertisers and publishers.

The company’s new mobile display network provides advertisers with additional reach and exposure for their brands through the distribution of relevant display ads across Local’s extended network of mobile-enabled sites and apps.

“The launch of our mobile display ad network is a natural progression as we focus on becoming a mobile-first company. It also demonstrates one more way we are connecting advertisers with the increasing number of mobile-enabled consumers."

“According to eMarketer, US mobile display ad spending is expected to grow from $8.1 billion this year to $16.3 billion in 2016. “We are excited to utilize recent investments in our technology platform to further advance our mobile footprint in this growing market. We delivered impressive year-over-year network growth of over 140 percent in 2013, and the release of new mobile products for our advertising partners will continue to provide additional revenue opportunities for the company.”

The mobile display network distributes targeted mobile display ads from top advertisers to consumers through leading mobile-optimized sites and apps, including the mobile-enabled version of Local Corp.’s flagship site.  

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaNicht nur postive EBITDA's

14.09.14 11:38
Near all intangible assets now written down - Result: not only positive EBITDA's, positive net-incomes too.

Without amortization and deprecation of 4.9 milliion and non-recurring charges of 1.2 million Local Corp had a net income in 2014. Most of these 6.1 million costs doesn't exist in 2015 - Local Corp will have written down the intangible assests during 2015 complete.

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaPasst exakt ins "Beuteschema" von Local Corp

14.09.14 14:27
What Happens Online Before a Consumer Ever Walks into a Grocery Store?

Customers’ mental gears turn for hours, even days, before making grocery decisions. According to Sullivan, Higdon, and Sink, shoppers under the age of 45 are researching online before they ever set foot in a grocery store—or enter the URL for online grocers like FreshDirect and Peapod. Forty-six percent of respondents in a July 2014 survey said they looked up recipes online on their computers or mobile devices before grocery shopping. A quarter researched the brand—or a particular product online—beforehand, emphasizing the importance of well-branded and easily navigable landing pages for food brands. Two in 10 respondents said they researched online for price comparisons or just to see what kinds of expenses they would undertake on their next grocery store run.

Source: Read the complete story direct at eMarketer

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWieviel ist allein Krillion wert, wenn

14.09.14 15:59
man das liest?

Among Twitter's data-generating properties are:

• Crashlytics: acquired in January 2013 for $38.2 million. The unit develops mobile app crash reporting and analysis for developers.

• Bluefin Labs: acquired in February 2013 for $67.3 million: it provides social TV analytics to advertisers.

• MoPub: acquired in October 2013 for $350 million. MoPub is a mobile ad exchange so it's really an ad business — but everyone knows that the value of mobile ad businesses is often in the targeting data, not the mere media exposure.

• Twitter also acquired five other small companies in 2013 for a total price of $13.2 million. Its annual report does not disclose what these acqui-hires do.

• Gnip: acquired today for an undisclosed sum. TechCrunch reports: "Gnip offers access to historical Twitter data, and the full Twitter data firehose, but it also offers APIs that provide data from other social networks including Reddit, Instagram, Tumblr, Bitly and more. Gnip says that working with Twitter as a part of the company will let it “go much faster and much deeper,” and they plan to expand support to include a wider set of potential use cases in different industries."

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/...-data-business-2014-4#ixzz3DIYIWfIl

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDa stimmt etwas nicht

14.09.14 21:16
Market Cap/Sales Valuation

Company /Revenues/2014/Market-Cap/Multiple

Angies List/315.0 million/454.67 million/1.4

Local Corp/105.0 million/45.4 million/0.4

3.5-fold valuation of Angies List, but the revenues of Local Corp are more valuable and more sustainable.

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage Libudazu #141

14.09.14 21:44
Local Corps's local shopping data is growing daily!

~120,000 retail store locations

Over 4,300 consumer shopping categories

Nearly 3 million localized products  

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMarket Cap/Sales Valuation

15.09.14 08:23

Company /Revenues/2014/Market-Cap/Multiple

Benefitfocus/134.0 million/842 million/6.28

Local Corp/105.0 million/46.2 million/0.44

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaThe Limit Is The Sky

16.09.14 23:37
What will be, if the SEC and Finra will do the first control of naked shortselling by Local Corp and recognize, that after my estimate between 8 and 10 million not covered?
Investors should increase their ownerhsip before this will happen.

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaKrillion API to Grow in New Markets

17.09.14 10:05
Local Corp. Uses Krillion API to Grow in New Markets
Friday, July 18, 2014 (ProgrammableWeb)

Expertise in working with APIs and big data is paying off for Local Corp. Local built a $100 million business by aggregating huge amounts of data and then serving ads to consumers searching for local business and product listings. Local is now using APIs to extend its local-search business into fast-growing markets such as mobile shopping apps.

"Krillion by Local" offers powerful API access to real-time data about 120,000 retail stores, 4,300 shopping categories and 3 million product SKUs.

Local acquired local-search startup Krillion in 2011 for its local-shopping data engine. Local invested heavily in Krillion's technology development, leveraging Local's expertise in working with large data sets to scale Krillion's API resources. Local reaches 10% of U.S. Internet users through its sites and syndication network and serves more than 3 billion ads a day. These huge traffic numbers are supported by sophisticated back-end technology. Local made it easier to get data into Krillion programmatically, and its product data set grew exponentially.

Krillion by Local now powers local-shopping experiences for apps, brands and retailers. Krillion provides apps with real-time access to data on products, pricing and in-store availability at popular retailers, including Best Buy, Sears, Target and Wal-Mart.

Seventy-three percent of consumers use their mobile phones to research products while shopping. Try out Local's own Havvit iPhone app to see the potential of real-time stock checking functionality to affect consumer behavior.

Local also demoed some cool products at the Seimer Summit this week in Santa Monica, Calif. "Geofencing" technology allows brands and retailers to message consumers with offers that incorporate real-time product data when they come within a certain distance of a store. "Ambient data" feeds allow retailers to place store hours and loc Less

Mobile Developers: Build robust applications with leading local data.

Power web and mobile apps with our patented local product search technology and provide consumers with tailored, real-time shopping data.

• Clean, powerful data
All of our shopping data passes through a vigorous, ongoing data normalization process to ensure its integrity and accuracy

• Product discovery
Provide consumers with information they want on in-stock products with real-time StockCheck™ technology

• Full feature APIs
We support all major programming languages and platforms to enable full integration with a wide range of applications.

The best applications start with superior local shopping data.
We partner with over 120,000 stores nationwide to capture the most robust and accurate data — including product, pricing and inventory availability — across thousands of consumer brands.
Our flexible API services facilitate the development of a variety of dynamic, data-driven rich media and local shopping search applications.

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaInstitutionals

18.09.14 08:15
Top Institutional Holders
Holder Shares % Out Value* Reported
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A. 893,535 3.85 1,858,552 Jun 30, 2014
Boston Partners 640,900 2.76 1,333,072 Jun 30, 2014
Vanguard Group, Inc. (The) 609,105 2.62 1,266,938 Jun 30, 2014
Goldman Capital Management, Inc. 3,035,700 13.07 6,314,256 Jun 30, 2014
Russell (Frank) Company Inc 253,200 1.09 526,656 Jun 30, 2014
Ancora Advisors, LLC 93,487 0.40 194,452 Jun 30, 2014
CALPERS (California-Public Employees Retirement System) 89,800 0.39 186,784 Jun 30, 2014
BlackRock Fund Advisors 85,427 0.37 177,688 Jun 30, 2014
Geode Capital Management, LLC 78,225 0.34 162,708 Jun 30, 2014
Spark Investment Management LLC 60,100 0.26 125,008 Jun 30, 2014

Top Mutual Fund Holders
Holder Shares % Out Value* Reported
Vanguard Extended Market Index Fund 378,331 1.63 726,395 Mar 31, 2014
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund 213,658 0.92 410,223 Mar 31, 2014
iShares Micro Cap ETF 85,427 0.37 177,688 Jun 30, 2014
Ancora/Thelan Small Mid Cap Fund 77,027 0.33 160,216 Jun 30, 2014
Spartan Extended Market Index Fund 49,826 0.21 103,638 Jun 30, 2014
Spartan Total Market Index Fund 28,399 0.12 59,069 Jun 30, 2014
Claymore ETF Tr-Wilshire Micro Cap ETF 13,928 0.06 24,374 May 31, 2014
Quantitative Master Series Tr-Extended Market Index Series 13,417 0.06 27,907 Jun 30, 2014
Vericimetry U.S. Small Cap Value Fd 5,000 0.02 9,600 Mar 31, 2014
Vanguard Balanced Index Fund 1,300 0.01 2,704 Jun 30, 2014


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMany searches start on major search engines

18.09.14 20:56
leading to Local and thousands of our network sites.
(Source: Company Overview 3/2014)

80% of consumer purchases occur within a 3-mile radius of a consumer's home:
(Source: Borrell Assoicates, February 2014)

176.3 billion total U:S. online ad spend in 2017
(Source: Forrester)

$71.4 billion total U.S. local search and display spend by 2017
(Source: Forrester)

57.3 billion local mobile display spend by 2017
(Source: Forrester)

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaSynergy across local search and network

18.09.14 23:51

Significant leverage within business modell for growth

Owned & Operated (Traffic)
- Local Corp's flagship site and app offer consuments relevant, local content search experience
- 24 million unique visitors

Distribution Network (Reach)
- A diverse group of mobile, app and desktop publishers, allowing us to monetize more consumer interactions
- 3 billion impressions monthly

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaAlibaba wird mit dem 20,5-fachen Umsatz bewertet

19.09.14 22:14
Local Corp dagegen nur mit dem 0,4-fachen Umsatz - diese Divergenz wird sich reduzieren.  

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