Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Neuester Beitrag: 02.02.24 06:39
Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
Neuester Beitrag:02.02.24 06:39von: ReeCouponsLeser gesamt:1.338.965
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:51
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63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMeine Schätzungen für Q4/2015

21.02.16 16:20
(Quartalsergebnisse kommen übernächsten Montag, dem 29.2.)

- Revenues in Q4/15 = 36.5 Million

- Positive Cash Flow from Operations in Q4/15


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMeine Schätzungen für den Ausblick auf 2016

21.02.16 21:17
(kommen vermutlich übernächsten Montag, dem 29.2.)

Revenues in 2016 = between 170 and 175 Million

Cash Flow from operations = between 25 and 30 miilion and all four core-companies will have a positive cash flow


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaAls einstmals bekennender Fan von Jay Jay Okocha

21.02.16 23:45
habe ich damals meiner Umgebung erklärt, dass "Jay Jay" auf deutsch übersetzt "der mit dem Ball tanzt" heißen würde:

Bei sharexxx fällt mir da ein: "Bohnen in Ohren, Tomaten auf den Augen, einige Bretter vor dem Kopf"- und der Rest ist Schweigen und nach mir die Sintflut.  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaFür die schlimmsten Vögel auf Aktienboards

21.02.16 23:56
halte ich gierige Kleinzocker, die während sie kaufen negative Postings ablassen.

Obwohl es da nur um wenige Euros geht, ist das ein Verstoß gegen das Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - und wenn so etwas massenhaft geschieht, weil sich niemand gegen die Kleinkriminellen wehrt, können aus Peanuts sogar Erdnussfarmen entstehen.  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage Libudare-imagining-the-press-release-through-data

22.02.16 14:22

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage Libudasustainability-report-available

22.02.16 15:29

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaEine Aussage aus #6981

22.02.16 17:21
"As the largest and fastest growing EHS software provider, VelocityEHS is deeply invested in the EHS and sustainability concerns of our customers."  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDas habe ich immer und immer wieder als

22.02.16 18:29
Grund dafür angeführt, dass das Management kurz- und mittelfristig kein Interesse an steigenden Kursen hat, wenn man wie Actua sich schon seit über zehn Jahren nicht mehr über den Kapitalmarkt finanziert.


Für diese These habe ich bisher nur Hohn und Spott geerntet (logischerweise ohne sachliche Begründungen), aber der vorstehende Artikel greift meine These und meine Begründungen auf.


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaIm Artikel wird es auf den Punkt gebracht

22.02.16 19:03
Why th management don*t buy back shares and don't increase the shareholder-value, but fill the own pockets

"Every January and February, the titans of American finance find out how much they’re getting paid. And every year, bank boards settle on a fixed dollar figure for executive stock awards. To determine how many shares that is, each bank tracks its stock price for a period of time -- anywhere from one day to 10 -- and divides the fixed dollar value by an average price. Higher stock prices yield fewer shares. Lower prices mean more."


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaActua has enough cash for a buy-back of 30%

22.02.16 20:54
of the outstanding shares

Period Ending Sep 30, 2015

Current Assets
Cash And Cash Equivalents 81,971,000
Short Term Investments -
Net Receivables 27,799,000
Inventory -
Other Current Assets 4,870,000
Total Current Assets 114,640,000 Less

And I am sure, that it is criminal, if the management ignore this excellent occassion for a buy back of own shares. because they want to get lower prices for their options.  


18167 Postings, 7129 Tage Scansoft@libuda

22.02.16 21:27
wenn du dir mal die Optionsbedingungen im SEC Bericht zu Actua durchlesen würdest, anstatt hier fortwährend Artikel zu posten, wirst du merken, dass das Actua Management nur Nachteile durch den niedrigen Aktienkurs hat, da hier nicht feste Beträge mit Aktien vergütet werden, sondern eine vorher definierte Stückzahl an Aktien zugeteilt wird.

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWas passiert nächsten Montag?

22.02.16 21:43
Actua to Announce Fourth Quarter  and Year End 2015 Results Monday, February 29th After Market Close

RADNOR, Pa., Feb. 17, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Actua Corporation (ACTA), the multi-vertical cloud company, will release the financial results for its fourth quarter and full-year ended December 31, 2015 on Monday, February 29, 2016, after the market closes.

The Company will host a conference call to discuss fourth quarter and full year results on Monday, February 29, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Participating on the conference call will be Walter Buckley, Actua’s chief executive officer, and Kirk Morgan, chief financial officer of the Company. The dial-in numbers for the call are 866.317.2576 or 678.509.7521.  The Conference ID for either dial-in is 25946670.

The Company will also host a live webcast for the call with an accompanying slide presentation.  The webcast can be accessed at www.actua.com/investors/events-presentations/. Participants can also view third quarter information by clicking the link on Actua’s home page at www.actua.com. Please log on to the website approximately ten minutes prior to the call to register and download and install any necessary audio software.

For those unable to participate in the conference call, a replay will be available beginning February 29, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. ET until March 7, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. ET. To access the replay, dial 855-859-2056 or 404-537-3406.  The Conference ID is 25946670. The replay and slide presentation can also be accessed on the Actua website at www.actua.com/investors/events-presentations/.

Eine wichtige Größe für ein Unternehmen wie Actua ist die Umsatzentwicklung seiner Beteiligungen. Die Umsätze der vier Kernbeteiligungen, an denen Actua zwischen 90% und 100% hält, finden sich bei Acuta wieder, die Umsätze der drei Minderheitsbeteiligungen sind nicht enthalten - auch nicht anteilig.

Quartalsumsätze von Actua (Quellen: diverse Quartaspresentations von Actua)

Q1/13 = 12.0 Million
Q2/13 = 13.5 Million
Q3/13 = 16.1 Million
Q4/13 = 17.7 Million
Q1/14 = 18.4 Million
Q2/14 = 19,0 Million
Q3/14 = 19.0 Million
Q4/14 = 26.6 Million
Q1/15 = 30.6 Million
Q2/15 = 33.5 Million
Q3/15 = 34 1 Million

Das ist das Resultat von organischem Wachstum und zugekauftem Wachstum, wobei die Zukäufe fast komplett aus der eigenen Cash finanziert wurden - wobei das "fast" nicht auch Kreditaufnahme bedeutet, sondern der Beteiligung verkaufenden Unternehmen an einem der vier Kernunternehmen.

Für 2015 hat das Unternehmen im Guidance eine Zielgröße von 134 Millionen genannt, was 35,8 Millionen in Q4/2015 bedeutet.

Für 2016 gehe ich von einem Wachstum von 30% aus, davon 23% organisch und weitere 7% durch sogenannte Tuck-In's (kleinere Zukäufe der vier Kernbeteiligunen), womit wir bei 174 Millionen landen würden  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaScansoft belügt Euch erneut

22.02.16 21:48
denn neben Festzuteilungen gibt dort auch Optionen - aber vorsichtshalber belegt er seine Aussagen nicht durch Quellen und Fakten.  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaAber ein Glücksfall für Langzeitanleger, die auf

22.02.16 22:02
Nachhaltigkeit setzen.

The SEC should take a look at the Management of Actua, if this Management working together with not legal naked shortsellers to lower the prices for their options, because this were a criminal activity to robber the shareholders.

Actua has enough cash for a buy-back of 30% of the outstanding shares

Period Ending Sep 30, 2015

Current Assets
Cash And Cash Equivalents 81,971,000
Short Term Investments -
Net Receivables 27,799,000
Inventory -
Other Current Assets 4,870,000
Total Current Assets 114,640,000

And I am sure, that it is criminal, if the management ignore this excellent occassion for a buy back of own shares. because they want to get lower prices for their options.

Why the management don't buy back shares and don't increase the shareholder-value, but fill the own pockets

Every January and February, the titans of American finance find out how much they’re getting paid. And every year, bank boards settle on a fixed dollar figure for executive stock awards. To determine how many shares that is, each bank tracks its stock price for a period of time -- anywhere from one day to 10 -- and divides the fixed dollar value by an average price. Higher stock prices yield fewer shares. Lower prices mean more.



63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaFirst responder share service

22.02.16 23:29

The Plan1 First Responder Share Service offered by MSDSonline, a VelocityEHS solution, is a new way for companies to provide emergency response teams with access to lifesaving hazardous chemical inventory information. Through a cloud platform, first responders can quickly access up-to-date, company-specific chemical safety information (such as facility floor plans, chemical container maps, inventory lists, and safety data sheets) from any mobile device or computer connected to the Internet, even on the way to a call. The service is offered at no additional cost to MSDSonline customers and is free for their first responders, including firefighters, police and EMTs who too often face unknown dangers when responding to emergencies at factories, university laboratories, warehouses and other places of business where hazardous chemicals are present. With Plan1, important hazardous chemical information can be shared in advance of an incident, giving emergency personnel the data necessary to assess the site-specific risks of on premise chemicals and make precautionary preparations.



63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaCEO Buckley: 3.77% of outstanding 41 million

22.02.16 23:54

CEO Buckley has increased his ownership from 1,378,171 shares in 2013 over 1,478,171 shares in 2014 to 1,600,171 shares, but paid the taxes through sales of shares and owning now 1543171 Shares = 3.77% of the outstanding near 41 million shares

Common Stock, par value $.001 per share 12/22/2015 G 57000 D $0.00 1543171 D

Common Stock, par value $.001 per share 12/23/2014 G5 65000 D $0.00 1478171 D

Common Stock, par value $.001 per share 12/24/2013 G5 100000 D $0.00 1378171 D

Source: financeyahoo.com


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage Libudazu 6991

22.02.16 23:58
Und diese 1,4 Millionen hat er nicht alle kostenlos bekommen, sondern musste für einen Teil auch bezahlen.

Dass dann niedrige Preise vorteilhaft sind, versteht sich von selbst - was immer auch dazu irgendein auf schlau machender Lügenbaron erzählt.  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage Libudazu 6992

23.02.16 00:03

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWer lesen kannn ist im Vorteil

23.02.16 00:12
11-Aug-15 *7,000 ACTA Purchase at $13.68 per share.
(Cost of $95,760)

22-Jun-15 *10,000 ACTA Purchase at $13.46 per share.
(Cost of $134,600)

1-Jun-15 *10,000 ACTA Purchase at $12.80 per share.
(Cost of $128,000)

8-May-15 *27,500 ACTA Purchase at $13.39 per share.
(Cost of $368,225)

7-May-15 *10,000 ACTA Purchase at $13.68 per share.
(Cost of $136,800)

22-Dec-14 355,000 ACTA Option Exercise at $6.70 per share.
(Cost of $2,378,500)



63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaThe Solutions of Velocity

23.02.16 08:45

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDreister als bei Scansoft ist die Verarschung

23.02.16 11:41

der Leser nicht mehr möglich, denn wenn man für beziehbare Aktien weniger bezahlen muss, ist das selbstverständlich ein Vorteil - und selbst dann, wenn man auf dem Markt zu regulären Preisen zukauft und nicht zu einem Vorzugspreis

"Scansoft:  @libuda  

 22.02.16 21:27


.............., wirst du merken, dass das Actua Management nur Nachteile durch den niedrigen Aktienkurs hat, da hier nicht feste Beträge mit Aktien vergütet werden, sondern eine vorher definierte Stückzahl an Aktien zugeteilt wird."



63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaPositioning for rapid growth and high scalability

23.02.16 13:24

Positioning the company for rapid growth and high scalability - InvestmentNews interview with the new COO of Foliodynamix

InvestmentNews interview with the new COO of Foliodynamix

Q: What do you hope to accomplish?

A: One is positioning the company for rapid growth and high scalability. That is the big thing, positioning us for scale and building this company today for the company we'll be in five years. You hear of companies where people say that the company grew too fast. There's no such thing as companies that grew too fast but you can prepare for that growth. We will help our future clients ride this wave of digital disruption. Every firm is evaluating what is their digital strategy and how does it all fit. And they are looking for answers. We're the answer.

Q: Talking about digital disruption, where do you see the industry's technology now and how might it change?

A: A lot is happening, not just in our industry but in every industry. Customer expectations are changing. The expectation for how you interact with your wealth, whether you're the investor or financial adviser, those expectations are going up, and, because of technology, certain tasks have been commoditized in the industry. Basic portfolio and asset allocation is something that more and more is becoming a commodity, and something that needs to be automated so that advisers can be efficient and scale their practice. I think that is an advantage that allows advisers to focus on the true value of their business, which is the human touch and dealing with customers and helping them understand health care costs in retirement, and how to put kids through school, and less so “do I need to rebalance your portfolio this quarter?”



63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWarum Folidynamix ein Edelstein ist und eine Mine

23.02.16 13:56

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaGenau jier arbeitet Foliodynamix

23.02.16 16:30
"Today, more and more traditional advisers are coming to see robo advice not so much as a competitive threat but more as a complement that can enhance a traditional model if wisely employed.

Perhaps equally important, the rise of robo advisers highlights the opportunities that technology presents. As investors increasingly interact with digital platforms in all aspects of their lives — including, now, in the realm of financial and investment advice — they expect and demand more efficient interactions and service delivery from their financial advisers.

As a best practice, advisers should now view technology as a strategic tool for improving their efficiency, providing an improved client experience – and ultimately increasing client retention rates and attracting new clients. They must go beyond technology's traditional role in automating back-office procedures and attempting to improve and organize the management of client data."


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaEin Vergleich mit dem Competitor Service Now

23.02.16 19:50
Market-cap of Actua with 287 million only 72% of the Total Stockholder Equity of 399 Million of Actua.

Market-Cap of Competitor ServiceNow is 1,600% of the Book-Value of ServicNow – the 22-fold of the 72% of Actua-

ServiceNow, Inc. (NOW) - Balance Sheet
Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
Period Ending Sep 30, 2015 Jun 30, 2015 Mar 31, 2015 Dec 31, 2014
Total Stockholder Equity 516,934 463,113 454,910 428,675



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